副教授 / 社群心理健康研究中心成員
(852) 2948 8873
Kai Tak Poon obtained his doctorate degree from the University of Hong Kong. His primary research focuses on interpersonal relationships and processes, with an emphasis on the cognitive, emotional, behavioral impacts of ostracism and social rejection. Specifically, he examines when and why ostracism promotes anti-social behaviors (e.g., aggression and dishonesty) and examines how to help people better cope with the pain of ostracism. He also investigates the psychological and behavioral impacts of objectification.
Highest Degree Obtained
PhD, Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong
Rising Star Designation, The Association for Psychological Science (2018-2019)
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Early Career Research Excellence Award), The Education University of Hong Kong (2017-2018)
Teaching in Current Academic Year
Social Psychology
Basic Principles of Psychology
Current External Competitive Grants
Watch One’s Step: The Effect of Objectification on Conspiracy Beliefs (2022-2024), HK$766,442, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (RGC/GRF). (PI: Kai-Tak Poon, Co-I: Fei Teng)
Mind Deprivation, Instrumentality, and Crowdedness: Social Crowding Contributes to Objectification (2021-2023), HK$640,000, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (RGC/GRF). (PI: Zhansheng Chen, Co-Is: Kai Tak Poon and Xijing Wang)
Objectification Decreases Prosocial Behavior: Mediating Roles of Self-Objectification and Relative Deprivation (2019-2021), HK$759,660, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (RGC/GRF). (PI: Zhansheng Chen, Co-I: Kai Tak Poon)
The Effect of Objectification on Aggression (2017-2020), HK$517,788, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (RGC/GRF). (PI: Kai-Tak Poon, Co-Is: Zhansheng Chen and Fei Teng)
Long-term Ostracism and Depressive Symptoms: Meaningful Existence as a Mechanism (2017-2018), HK$301,640, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (RGC/GRF). (PI: Zhansheng Chen, Co-Is: Barbara Chuen Yee Lo and Kai-Tak Poon)
Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories Following Ostracism (2016-2019), HK$798,500, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Early Career Scheme (RGC/ECS). (PI: Kai-Tak Poon)
Ostracism, Entitlement, and the Objectification of Social Targets (2014-2017), HK$564,678, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (RGC/GRF). (PI: Zhansheng Chen, Co-Is: C. Nathan DeWall and Kai-Tak Poon)
Selected Recent Publications
* = correspondent author, # = student / supervisee author directly under my supervision
Jiang, Y#, & Poon, K. T*. (in press). Stuck in companionless days, end up in sleepless nights: Relationships between ostracism, rumination, insomnia, and subjective well-being, Current Psychology.
Poon, K. T*., & Wong, W. Y#. (2021). Stuck on the train of ruminative thoughts: The effect of aggressive fantasy on subjective well-being. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, NP6390-NP6410.
Wang, X., Chen, Z*., Poon, K. T., & Jiang. T. (2021). Perceivinga lack of social justice: Lower-class individuals apply higher moral standards to others.Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 186-193.
Teng, F.*, Hu, J., Chen, Z., Poon, K. T, & Bai, Y. (2021). Sexism and the effectiveness of femvertising in China: A corporate social responsibility perspective. Sex Roles, 84, 253-270.
Teng, F.*, & Poon, K. T. (2020). Body surveillance predicts young Chinese women’s social anxiety: Testing a mediation Model. Journal of Gender Studies, 29, 623-635.
Poon, K. T*., Chen, Z., & Wong, W. Y#. (2020). Beliefs in conspiracy theories following ostracism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 1234-1246.
Poon, K. T*., Chen, Z., Teng, F., & Wong, W. Y#. (2020). The effect of objectification on aggression. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 87, 103940.
Chen, Z*., Poon, K. T., DeWall, C. N, & Jiang, T. (2020). Life lacks meaning without acceptance: Ostracism triggers suicidal thoughts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119 1423-1443. (Co-first Author; first two authors contributed equally)
Poon, K. T*., & Jiang, Y#. (2020). Getting less likes on social media: Mindfulness ameliorates the detrimental effects of feeling left out online. Mindfulness, 11, 1038-1048.
Poon, K. T*., & Jiang, Y#. (2020). Sexual objectification increases retaliatory aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 46, 291-304.
Poon, K. T*., Jiang, Y#., & Teng, F. (2020). Putting oneself in someone’s shoes: The effect of observing ostracism on physical pain, social pain, negative emotion, and self-regulation. Personality and Individual Differences, 166, 110217.
