

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

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徐成彦,男,工学博士,教授、博士生导师。1996年考入哈尔滨工业大学,2000年起攻读硕士学位,2002年3月转为直攻博士生,博士期间曾在美国北卡罗莱纳大学(UNC Chapel Hill)、佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech)进行合作研究。2008年4月获工学博士学位,论文获2010年度全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖。2005年提前留校工作并任讲师,2009年晋升为副教授,2013年晋升为教授(破格)。2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划,2013年入选哈工大青年拔尖人才计划,2019年入选第四批国家“****”青年拔尖人才计划。目前主要从事二维材料的合成及其在电学、光电、能源和生物医学等领域的应用。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年及面上项目3项。已发表SCI收录论文154篇,其中材料、化学等领域重要期刊Adv. Mater. (1篇)、Adv. Funct. Mater. (6篇)、JACS (2篇)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (1篇)、Nano Lett. (1篇)、ACS Nano (3篇)、Energy Enivron. Sci. (1篇)、Nano Energy (5篇)、Adv. Sci (1篇)、Small (2篇),Google Scholar引用4200余次,H因子为35。

Dr. Chengyan Xu is currently a full professor at School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Shenzhen. He obtained his bachelor degree (2000) and Ph.D. degree (2008) both from HIT. During 02/2014 and 03/2005, he was a visiting student with Prof. Lu-Chang Qin at Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He spent half a year at Prof. Zhong Lin Wang’s group at Georgia Institute of Technology as a visiting scholar in 2007. Dr. Xu joined the faculty of HIT Department of Materials Science as a lecturer prior to earning his doctoral degree, and was promoted to associate professor in 2009, and full professor in 2013. He was appointed as the associate head for scientific research in 2011. In this year, he was awarded by Ministry of Education in Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET).

Ph.D. 2008, Harbin Institute of Technology. Supervisors: Prof. Liang Zhen and Prof. Lu-Chang Qin (UNC Chapel Hill)

B.Eng. 2000, Harbin Institute of Technology. Supervisor: Prof. Yue Sun

Professor (2019/04 to present)

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

Professor (2013/12 to 2019/03); Associate Professor (2009/9-2013/12); Lecturer (2005/10-2009/9)

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

Visiting Scholar, 2007/4 to 2007/10, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, with Prof. Zhong Lin Wang

Visiting Student, 2004/2 to 2005/2, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with Prof. Lu-Chang Qin

Appoitments and professional activities
Associate Director, MITT Key Laboratory of Advanced Structural-Functional Integration Materials & Green Manufacturing Technology, HIT (2017/11 to present)

Associate Head for Research, Department of Materials Science, HIT (2011/4 to 2017/3)

Board of Directors, Chinese Materials Research Society – Youth Branch (2011/10 to present)

Editor Board Member, Scientific Reports

Referee for ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, Nano Energy, 2D Materials, Nanoscale, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials & Interface and etc


2018哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师 (学生:刘佩莹)

2017哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师 (学生:贺雯)



2013哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才计划 (HIT Young Talent Support Program)

2012黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 (First Prize, Natural Science Award of Heilongjiang Province, ranking: 5/5)

2011教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 (New Century Excellent Talents in Universities, Ministry of Education, China)

2010全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖 (Nomination Award for the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of China)

2009哈尔滨工业大学第十一届优秀博士学位论文 (Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of HIT)














Sum of the Times Cited (Including ISTP/CPCI-S): 627

Sum of Times Cited without Self-citations: 504

Articles indexed by SCI: 64

Average Citations per Article: 9.80

H-index: 14

新闻标题丁苏硕士期间工作发表于Materials Research Bulletin


Ding, S., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, W.S., Huang, Y.D., Zhen, L.*, Formation of tubular BaTiO3 nanoparticle assembly through the Kirkendall effect using Na2Ti3O7 nanowires as template, Materials Research Bulletin 2013, accepted












李望达为英才班第一届本科生。他从2011年进入课题组参与科研工作,之后独立从事高容量 β-LixV2O5材料的合成及电化学性能研究,先后撰写了2篇英文文章,发表于本领域Top期刊JMCA和JES。目前他在美国德州大学奥斯丁分校(University of Texas at Austin)继续博士论文工作。

