

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

哈尔滨工业大学 / 机电工程学院教授、博士生导师;入选国家“****”-科技创新领军人才。


陈明君 教授
电 话:**
传 真:**
邮 编:150001





1. 1989~1993年 毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获学士学位

2. 1993~1996年 毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获硕士学位

3. 1997~2001年 毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获博士学位

1. 全国高校制造技术与机床研究会常务理事、东北分会副理事长兼秘书长;

2. 《International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials》国际杂志编委;

3. 《American Journal of Engineering and Applied Science》国际杂志编委;

4. 《Chinese Journal of Engineering》国际杂志编委;

5. 《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering》国际杂志编委;

6. 黑龙江省生物医学工程学会理事;

7. 欧洲精密工程与纳米技术学会会员(EUSPEN Member);

8. 亚洲精密工程与纳米技术学会会员(ASPEN Member);

9. 国际光学工程学会会员(SPIE Member);

10. 全国超精密与微纳米制造技术委员会委员;

11.《Nano. Lett.》、《Biomaterials》、《ACS Appl.Mater. Inter.》、《Nanotechnology》、《J. Phys. Chem. B》、《J. Phys. Chem. C》、《Int. J. Mach. Tool. Manu.》、《Int. J. Adv. Manu. Tech.》、《Surf. Sci.》、《Measurement》、《Chinese Phys. B》、《Precis. Eng.》等40 余种国际杂志审稿人。

1. 每年拟招收6-8名研究生,2名博士生;根据学生志愿,硕士生不要求直博,有志愿直博者不占研究生招生名额。

2. 课题组优秀博士生在博二至博三期间可与国外高水平大学进行联合培养,并进行优先推荐,联合培养1-2年;

3. 博、硕士研究生的课题方向:











1. 精密超精密加工技术与工艺装备(1)主要研究航空航天用超精密加工工艺与装备,自由曲面与复杂曲面数控加工系统研制、数控软件编 程、驱动控制与误差补偿技术;




2. 微纳米制造技术及其应用基础研究(1)研究微小零件加工机理、加工工艺与加工装备,微小刀具制备技术与复杂微结构表面加工工艺;




3. 工艺自动化技术与装备(1)主要研究高精度非接触式在线检测理论与装备研制;

(2)强激光装置用大口径平面和曲面光学零件、微结构零件表面疵病点的微纳测量、在线监测原理、工 艺方法与微修复技术;



1. 2018年01月,入选国家“****”-科技创新领军人才;

2. 2016年12月,入选“科技部中青年创新领军人才(创新人才推进计划)”;

3. 2013年11月,“难加工材料塑性域加工机理与应用基础研究”获黑龙江自然科学二等奖,第1完成人;

4. 2009年09月,“ 纳米机械加工过程建模、仿真理论基础及其力学行为表征”获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖,第1完成人;

5. 2007年01月,“微纳米切削加工基础及相关技术”获教育部自然科学一等奖,第3完成人;

6. 2006年11月,入选“教育部新世纪人才支持计划”;

7. 2006年02月,获黑龙江省第七届青年科学技术奖;

8. 2005年07月,“超精密与纳米加工理论及相关技术研究”获黑龙江自然科学二等奖,第4完成人;

9. 2003年09月,“精密非球曲面磨削应用技术研究”获国防科学技术进步三等奖,第2完成人;

10. 在国内外著名期刊如《ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.》(SCI IF: 6.723/ 2014)、《Acta Biomater.》(SCI IF:6.025/2014)、《Sci. Rep-UK》(SCI IF:5.578/2014)、《Opt. Express》(SCI IF:3.488/2014)、《Int. J. Mach. Tool. Manu.》(SCI IF: 3.037/2014)、《Langmuir》(SCI IF:4.457/2014)、《J. Phys. Chem. B》(SCI IF:3.302/2014)、《J. Phys. Chem. C》(SCIIF:4.772/2014)、《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》(SCI IF:4.493/2014)、《Colloid Surface B》(SCIIF:4.152/2014)、《Appl. Surf. Sci.》(SCI IF: 2.711/2014)、《J. Mater. Process. Tech.》(SCI IF:2.236/2014)、《Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Tech.》(SCI IF:1.458/2014)、《Precis. Eng.》(SCI IF:1.517 /2014)、《机械工程学报》(等高水平杂志及会议上发表文章170余篇,其中SCI检索80余篇,EI检索130余篇,被国内外文献他引3000余次;获部省级奖5项;申请国家发明专利38项(已授权32项),主/参编教材5部。























































