

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

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MEd(Early Childhood) S Queensland
BSSc Lingnan

Research Areas
Play-based curriculum
STEAM Education in ECE
Teaching and Learning approaches in ECE
Pedagogies and care of infants and toddlers

Selected Funded Projects
2020 - 2022 Tang, Y.F., Chan,P.L., Cheng Y. L., Wong, K. S. (CoPI), Chung, S.L., Han, C. W., Hu, X., Hui, L. P. Lam, H. C., Lau, C. W., Leung, W. M., Mou, W. P., and Woo, Y. S. (CoI). (November 2020 –December 2022). Project on EdU Online Classes Platform. Faculty of Education and Human Development. $2,500,000).

2020 - 2022 Research Impact Cluster ($600,000). Extending the Margin of Play. (Co-investigator) (2020-2022)

2020 - 2022 Quality Education Fund (HK$263,200). 幼稚園大自然教育:生態大發現. (2020-2022) (Project No:

2018 - 2019 CRAC Project (FEHD) on eLearning initiatives development on “Nature Education” for BEd (ECE) part-time programme.

2018 - 2019 Specific SEWs funding (HK$19,968). “Enhancing Students’ learning on designing and planning nature education and STEAM activities for young children” (Project Leader)

2016 - 2017 Specific SEWs funding (HK$18,048). “Enhance pre-service’s learning on designing
multimedia learning materials for young children” (Project Leader)

2016-2017 Promoting digital evidence-based reflection in teaching practicum by using iPads for early childhood student teachers

2015-2016 Using IPad to promote evidence-based reflection of pre-service student teachers
2013-2014 Empower early childhood educator’s multimodal learning experience

2012 - 2013

Enhancing abilities on designing different teaching materials for children project

2012 - 2013

Enhancing abilities on designing different teaching materials for children project


A Teacher handbook for practicing Children Financial Education in Kindergarten Pupils

2007 - 2008

Creating a Community of Practice with ICT: An Internet Based Initiative

2006 - 2007

Educational Visits and Exchange with ECE Institutions in Mainland

2006 - 2007

Educational Visits to the Mainland (funded by The Hong Kong Bank Foundation)


IT Research Project

2005 - 2006

A case study on the roles of Hong Kong Kindergarten Principals in Teachers Professional Development in Implementing Information Technology in Education

Selected Outputs
Refereed Journal

Cheng,Y.L, Hu,X.Y. & Ip,C.H. (2013). Using Tablet Computer in the Early Childhood Education: The Experience in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood , 12(1), 29-36 (in Chinese)

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters


劉慧中、梁長城(主編) (2016) : 一個故事媽媽的分享:親子閱讀八步曲《親子樂閱讀指南》,香港,星島出版有限公司。

2012 鄭婉玲(2012): 《幼童健營食譜DIY》,香港,香港教育學院


鄭婉玲(2010) 《幼兒理財教材套》,香港,香港教育學院

Chapter in an edited book

2016 胡馨允、鄭婉玲 (2016):評述科技和互動媒體對幼兒課程的聯合立場報告,輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀編《幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集本(七)》,(頁52-64),香港,香港教育學院。

2016 許麗平、鄭婉玲、梁玉蘭、何斯濃(2016):本港少數族裔學前兒童的學習-----與一所幼稚園校長的訪問,輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀編《幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集本(七)》,(頁52-64),香港,香港教育學院。


邱曉葦 鄭婉玲(2012):學前教育機構對資訊及通訊科技教育政策的檢視與再思:一所幼稚園的個案研究,《幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集(五)》,香港教育學院,頁23-29


林愛娟 鄭婉玲(2012):校本資訊科技政策之檢視、反思與重新制訂,《幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集(四)》,香港教育學院,頁23-29

2009 鄭婉玲(2009): 幼師落實「資訊科技融入教學」應具備之資訊素養與提升之道,《幼兒教育面觀:研究與實務結集(二)》,香港教育學院,頁23-29


鄭婉玲 (2009): 《如何替孩子揀選遊戲小組?----參加遊戲小組問與答》,《選擇》,2009年5號,第391期,頁27。

Conference Paper
2021 Wong,K.S, Tang,Y.F, Chan,P.L & Cheng,Y.L (2021 Dec). Community of Practice on E-learning in Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at the International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021.

