講師 I
藝術教育, 課程與教學法, 照顧特殊需要的視覺藝術教育
(852) 2948 7281
講師 I
Yim Kim-ping received her Ph.D. in Art Education from The Ohio State University (OSU), and her dissertation entitled “Humanitarian Visual Culture Curriculum: An Action Research Study” was nominated for the OSU’s Council of Graduate Schools Distinguished Dissertation Award in Humanities/Fine Arts in 2013. This research study is one of the first to create a humanitarian space in/through art education by addressing the ethics of looking in relation to the visuality of war, violence and peace, with a particular focus on war photography. A key implication is to bring social justice art education into sharp focus. She obtained OSU’s Mary Lou Kuhn Scholarship in 2009 and 2011. She served as a committee member of UNESCO Arts in Education Observatory for Research in Local Cultures & Creativity in Education (RLCCE) (2013-2014) and as a honorary consultant for the Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists (HKAAT) (2013-2014; 2016-2017). She is a member of the National Art Education Association (NAEA) and of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA).
Profile Details
PhD (The Ohio State University, USA)
MFA (The University of Iowa, USA)
MA (The University of Iowa, USA)
PGDE (The Education University of Hong Kong)
BA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Areas of Teaching
Contextual Studies of Art
Visual Culture
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Research Interests
Multicultural Art Education
War Photography
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Selected Outputs
Yim, K. P. (2018). Reviewer of a journal paper for Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. UK: SAGE.
Yim, K. P. (2018). Reviewer of a journal paper for Humanities. MDPI.
YIM, K. P. (2017). Implementing “care for others” in the Hong Kong arts education curriculum guide (primary 1 – secondary 6): Prospects and directions. Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 16 (3), 1-34.
Yim, K. P. (2015). Exploring the affective impacts of war photographs on students' moral and intellectual development. Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, (14)5, 1-30.
Yim, K. P. (2013, October). The Creative Imperative: The Centrality of Visual Arts to Education. Paper presented in The 2nd Cross Cultural Asian Art Education International Conference. Oct 8-9, 2013. Miriam College, Philippines, Philippines.
Research Projects
Understanding Photojournalism as Creative Social Action: Opening Up an Educational Space for Humanitarian World Views, 2016
The Creative Imperative: The Centrality of Visual Arts to Education, 2013
External Appointments
A member of the Panel of Judges for the Student Drawing Competition of the Hong Kong Flower Show 2017.
A member of the Panel of Judges for the Student Drawing Competition of the Hong Kong Flower Show 2018.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06
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