
香港大学建筑学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Nam, Kyung-Min 南更旼

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Nam, Kyung-Min 南更旼

BSc Yonsei; MUP Michigan; PhD MIT
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Fields of interest
Spatial Planning and Policy
International Development
Air Pollution
Climate Change
Emissions Trading in China and the Greater Bay Area
Dr. Kyung-Min Nam holds a Ph.D. in international development and regional planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and joined the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in fall 2014. His interests are in the institutional and policy dimensions of economic and environmental sustainability, and his current research focuses on the analysis of health effects of urban air pollution and climate co-benefits of air pollution abatement, and on the development of an urban growth model based on new economic geography theories.
Awards & Achievements:
Dr Nam received interview from HKU Bulletin with his article Airborne Solution published in the latest issue of HKU Bulletin November 2020 (Vol.22 No.1).
Visiting Scholarships
08/2014–, Research Affiliate & Visiting Scholar, MIT Joint Program on the Science & Policy of Global Change (Cambridge, MA, USA) [Web]
01/2018–, Research Collaborator & Visiting Scholar, Spatial Economics Lab, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea) [Web]
08/2014–, Visiting Scholar, Earth Institute, Columbia University (New York, NY, USA),
Institute of Energy, Environment and Economics, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China),
Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea)
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea)
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand)
LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Editorial Board Membership
Associate Editor, Annals of Regional Science (SSCI)
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Urban Sciences (SSCI)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Economic Studies (KCI)
Co-Guest Editor, Annals of Regional Science (SSCI) Special Issue on “Air Pollution in East Asia”; Frontiers in Environmental Science (SCI) Special Issue on “Air Toxics and Climate Change”
Professional Experience?
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT Energy Initiative (Cambridge, MA, United States), 09/2010–07/2014
Lecturer, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, United States), 01/2011–06/2011
Fixed-term Consultant, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (Anyang, Korea), 07/2010–08/2011
Fixed-term Consultant, Science and Technology Policy Institute (Seoul, Korea), 10/2009–01/2010
Summer Intern, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok, Thailand), 05/2003–08/2003
Assistant Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (Anyang, Korea), 03/2000–06/2002
Selected Publications
Nam, K.-M. (2021). Environmental challenges in Chinese mega-city regions: Focusing on air-quality management. In A.G.O. Yeh, G.C.S. Lin, & F. Yan (Eds.), Mega-City Region Development in China (pp. 204-226). Oxon: Routledge.
Li, X., H. Jiang, and?K.-M. Nam.?2020. Adaptation in Cultural Industry under Conservation Pressure: Case Study of Two Chinese Embroidery Clusters.?International Journal of Cultural Policy?27(4): 420-443.
Nam, K.-M., X. Zhang, M. Zhong, E. Saikawa, and X. Zhang. 2019. Health Effects of Ozone and Particulate Matter Pollution in China: A Province-level CGE Analysis. Annals of Regional Science (in press), DOI: 10.1007/s00168-019-00924-z.
Nam, K.-M., and H. Yoon. 2019. Air Pollution in East Asia and Its Regional and Socioeconomic Impacts: An Introduction. Annals of Regional Science (in press). DOI: 10.1007/s00168-019-00935-w.
Park, S., M.-G. Park, and K.-M. Nam. 2019. Growth Effects of Fiscal Decentralization with Weak Economic Motivation: The Case of South Korea. Annals of Regional Science (in press). DOI: 10.1007/s00168-019-00936-9.
Nam, K.-M., M. Li, Y. Wang, and K.K.H. Wong. 2018. Spatio-temporal Boundary Effects on Pollution-health Costs Estimation: The Case of PM2.5 Pollution in Hong Kong. International Journal of Urban Sciences (forthcoming), DOI: 10.1080/**.2018.**.
