Liu, Xingjian 劉行健
B.S. (Wuhan); M.S. (Texas State); PhD (Cambridge)
ContactHKU Scholars HubPublicationsStudiosResearch
Fields of interest
Urban Geography; Urban Networks; City-regions; Polycentric Urban Development; Urbanization in China; Regional Planning and Development; Urban Analytics
URBS 3002 Urban and Regional Development II (Semester I)
URBS 4001 Advanced Urban Studio I (Semester I)
URBS 4003 Urban Policy and Governance (Semester I)
CCGL9026 Think Global, Act Local: You, Hong Kong, and the World (Semester II)
URBP6017 GIS for Urban and Regional Planning and Development (Semester II)
Lin, G.C.S., Li, X., Yeh, A.G.O., He, S., Hu, Z., & Liu, X. (2021). Reproduction of space in the city centre of mega-city regions: Bottom-up institutional reforms, profit redistribution, and urban redevelopment in Guangzhou. In A.G.O. Yeh, G.C.S. Lin, & F. Yan (Eds.), Mega-City Region Development in China (pp. 159-175). Oxon: Routledge.
Wang, M., Derudder, B., & Liu, X. (2019). Polycentric urban development and economic productivity in China: A multiscalar analysis. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, **X**.
Liu, X. (2019). Assessing airport ground access by public transport in Chinese cities. Urban Studies,
Liu, X. (2019). Characterizing broken links on national and local expressways in Chinese city-regions. Regional Studies, org/10.1080/**.2018.**.
Pan, F., Bi, W., Liu, X., & Sigler, T. (2018). Exploring financial centre networks through inter-urban collaboration in high-end financial transactions in China. Regional Studies,**.2018.** (Corresponding author).
Li, Y., & Liu, X. (2018). How did urban polycentricity and dispersion affect economic productivity? A case study of 306 Chinese cities. Landscape and Urban Planning, 173, 51-59. (Corresponding author)
Liu, X., & Hu, X. (2018). Are ‘sister cities’ from ‘sister provinces’? An exploratory study of sister city relations (SCRs) in China. Networks and Spatial Economics,
Ye, Y., Li, D., & Liu, X. (2017), “How block density and typology affect urban vitality: An exploratory analysis in Shenzhen, China”, Urban Geography,**.2017.** (Corresponding author)
Liu, X., & Zhou, J. (2017), “Mind the missing links in China’s urbanizing landscape: The phenomenon of broken intercity trunk roads and its underpinnings”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 165, 64-72.
Wang, M., Madden, M., & Liu, X. (2017). Exploring the Relationship between Urban Forms and CO 2 Emissions in 104 Chinese Cities. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 143(4), **. (Corresponding author)
Liu, X., Derudder, B., & Wang, M. (2017). Polycentric urban development in China: A multiscale analysis. Environment and Planning B, org/10.1177/90155.
Liu, X., & Long, Y. (2016). Automated identification and characterization of parcels with OpenStreetMap and points of interest.Environment and Planning B, 43, 341-360.
Liu, X., Derudder, B., & Wu, K. (2016). Measuring polycentric urban development in China: an intercity transportation network perspective. Regional Studies, 50(8), 1302-1315.
Liu, X., & Wang, M. (2016). How polycentric is urban China and why? A case study of 318 cities.Landscape and Urban Planning,?151, 10-20.
Liu, X., Dai, L., & Derudder, B. (2016). Spatial Inequality in the Southeast Asian Intercity Transport Network.Geographical Review, DOI: 10.1111/j.1931-0846.2016.12181.x
Tung Chung New Town ExtensionWeifeng LI & Xingjian Liu
Yuen Long North Impact AnalysisWeifeng LI & Xingjian Liu
Understanding polycentric urban regions in ChinaXingjian Liu
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning