

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

教學助理教授 (Fractional appointment)
(852) 2948 8169
(852) 2948 7160

MEd Sheffield
BEd Brunel

Research Areas
Educational Transition
Curriculum Design, Content and Evaluation
Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood Education

Selected Funded Projects
2018 A Quality Review of Hong Kong Creches Service - An ITERS-R Approach. Departmental Research Grant, Department of Early Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong.

2015 - 2016 Evaluating a Quality Infant and Toddler Curriculum (HK$ 300,480. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 2015-2016) (50% Chan, W.L.)

2013 - 2014

New Direction for Teacher Professional Development: Creative "QUEST CHIP" Early Childhood Music Curriculum

2013 - 2014

A Survey on the implementation of 15 Years Free Education, Hong Kong.

2012 -2016

Relationships between cognitive skills and language proficiencies in Cantonese and English among ECLC learners.

2012 - 2014

Early Childhood Professional Networks in Four Contexts: Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea.

2012 - 2013

An investigation into the modes of subsidy of early childhood education in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

2011 - 2012

Teaching for creativity: Promoting creative practices in preschool classrooms and the process of change

2011 - 2012 Principal investigator: Cheung, H.P.R., Chan, Wai Ling, Cheung, Lai Ha, Ching, Pui Sun, Ng, Mei Lee, Choi-Tse, Kang Chun & Mok, Mo Ching Magdalena, (Teaching for creativity: Promoting creative practices in preschool classrooms and the process of change), (Quality Education Fund), 2011-2012, HK$679, 500.
2010 - 2012

Organizational -based Quality Improvement Scheme

2007 - 2008

Empowering Children, Parents and Teachers for the Smooth Transition from Preschool to Primary School: Parentship between Preschool and Primary School


Making Children's Learning Visible Through Clay Activity

2004 - 2005

A Study of the Capacities of Graduates from the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre in the Domain of Reading Comprehension, Numeracy and Problem-Solving

2004 - 2006

Enhancing English learning in ESL young children through immersion in creative drama activities


Profiles of CE(ECE) Year One Students being Reading Tutors in ECLC

2002 - 2003

Expectations and experiences of teachers, parents and children concerning children transition from kindergarten to primary school 2002-2003

2002 - 2003

Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong Through the Eyes of Pioneers

2001 - 2002

The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Children Learning Centre (ECLC) Project


An Educational Visit to Korea

2000 - 2001

The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) Establishment Project Team 香港教育學院匯豐幼兒發展中心─研究與實踐並進,創本港學前教育先河

Selected Outputs
Journal Publications
Refereed Journal Article

2021 Capio, C.M., Chan, W.L., Li, E.S., (2021). Addressing the needs of early childhood teachers in promoting motor development through a co-design process. Journal of Education for Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2021.1959268

2020 Liu, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, K., Chan, W.L., (2020). Teacher-child relationship quality and Chinese toddlers’ developmental functioning A cross-lagged modelling approach. Children and Youth Services Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105192

2019 CHAN, W.L. (2019). A Systematic Approach to Assess the Quality of Centre-Based Care Services for Infants and Toddlers in Hong Kong. Journal of Education and Human Development. 8 (4), 105-118. DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n4a13

2019 CHAN, W.L. (2019). Exploring the Impacts of Staff-child Ratio on Quality of Early Childhood Care and Education - A comparative Case Study in Hong Kong. Journal of Education and Human Development. 8 (3), 52-63. DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n3a8


Zhang, X. & Chan, W.L. (2018). Effectiveness of the SIME Program for Infants and Toddlers in Center-Based Settings. Research on Social Work Practice, doi: 10.1177/1218, 1-19.


Chan. W.L. (2018). Challenges to the Infant Care Profession: Practitioners’ Perspectives. Early Child Development and Care, iFirst Article, https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2018.1432606, online, 1-13.


Chan, W.L. (2016). The Discrepancy between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices: A Study of Kindergarten Teachers in Hong Kong. Teacher Development, 20:3, 417-433


Chan, W.L. & Rao, N. (2013). Variation in the Qualities of Instruction Methods Adopted by Different Kindergartens in Hong Kong.International Journal of Early Childhood Learning,19,21-41.