担任角色 负责

项目类别 纵向项目

项目状态 进行中



















* 在国内外高水平学术杂志上发表文章180余篇,其中SCI检索80余篇,EI检索140余篇,被国内外文献他引3000余次: Chen, MJ*; Cheng, J; Yuan, XD; Liao, W; Wang, HJ; Wang, JH; Xiao, Y; Li, MQ. Role of tool marks inside spherical mitigation pit fabricated by micro-milling on repairing quality of damaged KH2PO4 crystal, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 14422(SCI IF: 5.578/2014)

Ni Chen, Mingjun Chen*, Chunya Wu, Yanqiu Guo, Yanan Wang. The design and optimization of micro polycrystalline diamond ball end mill for repairing micro-defects on the surface of KDP crystal. Precision Engineering, 2016, 43:345-355 (SCI IF: 1.517/2014)

Mingjun Chen*, Ni Chen, Yanqiu Guo, Chunya Wu, Xuebin Wang. Study on the carbide tool wear mechanisms in micro milling stair-shape target of LiF crystal. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-7779-6 (SCI IF: 1.458/2014)

Mingjun Chen*, Henan Liu, Yinrui Su, Bo Yu, Zhen Fang. Development of a Magnetorheological Finishing Machine for Small-Bore Part of Irregular Shape and Experimental Study. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2015; DOI:10.1007/s00170-015-7573-5 (SCI IF: 1.458/2014)

Zhenhai Xu, Yihui Zhao, Lin Yuan, Yi Qin, Mingjun Chen, Debin Shan. The compensational boundary method to calculate the projected contact area of nanoindentation in atomistic simulations. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 112:185-192 (SCI IF: 2.131/2014)

Zhenhai Xu, Quanren Zeng, Lin Yuan, Yi Qin, Mingjun Chen, Debin Shan. Molecular dynamics study of the interactions of incident N or Ti atoms with the TiN(001) surface. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.11.090(SCI IF: 2.711/2014)

Wu, Chunya; Chen, Mingjun; Zheng, Ting; et al. Effect of surface roughness on the initial response of MC3T3-E1 cells cultured on polished titanium alloy, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2015, 26(S1): S155-S164 (SCI IF: 1.091/2014)

Chen, N; Chen, MJ*; Guo, YQ; Wang, XB. Effect of cutting parameters on surface quality in ductile cutting of KDP crystal using self-developed micro PCD ball end mill, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 78(1-4): 221-229 (SCI IF: 1.458/2014)

Xiao, Y, Chen, MJ*, Yang, YT, Cheng, J. Research on the critical condition of brittle-ductile transition about micro-milling of KDP crystal and experimental verification. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 16(2):351-359. (SCI IF: 1.458/2014)

Cheng, J; Chen, MJ*; Liao, W; Wang, HJ; Wang, JH; Xiao, Y; Li, MQ. Influence of surface cracks on laser-induced damage resistance of brittle KH2PO4 crystal. Optics Express, 2014, 22(23), 28740-28755 (SCI IF: 3.488/2014)

Chen, Mingjun*; Zheng, Ting; Wu, Chunya; Xing, Cheng. Molecular dynamics simulations of collagen adsorption onto grooved rutile surface: The effects of groove width. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2015, 121: 150-157(SCI IF: 4.152/2014)

