Dr J.Z. Ren 任競爭 Assistant Professor
Location EF618
Phone +852 2766 6596
mail jingzheng.jz.ren@polyu.edu.hk
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Brief BiosketchDr. Jingzheng Ren is currently An Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also an Adjunct/Honorary Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) and an Associated Senior Research Fellow at Institute for Security & Development Policy (Sweden) (declared outside activities for both). He received his B. Eng. and M. Eng. degrees from Chongqing University in 2008 and 2010, respectively. He received a Ph.D degree in Industrial Engineering in 2015 from University of Padua, He firstly worked as an Assistant Professor, then an Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark before moving to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
His research focuses on Engineering Operations Research for Energy, Environment and Sustainability. He has published more than 200 publications including more than 150 journal papers, 1 authored book by Springer, more than 10 edited books (published by Elsevier, Springer, World Scientific Publishing, and AIP, etc.), and more than 40 book chapters. In 2020, according to Scopus international database he is placed as the top 10 authors in both “sustainability” and “sustainability assessment” (ranked 8thand 4thworldwide, respectively) all over the world based on the total number of journal articles (search on title, abstract and keywords), and he is also ranked in the top 2% scientists (top 0.74%) listed in The Stanford List in the field of Energy (Nov 2020). The total citations of his publications reached to more than 4300 times by the end of 2020, his citations in the past five years reached to more than 4000 times, and the annual citations in 2020 reached to more than 1700 times.
Ten of his papers have been selected as the ESI top 1% highly cited papers, two have been highlighted as the Key Scientific Article contributing to the excellence in Energy research by Renewable Energy Global Innovations, and two papers have been highlighted as a key scientific article contributing to excellence in science and engineering research by Advances in Engineering. He also won various best paper awards, including the Science and Technology Prize of the Education Department of Henan Province -Best Paper Award (The First Prize), the Outstanding Achievement Award of Theory and Practice for Productivity in Jiangsu Province (The First Prize), the Best Paper Award (the 2ndaward, prizes for contributors to leading journal on sustainability), and the Most Cited Paper Award 2019 published in Resources, Conservation & Recycling.
He has directed/co-directed many grants funded by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong SAR, Danish Agency for Research and Innovation (Styrelsen for Forsjning og Innovation), and the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, etc.
He also serves as the co-editor-in-chief, editor, associate editor, specialty chief editor, or section chief editors of many journals belonging to Elsevier, Springer, AIP or some other publishers. He is the member of the International Advisory Board of some international universities. He works as member of many international scientific society, and he served as the general chair, session chair, organizing committee member, academic member and technical committee member of many international conferences as well as referee of more than 100 journals. He is also reviewers of many grants (e.g., FONDECYT Regular Competition National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) of the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), Chile and the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia).
Teaching and Research SpecialtiesAreas of teaching:operations management, industrial engineering techniques and methods, supply chain management, and risk and crisis management
Areas of Research:process system engineering, artificial intelligence (especially data analytics and machine learning), sustainability engineering, supply chain management and multi-criteria decision-making methods.
Editorialship of Journals Co-Editor-in-Chief ofEnvironment, Development and Sustainability(Springer, SCI indexed)
Subject Editor ofSustainable Production and Consumption(Elsevier, SCI indexed)
Editor ofJournal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management(SCI indexed)
Series Editor (Editor-in-Chief) ofIndustrial Ecology and Environmental Managementin Springer Nature (ISSN: 2730-6070) (Springer)
Specialty Chief Editor ofFrontier in Sustainability | Multi-criteria Decision Making(Frontiers)
Associate Editor ofJournal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy(SCI indexed, 2016-2019)
Associate Editor ofJournal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
Section Chief Editor ofJournal of Renewable Energy Research
Member of Editorial Board of Journals Editorial Board member of Journal ofFuzzy Logic and Modeling in Engineering
Editorial Board member ofEnergy, Sustainability and Society(EI and ESCI indexed)
Editorial Board Member ofGlobal Journal of Energy Technology Research Updates
Editorial Board Member ofBioengineering International
Editorial Board Member ofEnvironmental Science: Research and Reviews
Editorial Board Member ofEng Journal
Edited Book (selected) Ren, J, Toniolo, S. (eds.) Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment for Decision-Making: Methodologies and Case Studies. Elsevier. Paperback ISBN: 978; eBook ISBN: 978.