1. Li, W.D., Xu, C.Y., Pan, X.L., Huang, Y.D., Zhen, L., High capacity and enhanced structural reversibility of β-LixV2O5 nanorods as the lithium battery cathode, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1: 5361-5369

2. Li, W.D., Xu, C.Y., Du, Y., Fang, H.T., Feng, Y.J., Zhen, L., Electrochemical lithium insertion behavior of β-LixV2O5 (0 ≤ x < 3) as the cathode materials for secondary lithium batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 2013, accepted

新闻标题模板法合成BaFe12O19纳米棒工作发表于Ceramics International



Xu, C.Y., Fu., L.S., Cai, X., Sun, X.Y., Zhen, L., Topochemical synthesis and magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 nanorods using α-FeOOH nanowires as templates, Ceramics International 2014, accepted.

新闻标题马飞翔硕士期间工作发表于Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials


Ma, F.X., Sun, X.Y., He, K., Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Hydrothermal synthesis, magnetic and electromagnetic properties of hexagonal Fe3O4 microplates, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2014, accepted

新闻标题Google scholar引用超过1000次



Citations: 1001

h-index: 18

i10-index: 31

(as of March 1, 2014)



Ma, F.X., Wang, P.P., Xu, C.Y., Yu, J., Fang, H.T., Zhen, L., Synthesis of self-stacked CuFe2O4-Fe2O3 porous nanosheets as high performance Li-ion battery anodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, in press. DOI: 10.1039/C4TA03008G

新闻标题李洋论文发表于Scientific Reports


Li, Y., Xu, C.Y., Wang, J.Y., Zhen, L., Photodiode-like behavior and excellent photoresponse of vertical Si/monolayer MoS2 heterostructures, Scientific Reports 2014, accepted.

Congratulations to our first paper in Scientific Reports, an open access journal published by Nature Publishing Group with latest impact factor of 5.078!

新闻标题于静论文发表于ACS Applied Materials & Interface


Yu, J., Xu, C.Y., Ma, F.X., Hu, S.P., Zhang, Y.W., Zhen, L., Monodisperse SnS2 nanosheets for high-performance photocatalytic hydrogen generation, ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2014, accepted for publication.






Ma, F.X., Wu, H.B., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Lou, X.W.*, Self-organized sheaf-like Fe3O4/C hierarchical microrods with superior lithium storage properties, Nanoscale 2015

新闻标题王攀攀论文发表于Electrochimica Acta


Wang, P.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Li, W.D., Wang, L., Zhen, L.*, Low temperature electrochemical performance of β-LixV2O5 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, accepted for publication.

新闻标题合作论文发表于Advanced Materials


Ma, F.X., Han, Y., Wu, H.B., Xu, C.Y., Xu, Z.C., Zhen, L., Lou, X.W., Formation of uniform Fe3O4 hollow spheres organized by ultrathin nanosheets and their excellent lithium storage properties, Advanced Materials 2015, in press.

新闻标题SCI citation report: Total citation>1200, h index=20






新闻标题缪昭华论文发表于ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces


Miao, Z.H., Wang, H., Yang, H.J., Li, Z.L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Intrinsically Mn2+-chelated polydopamine nanoparticles for simultaneous MR imaging and photothermal ablation of cancer cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, in press.

Congratulations to the excellent work!






新闻标题博士生李洋论文发表于Advanced Functional Materials


Li, Y., Xu, C.Y., Qin, J.K., Feng, W., Wang, J.Y., Zhang, S.Q., Mai, L.P., Cao, J., Hu, P.A., Ren, W.C., Zhen, L., Tuning the excitonic states in MoS2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures via electrochemical gating, Advanced Functional Materials 2015, accepted for publication





新闻标题博士生于静论文发表于Scientific Reports


Yu, J., Xu, C.Y.*, Li, Y., Zhou, F., Chen, X.S., Hu, P.A., Zhen, L.*, Ternary SnS2-xSex alloys nanosheets and nanosheet assembly with tunable chemical compositions and band gaps for photodetector applications, Scientific Reports 2015, accepted.


