性 别: 男 出生年月: 1979-09-01
职 称: 副教授 工作单位: 东北农业大学理学院信息与计算科学系
招生学科1: 农业系统工程与管理工程(学硕) 招生学科2: 工业工程(专硕)
办公电话: E-mail: qfwu@neau.edu.cn
课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
211320 图像识别与处理技术 选修课 32
[1]基于机器学习技术的玉米市场价格趋势预测研究,LBH-Z15020,黑龙江省博士后基金, 12/2015-01/2018
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[1]Keke Zhang, Qiufeng Wu, Anwang Liu, and Xiangyan Meng, “Can Deep Learning Identify Tomato Leaf Disease?,” Advances in Multimedia, vol. 2018, Article ID **, 10 pages, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/**.
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[3]Keke Zhang, Lei Zhang, Qiufeng Wu. Identification of Cherry Leaf Disease Infected by Podosphaera Pannosa via Convolutional Neural Network. International Journal of Agricultrual and Environmental Information Systems.2019,10(2):98-110
[4]Keke Zhang, Zheyuan Xu, Shoukun Dong,Canjian Cen, Qiufeng Wu.Identification of peach leaf disease infected by Xanthomonas campestris with deep learning. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food,2019,12: 388-396.https://doi.
[5]Qiufeng Wu, Keke Zhang, Jun Meng.Identification of Soybean Leaf Diseases via Deep Learning.Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A,2019,100(4):659–666,DOI:10.1007/s40030-019-00390-y
[6] Miaomiao Ji, Lei Zhang, Qiufeng Wu. Automatic Grape Leaf Diseases Identification via UnitedModel Based on Multiple Convolutional Neural Networks. Information Processing in Agriculture. 2019, doi: https://doi.
[7]Qiufeng Wu, Miaomiao Ji, Zhao Deng. Automatic Detection and Severity Assessment of Pepper Bacterial Spot Disease via MultiModels Based on Convolutional Neural Networks International Journal of Agricultrual and Environmental Information Systems.2020,11(2):29-43
[8]Wu Qiufeng, Wang Kuanquan*, Zuo Wangmeng, Iterative Method for Deblurring Problem Based on the Least Squared Criterion, ICIC Express Letters, 2013, 7(8):2443-2448
[10]Lin Guan, Zhenzhong Liu, Qiufeng Wu and Lulu Wang, Multi-type Feature Fusion Technique for Weed Identification in Cotton Fields, International Journal of Signal processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2016, 9(2):355-368
[11]Liu Xiaoying, Deng Hualing and Wu Qiufeng, A Two-stage Method for Parameter Estimation of Production Function, ICIC Express Letters, 2015, 9(9):2429-2435
[12]Wu Qiufeng, Wang Kuanquan, Zuo Wangmeng, Depth From Defocus Based on Geometric Constraints, Journal of Computers, 2014, 9(1): 44-51