
香港中文大学建筑学院老师教授导师介绍简介-Ms. CHEUNG, Tin Yan Jessica (张天欣)

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Ms. CHEUNG, Tin Yan Jessica (张天欣) Lecturer

MSAUD (Columbia GSAPP)
MArch (CUHK)
Reg Arch (HK) ARBHK

Introduction Jessica Cheung is an architecture and urban design practitioner and researcher in Hong Kong, China and New York. After registered as Architect in Hong Kong, she extended her practice to China, and focused on alternative urbanisation in rapid development context of China. She was the Associate of Urbanus Hong Kong office and led multiple urban design and research projects.
She was awarded the Rotary Overseas Postgraduate Study Scholarship and furthered her interest in urban design by gaining the Master of Architecture and Urban Design of GSAPP from the Columbia University of New York. She graduated with the Excellence in Design Awards.
Apart from her architecture practice in an emerging design office nARCHITECTS in New York, she continued her individual urban design projects with GSAPP and explored new ways of integrating urban resilience, infrastructure, indigenous technology and local community empowerment. She was invited to present her project “Water, Connection, Communtiy – A Resilient Public Housing Project in New York” in The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) in Detroit 2016.
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Research Interests City resilience, rural and urban symbiotic developments, local community empowerment, indigenous technologies

Publications GSAPP Urban Design Book Series, 2015-2016

Research Projects Water, connection, community – A resilient Public Housing Project in New York, 2015-2016