新闻标题博士生马飞翔论文发表于Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 并被选为Hot Paper


Ma, F.X., Wu, H.B., Xia, B.Y., Xu, C.Y., Lou, X.W., Hierarchical β-Mo2C nanotubes organized by ultrathin nanosheets as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen production, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2015, accepted




Wang, J.Y., Li, Y., Zhan, Z.Y., Li, T., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Elastic properties of suspended black phosphorous nanosheets, Applied Physics Letters 2015, accepted.


新闻标题马飞翔论文入选2015年Advanced Materials下载排行榜Top 20



2015年Advanced Materials最热文章MaterialsViews编辑部
本文统计了Advanced Materials在2015年全年访问量排在前二十位的文章。数据通过Wiley Online Library统计论文页面浏览量(Page Views)得出。

1 Graphene and Graphene Oxide: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications


通讯作者:Rodney S. Ruoff (现 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

发表时间:29 June 2010; 引用次数:2261

2 Self-Fueled Biomimetic Liquid Metal Mollusk

第一作者:张洁 (清华大学)

通讯作者:刘静 (清华大学,中科院理化研究所)

发表时间:3 March 2015; 引用次数:7

3 Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Biocompatibility and Drug Delivery

通讯作者:唐芳琼 (中科院理化所)

发表时间:29 February 2012; 引用次数:472

4 3D Printing of Highly Stretchable and Tough Hydrogels into Complex, Cellularized Structures

通讯作者:赵宣和 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

发表时间:1 June 2015; 引用次数:5

5 Whitesides’ Group: Writing a Paper

通讯作者:G.?M. Whitesides (Harvard University, USA)

发表时间:4 August 2004; 引用次数:22

6 Advanced Materials for Energy Storage



发表时间:14 January 2010; 引用次数:1334

7 A New Tubular Graphene Form of a Tetrahedrally Connected Cellular Structure



发表时间: 25 August 2015; 引用次数:4

8 Polymeric Photocatalysts Based on Graphitic Carbon Nitride

第一作者:Shaowen Cao (武汉理工大学)

通讯作者:余家国 (武汉理工大学)

Mietek Jaroniec(Kent State University)

发表时间:20 February 2015; 引用次数:86

9 Printing in Three Dimensions with Graphene

通讯作者:Esther García-Tu?on, Suelen Barg(Imperial College London, UK)

发表时间:21 January 2015; 引用次数:6

10 Cellulose Nanocrystal Aerogels as Universal 3D Lightweight Substrates for Supercapacitor Materials

通讯作者:Emily D. Cranston (McMaster University, Canada)

发表时间:21 October 2015; 引用次数:0

11 Synthesis of Large‐Area MoS2 Atomic Layers with Chemical Vapor Deposition

通讯作者:李連忠 Lain-Jong (Lance) Li(现King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)

林宗吾Tsung-Wu Lin (台湾东海大学)

发表时间:30 March 2012; 引用次数:586

12 Planar CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells with Constant 17.2% Average Power Conversion Efficiency Irrespective of the Scan Rate

通讯作者:Sang Hyuk Im(Kyung Hee University, South Korea)

发表时间:27 April 2015; 引用次数:1

13 Formation of Uniform Fe3O4 Hollow Spheres Organized by Ultrathin Nanosheets and Their Excellent Lithium Storage Properties



发表时间:2 June 2015; 引用次数:8






报告题目:Manipulating Strong Light-Matter Interactions in Graphene and 2D Semiconductors
主讲人:Dr. Sufei Shi

报告摘要:We exploit strong light matter interaction in graphene for graphene based optoelectronic devices. We use both scanning photocurrent microscopy and optical pump terahertz (THz) probe spectroscopy to reveal hot carrier behavior in graphene. This hot carrier behavior is crucial to understand the effect of optical excitation on graphene and can potentially lead to efficient solar energy conversion and ultrafast optoelectronic devices. We also exploit the strong light matter interaction in THz regime to make graphene based THz modulator.
Transitional metal dichalcogenide (TMD) is a new class of 2D semiconductors which become direct bandgap semiconductor at a single layer limit. MX2 exhibits intriguing excitonic physics as well as strong absorption. We combine optical spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy to determine the extraordinarily large exciton binding energy of MoSe2. This giant exciton binding energy presents a challenge for efficient carrier separation in solar cell applications. We demonstrate that, by using MoS2/WS2 heterostructure, we can achieve a type-II band alignment and realize extremely fast carrier separation.