Chan, W.L. (2012) Expectations for the Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School amongst Teachers, Parents and Children. Early Child Development and Care, 182(5), 639-664.


Chan, W.L. (2010) The Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School, as Experienced by Teachers, Parents and Children in Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, 180(7), 973-993.

Non-refereed Article

2018 Chan, W. L. (2018). Preschool Chinese Learning Pack: K2-K3, Pearson Education Asia Limited.


Chan, W. L. (2014).Preschool New Nursery Series Pupils Books 1-8. Pearson Education Asia Limited.


Chan, W. L. (2014).Pre-school New Nursery Series DVD with Parents’ Guide.Pearson Education Asia Limited.


陳惠玲 (2014) : 入學須知,載於明報《幼稚園選校全攻略2015-2016》,頁6-7,香港,明報報業有限公司。


陳惠玲 (2014) : 襪子該誰洗,載於《樂活. 家》,25期,頁1,香港,閱亮點有限公司。


陳惠玲 (2014) : 讚賞子女「叻」有何不妥?載於《樂活. 家》,24期,頁40,香港,閱亮點有限公司。


陳惠玲 (2014) : 孩子入學的準備大計,載於《樂活. 家》,23期,頁8,香港,閱亮點有限公司。


陳惠玲 (2014) : 關於閱讀,你可以做的是….. ,載於《樂活. 家》,22期,頁4,香港,閱亮點有限公司。


陳惠玲 (2014) : 學前班學甚麼? 載於《樂活. 家》,21期,頁4,香港,閱亮點有限公司。


陳惠玲 (2013) : 如何揀選幼稚園,載於《樂活. 家》,20期,頁42-43,香港,閱亮點有限公司。


陳惠玲 (2013) : 選校四大因素,載於《親子王》,165期,頁12,香港,星島日報。


陳惠玲 (2013) : 幼師訴求非「曲高和寡」《星島日報》2013年5月21日。


陳惠玲 (2013) : 送尖子到海外vs. 促進本地幼師專業《明報》2013年3月22日。


陳惠玲 (2013) : 比照澳門台灣落實十五年免費教育的困難《信報》2013年3月16日。


陳惠玲 (2012) : 促進優質幼兒教育 ---教師專業發展及教師角色的探思《會訊創刊號》,大埔及北區幼兒教育校長會。


Chan, L & Chan W.L. (2005) Paired Reading – Student Teachers reading to Preschoolers (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 4(1), 62-64


Li, Y.L. & Chan, W.L. (2004). Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong Through the Eyes of Pioneers (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 3(1), 51-55

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph


陳惠玲 (2014) :香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況的反思,輯於陳惠玲,黃國 茜編,《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》,頁118-130,香港,教育出版社有很公司。


陳惠玲、鄭佩華、黃國茜 (2014) :香港幼兒教育現況與發展,輯於陳惠玲,黃國茜編,《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》,頁11-51,香港,教育出版社有很公司。


陳惠玲、黃國茜 (2014) :香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育簡介,輯於陳惠玲,黃國茜編,《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》,頁6-9,香港,教育出版社有很公司。




林美嫦、陳惠玲 (2008) : 《賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃》,香港,香港教育學院豐幼兒發展中心。


Wong, W.Y., Chan, W.L., & Lam, P.W. (2006). Creative Young Children: Sky and Earth. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institution of Education.

Chapter in an edited book


黃潔薇、李婉玲和陳惠玲 (2003):《幼師筆下的教育面面觀》,香港,香港教育學院。


Tsui, K.Y., Chan, W.L. & Wong, K.M. (2003). Professional teacher. In W.Y. Wong & M.L. Cheng (Eds.), The journey of early childhood education (pp.196-234). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House. (in Chinese)

Book Edited

2015 陳惠玲、關珊(2015):學校、大自然、文化 - 課程設計與推行,香港,香港教育學院。




陳惠玲﹑關珊編(2013) :《敢問﹑感學,課程設計與推行》,香港,香港教育學院。

Conference Papers
Refereed Conference Paper

2015 Chan, W.L. (2015, April). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and teaching in Hong Kong. Presented at the “Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education”, Hong Kong.