Xiao, Y; Chen, MJ*; Cheng, J; Liao, W; Wang, HJ; Li, MQ. Effect of structural parameters of Gaussian repaired pit on light intensity distribution inside KH2PO4 crystal. Chinese Physics B,2014,Vol.8(23), 1674-1056 (SCI IF: 1.603/2014)

Chen, MJ*; Xiao, Y; Tian, WL; Wu, CY; Chu, X. Theoretical and experimental research on error analysis and optimization of tool path in fabricating aspheric compound eyes by precision micro milling. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(3)558-566 (SCI IF:0.598/2014)

Cheng, J; Chen, MJ*; Liao, W; Wang, HJ ; Xiao, Y ; Li, MQ. Fabrication of spherical mitigation pit on KH2PO4 crystal by micro-milling and modeling of its induced light intensification. Optics Express, 2013, 21 (14): 16799-16813 (SCI IF: 3.488/2014)

Chen, MJ*; Li, MQ; Xiao, Y; Pang, QL. Study on the optical performance and characterization method of texture on KH2PO4 surface processed by single point diamond turning. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 279(8) 233-244 (SCI IF: 2.711/2014)

Chen, MJ* ; Li, Z ; Yu, B; Peng, H ; Fang, Z. On-machine Precision Preparation and Dressing of Ball-headed Diamond Wheel for the Grinding of Fused Silica. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 26(5) 982-987 (SCI IF: 0.598/2014)

Xiao, Y; Chen, MJ*; Tian, WL. Research on accuracy analysis and performance verification test of micro-precise five-axis machine tool. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, Vol.67 (1-4) 387-395 (SCI IF: 1.458/2014)

Li, MQ ; Chen, MJ* ; Cheng, J; Xiao, Y; Jiang, W. Two important mechanisms damaging KH2PO4 crystal processed by ultraprecision fly cutting and their relationships with cutting parameters. Applied Optics, 2013 Vol.52(15)3451-3460 (SCI IF: 1.784/2014)

Chen, MJ*; Li, MQ ; An, CH ; Zhou, L ; Cheng, J ; Xiao, Y ; Jiang, W . Influence of Light Intensification by Subsurface Cracks on KH2PO4 Crystal@#%s Laser Induced Damage Threshold. Japanese Journal of Applied physics, 2013, Vol.52 (3) 032701 (SCI IF: 1.127/2014)

Zheng, T ; Wu, CY ; Chen, MJ*. Early adsorption of collagen on the reduced rutile (110) surface mediated by water: A molecular dynamics study. Surface Science, 2013, 616 (10) : 51-59 (SCI IF: 1.925/2014)

Wu, CY ; Chen, MJ* ; Skelton, AA ; Cummings, PT ; Zheng, T . Adsorption of Arginine-Glycine-Aspartate Tripeptide onto Negatively Charged Rutile (110) Mediated by Cations: The Effect of Surface Hydroxylation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5 (7): 2567-2579, 2013(SCI IF: 6.723/2014)

Jiaxuan Chen, Yingchun Liang, Mingjun Chen, Liquan Wang. Multi-Path Nanometric Cutting of Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2012, 9(9SI): 1303-1308. (SCI IF: 1.343/2014)

Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng, Mingquan Li, Yong Xiao. Study of modulation property to incident laser by surface micro-defects on KH2PO4 crystal. Chinese Physics B. 2012, 21(6): 064212. (SCI IF: 1.603/2014)

Mingjun Chen*, Gaobo Xiao, Lihua Lu, Chunya Wu. Mechanism of Chip-Formation in Nanometric Cutting of Single-Crystal Copper by Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2012, 9(1): 110-116. (SCI IF: 1.343/2014)

Mingjun Chen*, Haibo Ni, Zhijun Wang, Yan Jiang. Research on the modeling of burr formation process in micro-ball end milling operation on Ti-6Al-4V. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2012, 62(9-12): 901-912. (SCI IF: 1.458/2014)

Mingquan Li, Mingjun Chen*, Chenhui An, Lian Zhou, Jian Cheng, Yong Xiao, Wei Jiang. Mechanism of micro-waviness induced KH2PO4 crystal laser damage and the corresponding vibration source. Chinese Physics B. 2012, 21(5): 050301. (SCI IF: 1.603/2014)

