(852) 2948 7614
(852) 2948 7160
PhD in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BSSc in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Areas
Numeracy development
Socio-emotional development
Quality of home environment
Teacher education
Selected Funded Projects
2020-2022 Principal Investigator, Relationships among parental beliefs, home numeracy activities, young children’s numeracy skills and interest, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 1/2020 – 6/2022, HK$679,150
Selected Outputs
Journal Publications
Refereed Journal Article
2021 Cheung, S. K., & Chan, W. W. L. (2021). The roles of different executive functioning skills in young children’s mental computation and applied mathematical problem solving. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Early view. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12396
2021 Hornburg, C. B., Borriello, G.A., Kung, M., Lin, J., Litkowski, E., Cosso, J., Ellis, A., King, Y., Zippert, E., Cabrera, N., Davis-Kean, P., Eason, S. H., Hart, S. A., Iruka, I., LeFevre, J.-A., Simms, V., Susperreguy, M. I., Cahoon, A., Chan, W. W. L., Cheung, S. K., Coppola, M., De Smedt, B., Elliot, L., Estévez-Pérez, N., Gallagher-Mitchell, T., Gardner-Neblett, N., Gilmore, C., Leyva, D., Maloney, E. A., Manolitsis, G., Melzi, G., Mutaf-Y?ld?z, B., Nelson, G., Niklas, F., Pan, Y., Ramani, G. B., Skwarchuk, S.-L., Sonnenschein, S., & Purpura, D. J. (2021). Next directions in measurement of the home mathematics environment: An international and interdisciplinary perspective. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 7, 195-220. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.6143
2021 Yang, X., Dulay, K. M., McBride, C., & Cheung, S. K. (2021). How do phonological awareness, RAN, and vocabulary contribute to early numeracy and print knowledgeofFilipinochildren? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 209, 105179.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105179
2021 Cheung, S. K., & Kwan, J. L. Y. (2021). Parents’ perceived goals for early mathematics learning and their relations with children’s motivation to learn mathematics. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 56, 90-102.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2021.03.003
2021 Cheung, S. K., Dualy, K. M., Yang, X., Mohseni, F., & McBride, C. (2021). Home literacy and numeracy environments in Asia.Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 578764. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.578764
2021 Cheung, S. K., Kwan, J. L.-Y., & Yim, K. Y. K. (2021). Pre-service early childhood teachers’ perceptions about sexuality education and behavioural intentions towards children’s curiosity about sexuality. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47, 89-103. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2020.1829964
2020 Cheung, S. K.,Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2020). Parents’ characteristics, the home environment, and children’s numeracy skills: How are they related in low-to middle-income families in the Philippines? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 192, 104780. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104780
2020 Liu, C., Cheung, S. K., Chung, K. K. H., McBride, C., Lam, C. B., & Li, X. (2020). The roles of executive functioning and oral language skills in young Chinese children's arithmetic competence. Learning and Individual Differences, 77, 101810. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2019.101810
2019 Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K.,& McBride, C. (2019). Intergenerational transmission of word reading skills among Filipino families. Developmental Science, 22, e12859. doi: 10.1111/desc.12859
2019 Cheung, S. K., Fong, R. W., Leung, S. K. Y., & Ling, E. K. (2019). The roles of Hong Kong preservice early childhood teachers’ creativity and zest in their self-efficacy in creating child-centered learning environments. Early Education and Development, 30, 788-799. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2019.1586224
2019 Cheung, S. K., & Kam, C. S. (2019). Hong Kong pre-service early childhood teachers’ attitudes towards parental involvement and the role of their family relationship quality. Journal ofEducation for Teaching, 45, 4, 417-433. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2019.1639261
2019 Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., Reyes, P., & McBride, C. (2019). Effects of parent coaching on Filipino children’s numeracy, language, and literacy skills.Journal of Educational Psychology,111, 641-662. doi: 10.1037/edu0000315
2018 Zhang,J., Cheung, S. K.*,Wu, C., & Meng, Y. (2018). Cognitive and affective correlates of Chinese children’s mathematical word problem solving. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2357. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02357
2018 Cheung, S. K., Yang, X., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2018). Family and individual variables associated with young Filipino children’s numeracy interest and competence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 36, 334-353.doi: 10.1111/bjdp.12222