新闻标题李洋论文发表于Adv. Funct. Mater.


Li, Y.#, Qin, J.K.#, Xu, C.Y.*, Cao, J., Sun, Z.Y., Ma, L.P., Hu, P.A., Ren, W.C., Zhen, L.*, Electric field tunable photoluminescence properties and interlayer coupling in WSe2/graphene heterostructures, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, accepted.




Current students
Shouxin Zhao (赵守鑫), PhD student, 2018-

Zhaoyuan Sun (孙昭媛), PhD student, 2017-

Bo Xu (徐博), PhD student, 2017-

Pan Luo (罗攀), PhD student, 2016-; co-supervisor: Dr. Xueyin Sun

Hang Yan (严杭), PhD student, 2015-

Na Chen (陈娜), PhD student, 2014-; co-supervisor: Dr. Jiantang Jiang

M.S. students:

Xin Hu, 2017-2019

Hongyang Yang, 2017-2019

Undergraduate students:

Yue Li, 2015-


Zhaohua Miao, Assistant Professor, Hefei University of Technology


Dandan Ren, 2018; Current: PhD student at UC Irvine

Yanxin Yao, 2017, Current: PhD student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Yuwei Zhang, 2016, Current: Shanghai

Sichao He, 2016, Current: Tianjin

Jiaying Wang, 2015, Current: PhD student at UCSD

Lei Cao, M.E., 2014,Current: PhD student in Germany

Zheng Ma, M.E., 2014, Current: Beijing

Honghan Yao, M.E., 2013, Current: Dalian

Feixiang Ma, M.E., 2012,Current: PhD student at HIT

Su Ding, M.E., 2011,Current: Assistant Professor at Hanzhou Dianzi Univeristy


Peiying Liu, B.E. 2018, Current: master student at Imperial College London

Wen He, B.E. 2017, Current: PhD student at NUS

Dandan Ren, B.E. 2016, Current: PhD student at UC Irvine

Liang Xu, B.E., 2015

Yuwei Zhang, B.E., 2014 Current: Shanghai

Sichao He, B.E., 2014 Current: Tianjin

Pei Zhang, B.E., 2013

Wangda Li, B.E., 2013 (co-supervision) Current: Postdoc at UT Austin

Zheng Ma, B.E., 2012, Current: Beijing

Xin Cai, B.E., 2011, Current: Changchun

Yuanchao Liu, B.E., 2010, Current: PhD student at MSU

Xue Zhang, B.E., 2010,Current: Baosteel, Shanghai

Jianing An, B.E., 2009,Current: Postdoctor researcher at NTU

Qiuju Tang, B.E., 2008,Current: at Jiangsu

Qixiang He, B.E., 2007, Current: at Chengdu



Research interest
Two-dimensional materials for electronic, energy and environmental applications (2DE3)

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=dIXcHhIAAAAJ; total citations: >4200, H-index = 35. ResearchID: C-6134-2008

Selected publications:

Xu, C.Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, H., Zhen, L., Tang, J., Qin, L.-C.*, Synthesis and characterization of single-crystalline alkali titanate nanowires, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127: 11584-11585

Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L.*, Yang, R.S., Wang, Z.L.*, Synthesis of single-crystalline niobate nanorods via ion-exchange based on molten-salt reaction, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129: 15444-15445

Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Hu, P.A., Zhen, L.*, Carrier control of MoS2 nanoflakes by functional self-assembled monolayers, ACS Nano 2013, 7: 7795-7804

Li, Y., Wang, T.M., Wang, H., Li, Z.P., Chen, Y.W., West, D., Sankar, R., Ulaganathan, R.K., Chou, F.C., Wetzel, C., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhang, S.B.*, Shi, S.F.*, Enhanced light emission from the ridge of two-dimensional InSe flakes, Nano Letters 2018, 18: 5078-5084

Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Qin, J.K., Feng, W., Wang, J.Y., Zhang, S.Q., Ma, L.P., Cao, J., Hu, P.A., Ren, W.C., Zhen, L.*, Tuning the excitonic states in MoS2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures via electrochemical gating, Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26: 293-302