Chunya Wu, Adam A. Skelton, Mingjun Chen, Lukas Vl?ek, Peter T. Cummings. Modeling the interaction between integrin-binding peptide (RGD) and rutile surface: The effect of cation mediation on Asp adsorption. Langmuir, 2012, 28(5): 2799-2811. (SCI IF: 4.457/2014)

Wu, Chunya, Skelton, Adam A., Chen, Mingjun, Vlcek, Lukas, Cummings, Peter T. Modeling the interaction between integrin-binding peptide (RGD) and rutile surface: The effect of Na+ on peptide adsorption. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2011, 115(45): 22375-22386. (SCI IF: 4.772/2014)

Mingjun Chen*, Mingquan Li, Jian Cheng, Wei Jiang, Jian Wang, Qiao Xu. Study on characteristic parameters influencing laser-induced damage threshold of KH2PO4 crystal surface machined by single point diamond turning. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2011, 110: 113103. (SCI IF:2.183/2014)

Chen MJ*, Li MQ, Jiang W Xu QA. . Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. Vol. 108 (4) 043109. (SCI IF:2.183/2013)

CHEN MingJun, XIAO GaoBo, CHEN JiaXuan, WU ChunYa. Research on the influence of machining introduced sub-surface defects and residue stress upon the mechanical properties of single crystal copper. SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2010, 53(12): 3161–3167. (SCI IF:1.192/2014)

C. Y. Wu, M. J. Chen*, X. Cheng. Molecular Understanding of conformational dynamics of a fibronectin module on rutile (110) surface. Langmuir. 2010, 26(20): 15972-15981. (SCI IF:4.457/2013)

D. P. Song, M. J. Chen, Y. C. Liang, C. Y. Wu et al. Molecular dynamics simulation study on surface structure and surface energy of anatase. MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 2010, 18: 075002. (SCI IF:2.167/2014)

Chen Ming-jun*, Jiang Wei, Li Ming-quan, Chen kuan-nun. Study of the near-field modulation property of microwaviness on a KH2PO4 crystal surface. Chinese physics. 2010, 19(6): 064203. (SCI IF: 1.603/2014)

C. Y. Wu, M. J. Chen, C. Q. Guo. Peptide-TiO2 interaction in aqueous solution: conformational dynamics of RGD using different water models. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2010, 114(13): 4692-4701. (SCI IF:3.377/2014)

Guo YB, Liang YC, Chen MJ. Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal effects in nanometric cutting process. Sci China Tech Sci. 2010, 53(3): 870-874. (SCI IF:1.113/2013)

D. P. Song, M. J. Chen, Y. C. Liang, Q. S. Bai, J. X. Chen, X. F. Zheng. Adsorption of tripeptide RGD on rutile TiO2 nanotopography surface in aqueous solution. Acta Biomaterialia. 2010, 6(2): 684-694. (SCI IF:6.792/2014)

Mingjun Chen, Chunya Wu, Daiping Song, Kai Li. RGD tripeptide onto perfect and grooved rutile surfaces in aqueous solution: adsorption behaviors and dynamics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2010, 12(2): 406-415. (SCI IF:4.198/2014)

Guo YB, Liang YC, Chen MJ, Lu LH. Molecular dynamics simulations of nanomachining mechanism and thermal effects of single crystal Cu. Acta metallurgica sinica. 2009, 45(10):1199-1204. (SCI IF:0.540/2014)

Chen MJ, Wu CY, Song DP, Dong WM, Li K. Effect of grooves on adsorption of RGD tripeptide onto rutile TiO2(110) surface. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine. 2009, 20(9): 1831-1838. (SCI IF:2.587/2014)

Liang YC, Chen JX, Chen MJ, Song DP, Bai QS. Three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation of nanostructure for reciprocating nanomachining process. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2009, 27(3): 1536-1542. (SCI IF:1.464/2014)