2018 Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2018). Environmental correlates of early language and literacy in low-middle income Filipino families. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 53, 45-56. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.02.002
Zhang, J., Fan, X., Cheung, S. K., Meng, Y., Cai, Z., & Hu, B. Y. (2017). The role of early language abilities on math skills among Chinese children. PLOS ONE, 12, e0181074. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181074
Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2017). Effectiveness of parent-child number board game playing in promoting Chinese kindergarteners’ numeracy skills and mathematics interest. Early Education and Development, 28, 572-589. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2016.1258932
Cheung, S. K., Ling, E. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2017). Beliefs associated with support for child-centered learning environment among Hong Kong pre-service early childhood teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43, 232-244. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2017.1286785
Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2015). Evaluation of a parent training program for promoting Filipino young children’s number sense with number card games. Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts, 5, 39-49. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5723/csac.2015.5.1.039
Zhou, Y. L., McBride-Chang, C., Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2012). A comparison of phonological awareness, lexical compounding, and homophone training for Chinese word reading in Hong Kong kindergartners. Early Education and Development, 23, 475-492. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2010.530478
Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2011). Relations of gender, gender-related personality characteristics, and dating status to adolescents’ cross-sex friendship quality. Sex Roles, 64, 59-69. doi: 10.1007/s11199-010-9880-5
Ip, H. M., Cheung, S. K., McBride-Chang, C., & Chang, L. (2008). Associations of warmth and control of Filipina domestic helpers and mothers to Hong Kong kindergarten children's social competence. Early Education and Development, 19, 284-301. doi: 10.1080/13988
Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2007). Correlates of cross-sex friendship satisfaction in Hong Kong adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31, 19-27. doi: 10.1177/3532
Cheung, S. K., Kong, Y. C., Li, Y. L., Wong, W. Y., & McBride-Chang, C. (2005). Getting an ‘Aha!’ with different types of hints. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem-Solving, 15, 47-58.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book
2021 Cheung, S. K. (2021). Friendship satisfaction. In F. Maggino (Ed.),Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (2nd ed.). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69909-7
Cheung, S. K. (2015). Coeducation and single-sex schooling. In J. D. Wright (Ed.-in-chief), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences: Vol. 3 (2nd ed.) (pp. 926-931). Oxford: Elsevier.
Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2014). Friendship satisfaction. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 2364-2367). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Conference Papers
Invited Conference Presentation
Cheung, S. K. (2016, October). Learning activities for promoting young children’s self-regulation. Workshop delivered at the International Symposium on Child Care and Development, Hong Kong, China.
Refereed Conference Presentation
2021 Cheung, S. K., & Li, Z. Y. (2021, July). Strategies adopted by Hong Kong parents to promote young children’s mathematical development. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Wellington, New Zealand.
2021 Cheung, S. K., Cheng W. Y., Cheung, R. Y. M., Lau, E. Y. H., & Chung, K. K. H. (2021, April). Relationships between young children’s home learning environment, school liking and early academic skills. Poster presented at the Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.
2020 Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2020, December). Cognitive precursors of young children’s addition story problem solving. In S. K. Cheung (Chair), The roles of different domain-general and domain-specific skills in children’s mathematical competence. Symposium conducted at the 2020 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Virtual Conference.
2020 Cheung, S. K., Li, Z. Y., Chan, W. W. L., Chan, Y. Y., & Myat Kyaw, H. M. (2020, October). Parents’ interactive behaviors during joint play with children: What matters for children’s early mathematics ability? Poster presented at the Home Math Environment Virtual Conference.
2020 Cheung, S. K., Kwan, J. L.-Y., Li, Z. Y., & Kwan, K. T. (2020, October). Relationships between home numeracy activities, parental numeracy guidance, and young children’s numeracy interest and competence. Poster presented at the Home Math Environment Virtual Conference.
