

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

副系主任 (課程與學校體驗)/ 教學助理教授
(852) 2948 7577
(852) 2948 7160


Research Areas
Management and Leadership
Job Satisfaction, Job Stress and Burnout
Staff Development
Early Childhood Education

Selected Funded Projects
Tang, Y.F., Chan,P.L., Cheng Y. L., Wong, K. S. (CoPI), Chung, S.L., Han, C. W., Hu, X., Hui, L. P. Lam, H. C., Lau, C. W., Leung, W. M., Mou, W. P., and Woo, Y. S. (CoI). (November 2020 –December 2022). Project on EdU Online Classes Platform. Faculty of Education and Human Development. $2,500,000).
Wong, K. S. (PI), Woo, Y.S., & Wu, S. C. (September 2019). A Faculty Project Fund: Enhancing ECE preservice students’ leadership and management skills through experiential learning. Faculty of Education and Human Development. $10,0000).
Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (Co-PIs) (October 2018 – December 2019). Home-school collaboration for children learning with fun (帶領幼兒 走向社區 家校攜手 愉快學習). Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($249,000) (Project Number: 2017/1086).
Leung, W. M.(PI), Wong, K. S. & Lai, Y. C., (Co-PIs) (October 2018 – December 2019). Enhancing Children’s Whole Person Development Through Picture Book. Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($245,200) (Project Number: 2017/1087).
Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., & Lai, Y. C (Co-PIs) (8/2018 to 7/2019). 透過師生共創遊戲學習區促進幼兒全人發展Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($190,780) (Project Number: 2017/0126).
Wong, K.S. (PI), Mou, W.P. (1/2018 – 3/2019). Curriculum and Teacher Development on Good Habit for Young Children. Well & Well Group of Companies, Shanghai. (Project Grant: $100,000)
Wong, K.S. (PI), Hui, K.F.S., Cheng, W.Y.R., Ngan, S.F., Cheung, L.H. & Ng, C.W. (1/12/2017 – 31/12/2019). Enriching graduate attributes through non-formal learning across programmes. (Funded by the Leaders of Learning Cluster Grants 2017/18, FEHD: $80,000)
Tang, Y, F., Mou, W.P., Wong, K. S., Hui, L.P. & Keung, S.P. (6/2018 – 11/2019). Pilot Scheme on HD(ECE) Students' Participation in Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC). Project Fund: (VP(AC) reserve: $45,000
Tang, Y, F., Mou, W.P., Wong, K. S., & Choi, W. C. (6/2018 – 11/2019). Pilot Scheme on HD (ECE) Students’ Participation in IELTS. Project Fund: (VP(AC) reserve: S331,000
Tang, Y, F., Tsui, K. Y., Wong, K. S., & Choi, W. C. (3/2017 – 12/2017). Pilot Scheme on HD (ECE) Students’ Participation in IELTS. Project Fund: (VP(AC) reserve: $100,000
Tang, Y, F., Mou, W.P., Wong, K. S., & Choi, W. C. (12/2017– 9/2018). Pilot Scheme on HD (ECE) Students’ Participation in IELTS. Project Fund: VP(AC) reserve : $189,600
Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, B. (2016). Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Home-School-Community Collaboration. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd (Monograph Publication fund: $55,000). (9/2016 – 8/2019)
Chung, K.H.K. (PI), Chan, S.P.T. (CoI), HO, C.W.D., Wong, K.S., Lam, H.C., Fong, Y.C.C., Law, C.W.N., Fok, H.K., and Ng, S.M.C. (1/6/2016 – 31/5/2021). Chinese Learning for Culturally Diverse Children: PLEM Capacity Building : Social Service Professionals, School Leaders, Educators, and Multicultural Teaching Assistants. (Funded by the Jockey Club Chinese Learning for Culturally Diverse Children: $31,880,000).
Lai, Y. C. (PI), Leung, W. M., Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W.H.(Co-PIs) (1//9/2015- 31/12/2016).Include Non-Chinese Speaking Children into a local kindergarten through home school collaboration.Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($139,300) (Project Number: 2014/0388).
Leung, W. M.(PI), Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W.H. (Co-PIs) (1/7/2015- 31/08/2016). Life Education Through Picture Book.Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($149,000) (Project Number: 2013/0786).
Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., Ho, J. & Cheuk, W.H. (Co-PIs) (1/7/2015- 31/8/2016). Learning Fun in the CommunityQuality Education Fund (QEF) ($150,000) (Project Number: 2013/0859).
Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, C. (2014-16). Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Curriculum and Teaching. (Monograph Publication fund: Educational Publishing House Limited)($55,000). (Reference Number: _NCN0003-2014) (12/ 2014- 03/ 2016).
Developing a proposal for GRF funding of a study on leadership of Hong Kong kindergarten principals in response to the launching of the voucher scheme. (2011-2012)
Pearl River Delta Project (5) – Information Technology in teaching and learning (「珠三角地區學校的資訊科技教學與學習」) ($ 57,900).(2011-2012)
Enhancing children's learning and development through integrated multi media educational programmes (2010-2011)
The Job stress of Voucher Scheme on Hong Kong preschool principals (2009-2010)
The Impact of Voucher System on Hong Kong Preschool (2009-2010)
Leadership of Kindergarten Principals in Hong Kong: Enactment, Factors and Concerns (2008-2009)
Using Multi-model Teaching and Learning Experiences to Enhance Early Childhood Education (2006-2007)
A Case Study ofLeadership Role of Kindergarten Principals in Hong Kong (2000)
Journal Publications
Selected Outputs
Refereed Journal Article
Wong, K.S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Esteem on Self-Protective Reactions of Primary School Teachers, Basic and Applied Social Psychology. ISSN: 0197-3533 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01973533.2016.1245659
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Image on Self-Defensive Behavior of Primary School Teachers. Psychology, 7, 1195-1204. ISSN Online: 2152-7199 http://file.scirp.org/pdf/PSYCH_2884.pdf
Wong, K.S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Esteem on Self-Protective Reactions of Primary School Teachers, Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Published Online on 31 October, 2016.http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01973533.2016.1245659
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Image on Self-Defensive Behavior of Primary School Teachers.Psychology, 7,1195-1204.http://file.scirp.org/pdf/PSYCH_2884.pdf
Wong, K.S. (2012). A remarkable early childhood pioneer.Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 11(1&2), 116.
Wong, K.S. (2012). Review of recent early childhood education reform in Hong Kong.Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 11(1&2), 6-18.
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2011). Being Spurned by Peers in Preschool Teachers in Macau: Self-esteem and Coping Methods.Journal of Schooling Studies, 8(5), 92-98.
Wong, K. S. & Lai, Y. C. (2011). A Case Study of the Perceptions of Hong Kong Pre-school Principals Regarding Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10(1), 5-16. 黃國茜、黎玉貞 (2011) : 《香港幼兒學校校長對「學前教育學券計劃」的觀感之個案研究》,香港幼兒學報,第10卷,第1冊,頁5-16。
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (2011). The effects of being spurned and self-esteem on depersonalization and coping preferences in kindergarten teachers: The case of Hong Kong. Social Psychology of Education, 14(1), 57-73.
黃國茜 、卓惠興 (Submitted in July 2010) :《澳門幼師被同儕拒絕:自尊的影響及應付方法》,教育與心理研究。
Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (submitted in 8/2009). Being spurned, coping style and burnout in kindergarten teachers in Macau. Journal of Educational Inquiry.
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (In press).The Effects of Being Spurned by Peers and Self-Esteem on Depersonalization in Preschool Teachers in Macau. HKTC Journal.(2009)
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (in press) Effects of being spurned and self-esteem on burnout and coping preference in social workers. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. (2009)
Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (in press) Job-related stress and social support in kindergarten principals: the case of Macau. International Journal of Educational Management. (2009)
Wong, K. S. & Yeung, K. Y. (2008). A study on Enhancing Children’s Understanding of Source Books by Information Search《資料搜集增進幼兒理解資料書之研究》. The Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 7(2), 48-54.
Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H., & Rosen, S. (2007). Coping style, stress preparation, and depersonalization in beginning kindergarten teachers. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22 (2), (37-50) .
Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (2007). The development and professional training of early childhood education in Hong Kong. Bulletin of the National Institute of Educational Resources and Research, 33, (29-46).
Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H., & Rosen, S. (2007). Experience of being spurned: Coping style, stress preparation, and depersonalization in beginning kindergarten teachers. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22 (2), 141-154.
Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (2005). Job-related stress and social support in kindergarten principals: the case of Macau. International Journal of Educational Management, 19 (3), 183-196.
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (Spring, 2003). Validating a “spurning scale” for nurses in Hong Kong. Current Psychology, 22 (1), 47-56.
Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H., & Rosen, S. (2002). Validation of a spurning scale for teachers: The Chinese sample. Educational Research, 44(3), 289-297.
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (2000). Further efforts in validating a ‘spurning scale’ for teachers. Educational Research, 42, 219-225.
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (2000). Kindergarten principals in Hong Kong: Job stress and support from a close friend. Journal of Educational Administration, 38, 272-287.
Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H. & Rosen, S. (2000). The influences of job stress and supervisor support on negative affects and job satisfaction in kindergarten principals. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15, 85-98.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1998). Depersonalization in kindergarten teachers in relation to rejection of help by fellow teachers and emotional support from family, Psychological Reports, 83, 939-942.
Cheuk, W. H., Swearse, B., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S., (1998). Beginning teachers' experience of being spurned, coping style, stress preparation, and burnout, Education Journal, 26, 117-129.
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., Swearse, B., & Rosen, S. (1997). Stress preparation, coping style, and nurses' experience of being spurned by patients, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12(4), 1055-1064.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1997). Defensive comparison of teachers' close friendships with colleagues. Psychological Reports, 80, 1275-1281.
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (1994). The effects of spurning and social support on teacher burnout, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 9(4), 657-664.
Wong, K. S. & Tian, Y. (1994). The present situation and future trend of primary health education in Macau, Educational Administration of Primary and Secondary Schools, Suzhou, China, Suzhou University, 1, 32-35.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1994). Experience of spurning and burnout in beginning teachers, Education Journal, 22(2), 331-335

Non-refereed Article
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (Spring, 2003) Validating a “spurning scale” for nurses in Hong Kong. Current Psychology, 22 (1), 47-56.
黃國茜、王小文 (6/1999):邁向目標:幼師培訓不容忽視, 星島日報, 香港。
Cheuk, W. H., Swearse, B., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (1998). The linkage between spurned help and burnout among practicing nurses, Current Psychology; Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 17(2/3), 188-196.
黃國茜 (1998) : 望子成龍 《學校與家庭》 (香港﹕香港教育專業人員協會), 147 (7), 2-3。
Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (1995). Stress, social support and teacher burnout in Macau, Current Psychology, 14(1), 42-46.
Rosen, S., Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1993). Two experiments on helpers' reactions to rejection versus acceptance of help, Journal of Macau Studies, Macau, 1, 34-41.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph
Wong, K.S., Lau, P.L., & Choi, B. (2020). Early Childhood Education In Chinese Societies: Home-School-Community Collaboration. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd.
黃國茜、劉寶蓮、蔡昌(主編) (2016):《華人社會的幼兒教育:課程與教學》,香港,教育出版社。
黃國莤 及 韓重惠 編著 (2011):《優化幼教質素系列:管理與組織》,香港,教育出版社。
藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 《「透過多媒體綜合教育節目協助幼兒學習與發展」計劃 - 資源冊》,香港,優質教育基金。
黃國茜、韓重惠 (印行中) :《優化幼教質素系列: 管理與組織校本檢視》(香港,教育出版社)。
黄國茜 與 韓重惠 編著 〔2008〕《幼教管理與組織:表現指標例証》香港:香港教育學院。
黃國茜、韓重惠〈主編〉 (2006): 《台灣幼教領導啓迪》, (65 頁), 香港, 香港教育學院。
Chapter in an edited book
蔡昌、黃國茜、劉寶蓮(2020):四地幼兒園的家校與社區協作導論,輯於黃國茜、劉寶蓮、蔡昌編,《華人社會的幼兒教育: 家校與社區協作》,(9-14),香港,教育出版社有限公司。
黃國茜 (印行中) ﹕校長領導的實踐,輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀(主編)《幼兒教育面面觀: 研究與實務結集本(二) 》,香港,香港教育學院。
Wong , K. S., & Lai, Y. C. (2009). Early childhood Education Reform in Hong Kong: Development and Staff Professional Training. In R. D. Y. Koo, B. C. Choi, M. R. D. Lucas & T. C. Chan (Eds.), Education Policy, Reform and School Innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region. Hong Kong: Association for Childhood Education International: Hong Kong & Macao.