Liang YC, Song DP, Chen MJ, Bai QS. Adsorption mechanism of arg-gly-asp on rutile TiO2 (110) surface in aqueous solution. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2009, 27(3): 1548-1554. (SCI IF:1.464/ 2014 )

Song, Dai-Ping; Liang, Ying- Chun; Chen, Ming-Jun; Bai, Qing- Shun. Molecular dynamics study on surface structure and surface energy of rutile TiO2 (1 1 0). Applied Surface Science. 2009, 255(11): 5702-5708. (SCI IF:2.711/2014)

Pen Hongmin, Liang Yingchun, Bai Qingshun, Chen, Mingjun. Multiscale simulation of nanometric cutting of single crystal copper-effect of different cutting speeds. Acta Metallurgica Sinica-ENGLISH LETTERS. 2009, 22(6): 440-446. (SCI IF:0.727/2014)

Chen MJ*, Liang YC, Yuan YJ, et al. Deposition mechanism of nano-structured single-layered C-36 film on a diamond (100) crystal plane. Chinese Physics B. 2008, 17(11): 4260-4267. (SCI IF:1.603/2014)

Liang YC, Chen JX, Chen MJ, et al. Integrated MD simulation of scratching and shearing of 3D nanostructure. Computational Materials Science. 2008, 43(4): 1130-1140. (SCI IF: 2.131/2014)

Liang YC, Chen JX, Bai QS, Tang YL, Chen MJ. Molecular dynamics simulation of nanomachining process and mechanical properties of nanostructure. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2008, 44(8): 937-942. (SCI IF:0.540/2014)

Chen JX, Liang YC, Bai QS, Tang YL, Chen MJ. Researching Nanometric Cutting of Copper Based on Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2008, 5(8): 1485-1489. (SCI IF: 1.343/2014)

Chen MJ, Pang QL, Wang JH, et al. Analysis of 3D microtopography in machined KDP crystal surfaces based on fractal and wavelet methods. International journal of machine tools and manufacture. 2008, 48(7-8): 905-913. (SCI IF:3.037/2014)

Chen MJ*, Liang YC, Yuan YJ, et al. Influential factors of low-energy C-36 cluster deposition on diamond (100) crystal planet. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics. 2007, 20(6): 637-642. (SCI IF: 0.498/2014)

Liang YC, Chen JX, Chen MJ, et al. Mechanical properties of machined nanostructures. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics. 2007, 20(6): 649-654.(SCI IF:0.498/2014)

Chen MJ*, Wang JH, Liang YC, et al. Research on influence of the cutter rake angle to the surface quality during SPDT machining of crystal KDP. Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 339: 1-5. (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

Wang, JH; Dong, S; Wang, HX; Chen, MJ; Zong, WJ; Zhang, LJ. Forecasting of surface roughness and cutting force in single point diamond turning for KDP crystal. KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS2006 Vol.339 78-83 (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

Chen MJ*, Liang YC, Li HZ, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation on mechanical property of carbon nanotube torsional deformation. Chinese Physics. 2006, 15(11): 2676-2681. (SCI IF:0.924/2012)

M. J. Chen*, Y. C. Liang, Wang, J. H., Dong, S. Research on influence of crystal KDP anisotropy on critical condition of brittle-ductile transition in ultra-precision cutting. Key Engineering Materials. 2006, 315-316: 725-730. (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

Y. C. Liang. M. J. Chen*. Machining simulation and experimental research of complex surface parts based on the PMAC. Key Engineering Materials. 2006, 315: 753-758.(SCI IF:0.224/2005)

M. J. Chen*, Q. L. Zhao, D. Li, S. Dong. The critical conditions of brittle-ductile transition and the factors influencing the surface quality of brittle materials in ultra-precision grinding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2005, 168 (1): 75-82. (SCI IF:2.236/2014)

M. J. Chen*, Y. C. Liang, Y. S. Sun. Research of the Technological Parameters Influencing on the Surface Quality of Micro Complex Surface. Key Engineering Materials. 2005, 291-292: 513-518. (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