Zhang, X., X. Ou, X. Yang, T. Qi, K.-M. Nam, D. Zhang, and X. Zhang. 2017. Socioeconomic Burden of Air Pollution in China: Province-level Analysis Based on Energy Economic Model. Energy Economics 68: 478-489.
Nam, K.-M. 2017. Is Spatial Distribution of China’s Population Excessively Unequal?: A Cross-country Comparison. Annals of Regional Science 59(2): 453-474.
Li, X. and K.-M. Nam. 2017. One Country Two “Urban” Systems: Focusing on Bimodality in China’s City-Size Distribution. Annals of Regional Science 59(2): 427-452.
Nam, K. M. 2016. Need for Coordination between Greenhouse Gas and Pollution Abatement Regulations: China’s Case and Its Implications for Korea. In Quantitative Regional Economic and Environmental Analysis for Sustainability in Korea, edited by E. Kim and B.H.S. Kim, Singapore: Springer.
Nam, K.-M. 2015. Compact Organizational Space and Technological Catch-up: A Comparative Study of China’s Three Leading Automotive Groups. Research Policy 44(1): 258–272.
Nam, K.-M., C.J. Waugh, S. Paltsev, J.M. Reilly, and V.J. Karplus. 2014. Synergy between Pollution Control and Climate Policy: Comparing China and the United States. Energy Economics 46: 186-201.
Park, S.-A., B.-Y. Kim, W.-C. Jang, and K.-M. Nam. 2014. Imperfect Information and Labor Market Bias against Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Korean Case. Small Business Economics 43(3): 725-741.
Kim, E.-J., G. Hewings, and K.-M. Nam. 2014. Optimal Urban Population Size: National vs Local Economic Efficiency. Urban Studies 51(2): 428–445.
Nam, K.-M., C.J. Waugh, S. Paltsev, J.M. Reilly, and V.J. Karplus. 2013. Carbon Co-benefits of Tighter SO? and NOx Regulations in China. Global Environmental Change 23(6): 1648-1661.
Nam, K.-M. and X. Li. 2013. Out of Passivity: Potential Role of OFDI in IFDI-based Learning Trajectory. Industrial and Corporate Change 22(3): 711-743.
Reilly, J.M., S. Paltsev, K. Strzepek, N.E. Selin, Y. Cai, K.-M. Nam, E. Monier, S. Dutkiewicz, J. Scott, M. Webster, and A. Sokolov. 2013. Valuing Climate Impacts in Integrated Assessment Models: The MIT IGSM. Climatic Change 117(3): 561-573.
Nam, K.-M. and J.M. Reilly. 2013. City-Size Distribution as a Function of Socioeconomic Conditions: An Eclectic Approach to Downscaling Global Population. Urban Studies 50(1): 208-225.
Matus, K.J., K.-M. Nam, N.E. Selin, L.N. Lamsal, J.M. Reilly, and S. Paltsev. 2012. Health Damage from Air Pollution in China. Global Environmental Change 22(1): 55-66.
Nam, K.-M. 2011. Learning through the International Joint Venture: Lessons from the Experience of China’s Automotive Sector. Industrial and Corporate Change 20(3): 855-907.
Nam, K.-M., N.E. Selin, J.M. Reilly, and S. Paltsev. 2010. Measuring Loss in Human Welfare Caused by Air Pollution: A CGE Analysis for the European Region. Energy Policy 38(9): 5059-5071.
Selin, N.E., S. Wu, K.-M. Nam, J.M. Reilly, S. Paltsev, R.G. Prin, and M. Webster. 2009. Global Health and Economic Impacts of Future Ozone Pollution. Environmental Research Letters 4(4): 44014 (9pp).
Nam, K.-M. 2009. Spatial Integration of Corporate R&D and Mass Production Activities: A Case Study of Samsung Electronics. Korea Spatial Planning Review 62: 125-145.
Matus, K.J., T. Yang, S. Paltsev, J.M. Reilly, and K.-M. Nam. 2008. Toward Integrated Assessment of Environmental Change: Air Pollution Health Effects in the USA. Climatic Change 88(1): 59-92.
(note: Lead & corresponding authors underlined.)
URBS1003 “Theories and Global Trends in Urban Development”
URBS2010/URBS3004 “Urban Planning and Urban Management”
URBS3005 “Development Appraisal Studio”
URBS4002 “Advanced Urban Studies Studio II”
URBP6007 “Planning Sustainable Cities and Regions”
CCGL9026 “Think Global, Act Local”
OdysseyBo-sin Tang & Kyung-Min Nam

The SailBo-sin Tang & Kyung-Min Nam

ValhallaBo-sin Tang & Kyung-Min Nam

Cost of Excess Air Pollution in China and Its Cross-provincial Distribution: Focusing on the Health EffectsKyung-Min Nam
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning

Improved Cross-border Inland Transport System along the China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor and Its Growth and Distribution ImpactsKyung-Min Nam
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning

Emissions Trading in the Greater Bay AreaKyung-Min Nam
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning

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