Li, Y., Qin, J.K., Xu, C.Y.*, Cao, J., Sun, Z.Y., Ma, L.P., Hu, P.A., Ren, W.C., Zhen, L.*, Electric field tunable photoluminescence properties and interlayer coupling in WSe2/graphene heterostructures, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26: 4319-4328

Yu, J., Li, Q.Q., Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Dravid, V.P., Wu, J.S.*, Ternary metal phosphide with triple-layered structure as a low-cost and efficient electrocatalyst for bifunctional water splitting, Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26: 7644-7651

Qin, J.K., Qiu, G., He, W., Jian, J., Si, M.W., Duan, Y.Q., Charnas, A., Zemlyanov, D.Y., Wang, H.Y., Shao, W.Z., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Ye, P.D.*, Epitaxial growth of 1D atomic chain based Se nanoplates on monolayer ReS2 for high-performance photodetectors, Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28: **

Pei, Y., Chen, Q., Xiao, Y.C., Liu, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Henkelman, G., Cao, G.Z.*, Understanding the phase transition among spinel-layered-rock salt system: Criterion for rational design of LLO/spinel composites, Nano Energy 2017, 40: 566-575

Xiao, Y.C., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, P.P., Fang, H.T., Sun, X.Y., Ma, F.X., Pei, Y., Zhen, L.*, Encapsulating MnO nanoparticles within foam-like carbon nanosheet matrix for fast and durable lithium storage, Nano Energy 2018, 50: 675-684

Yu, J.#, Li, W.J.#, Zhang, H.S., Zhou, F., Li, R.M., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhou, L.M., Zhong, H., Wang, J.*, Metallic FePSe3 nanoparticles anchored on N-doped carbon framework for all-pH hydrogen evolution reaction, Nano Energy 2019, 57: 222-229

Du, Y.#, Ma, F.X.#, Xu, C.Y.*, Yu, J., Li, D., Feng, Y.J., Zhen, L.*, Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes/reduced graphene oxide nanosheet hybrids towards enhanced cathodic oxygen reduction and power generation of microbial fuel cells, Nano Energy 2019, 61: 533-539

Miao, Z.H., Lv, L.X., Li, K., Liu, P.Y., Li, Z.L., Yang, H.J.*, Zhao, Q.L., Chang, M.L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Liquid exfoliation of colloidal rhenium disulfide nanosheets as a multifunctional theranostic agent for in vivo photoacoustic/CT imaging and photothermal therapy, Small 2018, 14: **

Miao, P.#, Qin, J.K.#, Shen, Y.F., Su, H.M., Dai, J.F., Song, B., Du, Y.C., Sun, M.T., Zhang, W., Wang, S.L.*, Xu, C.Y.*, Xu, P.*, Unraveling the Raman enhancement mechanism on 1T’-phase ReS2 nanosheets, Small 2018, 14: **

Ma, F.X., Xu, C.Y.*, Lyu, F., Song, B., Sun, S.C., Li, Y.Y., Lu, J., Zhen, L.*, Construction of FeP hollow nanoparticles densely encapsulated in carbon nanosheet frameworks for efficient and durable electrocatalytic hydrogen production, Advanced Science 2019, 6: **

Publications: (Underlined: undergraduate students; * denotes correponding author; # denotes equal contribution.)

Submitted manuscripts:

166. Pei, Y., Chen, Q., Wang, M.Y., Li, B., Wang, P., Henkelman, G., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Cao, G.Z., Reviving the reversible anion redox in 3d-transition-metal Li rich oxides by introducing surface defects, 2019, submitted.

165. Wang, P.P., Du, Y., Zhang, B.Y., Yao, Y.X., Xiao, Y.C., Huang, Y., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Boosting the rate and cycling performance of β-LixV2O5 nanorods by LaPO4 coating and reduced graphene oxide nanosheets wrapping, 2019, submitted.

164. Miao, Z.H., Liu, P.Y., Wang, Y.C., Li, K., Huang, D.D., Yang, H.J., Zhao, Q.L., Zha, Z.B., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., PEGylated metallic tantalum nanoparticles for photothermal therapy and photoacoustic imaging, 2019, submitted.