Wang, X., Teng, F*., Chen, Z., & Poon, K. T. (2020). Control my appearance, control my social standing: Appearance control beliefs influence American women’s (not men’s) social mobility perception. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109629.
Poon, K. T*, & Wong, W. Y#. (2019). Turning a blind eye to potential costs: Ostracism increases aggressive tendency. Psychology of Violence, 9, 634-643.
Poon, K. T*. (2019). Do you reap what you sow? The effect of cyberostracism on moral impurity. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 41, 132-146.
Teng, F*, Gao, W., Huang X., & Poon, K. T. (2019). Body surveillance predicts men’s and women’s perceived loneliness: A serial mediation model. Sex Roles, 81, 97-108.
Poon, K. T*. (2018). Unpacking the mechanisms underlying the relation between ostracism and Internet addiction. Psychiatry Research, 270, 724-730.
Bernstein, M. J., Chen, Z*., Poon, K. T., Benfield, J. A., & Ng, H. K. S. (2018). Ostracized but why? Effects of attributions and empathy on connecting with the socially excluded. PLoS One.
Poon, K. T*., & Teng, F. (2017). Feeling unrestricted by rules: Ostracism promotes aggressive responses. Aggressive Behavior, 43, 558-567. (Featured article)
Chen, Z., Poon, K. T., & Cheng, C*. (2017). Deficits in recognizing disgust facial expressions and Internet addiction: Perceived stress as a mediator. Psychiatry Research, 254, 211-217.
Wang, X., Chen, Z. *, Poon, K. T., Teng, F., & Jin, S. (2017). Self-compassion decreases acceptance of own immoral behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 329-333.
Teng, F. *, You, J., Poon, K. T., Yang, Y., You, J., & Jiang, Y. (2017). Materialism predicts young Chinese women’s self-objectification and body surveillance. Sex Roles, 76, 448-459.
Poon, K. T*., Teng, F., Wong, W. Y#., & Chen, Z. (2016). When nature heals: Nature exposure moderates the relationship between ostracism and aggression. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 159-168.
Poon, K. T*., & Chen, Z. (2016). Assuring a sense of growth: A cognitive strategy to weaken the effect of cyber-ostracism on aggression. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, 31-37.
Teng, F. *, Chen, Z. *, Poon, K. T., Zhang, D., & Jiang, Y. (2016). Money and relationships: When and why thinking about money leads people to approach others. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 137, 58-70.
Teng, F. *, Poon, K. T., Zhang, H., Chen, Z., Yang, Y., & Wang, X. (2016). Situational cuing of materialism triggers self-objectification among women (but not men): The moderating role of self-concept clarity. Personality and Individual Differences, 97, 220-228.
Teng, F., Poon, K. T., & Yang, Y. * (2016). Does social protest shake people’s justice beliefs? It depends on the level of group identification. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 38, 269-275.
Poon, K. T. *, Teng, F., Chow, J. T., & Chen, Z*. (2015). Desiring to connect to nature: The effect of ostracism on ecological behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 116-122.
Poon, K. T. *, & Chen, Z. (2015). How does the source of rejection perceive innocent victims? The Journal of Social Psychology, 155, 515-526.
Chen, Z. *, Poon, K. T., & DeWall, C. N. (2015). Cold thermal temperature threatens belonging: The moderating role of perceived social support. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6, 439-446.
Teng, F. *, Chen, Z., Poon, K. T., & Zhang. D*. (2015). Sexual objectification pushes women away: The role of decreased likability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 77-87.
Chen, Z*., Poon, K. T. *., DeWall, C. N. (2015). When do socially accepted people feel ostracized? Physical pain triggers social pain. Social Influence, 10, 68-76.
Poon, K. T*., & Chen, Z*. (2014). When justice surrenders: The effect of just-world beliefs on aggression following ostracism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 101-112.
Chen, Z*., Poon, K. T., Bernstein, M. J., & Teng, F. (2014). Rejecting another pains the self: The impact of perceived future rejection. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 50, 225-233. (Co-first Author; first two authors contributed equally)
Poon, K. T., Chen, Z*., & DeWall, C. N. (2013). Feeling entitled to more: Ostracism increases dishonest behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1227-1239.
Chen, Z*., DeWall, C. N., Poon, K. T., & Chen, E. W. (2012). When destiny hurts: Implicit theories of relationships moderate aggressive responses to ostracism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 1029-1036.
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