黃國茜、黎玉貞 (2005):香港幼師培訓初探之個案研究,輯於古鼎儀、甘志強、容萬城編《教育與課程改革﹕珠三角地區的適應與發展》 (香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會)
卓惠興、黃國茜 (2005): 拒絕接受幫助對香港幼稚園教師「個人冷漠化」的影响, 輯於古鼎儀、甘志強、容萬城編 《教育與課程改革﹕珠三角地區的適應與發展》 (香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會)。http://www.acei-hkm.org.hk/Publish_EducationCurriculumReform.asp
黃國茜 (2003):蒙特梭利,輯於黃蕙吟、鄭美蓮編《幼兒教育之旅》(香港,教育出版社),頁43-52。
Wong, K. S. (1994). Effects of group discussion on student learning and attitude: A case study of Macau's student teachers, Population and Development in Macau, University of Macau & Macau Foundation, Macau, 513-5.
Conference Papers
Refereed Conference Paper
Wong, K.S., (23-5-2019). Strategic Leadership for responding the diverse learning needs of ethnic minority children in Hong Kong. Workshops on 2019 Departmental Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education. the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
Wong, K.S. (2018, December). Responding to the Diverse Learning Needs of Ethnic Minority Children in Hong Kong through Strategic Management. Learning and Teaching Expo 2018, Hong Kong.
Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (19-5-2017). Life Education of Hong Kong Preprimary children: Implementation and Challenges. Symposium presentation at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong Baptist University.
Wong, K. S., Ho, J. Leung, W. M., & Lai, Y. C., (19-5-2017). Children’s Learning through Community Exploration. Symposium presentation at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong Baptist University.
Lai, Y. C., Leung, W. M., & Wong, K. S. (19-5-2017). Include Non-Chinese Speaking Children into school life and learning through home-school-collaboration. Symposium presentation at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong Baptist University.
Lai, Y. C., Leung, W. M., & Wong, K. S (12-5-2016). Include Non-Chinese Speaking Children into a local kindergarten through home school collaboration. Poster presented at the Departmental Conference 2016, the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
Leung, W. M, Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (12-5-2016). Life Education Through Picture Book. Poster presented at the Departmental Conference 2016, the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
Wong, K. S., Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (Co-PIs) (12-5-2016). Learning Fun in the Community. Poster presented at the Departmental Conference 2016, the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
Wong, K. S. (2012, April). The Education Reform of Hong Kong Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of Early Childhood Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China. 黃國茜 (2012年4月) «香港幼兒教育改革概況», 第二屆兒童學國際研討會,上海,上海師範大學教育學院。
CHOI Cheong, Ben & WONG Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Parents’ Views on Pre-Primary Education- the Case of a Kindergarten in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Lam Mei Yung, Hazel, Chan Chi Ying, Eliza, Choi Cheong, Ben, Ho Joyce, Lai Yuk Ching, Eva, Leung Yuk Lan, Edith, Mou Wai Pik, Wong Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Enhancing Children’s Learning & Development Through Integrated Multimedia Educational Programmes. Symposium held at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Lam Mei Yung, Hazel, Chan Chi Ying, Eliza, Choi Cheong, Ben, Ho Joyce, Lai Yuk ching, Eva, Leung Yuk Lan, Edith, Mou Wai Pik Wong Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Enhancing Children’s Learning & Development Through Integrated Multimedia Educational Programmes. Symposium held at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2009, July). Job stress and effects of social support on job satisfaction in kindergarten principals. Paper to be presented at the 16 Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association. Flinders University, Bedford Park, Adelaide, South Australia.
