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高加信博士於加拿大多倫多大學獲得毒理學及營養科學榮譽學士學位,後於香港大學醫學院從事科研工作,並獲得藥理學博士學位。高博士在港大醫學院任教多年,又積極開展和參與多個研究項目,發表了近百餘篇論文及科學會議摘錄。其科研隊伍主要集中於研究大腸癌的發病機理及其藥物治療 (中草藥中之多種酚和鹼及傳統抗癌藥) 之基因訊號通道,同時亦開始在對抗肝癌腫瘤的研究上有重大成果。高博士現為本院藥理學、臨床解剖及胚胎學、及醫學導論等科目之統籌主任。
精選出版物KO, J.K.S. & AUYEUNG, K.K.W. (2017) The ‘Yin and Yang’ of target-oriented anti-cancer phytochemicals derived from herbal medicines. In: Frontiers in Therapeutic Targets for Inflammation and Cancer in the Gastrointestinal Tract, Chapter 12. The World Scientific: Singapore. pp. 257-279.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W. & KO, J.K.S. (2017) Angiogenesis and oxidative stress in metastatic tumor progression: pathogenesis and novel therapeutic approach of colon cancer. Current Pharmaceutical Design 23(27), 3952-3961.
ZHENG, L.C., REN, T.J., CHEN, H.B., KO, J.K.S. & AUYEUNG, K.K.W.(2016) Astragalus saponins inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in mouse macrophages. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 44(3), 579-593. [denotes co-corresponding author]
TSANG, S.W., AUYEUNG, K.K.W., BIAN, Z.X. & KO, J.K.S. (2016) Pathogenesis, experimental models and contemporary pharmacotherapy of irritable bowel syndrome: story about the brain-gut axis. Current Neuropharmacology 14(8), 842-856.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W., HAN, Q. & KO, J.K.S. (2016) Astragalus membranaceus: A review of its protection against inflammation and gastrointestinal cancers. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 44(1), 1-22.
LI, Q., CHEN, Y.M., HU, Y.G., LUO, X., KO, J.K.S. & CHEUNG, C.W. (2016) Synthesis and biological activity of some fused furo[2,3-d]pyrimidinone derivatives as analgesic and antitumor agents. Research on Chemical Intermediates 42, 939-949.
WANG, Y., AUYEUNG, K.K.W., ZHANG, X. & KO, J.K.S. (2014) AST modulates colon cancer development by regulating calpain-mediated glucose-regulated protein expression. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 14(1), 401.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W., LAW, P.C. & KO, J.K.S. (2014) Combined therapeutic effects of vinblastine and Astragalus saponins (AST) in human colon cancer cells and tumor xenograft via inhibition of tumor growth and proangiogenic factors. Nutrition and Cancer 66(4), 662-674.
KO, J.K.S. & AUYEUNG, K.K.W. (2014) Identification of functional peptides from natural and synthetic products on their anticancer activities by tumor targeting. Current Medicinal Chemistry 21(21), 2346-2356.
KO, J.K.S. & AUYEUNG, K.K.W. (2014) Inflammatory bowel disease: etiology, pathogenesis and current therapy. Current Pharmaceutical Design 20(7), 1082-1096.
TAN, Y.,*KO, J.,* LIU, X., LU, C., LI, J., XIAO, C., LI, L., NIU, X., JIANG, M., HE, X., ZHAO, H., ZHANG, Z., BIAN, Z., YANG, Z., ZHANG, G., ZHANG, W. & LU, A. (2014) Serum metabolomics reveals betaine and phosphatidylcholine as potential biomarkers for the toxic responses of processed Aconitum Carmichaeli Debx. Molecular BioSystems 10(9), 2305-2316.[* denotes co-first author]
KO, J.K.S. & AUYEUNG, K.K.W. (2013) Target-oriented mechanisms of novel herbal therapeutics in the chemotherapy of gastrointestinal cancer and inflammation. Current Pharmaceutical Design 19(1), 48-66.