Ng, M. L., Yu Chan, W. L., Wong, K. M. B., & Yuen, W. K. G. (2008). English immersion experience for Hong Kong preschoolers: What can we hear from the children's voices?. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece: 2008.5.


Yuen, G. W. K., Ng, M. L., Wong, B. K. M., & Yu Chan, W. L. (2006). Enhancing English learning in ESL young children through immersion creative activities: Hong Kong experiences. Paper presented at the 4th Korean Society for Early Childhood Education International Conference, Seoul, South Korea: 2006.10.


黃潔薇、余陳惠玲(2001, June):新文化中的幼兒教育工作者,Symposia presented at the 5th International Conference of OMEP - Hong Kong. Hong Kong, China.

Other Conference Paper

2017 Chan, W.L. (2017, May). Chat Room: Issue in Transition. Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) –Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children. Department of Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong.

2017 Chan, W.L. (2017, May). Invited Panel Member of the Symposium "Smooth Transition to Primary School: Promoting School Readiness for All Children". OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Hong Kong.

2017 Chan, W.L., Zhang X., Lam, P. W., & Mau, Y. C. (2017, May). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Poster Presentation at the “Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education: Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children”, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


Chan, W.L. & Rao, N. (2012). Variation in the Qualities of Instruction Methods Adopted by Different Kindergartens in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The 19thInternational Conference on Learning, London.


Chan, W.L. (2009, October). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong : A multiple Case Study. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education – Osaka, Japan.


Yu Chan, W. L. (2008). Identifying the teaching and learning approaches in kindergartens of varying quality in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece: 2008.5.


Yu Chan, W. L., Duthie, S., & Lau, P. M. (2008). Empowering children, parents and teachers for the smooth transition from preschool to primary school: Partnership between preschool and primary school. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong: 2008.5.


Ng M.L. Chan W.L.,; Wong K.M.,; and; Yuen, W.K.(2007),. English Immersion Experience for Hong Kong Preschoolers: What can we hear from the children’s voices? Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education – Athens, Greece.


Chan. W.L.; Duthie, S and Lau P.M., (2007) Empowering children, parents and teachers for the smooth transition from preschool to primary school: Partnership between preschool and primary school. Paper presented at The 7th International Conference of O.M.E.P. – Hong Kong.


Chan, W. L. (2005, September).Paired Reading- Student Teachers reading to Preschoolers. Paper presented at the 2005 International Conference on Chinese Culture and Early Childhood Education of Chinese National Committee of OMEP.


Chan, W. L. (2004, July).Expectations and Experiences of Teachers, Parents and Children Concerning Children’s Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School. Paper presented at the XXIV World Congress of OMEP Conference. Melbourne.


Chan, W. L. (2004, March).幼兒學習歷程檔案的建立. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference of OMEP – Hong Kong.


Yu Chan, W. L. (2002, June). Appraisal systems in child care centres - Improving motivation and relationships. Paper presented at the Creche & Kindergarten International Childhood Conference. Queenslands.


Yu Chan, W. L. (2001, July). Evaluation of the management of TQM in pre-school education in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 11th World Congress of Comparative Education. Chungbuk, Korea National University of Education, South Korea.


Yu Chan, W. L. & Wong, K.M.(2001, June):新文化中的幼兒教育工作者,Paper presented at the 5th International Conference of OMEP - Hong Kong.

Conference Proceeding (Refereed)


Chan, W.L. (2009, October). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong : A multiple Case Study. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Education. p.965-974. Osaka, Japan.

Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials


陳惠玲 (2008) : 《賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃之幼兒活動花絮》,香港,香港教育學院豐幼兒發展中心。


Yu Chan, W. L. & Wong, K.M. (2002). Programs of the Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre. (HK$51,000, HKIEd Special Project)

Published Teaching Materials


Course Group Leader of the Department of Early Childhood Education (2009-2010)


林美嫦、陳惠玲 (2008):《賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃》,香港,香港教育學院豐幼兒發展中心。


Wong, W.Y., Chan, W.L., & Lam, P.W. (2006). Creative Young Children: Sky and Earth. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institution of Education.


Li, Y.L. & Yu Chan, W. L. (2004). Pioneer of Early Childhood Education: Mrs ChuTang Lai Kuen The Hong Kong Journal of Early Education, 7 (1), 47-50.


黃潔薇、李婉玲、余陳惠玲(編) (2003) 《香港幼師眼中的幼兒教育》。香港。 香港教育學院。


黃潔薇、李婉玲和余陳惠玲(編) (2003) :《幼師筆下的教育面面觀》,香港,香港教育學院。

Selected Output Categories
High-level public or professional service

2019 2019 Seminar on “Quality Infants and Toddler Program”. EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre (May 2019).

2019 2019 Staff Development Training for Kindergarten Teachers and Primary Teachers “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” Macau SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macau. (2018-2019).

2018 2018 Guest Host in four sessions of the program “Oh! 爸媽 – Ohpama.com一站式升學、親子網站” in the title of “教養是咁的” (December 2018).

2018 2018 Guest Speaker in the program “你想教師” in RTHK (September 2018).

2018 2018 Invited Speaker in a seminar on“Curriculum implementation” for kindergarten teachers organized by the Pearson Education Asia Limited (March 2018).

2017 2017 Staff Development Training for Kindergarten Teachers. “Children’s Portfolio and Documentation”. Escola De Santa Teresa School, Macau (August 2017).

2017 Chan, W.L., Zhang X., Lam, P. W., & Mau, Y. C. (2017). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Project Dissemination Seminar for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community Service, Hong Kong.

2017 Chan, W.L. (2017). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Seminar for the Neighborhood Advice-Action Council Sun Chui Day Crèche..

2017 Chan, W.L. (2017). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Seminar for the Yan Chai Hospital C.C. Everitt Day Crèche.

2017 Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for -kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2017

2016 Chan, W.L. (2016). Reviewer of the Book : 樂在「問題-探索-經驗」. Centre for Childhood Research and Innovation, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong.

2016 Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for -kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2016

2015 Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for -kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2015


Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for kindergarten teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2014


The School Manager of the Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Kindergarten (August 2014 to present)


A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life”for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Kwai Chung on 10 May 2014.


A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life”for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Kindergarten on 3 May 2014.


A seminar on“2-3 Nursery series” for kindergarten teachers organized by Pearson Education Asia Limited on 22 February 2014.


Guest Host in the 21 sessions of DBC program by Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited “親親寶貝” from December 2013 to January 2014.


Guest Host in one session DBC program by Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited “校園巡禮” in December 2013.


A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Sheung Shui Kindergarten the on 24 August 2013.


A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Kwai Chung on 26 August 2013.


A seminar on“Preparation of primary School Life for parents organized by the HKIEd Jockey Club Primary School in August 2013.


Reviewer of theHong Kong Journal of Early Childhoodin 2013.


Reviewer of theSocial Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada(SSHRC) in 2013.


Reviewer of theInternational Journal of Learningin 2012.


Reviewer of theEducation Research Internationalin 2012.


Speaker of the Professional Forum of The Hong Kong Paediatric Society 50thAnniversary Celebration on 5 July 2012.


A seminar on“Preparation of Primary School Life for parents” organized by the HKIEd Jockey Club Primary School in August 2012.


A seminar on“Preparation of Primary School Life for parents” organized by the Rosaryhill Kindergarten Parent–Teacher Association in February 2012.


A public seminar on “賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃” for teachers of primary school and kindergartens organized by the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre in June 2007.


Staff development for 12 pre-schools of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children in November 2005.


Guest host in two sessions TVB program “升?王” in the titles of “幼稚園面試技巧” and “幼稚園入學適應” in April 2005.


Staff development for 4 pre-school teachers of the Association of Evangelical Free Churches of Hong Kong in December 2004.