Ren, J.(eds.) Waste-to-Energy: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Sustainability Assessment. Elsevier. ISBN: 978.
Ren, J., Wang, Y., He, C. (eds.) Towards Sustainable Chemicals from Energy Generation Systems: Applications of Sustainability Assessment and Analysis, Design and Optimization, and Hybridization and Modularization. Elsevier. PaperbackISBN:978; eBook ISBN: 978.
Ren, J. (eds.) Renewable-Energy-Driven Future: Technologies, Applications, Sustainability and Policies. Elsevier (Academic Press). Paperback ISBN: 978; eBookISBN: 978.
Ren, J., Shen, W., Man, Y., Dong, L. (eds.) Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Process Systems Engineering. Elsevier. Paperback ISBN:978.
Publications※(Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gNqazskAAAAJ&hl=zh-TW) and (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9690-5183)
Published over 150 papers (more than 80 papers with the first authorship or/and the corresponding authorship) in the followings following journals:
Operations Management for Energy, Environmental and Sustainability(Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy, Renewable Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy Policy, Energy Research & Social Science, International Journal of Energy Research,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Energy, Sustainability and Society, andSustainable Production and Consumption,Journal of Environmental Management,Science of The Total Environment, Chemosphere,Atmospheric Environment,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,Energy Policy, Energy Research & Social Science,andEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review);
Process system engineering(AIChE J, Computer & Chemical Engineering,Green Chemistry,Chemical Engineering Science, Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,Desalination,Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,Separation and Purification Technology, andChinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, etc.); and
Low-carbon Transportation(Transport Reviews,Journal of Air Transport Management, Transportation Research Part A,Transportation Research Part D, Technological Forecast & Social Change, andHabitat International).
The following are some representative articles (selected 10 papers as the first author from 10 different journals)
Ren, J., Ren, X., Dong, L., Manzardo, A., He, C., Pan, M. Multiactor Multicriteria Decision Making for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment under Uncertainties.AIChE J2018; 64(6), 2103-2112.
Ren, J.*. Life Cycle Aggregated Sustainability Index for the Prioritization of Industrial Systems Under Data Uncertainties.Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2018; 113, 253-263.
Ren J, Tan S, Goodsite M.E., Pang C., Dong L. Optimization of Emergy Sustainability Index for Biodiesel Supply Network Design.Energy Conversion and Management2015;92: 312-321.
Ren J, An D, Liang H, Dong L, Gao Z, Geng Y, Zhu Q, Song S, Zhao W. Life Cycle Energy and CO2 emission Optimization for Biofuel Supply Chain Planning under Uncertainties.Energy2016;103: 151-166.
Ren J, Lützen M. Selection of Sustainable Alternative Energy Source for Shipping: Multi-Criteria Decision Making Under Incomplete Information.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews2017; 74:1003-1019.
Ren, J.*. Sustainability Prioritization of Energy Storage Technologies for Promoting the Development of Renewable Energy: A Novel Intuitionistic Fuzzy Combinative Distance-based Assessment Approach.Renewable Energy2018; 121, 666-676
Ren, J*., Toniolo, S. Interval Reference Point Technique for Sustainable Industrial Process Selection under Uncertainties.Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2020, 27,354-371.
Ren, J*., Dong, L. Evaluation of Electricity Supply Sustainability and Security: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production2018; 172, 438-453.
Ren J*, Liang H, Dong L, Sun L, Gao Z*. Design for Sustainability of Industrial Symbiosis based on Emergy and Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization.Science of the Total Environment,2016; 562: 789-801.
Ren J, Tan S, Dong L*, Mazzi A, Scipioni A, Sovacool B.K. Determining the Life Cycle Energy Efficiency of Six Biofuel Systems in China: A Data Envelopment Analysis.Bioresource Technology2014; 162: 1-7.
香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr J.Z. Ren 任竞争
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-03
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