講師 I
(852) 2948 8029
Dr. Ho is a passionate teacher, youth worker, and researcher, who is eager to not only teach undergraduate and postgraduate students about the discipline of psychology but also reach out to teenagers, parents, and the general public, such that more people can become aware of their need for psychological well-being and how to achieve that.
Her training includes Ed.D. in educational psychology from CUHK specializing in career psychology, B.A. cum laude (Hons) in psychology from UC Berkeley specializing in consumer psychology and judgement and decision making research, M.A. in psychology from Boston University specializing in human motivation with practical training at The Hay Group/McBer & Company, and M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, specializing in New England cultural studies and youth ministry.
Relocated back to Hong Kong after 13 years’ studying/working in the US, she began to work at CityU-HK as Demonstrator/Instructor I of Psychology and Learning Enhancement and Course Examiner for Professional Internship, and at CUHK as Part-Time Lecturer (for the PGDE program) and Research Assistant at its Educational Psychology Department, and then as Postdoctoral Fellow at CityU’s City-Youth Empowerment Project, before joining Education University in 2017.
Her eclectic teaching, research, work, life, and educational experiences in the USA and Hong Kong have equipped her with a rather broad knowledge base on many topics in psychology, education, applied research, and practice. Her goal is to develop the field of psychology (especially, career intervention) and launch studies to investigate developmental pathways to vocational interest preferences and sense of efficacy. Her other research interests include service/experiential learning and the relation between diet and well-being.
Web Site: https://hoideology.wordpress.com/
Web Site: https://rockamama.wordpress.com/
Highest Degree Obtained
EdD, Educational Psychology (Specialty in Career Psychology), Department of Educational Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2016)
Membership of Professional Societies
International Affiliate, American Psychological Association, 2016-
Member, Association of Psychological Science (former American Psychological Society), 1997-
Graduate Student Member, American Psychological Association, 1995-2002
Student Member, Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 1993-1997
Research Scholarship (US$1,000), New England Research Project, Ockenga Institute, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (South Hamilton, Massachusetts, USA)
Member, Psi Chi Honors Society, 1995
Student Speaker, Master of Arts in Psychology Commencement, Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), May 21, 1995
Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship, Institute of Personality & Social Research, University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, California, USA), January 1992-May 1993
Teaching in Current Academic Year
Basic Psychology
Career Psychology
Educational Psychology
I/O Psychology
Personality Psychology & Assessment
Research Methods & Data Analysis
Current External Competitive Grants
Investigating the Impact of Various Kinds of Experiential Learning on Student Outcomes and Establishing a “FEHD Experiential Learning Platform” for Sharing Information. EdUHK FEHD Cluster Grants 2017/18 (24 months), HK$76,800. Project Leader: Katty P. Ho. Team Members: Y. B. Chung; Stephen Yip; Emily Chow.
Continuation of “Project X: Learning Excellence” in the Next Two Academic Years of 2009/10 and 2010/11. CityU Teaching Development Fund 2009-2011 (24 months), HK$4,029,338. PI: Alice Chong, City University of Hong Kong. I: Katty P. Ho.
Development of a Digitalized and Online Database of Quality Papers of Graduates: Benchmarking Research Performances of Graduates of Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology (BSSPSY) and Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (PGDP) in the Department of Applied Social Studies (SS) to Enhance the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. CityU Teaching Development Fund 2005/06 (5 months), HK$168,000. PI: Sik-Hung Ng, City University of Hong Kong. I: Katty P. Ho.
Consultancy in Past 3 Years
Ho, K. P. (2016, April-June). Career Interests Assessment and Interpretation. Workshops presented at St. Stephen’s Girls’ College. Hong Kong.
Selected Recent Publications
Ho, K. P. (2016). Integrating Vocational Interest Profile and Self-efficacy Profile as Antecedents of Career Choice Readiness in Adolescents. Doctoral Dissertation. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Leung, S. A., Zhou, S., Ho, E. Y.-F., Li, X., Ho, K. P., & Tracey, T. J. G. (2014). The use of interest and competence scores to predict educational choices of Chinese high school students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84, 385-394. (Impact factor: 2.555)
Ho, K. P., Chong, A. M. L., Kwok, R. K. C., & Lai, S. F. Y. (2012). “Project X: The Project for Learning Excellence”: A first-year, non-credit bearing, department-based, co-curricular course for students in social sciences. In B. C. Eng (Ed.), A Chinese perspective on teaching and learning. New York: Routledge. (ISBN: 978-0-415-89594-1 (hkb)).
Eng, B. C., Ng, S. H., & Ho, K. P. (Eds.) (2009). Learning through self-discipline and personal growth facilitated by coaching. Report for a Teaching Development Grant project, City University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. (116 pages) (ISBN: 978-962-442-311-2).
Ho, K. P. (2000). Why Is There A New-England Culture? A Look at the Value Systems and Cultural Origins of New Englanders from the Histo-Analytical, Socio-Anthropological, and Socio-Cognitive Psychological Perspectives. Master’s Thesis. South Hamilton, MA: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Mellers, B., Schwartz, A., Ho, K., & Ritov, I. (1997). Elation and disappointment: Emotional reactions to risky options. Psychological Science, 8(6), 423-429. (Impact factor: 4.490)
Ho, K. P. (1993). The Interaction of Memory and Context Effects in Consumer Choice. Honors Thesis. Berkeley, CA: The University of California at Berkeley.
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