Dr Gary Tsui 崔智邦 Associate Professor
BEng, PhD
Location EF607
Phone +852 3400 3254
mail gary.c.p.tsui@polyu.edu.hk
Open Platform for University Scholars
Brief BiosketchDr Gary C.P. Tsui was awarded a first-class honours degree in Manufacturing Engineering and a PhD degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr Tsui is currently an Associate Professor and ISE degree Programme Leader at Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His specialism is in the field of composite material engineering and micro-/nano-fabrication. Dr Tsui has authored or co-authored over 130 papers in referred journals and holds two issued US patents. With his work recognized internationally, he is currently editorial board members of various international journals, including “Nanotechnology Reviews”, “Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics” and “World Journal of Engineering”.
He also served as Editorial and Advisory Board Member of The 28thAnnual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineeringheld at Spain in 2018 and Chairman of Symposium of Bio-inspired Nano-(composites) ofThe 24thAnnual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineeringheld at China in 2016, as well as Chairman of Organizing Committee ofThe 11thInternational Conference on Technology Education atHong Kong in 2015.
Since 2005, he has actively taken part in a learned society “Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (Hong Kong)”- IISE(HK) for promoting the discipline of Industrial engineering, and was elected to be President of the Hong Kong chapter for the year of 2014/2015. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Biomechanics Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (June – Sep 2019) and a Visiting Academic at the Faculty of Engineering and Surveying and the Centre of Excellence in Engineered Fibre Composites in the University of Southern Queensland, Australia (Nov 2011 – Nov 2012).
Research InterestsFabrication and experimental investigation of particulate polymer composites; Damage, thermal, electrochemical, nanomechanical and finite element analysis of polymer composites; Fabrication of micro/nano-particles micro-/nano-structures for biomedical applications; Preparation of two-photon polymerization (TPP) compatible nanocomposite
Editorial Board Members and Scholarly Activities
Editorial Board Member of “Nanotechnology Reviews” (JCR Impact factor: 3.639)
Editorial Board Member of “Composites Part B: Engineering” (JCR Impact factor: 7.635) (2015 – 2020)
Editorial Board Member of “Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics”
Editorial Advisory Board Member of “World Journal of Engineering” (Indexed in Scopus)
Associate Editor of “Annual Journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers (HK)”, 2005-2015
Chairman of Symposium of Bio-inspired Nano-(composites) of The 24th Annual Intl Conf on Composites/Nano Engineering, Haikou, Hainan Island, China, 17th-23rd July 2016
Chairman of Organizing Committee of The 11th International Conference on Technology Education, Hong Kong, 3-5th January 2015
Professional Services
President of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong), 2014/2015
Honorary Treasurer / Honorary Secretary of Institute of Industrial Engineers (HK), 2007-2010
Selected Publications and Patent Huang ZJ, Tsui GCP, Deng Y, Tang CY (2020), Two-photon Polymerization Nanolithography Technology for Fabrication of Stimulus-responsive Micro-/nano-structures for Biomedical Applications, Nanotechnology Reviews, 9:1118-1136.
Chen L, Dong Y, Tang CY, Zhong L, Law WC, Tsui GCP, Yang Y, Xie X (2019), Development of Direct-laser-printable Light-powered Nanocomposites, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11:19541-19533.
Huang WF, Tsui CP, Tang CY, Gu L (2018), Effects of Compositional Tailoring on Drug Delivery Behaviours of Silica Xerogel/polymer Core-shell Composite Nanoparticles, Scientific Reports, 8, art. no.13002.
Huang WF, Tsui GCP, Tang CY, Yang M (2016), Fabrication and Process Investigation of Vancomycin Loaded Silica Xerogel/polymer Core-shell composite Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery, Composites Part B: Engineering, 95, 272-281.
Tang CY, Tsui CP, Tang YM, Wei L, Wong CT, Lam KW, Ip WY, Lu WWJ, Pang MYC (2014), Voxel-based Approach to Generate Entire Human Metacarpal Bone with Microscopic Architecture for Finite Element Analysis, Bio-medical Materials & Engineering, 24, 1469-84.
