
香港大学建筑学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Tang, Bo-sin MH 鄧寶善

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Tang, Bo-sin MH 鄧寶善

ContactHKU Scholars HubAwards & AchievementsGrantsPublicationsStudiosResearch
Fields of interest:
Land Use Planning; Property Development; Institutional Analysis in Land and Property
Prof. Tang joined the Department of Urban Planning and Design in September 2012. Before joining HKU, he was Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Building & Real Estate at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his BSocSc (Hons.) in Economics and Sociology and MSc (Distinction) in Urban Planning from the University of Hong Kong, MBA from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He also received real estate education from the Haas Business School at the University of California Berkeley. He holds professional memberships in the Royal Town Planning Institute, the Hong Kong Institute of Planners, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, and carries the title of a registered professional planner (Hong Kong). He is currently Director of the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning (CUSUP) and the former Programme Director of the MSc (Urban Planning) programme.
Teaching Courses:
URBP6006 – Planning, Managing and Financing the Development Process
URBP7008 – Strategic and Community Planning Studio
URBS3005 – Development Appraisal Studio
URBS3006 – Planning and Development Laws
Awards & Achievements
Professor Tang was awarded the Medal of Honour (MH) by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government on 1 July 2019 in recognition of his dedicated public and community service, particularly his valuable contributions to the Appeal Panel (Estates Agents Ordinance).
Professor Tang was appointed Non-Executive Director of the Hong Kong Urban Renewal Authority, HKSAR Government.? Details please refer to https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201904/12/P20**.htm.
Professor Tang was appointed by the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) as a member of the Adjudication Panel of the HKIP Awards in 2018 and 2019.
Professor Tang was conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS) on 18 October 2018 for his contribution to social science.
“Community Development and Grassroots Governance for Urbanizing Villages”, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/Ford Foundation
“Community Planning and Self-Governance Capacity Building for Emerging Urban Communities in Peri-urban China: An Action-Oriented Approach”, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/Ford Foundation
“Modelling Land-Use Impacts of Hong Kong’s Metro Transit: A Spatial Econometrics Analysis”, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
“Open Space in Hong Kong : Spatial Distribution, Access and Disparity”, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
“Brownfield Redevelopment and Land Use Transformation in Metro Rail Corridor: A Hong Kong Study”, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
“Restructuring of Industrial Space in Hong Kong: Government Strategy and Market Responses”, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
“Land Supply and Land-use Planning of Public Open Space in Hong Kong”, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
“Regulatory Delay and External Impact of Land Development Projects: A Study of “”Comprehensive Development Area”” (CDA) Zone in Hong Kong”, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
Selected Publications:
Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S., Liu, J.L., Liang, M., & Ho, W.K.O. (2021). From ‘decentralization of governance’ to ‘governance of decentralization’: Reassessing income inequality in periurban China. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 53(6): 1473-1489.
Tang, B.S., Wong, K.K.H., Tang, K.S.S., & Wong, S.W. (2021). Walking accessibility to neighbourhood open space in a multi-level urban environment of Hong Kong. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(5), 1340-1356.
Ho, W.K.O., Tang, B.S., & Wong, S.W. (2021). Predicting property prices with machine learning algorithms. Journal of Property Research, 38(1), 48-70.
Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W., Ho, W.K.O., & Wong, K.T. (2020). Urban land uses within walking catchment of metro stations in a transit-oriented city. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 1303-1319.
Tang, B.S. & Wong, K.T. (2020). Assessing externality: successive event studies on market impacts of new housing development on an old neighbourhood. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47 (1), 156-173.
Wong, S. W., Tang, B. S., & Liu, J. L. (2020). Village elections, grassroots governance and state power restructuring: An empirical study in the southern periurban China. The China Quarterly, 241, 22-42.
Shi, C., & Tang, B. S. (2019). Institutional change and diversity in the transfer of land development rights in China: The case of Chengdu. Urban Studies, 57(3), 473-489.
Wong, S.W., Tang, B.S. & Liu, J.L. (2018). Village redevelopment and desegregation as a strategy for metropolitan development in southern China: some lessons from Guangzhou City. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 42(6), 1064-1079.
Tang, B.S. (2017). Is the distribution of public open space in Hong Kong equitable, why not? Landscape and Urban Planning. 161, 80-89.
Lai, Y. and Tang, B.S. (2016). Institutional barriers to the redevelopment of urban villages in China: a transaction cost perspective. Land Use Policy. 58, 482-490.
Tang, B.S. and Ho, W.K.O. (2015). Land-use planning and market adjustment under de-industrialization: restructuring of industrial space in Hong Kong. Land Use Policy. 43, 28-36.
Tang, B.S. and Ho, W.K.O. (2014). Cross-sectoral influence, planning policy and industrial property market in a high-density city: a Hong Kong study 1978-2012. Environment and Planning A. 46 (12), 2915-2931.
Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W. and Liu, S.C. (2011) Institutions, property taxation and local government finance in China. Urban Studies. 48 (5), 847-875.
Tang, B.S. and Yiu, C.Y. (2010). Space and scale: a study of development intensity and housing price in Hong Kong. Landscape and Urban Planning. 96 (3), 172-182.
Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W. (2008). A longitudinal study of open space zoning and development in Hong Kong. Landscape and Urban Planning. 87 (4), 258-268.
Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W., Lau, M.C.H. (2008) Social impact assessment and public participation in China: a case study of land requisition in Guangzhou. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 28 (1), 57-72.
Tang, B.S. Wong, S.W. and Lee, A.K.W. (2007). Green belt in a compact city: a zone for conservation or transition? Landscape and Urban Planning. 79 (3-4), 358 – 373.
Tang, B.S., Wong, S.W and Liu, S.C. (2006). Property agents, housing markets and housing services in transitional urban China. Housing Studies, 21 (6), 799-823.
Wong, S. W. and Tang, B.S. (2005). Challenges to the Sustainability of development zones: a case study of Guangzhou Development District, China. 22 (4), 303-316.
Suen, W. and Tang, B.S., (2002). Optimal site area for high-density housing development, Habitat International, 26 (4), 539-552.
Tang, B.S., Choy, H.T. and Wat, J. K.F. (2000). Certainty and discretion in planning control: a case study of office development in Hong Kong, Urban Studies, 37 (13), 2465-2483.
Tang, B.S. and Choy, H.T. (2000). Modelling planning control decisions: a logistic regression analysis on office development applications in urban Kowloon, Hong Kong, Cities, 17 (3), 219-225.
Tang, B.S. and Tang, R.M.H. (1999). Development control, planning incentive and urban redevelopment: evaluation of a two-tier plot ratio system in Hong Kong, Land Use Policy, 16 (1), 33-43.
Tang, B.S. and Leung, H.F. (1998).? Planning enforcement in Hong Kong: implementing new planning law before change of sovereignty, Town Planning Review, 69 (2), 153-169.

OdysseyBo-sin Tang & Kyung-Min Nam

The SailBo-sin Tang & Kyung-Min Nam

ValhallaBo-sin Tang & Kyung-Min Nam

Land Supply and Land-use Planning of Public Open Space in Hong KongBo-sin Tang
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning

Restructuring of Industrial Space in Hong Kong: Government Strategy and Market ResponsesBo-sin Tang
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning

Brownfield Redevelopment and Land Use Transformation in Metro Rail Corridor: A Hong Kong StudyBo-sin Tang
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning

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