
A comparative study of tracheal diameter in Caucasian and Chinese patients (2016)_香港中文大学麻醉及深切治療學系 (A

香港中文大学 辅仁网/2017-06-20

A comparative study of tracheal diameter in Caucasian and Chinese patients
Publication in refereed journal

香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
Professor James Francis GRIFFITH (影像及介入放射学系)
Professor Gavin Matthew JOYNT (麻醉及深切治疗学系)


Web of Sciencehttp://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0WOS source URL


摘要Ethnicity may be considered a factor when considering what size endotracheal tube to insert. In particular it has been suggested that Chinese patients have a smaller tracheal diameter, justifying the selection of smaller endotracheal tubes. We systematically evaluated transverse tracheal diameters in Chinese and Caucasian patients, utilising archived computer tomography images. A convenience sample of 1http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0 Caucasian patients from Australia was compared with 1http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0 Chinese patients from Hong Kong. Patients over 18 years of age who had undergone a computerised tomography scan of the neck and thorax, and also had accurate body height and weight recorded, were studied. The mean transverse diameter of the trachea measured at three levels was similar between the Chinese and Caucasian patients. At the narrowest measurement point, the immediate subcricoid transverse diameter, the unadjusted mean difference between male Chinese and Caucasian patients was small (1 mm, standard deviation http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0.83 mm, P=http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0.http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/01), and similarly small between female Chinese and Caucasian patients (1.5 mm, standard deviation http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0.8 mm, P 2] of the model), but substantial influence of height (4http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0%) and sex (41%). Our findings do not support the practice of routinely selecting a smaller endotracheal tube size for Chinese patients on the basis that there is a difference related to the Chinese ethnic phenotype. Considerations regarding choice of endotracheal tube size should rather focus on patient sex and height.

着者A. Tai, C. Corke, G. M. Joynt*, J. Griffith*, D. Lunn, P. W. Y. Tong
期刊名称Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
出版社Australasian Medical Pub. Co.
页次719 - 723

关键词tracheal diameter, patient ethnicity, Chinese

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