Choy MT, Tang CY, Chen L, Wong CT, Tsui CP (2014), In Vitro and In Vivo Performance of Bioactive Ti6Al4V/TiC/HA Implants Fabricated by a Rapid Microwave Sintering Technique, Materials Science and Engineering C, 42, 746-756.
Chen L, Tang CY., Tsui CP, Chen DZ (2013), Mechanical Properties and In Vitro Evaluation of Bioactivity and Degradation of Dexamethasone-releasing Poly-D-L-Lactide/nano-hydroxyapatite Composite Scaffolds, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 22, 41-50.
Tang CY,Tsui CP,Lin W,Uskokovic PS,Wang ZW (2013), Multi-level Finite Element Analysis for Progressive Damage Behavior of HA/PEEK Composite Porous Structure, Composites Part B: Engineering, 55, 22-30.
Chen L, Tang CY, Chen DZ, Wong CT, Tsui CP (2011), Fabrication and Characterization of Poly-d-lactide/nano-hydroxyapatite Composite Scaffolds with Poly(ethylene glycol) Coating and Dexamethasone Releasing, Composites Science and Technology, 71, 1842-1849.
Tsui CP, Tang CY, Guo YQ, Uskokovic PS, Fan JP, Gao B (2010). Effects of Filler Content on Mechanical Properties of Macroporous Composites, Composite Interfaces, 17, 571-579.
Yang YK, Tsui CP, Tang CY, Qiu SQ, Zhao Q, Cheng XJ, Sun ZG, Li RKY, Xie XL (2010). Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes with Biodegradable Supramolecular Polypseudorotaxanes from Grafted-poly(e-caprolactone) and a-cyclodextrins, European Polymer Journal, 46, 145-155.
Tang CY, Zhang G, Tsui CP (2009). A 3D Skeletal Muscle Model Coupled with Active Contraction of Muscle Fibres and Hyperelastic Behaviour, Journal of Biomechanics, 42, 865-872.
Uskokovic PS, Tang CY, Tsui CP, Ignjatovic N, Uskokovic DP (2007). Micromechanical Properties of a Hydroxyapatite/Poly-L-lactide Biocomposite using Nanoindentation and Modulus Mapping, Journal of The European Ceramic Society, 27, 1559-1564.
Tsui CP, Chen DZ, Tang CY, Uskokovic PS, Fan JP, Xie XL (2006). Prediction for Debonding Damage Process and Effective Elastic Properties of Glass-bead-filled Modified Polypheylene Oxide, Composites, Science and Technology, 66, 11-12, 1521-1531.
Tang CY and Tsui CP (2006), Method of Modeling Muscular Tissue with Active Finite Elements, US patent (7,096,166).
Tsui CP, Chen DZ, Tang CY, Uskokovic PS (2005) Prediction for Dedonding Damage Process of Glass Beads-Reinforced Modified Polyphenylene Oxide under Simple Shear, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol.167, Issues 2-3, pp.429-437.
Tsui CP, Tang CY, Fan JP, Xie XL (2004). Prediction for Initiation of Debonding Damage and Tensile Stress-strain Relation of Glass-bead-filled Modified Polyphenylene Oxide, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 46, 1659-1674.
Fan JP, Tsui CP, Tang CY, Chow CL (2004). Influence of Interphase Layer on the Overall Elasto-Plastic Behaviors of HA-PEEK Biocomposite, Biomaterials, 25, 5363-5373.
Fan JP, Tsui CP, Tang CY (2004). Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of HA/PEEK Biocomposite under Quasi-static Tensile Load, Materials Science and Engineering A, 382, 341-350.
Tsui CP, Tang CY, Lee TC (2001). Tensile Properties and Damage Behaviours of Glass-Bead-Filled Modified Polyphenylene Oxide under Large Strain, Polymer Composites, 22, 742-751.
Tsui CP, Tang CY, Lee TC (2001). Finite Element Analysis of Polymer Composites filled by Interphase Coated Particles, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 117, 105-110.
Teaching AreaEngineering Materials, Manufacturing Processing Technology and Finite element method
香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Gary Tsui 崔智邦
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-03
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