2014 Hu, X., & Cheng, Y. L. (2014, November). Using interactive media to promote young children's learning. Paper presented at the the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) & the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


Yeung, S. S. S., Hui, L. P., Cheng, Y. L., Leung, Y. L., & Ho, J. (2014, July). Identifying Chinese children who have English reading difficulties. Paper presented at the 3rd Asian Conference on Civil, Material and Environmental Sciences, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.


Cheng Y.L. and Hu, X.Y. (2014 February). Empower early educator’s multimodal learning experience (Faculty-level TDG 2013-14), L &T@ HKIEd 2014 Mini Conference, Hong Kong.


Cheng Y.L and Hu, XY (2015 March) Empower early educator’s multimodal learning experience (TDG 2013-14), Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong.

Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials
Published Teaching Materials

2021 Video
Fung,S.W & Cheng,Y.L. (2021) “the Dimension of Play「遊戲的導向」” under the Departmental Research Cluster Impact of ”“Extending Margin of Play”


鄭婉玲 (2009) :序,《快快樂樂上Playgroup》,香港,世界出版社。


張杏冰、梁玉蘭、鄭婉玲及許麗平 (2007): 《朗文快樂學習與成長系列全方位學習教材套》, 香港。


張杏冰、梁玉蘭、鄭婉玲及許麗平 (2007): 《學前教育課程指引》, 香港,全方位學習教材。

Article for newspaper and journal
2017 鄭婉玲(2017年6月16日):新一代孩童自主學習的培養,《星島日報》,頁F2,香港。


鄭婉玲(2016): 幼稚園選校輕鬆上學去,《Baby 親子雜誌》,香港,第272期,頁32-36


鄭婉玲(2016): 幼稚園面試秘笈,《Baby 親子雜誌》,香港,第274期,頁30-31


鄭婉玲(2016年9月27日):電子產品對幼童的利與弊 ,《星島日報》,頁F2,香港。

2016 鄭婉玲(2016 年 6 月 16 日):新一代孩童自主學習的培養 ,《星島日報》,頁 F2,香港。

Selected Output Categories
High-level public or professional service
2022 Parent education seminar “Nature education and Healthy development of children” in The EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre
2021 Teacher training workshop “Implementation of Nature education in preschool” in The EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre
2021 Teacher training workshop “Play-based learning environment and areas settings” in St James Catholic Kindergarten
2018 Parent-Child workshop in Family Education Day (點止遊戲咁簡單) “ STEM parent-child workshop” organized by Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK.
2018 Guest of Honor for the opening ceremony of the graduation of TWGHs Tin Wan Kindergarten
2018 Parent-Child workshop “STEM at home” in Family Education Day of Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK
2017 tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by Caritas Institute of Community Education
2016 Parent education seminar “How to develop multiple intelligences in young learners” in Tai Po Methodist Kindergarten
2016 Teacher training workshop “ Impanation of Project Approach in preschool” in Truth Baptist Church Empower Kindergarten
2016 A series of parent workshops “Infant massage and children development” in BB doctor 2014-present Consultant and Jury of Design For Change
2016 tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by Caritas Institute of Community Education
2015 tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by Caritas Institute of Community Education
2014 tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by Caritas Institute of Community Education
2013 Consultant of Modern Educational Research Society, LTD
2012 Consultant of Abbott Laboratories Limited
2010 Speaker of graduation ceremony in Buddhist Tcfs Yeung Tam Yuen Fong Kindergarten
2007 Member of the Honorary Advisory Board of the Longman Early Childhood Education (LECE) Research Centre
2007-2008 Consultant of Annunciation Catholic Kindergarten
2007-2010 Curriculum developer of a new CPE programme namely Applied Learning Programme
2007-2008 a series of workshops “A meaningful learning and teaching” in Annunciation Catholic Kindergarten
2007 Speaker at the Open Day of St. Patrick’s School with the theme “情繫祖國 幼小同心慶回歸”.
2007 Staff development seminars/workshops conducted for kindergartens during 2007-08.
All other outputs
Consultant, External Examiner, academic services
2017 to present External Examiner, Certificate of Early Childhood Playgroup Tutor, Universal College of Higher Education.
2014-2019 Consultant, Design for Change Hong Kong

相关话题/博士 香港教育大学 幼儿教育