Q. L. Zhao, M. J. Chen, Y. C. Liang, S. Dong, K. Cheng, Measurement and analysis of AFM-based nano-indentation on micro-machined silicon surface. Key Engineering Materials. 2004, 257-258: 39-44. (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

M. J. Chen*, S. Dong, D. Li, F. H. Zhang. Factors Influencing the Surface Quality During Ultra-precision Grinding of Brittle Materials in Ductile Mode. Key Engineering Materials. 2004, 257-258: 201-206. (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

J. Z. Zhang, D. Li. M. J. Chen, S. Dong. An ultra-Low frequency parallel connection nonlinear isolator for precision instruments. Key Engineering Materials. 2004, 257-258: 231-236. (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

M. J. Chen*, D. Li, S. Dong, F. H. Zhang. Research on the Influence of The Diamond Wheel Wears on Machining Accuracy During Large Depth-to-Diameter Ratio Ultra-precision Aspheric Grinding Process. Key Engineering Materials. 2004, 259-261: 312-317. (SCI IF:0.224/2005)

M. J. Chen*, W. X. Guo, D. Li. Research of the complex surface algorithm based on recursive subdivision numeric control interpolation. Materials Science Forum. 2004, 471-472: 155-161. (SCI IF:0.339/2005)

Mingjun Chen*, Dan Li, Shen Dong. Research on a large depth-to-diameter ratio ultra-precision aspheric grinding system. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2002, 129(1-3): 91-95. (SCI IF: 2.236 /2014)

M. Chen*, Q. Zhao, S. Dong, D. Li. Development of an ultra-precision grinding system for machining optical aspheric components with a large depth diameter ratio. Proceeding of the institution of mechanical engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2002, 216(11): 1471-1480. (SCI IF: 0.954 /2014)


1. 目前陈明君教授课题组已指导博士研究生20名,已毕业12名,硕士研究生70余名,已毕业60余名;

2. 毕业的博士生有7人在高校工作,如哈尔滨工业大学、重庆大学、南京航空航天大学、大连海事大学、南京林业大学等;

3. 先后派遣6名博士研究生到美国范德堡大学、美国俄亥俄州立大学、比利时鲁汶大学、英国诺丁汉大学等进行联合培养,并且与对方导师建立了良好的合作关系;

4. 培养博士生(程健),研究论文“KDP晶体表面微缺陷及其修复对抗激光损伤能力影响研究”,荣获机械领域全国优秀博士论文奖---“上银机械优秀博士论文奖”铜奖(2017)(机械工程领域全国优博,金奖空缺(40万)、银奖1项(30万)、铜奖2项(20万));

5. 培养博士生(陈妮),研究论文“KDP晶体修复用球头微铣刀及其对表面质量影响的研究 ”, 荣获机械领域全国优秀博士论文奖---“上银机械优秀博士论文奖”铜奖(2018)(金奖1项(40万)、银奖2项(30万)、铜奖3项(20万));

6. 2010年自设立国家奖学金以来,所培养学生获得博士国家奖学金(6人)、硕士国家奖学金(5人);

7. 培养的博硕士研究生荣获得黑龙江省优秀毕业论文(1人)、省三好学生(1人)、校优秀博士论文(2人)、校优秀硕士研究生毕业论文(18人);

8. 培养的博士研究生(吴春亚)获哈尔滨工业大学校优秀博士论文;

9. 培养硕士生(肖勇),其硕士论文获黑龙江省优秀硕士论文(2012);

10. 培养的硕士研究生(王廷章)获得黑龙江省三好学生;

11. 目前本课题组有在站博士后2名。

1. 每年拟招收6-8名研究生,2名博士生;根据学生志愿,硕士生不要求直博,有志愿直博者不占研究生招生名额。

2. 课题组优秀博士生在博二至博三期间可与国外高水平大学进行联合培养,进行优先推荐,联合培养1-2年;

3. 博、硕士研究生的课题方向:











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