
香港中文大学 文化管理 文学硕士课程 课程结构

本站小编 免费考研网/2016-06-02


Under the stewardship of programme director Oscar Ho, former exhibition director of the Hong Kong Arts Centre and founding director of the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Arts, the Programme boasts a faculty of respected scholars and experienced professionals

The Programme intends to provide a well-rounded education that covers the various major arts forms, including performing arts, visual arts and media art. In addition to offering courses to nurture critical skills and equip students with general knowledge in cultural management, the Programme also offers advanced courses such as the studies of curatorship, exhibition design, IT application in cultural management and arts festival organization to encourage specialization in studies.

Structure of Courses

Content of the Programme is constructed based on a 4 tiers structure. The curriculum is designed to guide students in a progressive manner to move from fundamental studies to specialized studies according to their own preferences. The 4 tiers are:


Tier 1

Fundamental training, which nurtures interpretive and critical skills; 


Tier 2

Essential management skills, nurturing basic professional know-how;


Tier 3

Specialized studies: specific areas of studies and creative training.


Tier 4

Practicum and personal research

Study Period

The normative study period for this programme is 1 year for full-time and 2 years for part-time. Classes will be arranged in weekday evenings from 6:45 pm to 9:30 pm. To fit the busy schedule of students who have a full-time job, at least one course will be scheduled in Saturday afternoon from 2:30 pm to 5:15 pm.


Languages used for teaching

Based on the principle that the language used must be understood by all students in class, a significant number of courses are currently taught in English. For class works and presentations, students are free to use English or Chinese/Cantonese. Courses with large number of students such as compulsory courses are split into two classes: one conduced in English, the other in Cantonese.


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