A public seminar “開幼兒心窗迎小一” for primary teachers and kindergarten teachers organized by HKIEd in 10th Anniversary of HKIEd in November 2004.


A public seminar “了解0至6歲子女:兒童發展與選校多方位接觸” for parents of primary school organized by HKIEd SECE and HKedCity (香港教育城) in November 2004.


Staff development for teachers of the Shatin Government Primary A.M. School in August 2004.


Staff development for 10 pre-schools teachers of the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association in December 2003.


Staff development for teachers of the Tsang Shing D.C.A. Siu Luen School in September 2003.

External Appointment

2021 School Manager of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Ching Lok Kindergarten/Ching Lok Nursery (from September 2021 onwards).

2021 School Manager of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Ching Lok Kindergarten (Yaumatei)/Ching Lok Nursery (Yaumatei) (from September 2021 onwards).

2021 School Manager of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups KK Cheng Kindergarten (from September 2021 onwards).

2021 Chairperson of The 2ndAward for Outstanding Life Education Teaching Plan (Early Childhood Education). Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education. The Education University of Hong Kong (2020-2021)

2021 Consultant of Kindergarten-Primary Bridging Project 360「幼小銜接360」計劃, Department of Early Childhood Education, Educational Innovation Leadership Project, The Education University of Hong Kong. (April 2021 - September 2021)

2020 Member of the Programme Advisory Committee of Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE) Programme, Gratia Christian College. (2020-2022)

2020 Honourable Advisor of the Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department (2020 – present).

2019 Consultant of “香港「安吉遊戲」學習圈計劃” 香港幼稚園教育專業交流協會 (2019-2020).

2020 CHAN, W.L. (2020). Chairperson of The 1st Award for Outstanding Life Education Teaching Plan (Early Childhood Education). Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education. The Education University of Hong Kong.

2017 Assessment Panel Member on Kindergarten Education of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence. (2017-2018).

2017 Supervisor of the EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre (2017-2020)

2017 Panel Member of a child care program validation exerciseof the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ) (May 2017- August 2017).

2016 Consultant of the Diploma Course in Nursery Trainer Training, Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau (2016-2017).

2016 Consultant of the Preschool Chinese Learning Pack: K1-K3, Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong (2016-2018).

2016 Chan, W.L. (2016). Consultant of the Diploma Course in Nursery Trainer Training. Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau.

2014 School Manager of the Yan Oi Tong Tin Kai Ping Kindergarten (from 2014 onwards).

2013 Group Member of the Education Drafting Group on Child Health Policy for Hong Kong of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society (March 2013 to June 2015)

2012 Honorary Advisor in Curriculum Development of the Hong Kong Student Aid Society Po Tat Nursery (2012- 2013).

2011 The Supervisor of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (October 2011 to January 2015)

2011 Honorary Vice Chairperson of the Tai Po & North District Early Childhood education (ECE) Principal Association (2011- to present)

2011 Consultant of one Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens in the design of context strategies aiming to catalyze educational reform through the empowerment of the organization. On-site support and staff development are provided (2011-2012).

2010 Associate Director of the HKIEd Centre for Childhood Research & Innovation (CCRI) (2010-2013).

2010 Consultant of the two years project for four Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens in the design of context strategies aiming to catalyze educational reform through the empowerment of the organization. On-site support and staff development are provided (2010-2012).

2009 Curriculum Development Consultant for the Centre of Early Childhood Research and Development (2009-2010).

2008 Advisor of an environmental education and improvement project “Eco-Blocks for Eco Schools” organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2008-2010.

2007 Honorary Chairperson of the Tai Po Pre-primary Service Principal Association (2007-2011)

2005 Curriculum Consultant of the Hong Ying Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten in 2005-2006.

2003 Curriculum Consultant of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Nicken Kindergarten in 2003-2004.

2002 Vice Chairman of Tai Po Pre-primary Service Principal Association (2002-2007)

2001 School Manager of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (2001-2007, 2009-2011).

相关话题/博士 香港教育大学 幼儿教育