TAN, Y., LI, J., LIU, X., KO, J., HE, X., LU, C., ZHAO, H., XIAO, C., NIU, X., ZHA, Q., YU, Z., ZHANG, W. & LU, A. (2013) Deciphering the differential toxic responses of Radix aconiti lateralis praeparata in healthy and hydrocortisone-pretreated rats based on serum metabolic profiles. Journal of Proteome Research 12, 513-524.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W., LAW, P.C., CHAN, L.Y. & KO, J.K.S. (2012) Astragalus saponins downregulate hypoxia-induced VEGF induction in colon cancer cells. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 12(1), 160.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W., LAW, P.C. & KO, J.K.S. (2012) Novel anti-angiogenic effectsof formononetin in human colon cancer cells and tumor xenograft. Oncology Reports 28(6), 2188-2194.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W., WOO, P.K., LAW, P.C. & KO, J.K.S. (2012) Astragalus saponins modulate cell invasiveness and angiogenesis in human gastric adenocarcinoma cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 141(2), 635-641.
KO, J.K.S. & CHO, C.H. (2011) Adaptive cytoprotection and the brain-gut axis. Digestion 83(Suppl. 1), 19-24.
KO, J.K.S. & LEUNG, C.C.Y. (2010) Ginger extract and polaprezinc exert gastroprotective actions by antioxidant and growth factor modulating effects in rats. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25(12), 1861-1869.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W., MOK, N.L., WONG, C.M., CHO, C.H. & KO, J.K.S. (2010) Astragalus saponins modulate mTOR and ERK signaling to promote apoptosis through the extrinsic pathway in HT-29 colon cancer cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 26(3), 341-349.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W. & KO, J.K.S. (2010) Novel herbal flavonoids promote apoptosis but differentially induce cell cycle arrest in human colon cancer cell. Investigational New Drugs 28(1), 1-13.
KO, J.K.S.& LEUNG, C.C.Y. (2010) Ginger extract and polaprezinc exert gastroprotective actions by antioxidant and growth factor modulating effects in rats.Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology25,1861-1869.
AUYEUNG, K.K., CHO, C.H. &KO, J.K.S.(2009) A novel anticancer effect ofAstragalussaponins: transcriptional activation of NSAID-activated gene.International Journal of Cancer125, 1082-1091.
KO, J.K.S.& CHIK, C.W.S. (2009) The protective action ofradix Astragalus membranaceusagainst hapten-induced colitis through modulation of cytokines.Cytokine47, 85-90.
AUYEUNG, K.K.W., LIU, P.L., CHAN, C., WU, W.Y., LEE, S.S.T. &KO, J.K.S.(2008) Herbal isoprenols induce apoptosis in human colon cancer cells through transcriptional activation of PPAR gamma.Cancer Investigation26, 708-717.
TIN, M.M.Y., CHO, C.H., CHAN, K., JAMES, A.E. &KO, J.K.S.(2007)Astragalussaponins induce growth inhibition and apoptosis in human colon cancer cells and tumor xenograft.Carcinogenesis28(6), 1347-1355.
KO, J.K.S., LEUNG, W.C., HO, W.K. & CHIU, P. (2007) Herbal diterpenoids induce growth arrest and apoptosis in colon cancer cells with increased expression of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-activated gene.European Journal of Pharmacology559, 1-13.
KO, J.K.S., LAM, F.Y.L. & CHEUNG, A.P.L. (2005) Amelioration of experimental colitis byAstragalus membranaceusthrough anti-oxidation and inhibition of adhesion molecule synthesis.World Journal of Gastroenterology11 (37), 5787-5794.
KO, J.K.S.& CHO, C.H. (2005) The diverse actions of nicotine and different extracted fractions from tobacco smoke against hapten-induced colitis in rats.Toxicological Sciences87 (1), 285-295.

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