2020 Kwan, J. L.-Y., Cheung, R. Y.-H., &Cheung, S. K. (2020, July).Interaction between parental beliefs about the nature of mathematics on children’s motivation to learn mathematics. Poster presented at the 2020 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Virtual Conference.
2019 Cheung, S. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2019, July). Hong Kong young children’s home numeracy environment and its relation to their interest in mathematics. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
2019 Cheung, S. K., & Fong, R. W. (2019, June). Roles of parents’ sense of perfectionism towards children’s learning and home numeracy activities in young children’s numeracy skills? In K. Lee (Chair), Home numeracy activities and mathematical achievement. Symposium conducted at the 2019 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
2019 Cheung, S. K., & Zhang, J. (2019, June). Children’s performance on algorithmic computation task in timed and untimed situations: Does executive functioning matter? In K. Lee (Chair), Are inhibitory skills important for mathematical performance? Symposium conducted at the 2019 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
2019 Cheung, S. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2019, June). Parents’ perceived goals of early math learning, frequency of home math activities, and young children’s math development. Paper presented at the Research Conference on Child Development, Hong Kong, China.
2018 Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2018, July). Coaching disadvantaged Filipino parents on guidance of young children’s numeracy skills: Can the initial benefits sustain over time? In R. Jocson (Chair), Socioeconomic context and parenting: Influences on young children and adolescents in the Philippines. Symposium conducted at the 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Gold Coast, Australia.
2018 Chung, K. K. H., Li, X., Lam, C. B., Lam, C. Y., Lai, P. Y., McBride, C., & Cheung, S. K. (2018, July). Addressing the reading achievement gap among low-income families: An early reading intervention program. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, United Kingdom.
2018 Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2018, July). Easier in hindsight: Profiles of Filipino beginning readers and non-readers. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, United Kingdom.
2018 Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., Yang, X., & McBride, C. (2018, June). Home learning environment or parents’ characteristics: Which matters more for Filipino children’s numeracy skills? Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Prague, Czech Republic.
2018 Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2018, February). Early and concurrent correlates of Cebuano invented spelling ability among Filipino children. Poster presented at the Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Tsukuba,Japan.
Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2017, July). Children's early literacy skills, parents’ attitudes, home literacy environment among low-income families in the Philippines. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Kam, C. S., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong pre-service preschool teachers’ attitudes towards home-school collaboration and their correlates. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.
Kwan, M. N., Ho, P. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Effects of a play-based social skill training program on young children with language delay. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.
Wong, C. W., Yuan, A., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Effects of dialogic reading using picture books on a child with developmental language delay. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.
Cheung, L. C., Lee, S. S., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Relations of Hong Kong young children’s home reading resources and habits to their oral vocabulary skills and reading interest. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.
Lam, Y., Wong, S. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Strategies for promoting young children’s social competence: A case study of a Hong Kong nursery school. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.
Leung, W. H., Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong pre-service preschool teachers’ self-efficacy and its relation to their practicum and university experiences. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.
So, W. Y. H., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong pre-service and in-service preschool teachers’ perception and management strategies of young children’s aggressive behavior. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.
Cheng, T. K., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). A case study of the effectiveness of social stories to enhance the social skills of a young child with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education 2017, Toronto, Canada.
Yiu, Y. H., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong parents’ involvement in early childhood education and its associations with parent-child relationship and children’s social competence. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education 2017, Toronto, Canada.
Tso, W. K., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). What can young children’s artworks tell? Possibilities and challenges of assessing young children’s multiple intelligences through their artworks. Paper presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.
Yim, K. Y. K., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards sexuality education. Paper presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.
Cheng, C. T., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). Hong Kong parents’ educational expectations for their young children: Do gender differences exist? Poster presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.
Leung, H. T., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). A case study of the effectiveness of a reinforcement program in enhancing young children’s sustained attention. Poster presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.
Wong, P. N., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). Hong Kong pre-service and in-service kindergarten teachers’ conception of creativity and creativity education practices. Poster presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.
Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2017, April). Relationships among socioeconomic status, home literacy environment, early vocabulary and pre-literacy skills among Filipino children. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, Texas, USA.
Lee, K. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Effects of imagery activities on young children’s verbal and non-verbal creativity. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.
Li, Z. Y. C., Fong, L., Kwan, M. N., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and practices about promoting children’s creativity. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.
Chow, Y. Y. M., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about teaching of writing. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.
Liu, K. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Relations of home environment and parent-child relationship to young children’s creativity. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.
Lo, P. K. J., Leung, W. H. K., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.
Wong, K. W., Ho, P. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Effects of using predictable picture books on a child with intellectually disability. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.
Wong, S. Y., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards teaching children with special educational needs. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.
Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2016, May). Effects of a parent coaching program on numeracy guidance on young children’s early numeracy and literacy skills. Paper presented at the 5th Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education», Moscow, Russia.
Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2016, February). Relative efficacy of two home-based early literacy programs on Filipino children’s pre-literacy skills. Paper presented at the East Asia Joint Symposium on Reading and Spelling, Seoul, South Korea.
Zhang, J., Meng, Y., Hu, B., Cheung, S. K., Yang, N., & Jiang, C. (2015, June). The role of early language abilities on math skills among Chinese children. Paper presented at the 23rd International Commission on Mathematical Instruction Study Conference, Macau, China.
Cheung, S. K., McBride, C., & Dulay, K. M. (2015, June). Effects of a parent training program on parents’ attitudes about numeracy guidance and their children’s interest in numbers. Paper presented at the Quality Childhood Conference International 2015, Hong Kong, China.
Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2015, June). Indirect benefits of a numeracy-related parent training program on general parenting attitudes in the Philippines. Poster presented at the Quality Childhood Conference International 2015, Hong Kong, China.
Cheung, S. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2014, August). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and attitudes toward open learning environment: Is their divergent feeling a matter? Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bali, Indonesia.
Cheung, S. K., Ling, E., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2014, August). A worthy but not easy journey: Hong Kong kindergarten teachers’ beliefs, attitudes and practices about assessment of young children. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bali, Indonesia.
Cheung, S. K. (2014, July). Do parents’ attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics talk affect children? Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Cork, Ireland.
Cheung, S. K., Ling, E., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2014, July). Does the “parent-child shared reading” magic always work? Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Cork, Ireland.
Cheung, S. K. (2013, July). Effectiveness of parent-child number board game playing on Hong Kong kindergarteners’ number sense and interest in mathematics. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Shanghai, China.
Cheung, S. K. (2013, July). The effectiveness of a parent training program in promoting the number sense of Filipino young children. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Seoul, South Korea.
Cheung, S. K. (2013, April). Maximizing the educational benefits of parent-child number board game playing to kindergarteners: The importance of parent training. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2005, April). Relations among masculinity, femininity and cross-sex friendship in adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Editorial Board
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research (2016 – 2020)
Ad Hoc Reviewer
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Education Journal
Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology
International Journal of Behavioral Development
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Reading and Writing
Public or Professional Service
Speaker, Effective Use of Children Assessment for Quality Learning and Teaching: Diversified Modes and Strategies, a teacher professional development programme organized by Education Bureau, HKSAR (2021)
Speaker, Effective Use of Assessment Data for Quality Learning and Teaching, a teacher professional development programme organized by Education Bureau, HKSAR (2017,2018, 2019)
Programme Sub-committee Member, World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China (2016 – 2017)
Reviewer, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development 2017, Austin, Texas, USA (2016)
Speaker, Curriculum Understanding and the Implementation of the “Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum (2006)” for Teachers of Pre-primary Institutions – Assessment for Quality Learning and Teaching, a teacher professional development programme organized by Education Bureau, HKSAR (2015 – 2016)
Principal Research Consultant, Strategies for Promoting Young Children’s Self-regulation Abilities, a project conducted by Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department – Youth & Child Care Services funded by Social Welfare Development Fund (2014 – 2016)
Consultant, M.I. Challenge, a children’s TV programme about multiple intelligences produced by the Television Broadcasts Limited and shown on Jade Channel (2008 – 2009)
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