
香港中文大学文化研究 文学硕士课程 科目列表

本站小编 免费考研网/2016-06-02



CULS5201 Basic Issues in Intercultural Studies I 相互文化研究基本概论 I

This course explores the core areas of (inter)cultural studies. Topics such as media culture, consumer culture, theme parks, cityscapes, spectacle society, cyberculture and technoscience culture will be discussed. Emphasis will be given to Hong Kong culture as a basic reference point in its contact and interaction with other cultures.

CULS5211 Basic Issues in Intercultural Studies II 相互文化研究基本概论 II

Through examining texts, artistic forms and discursive practices that reflect and produce different cultures, students will take part in delineating the working definition(s), methodology and critical awareness of Intercultural Studies. We will explore core areas of (inter)cultural studies such as postmodernism, postcolonialism, globalization, glocalism, diaspora, hybridity, gender and body politics.

CULS5202 Modern Urbanscape and Asian Culture 现代城市景观及亚洲文化

As cultural melting-pots, cosmopolitan cities around Asia provide some excellent case studies on the relationship between interculturalism and the urbanity of megacities in the world. The question of cultural identity - a plurality of selves - will be explored through a comparative study of the varies urban centres in Asia. The emphasis of study is on the ways how music, literature, TV, film, and technoscape and mediascape (themselves being a mixture of Asian, American and European components) are related to Asia's unique location and its many overcrowded, mishmash, disjunctive cityscape.

CULS5203 The Body in Culture and Art 文化与艺术与身体政治

Images of the body represent systems of thought, aesthetics beauty and our identity. In this course we will ask: What is a body? How do we define and represent different bodies? In what ways do cultural values mold our perception of the body? How is the understanding of the body informed and transformed by scientific development? Throughout this course we will seek answers to these questions by focusing on the Western and the Chinese traditions from the cultural and the scientific perspectives.

CULS5204 Cultural Studies in Film and Video 文化研究中的电影与录影

Cinema is one of the most important forms of representations in contemporary culture, and in this course we study film and video culturally and politically. We want to examine how the cultural forms of moving images carry meanings, and how it can and cannot be used as ideological apparatus. Through the studies of film and video we also trace the development of contemporary visual culture and examine how it defines (post) modern lives and experience. Our ultimate aim is to interrogate the boundaries and to locate new terrains between cinema studies and cultural studies.

CULS5205 The Culture of Travel and the Travel of Culture 旅游文化及文化旅游

Travel has recently become a complex phenomenon of unprecedented proportions. Whereas people travel and bring themselves into contact with other people and other cultures, cultures themselves also travel to different places and societies. Through an interdisciplinary approach, this course provides a theoretical and historical framework to analyze and reflect upon the relationships between travel and culture with the concerns of globalization, consumption, people and places.


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  • 香港中文大学2016文学硕士课程申请须知
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    本站小编 免费考研网 2016-05-28