黃國茜、黎玉貞 (2009.5):香港學卷計劃對幼兒學校影響之個案研究,發表於「2009 幼兒教育專業、品質與卓越:幼教課程與幼兒園經營」學術研討會。台北,政冶大學。
Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (2007). Job-related stress, social support and burnout in kindergarten principals: The case of Zhangzhou. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Dominican Republic: 2007.7
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (2007). The influence of outcome importance and self-esteem on depersonalization in school counsellors. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society, Dominican Republic: 2007.7.
Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (2006). Administrators' perceptions of early childhood teacher training in Hong Kong: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, Australia: 2006.11.
Wong, K. S., & Chek, W. H. (2006). The impact of job-related stress and social support on burnout in kindergarten principals in the city of Guangzhou, China. Paper presented at the 27th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Crete, Greece: 2006.7.
Chek, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (2006). The impact of outcome importance of help offer and self-esteem of helper on depersonalization: The case of social workers in Macau. Paper presented at the 27th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Crete, Greece: 2006.7.
Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (2004, July). The impacts of outcome importance andself-esteem on teacher burnout. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2004, July). Job-related stress of kindergarten principals in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (2003, July). Depersonalization in kindergarten teachers in relation to rejection of help by fellow teachers and emotional support from family. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2003, July). The Influence of job-related stress and supervisor support on negative affects and job satisfaction in Guanzhou kindergarten principals. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (2001, July). The effects of being spurned and self-esteem on social workers burnout and coping preference. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2001, July). Job-related stress and social support in kindergarten principals: The case of Macau. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (1998, July). Being spurned, emotional support and depersonalization in Hong Kong kindergarten teachers. The 19th International Conference of Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Turkey.
Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (1998, July). Development of a spurning scale for nurses. The 19th International Conference of Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Turkey.
Cheuk, W. H. (1997, August). The influence of being spurned and coping style on teacher burnout. The Conference of American Psychological Association, USA.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1996, July). The effects of spurning, stress preparation and peer support on teacher burnout. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Austria.
Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (1996, July). Validating a spurning scale for teachers: The Chinese sample. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Austria, University of Graz.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1995, July). The effects of spurning and coping style on teacher burnout. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 20-21, Czechoslovakia.
田野、黃國茜和黃樹誠 (1994,三月):澳門小學課程現況及發展,文章發表於「世界經濟發展中海峽兩岸暨港澳地區全民教育發展之展望學術研討會」,臺北。

Other Conference Paper
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (2000, November), Defensive social comparisons in kindergarten principals. The Hong Kong Educational Research Association Local conference, Hong Kong.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S., (1999, March), Job-related stress of kindergarten principals in Hong Kong. The 4th International Conference of OMEP, Hong Kong.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S., (1999, March), Positive and negative aspects of interactions of kindergarten principals and their close friends. The 4th International Conference of OMEP, Hong Kong.
Chan, Y. Y., Cheuk, W. H., Koo, D. R., Wong, K. S., & Li, S. P., (1997, November), Educational development in Macau. The 14th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.
Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1996, November), The negative impact of peer support on teacher burnout., Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, 67, Hong Kong, HKIED.
Wong, K. S, Koo, D. R., Choi, C. B., Hui, K. F., & Lau, P. L. (1996, November), Educational development in Hong Kong and Macau, Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong. HKIED.
Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Siu, Y. F. P, (1995, November), Self-serving comparison processes in teachers' close friendships. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, HK.
Conference Proceeding (Refereed)
黃國茜 (1996):澳門小學社會、科學、健康教育綜合發展的漫談, 江蘇省人才學會編《人才與經濟、社會、文化發展》, 366-369, 南京, 東南大學出版社。
卓惠興、黃國茜 (1996):拒絕和壓力感對教師情緒的不良影嚮, 江蘇省人才學會編《人才與經濟、社會、文化發展》, 373-378, 南京, 東南大學出版社。
黃國茜、田野 (7/1995):澳門小學健康教育的現況及發展趨向, 朱永新編《邁向21世紀的國際理解教育 - 國際教育學研究大會蘇州會議論文選》, 228-232, 蘇州, 江蘇教育出版。
卓惠興、黃國茜 (1995):課程設置對增強師範生環境保護意識的作用, 朱永新編《邁向21世紀的國際理解教育 - 國際教育學研究大會蘇州會議論文選》, 104-105, 蘇州, 江蘇教育出版。
Wong, K. S. (1993). The effects of salary on job satisfaction and achievement among government and non-government and non-government school teachers in Macau., Proceeding of the Conference on Socioeconomic Development and Quality of Life in Macau, pp.187-191, Macau.
Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials
藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、陳之瑛、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 1. 開心保兒日記 – 家,香港,優質教育基金。 2. 開心保兒日記 – 寵物,香港,優質教育基金。 3. 開心保兒日記 – 公園及遊樂場,香港,優質教育基金。 4. 開心保兒日記 – 幫助我們的人,香港,優質教育基金。
藍美容、黎玉貞、何斯濃、陳芝瑛、梁玉蘭、繆慧碧、蔡昌、黃國茜(2011) : 開心保兒日記—幫助我們的人,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)?半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第十六至二十集,主題 : 幫助我們的人) ( Episode16-20, Theme: The people who are helping us)。
藍美容、何斯濃、黎玉貞、陳芝瑛、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 開心保兒日記—公園及遊樂場,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)?半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第十一至十五集,主題 : 公園及遊樂場) ( Episode11-15, Theme: Parks)。
藍美容、梁玉蘭、繆慧碧、陳芝瑛、何斯濃、黎玉貞、蔡昌、黃國茜(2011) : 開心保兒日記—寵物,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)?半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第六至十集,主題 : 寵物) ( Episode6-10, Theme: Pets)。
藍美容、何斯濃、黎玉貞、陳芝瑛、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 開心保兒日記—家,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)?半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第一至五集,主題 : 家)( Episode1-5, Theme: Family)。
黃國莤、韓重惠 (2006):《台灣幼教領導啟迪》,CD-R,香港,香港教育學院。
Published Teaching Materials
Wong, K.S. (1/2020). Learning and Teaching strategies sharing: Experiential Learning Activity: Field Visit to Tao Heung Museum of Food Culturehttps: The Education University of Hong Kong: ECE Department Resource Bank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4h0Cf4bZsI&feature=emb_title.
Wong, K.S. (4/2018). “Developing an ECE Experiential Learning Curriculum in the Community through Teacher Training” The Education University of Hong Kong: ECE Department Resource Bank https://mahara.eduhk.hk/view/view.php?id=115066
黃國茜、黎玉貞、梁衛文 (2017): 優質教育基金: 計劃整體成效 -- 「繪本中的生命教育」崇真會社會服務教學成效發佈會第三部分2,香港教育大學 幼兒教育學系 (Quality Education Fund: Dissemination conference on the Project Effectiveness) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYvhIhb_KWU&index=9&list=PLLk1HBQA-0ZesAfUauoyyr9r3LqqrTK4S
藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 《「透過多媒體綜合教育節目協助幼兒學習與發展」計劃 - 資源冊》,香港,優質教育基金。
Selected Output Categories
Article for newspaper and journal
黃國茜、王小文, (6/1999), 邁向目標:幼師培訓不容忽視, 星島日報, 香港。
黃國茜 (1998) : 望子成龍 《學校與家庭》 (香港﹕香港教育專業人員協會), 147 (7), 2-3。
High-level public or professional service
Professional Development Presentations/ Training
Wong, K.S. (10 June 2019). Teacher Training Workshop: Home-school-community collaborative curriculum for children’s experiential learning. S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Nursery (Kwai Chung), Hong Kong.
Wong, K.S. (2019, September). The Development of ECE Curriculum in Hong Kong. Good Habit Kindergarten, Shanghai.
Wong, K.S. (14 March 2019). Teacher Training Workshop: Strategies in developing experiential learning activities for young children. S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Nursery (Kwai Chung), Hong Kong.
Wong , K.S. (11 Jan 2019). Experiential Learning as a Learner-Centered Teaching Approach. Brown Bag Sharing: Examples of Learner-Centered Approaches in the classroom. Department of ECE, EDUHK.
Wong , K.S. (12 Dec 2018). Responding to the Diverse Learning Needs of Ethnic Minority Children in Hong Kong through Strategic Management. Seminar presentation at Learning and Teaching Expo 2018, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Wong, K.S. (18 October 2018). Teacher Training Workshop: Home-school collaboration for children learning with fun (帶領幼兒 走向社區 家校攜手 愉快學習). S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Nursery (Kwai Chung), Hong Kong.
Wong, K. S.& Mou, W.P. (2018, April). Teacher Training Seminar: Good Habit Development for Children. Well & Well group of Companies, Shanghai.
Wong, K.S. (February 2018). Public Lecture: 透過教師培訓 發展幼兒社區探索課程. Department of ECE, EDUHK.
Wong K. S. (11/1/2017, 21/2/2017, & 1/4/2017). C-for-Chinese@JC Project: School Leaders (賽馬會友趣學中文計劃:學校領導工作坊)(Created and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust)
Wong, K. S. (1 December 2016). The Development of School Leadership and Teacher Development in Early Childhood Setting (幼兒園的領導與教師發展), for Professional Training Programme for Jiangsu Kindergarten Principals and Teachers, China. (2016最美幼兒教師赴港培訓課程). Hong Kong: Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Wong, K. S. (17 May 2016). Preschool Leadership, Management and Teacher Development(幼兒園的領導、管理與教師發展), for Professional Training Programme for Guangxi Kindergarten Principals, China. (廣西幼兒園園長專業能力培訓課程). Hong Kong: Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Wong, K. S. (8 December 2015). Preschool Leadership, Management and Teacher Development(幼兒園的領導、管理與教師發展), for Professional Training Programme for Guangxi Kindergarten Principals, China. (廣西幼兒園園長專業能力培訓課程). Hong Kong: Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Academic Paper Reviewer:
Reviewer for conference paper submitted to the 8th Cross-Straits Four-Regions Sustainable Development Education Forum, Hong Kong. (11-12 November 2017)
Reviewer for conference paper submitted to the 7th Montessori Asia Conference Hong Kong 2017
Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, B. (2017). Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Home-School-Community Collaboration. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd.
Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, B. (2016). Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Curriculum and Instruction. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd.
Accreditation Service:
Wong, K. S., (July 2020). Panel Member of the Accreditation Exercise for Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ): HKCT Institute of Higher Education (HKCTIHE) Learning Programme Re-accreditation for Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Inclusive Education).
Consultancy Work
Consultant for the Education University of Hong Kong Past Student’s Association of Early Childhood Teacher Education Ltd (2019 to present)
Consultant for the Association of Shum Shui Po Early Childhood Education Principals (2019 to present)
Registered School Manager, The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (Rename in 2015: The Education University of Hong Kong Early Childhood Learning Centre) (Kindergarten Section) Manager Reference Number: 36232 (24 September 2010 to 2019).

Executive member, Working Team on University of Macau and ACEI-HKM Asia Conference: Children creativity and development in global age (October 2010)
Manager for The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (Kindergarten Section)(2010-2011)
Consultant for University-School Support Programmes: Empowering Early Childhood Institutions in Implementing Effective School-based Curriculum (EESC) (2009-2010) (The Salvation Army Ping Tin Kindergarten 救世軍平田幼稚園)
Co-ordinator, Team of School Visit, The 7th OMEP International Conference (22-25 May 2008)
Consultant for University-School Support Programmes: Empowering Early Childhood Institutions in Implementing Effective School-based Curriculum (EESC) (2008-2009) (Lung Kong World Federation School Limited Chu Sui Lan Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten 世界龍岡學校朱瑞蘭 (中英文) 幼稚園)
Consultant for School-based Quality Improvement Scheme (2008-2009) (Po Leung Kuk Choi KoonShum Kindergarten 保良局蔡冠森幼稚園)
Consultant for School-Based Quality Improvement Scheme (SBQIS) (1 January 2008 – 12 December 2008)
1 seminar on a reading project for 香港教育學院 豐幼兒發展中心 (幼師朗讀計劃, 2007-2008)
1 workshop on integrated curriculum for Christian Alliance Chen Lee Wing Tsing Memorial Kindergarten. (10 November 2006)
1 seminar on a reading project for 香港教育學院 豐幼兒發展中心 (幼師朗讀計劃, 2006-2007)
1 seminar on the current trends in the management of early childhood settings for the Zhe

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