
香港中文大学访问研究学人计画纪实 = Documentary of Resident Fellow Scheme in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (201

香港中文大学 辅仁网/2017-06-20

香港中文大学访问研究学人计画纪实 = Documentary of Resident Fellow Scheme in the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Publication in refereed journal

香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
刘国安博士 (体育部)




This study was to discuss the essence acceptance of health groups in Taiwan and Hong Kong as an important issue to verify the traditional Chinese qigong health campaign. To share their academic achievements in the study of Qigong health-preserving movement through the "Resident Fellow Scheme" of the United College of Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK); and to assist the Physical Education Unit, the United College of CUHK to hold qigong classes, lectures, workshops, seminars and related academic research programs to promote qigong awareness and learning, showing a six-month study of the essence of health groups in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The results were as follows:
1. Firstly, the documental files between Hong Kong and Taiwan are all traditional Chinese text data records, a large number of references, no shortage of Taiwan's publishing companies and researchers.
2. Secondly, the same point in health groups to promote health-oriented health campaign; the difference is that health groups in Hong Kong almost the type of business in the company, and Taiwan is the way established of corporate societies or associations..
3. Thirdly, in Hong Kong, the type of company operating health groups to send staff to
support school staff and student associations and student activities.
4. Fourthly, the United College CUHK, held several monthly luncheon seminars regularly, and invite national professionals and visiting scholar (visiting scholar) to share its achievements in various fields.
5. During visiting Scholar at the United College of the CUHK, I was invited to participate in the activities and teach morning and evening-qigong-classes.
Conclusion: During sabbatical leave, the two-month visiting scholar, I was invited by the Physical Education Unit of the CUHK to share my academic research on traditional qigong. Not only by the courtesy of CUHK, but also for the KUAS Physical Education Office to establish cross-international academic exchange channels. It is also expected to be able to promote traditional health regimen in other countries residents. This is mine personal life wish.

着者郑建民, 刘国安
页次1 - 11

关键词访问研究学人, 香港中文大学, 教授休假研究
Resident Fellow Scheme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sabbatical Leave

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