講師 I
裝置藝術, 公共藝術, 當代視覺藝術研究
(852) 2948 8753
講師 I
Lam received her Bachelor Degree and PGDE (with distinction in teaching practice) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Master of Fine Arts Degree from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University. She is appointed as Chairlady of Hong Kong Visual Arts Society currently.
Lam had held seven solo installation and sculpture exhibitions, and her conceptual and site-specific installation works have been exhibited in many traditional or non-traditional exhibition venues. She has been invited by Chanel, Times Square, G.O.D., Megaman, Siemens and Philippe Charriol Foundation etc. to participate into more than 100 exhibitions in Hong Kong and overseas, including at France, Outer Mongolia, Dubai, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Malaysia and Taiwan etc.
She specializes in creation with different medium in particular sites. In recent years, her works display special focus on relationships between cultural development and human activities.
Lam was also the recipient of numerous arts awards, including: “Most Promising Artist Award”(painting category) in 1995, First Prize in the Painting category in 1996 and First Prize in the Sculpture category in 1997 from the Phillippe Charriol Foundation and Finalist of “Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial”(1998, 2005), “New Vision Award” in 2001 from LCSD, Selected feature artist of Artist in neighborhood IV in 2007 and “40 under 40” award which being recognized as one of the top young design talent of Greater China Region from PERSPECTIVE magazine etc. In 2011, Lam has been honored with “Honorable Artist Award” of “Vermont Freeman Fellowship 2011-2012” and “Award for Best Artist (Visual Arts)” at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2010 by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council being recognised for her outstanding achievements in the arts and her sterling contributions to fostering arts development.
Profile Details
MFA (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia)
PGDE (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
BA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Areas of Teaching
Installation Art
Public Art
Visual Research in Contemporary Art
Art Appreciation
Research Interests
Conceptual Art in Social Context
Site specific installation art
Selected Outputs (APA style)
Lam, Y. L. (2017). Guangzhou Hong Kong Macao Taiwan Inter-City Sculpture Exchange Exhibition. Organised by Guangzhou Copyright Bureau 廣州市文化廣電新聞出版局 and Guangzhou Diaosuyuan 廣州雕塑院.
Lam, Y. L. (2016). The Portfolio of Inter-City Sculpture Exchange Exhibition 2016 (Macao Guangzhou Hong Kong Taiwan). Organised by Macau Sculpture Association.
Lam, Y. L. (2016). Hong Kong International Photo Festival 2016 - What Do You Want For Tomorrow? Hong Kong Heritage Museum. Presented by the Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association. A partnership project with Hong Kong Heritage Museum of Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Research Projects (Title, Year)
Transcending Learning Space and Time - The Using of Podcast and iTunes Technologies in Module Delivery, 2010
Prizes and Awards (Title, Year, Organization)
Freeman Honorable Metion Award, 2011
Award for Best Artist 2010, 2011
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06
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