Zhou, Jiangping 周江評
BEng (TJU); MEng (NJU); MS (Illinois); PhD (USC); CMILT
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Dr. Zhou’s research focuses on transport/transit systems and land use connections and how to improve the performance of these connections. He investigates usage of alternative modes of travel based on traditional/primary data from sources such as surveys and interviews in the car-dominant context, where promotion of alternative modes of travel is extremely challenging. He also exploits big data from sources such as cellphone usage and smartcard swipes to improve the excess-commuting framework, which used to have nothing to do with big data. In those areas, his research has produced evidence-based policy recommendations to promote alternative modes of travel, has elaborated interdisciplinary meanings of the excess-commuting framework, and has invented extra indicators to enrich that framework. As of May 2020, his related research resulted in 20 publications in top peer-reviewed multidisciplinary or specialist journals such as Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Urban Studies, and Journal of American Planning Association, which produced 422 citations, i.e., 21 citations/publication.
Dr. Zhou’s research output helped him win impactful services/appointments in academia and beyond. He serves on the editorial boards of four top Urban Planning and Urban Transport refereed journals in China. Outside Hong Kong, he held honorary positions/appointments with three organizations, two universities, and one municipal government.
He is currently leading several research projects funded by sources in the US, Mainland China and Hong Kong. With these projects—exploring the nexus of physical infrastructure, land use, and travel behaviors and how better data supply/analytics can produce new insights into it and can inform public policies, with a strong spatial focus on Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and China. He not only seeks excellence in academic research but also aims at active engagement in discourses of local, regional, and national public policies concerning urban/transport issues.
Fields of Interest
Transport Policy and Planning
Big-data Applications and Analytics for Transport/Urban Studies
Comparative Urban and Regional Studies
URBP 6123, Public Transport Systems
URBP 6131, Transport Policy and Planning
URBP 6157/GEOG 7003, Transport Economics
UPAD 0007, Research Design
URBP 8002, International Planning Policy and Practice
URBS 2004, Urban and Regional Development II
Selected Services
2018-Present co-Chair, Subcommittee on Integrated TOD Planning and Operation, World Transport Convention, Beijing, China
2017-Present Shanghai Urban Planning(“上海城市規劃”), a refereed journal in Chinese by Urban Planning Society of Shanghai and Shanghai Institute of Urban Planning and Design, Shanghai, China
2016-Present Urban and Rural Planning(“城鄉規劃”), a refereed journal in Chinese by China Association of City Planning and Fudan University in Shanghai
2014-Present Urban Planning International(“國際城市規劃”), a refereed journal in Chinese by Urban Planning Society of China and China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Beijing, China
2012-Present China City Planning Review, the only refereed journal in English by Urban Planning Society of China and Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Assistant Director, Master of Urban Planning and Design, HKU (10/2019-present)
Chief Examiner, Master of Transport Policy and Planning Program, HKU (08/2017-present)
Recent Awards & Achievements
Chartered Member, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, 2021
People’s Republic of China International Fellowship, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, the US, 2019/20
Excellent Paper (4 out of 264), World Transport Convention, Beijing, China, 2018
Air Asia Fellowship, Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning, 2017/18
Representative Grants
2020-22, P.I. for Work Package 1- “Equality and Accessibility in Essential Public Services in Comparatively Developed Regions in China: Theorization and Practices”, National Key Projects, National Social Science Fund of China
2019-21, P.I. “Cross-Border Travel Behaviors and Smart Cross-Border Travel Planning Systems”, National Key R&D Program (NKR&DP), Ministry of Science and Technology, China
2019-20, P.I. “Inter-Modal Transport Data-Sharing”, General Support Programme, Innovation and Technology Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government
Recent Publications
Xiao, L., Lo, S., Liu, J., & Zhou, J. (2021). Paying for travel distance and time saving: Transit fare and benefit mismatch and its justice implications. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.**
Xiao, L., Lo, S., Liu, J., Zhou, J., & Li, Q. (2021). Nonlinear and synergistic effects of TOD on urban vibrancy: Applying local explanations for gradient boosting decision tree. Sustainable Cities and Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103063
Zhou, J., Ho, S.K.S., Lei, S., & Pang, V.C.K. (2021). Population density, activity centres, and pandemic: Visualizing clusters of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/**X
Zhou, J., We, J., & Cheng, R. (2021). Visualizing Hong Kong’s mass transit usage under COVID-19. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 8(1), 178-183. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2021.**
Zhou, J., Yang, Y., and Webster, C. 2020. Using Big and Open Data to Analyze Transit Oriented Development: New Outcomes and Improved Attributes. Journal of the American Planning Association (In press)
Zhou, J., Yang, Y., Ma, H. and Li, Y. 2020. “Familiar Strangers” in Big Data Era: An Exploratory Study of Beijing Metro Encounters. Cities (In press)
Zhou, J. and Yang, Y. 2020. Fighting coronavirus at home: Visualizing “slammers” for the extended Spring Festival break in China. Environment and Planning A (In press)
Zhou, J., Zhang, M. and Zhu, P. 2019. The Equity and Spatial Implications of Transit Fare. Transportation Research A 121: 309-324
Zhou, J., Murphy, E. and Long, Y. 2019. Commuting Efficiency Gains: Assessing Different Transport Policies with New Indicators. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 13(10): 710-721
Zhou, J., Wang, Q. and Liu, H. 2018.? Evaluating Transit-served Areas with Non-Traditional Data. Journal of Transport and Land Use 11(1): 1323–1349
Huang, J., Wang, J., Levinson, D., Zhou, J., and Wang, Z. 2018.Tracking Job and Housing Dynamics with Smartcard Data. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(50):12710-12715
Zhou, J., Murphy, E. and Corcoran, J. 2018. Integrating Road Carrying Capacity and Traffic Congestion into the Excess Commuting Framework. Environment and Planning B 47(1): 119-137