163. Chen, N., Jiang, J.T., Guan, Z.J., Xu, C.Y., Yan, S.J., Zhen, L., Boosting the electromagnetic properties of Co7Fe3 nanospheres via TiO2 coating and annealing for EMA application, 2019, under revision

162. Du, Y.#, Ma, F.X.#, Xu, C.Y.*, Yu, J., Li, D., Feng, Y.J., Zhen, L.*, Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes/reduced graphene oxide nanosheet hybrids towards enhanced cathodic oxygen reduction and power generation of microbial fuel cells, Nano Energy 2019, 61: 533-539

161. Miao, Z.H., Chen, S., Xu, C.Y., Ma, Y.*, Qian, H.S., Xu, Y.J., Chen, H.J., Wang, X.W., He, G., Lu, Y., Zha, Z.B.*, PEGylated rhenium nanoclusters: A degradable metal photothermal nanoagent for cancer therapy, Chemical Science 2019, in press.

160. Chen, N., Cai, T., Li, W.H., Hills-Kimball, K., Yang, H.J., Que, M.D., Nagaoka, Y., Liu, Z.Y., Yang, D., Dong, A.G., Xu, C.Y., Zia, R., Chen, O.*, Yb- and Mn-doped lead-free double-perovskite Cs2AgBiX6 (X = Cl-, Br-) nanocrystals, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11: 16855-16863

159. Yu, F.D., Que, L.F., Xu, C.Y., Wang, M.J., Sun, G., Duh, J.G., Wang, Z.B.*, Dual conductive surface engineering of Li-rich oxides cathode for superior high-energy-density Li-ion batteries, Nano Energy 2019, 59: 527-536

158. Liu, H., Sun, S.C., Xu, C.Y.*, Du, Y., Ma, F.X., Zhen, L.*, Salt-templated synthesis of Co9S8 nanoparticles anchored on N, S co-doped carbon nanosheets towards high-performance water oxidation, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2019, 835: 67-72

157. Qin, J.K., Yan, H., Qiu, G., Si, M.W., Miao, P., Duan, Y.Q., Shao, W.Z., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Ye, P.D.*, Hybrid dual-channel phototransistor based on 1D t-Se and 2D ReS2 mixed-dimensional heterojunction, Nano Research 2019, 12: 669-674

156. Yu, J.#, Li, W.J.#, Zhang, H.S., Zhou, F., Li, R.M., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhou, L.M., Zhong, H., Wang, J.*, Metallic FePSe3 nanoparticles anchored on N-doped carbon framework for all-pH hydrogen evolution reaction, Nano Energy 2019, 57: 222-229

155. Ma, F.X., Xu, C.Y.*, Lyu, F., Song, B., Sun, S.C., Li, Y.Y., Lu, J., Zhen, L.*, Construction of FeP hollow nanoparticles densely encapsulated in carbon nanosheet frameworks for efficient and durable electrocatalytic hydrogen production, Advanced Science 2019, 6: **

154. Liu, H., Xu, C.Y.*, Du, Y., Ma, F.X., Li, Y., Yu, J., Zhen, L.*, Ultrathin Co9S8 nanosheets vertically aligned on N,S/rGO for low voltage electrolytic water in alkaline, Scientific Reports 2019, 9: 1951
153. Yu, J.#, Du, Y.#, Li, Q.Q., Zhen, L., Dravid, V.P., Wu, J.S.*, Xu, C.Y.*, In-situ growth of graphene decorated Ni3S2 pyramids on Ni foam for high-performance overall water splitting, Applied Surface Science 2019, 465: 772-779


152. Li, Y., Sun, X.Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Cao, J., Sun, Z.Y., Zhen, L.*, Ferroelectric resistive switching behavior in two-dimensional materials/BiFeO3 hetero-junctions, Nanoscale 2018, 10: 23080-23086

151. Qin, J.K., Qiu, G., He, W., Jian, J., Si, M.W., Duan, Y.Q., Charnas, A., Zemlyanov, D.Y., Wang, H.Y., Shao, W.Z., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Ye, P.D.*, Epitaxial growth of 1D atomic chain based Se nanoplates on monolayer ReS2 for high-performance photodetectors, Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28: **

150. Dai, M.J., Chen, H.Y.*, Feng, R., Feng, W., Hu, Y.X., Yang, H.H., Liu, G.B., Chen, X.S., Zhang, J., Xu, C.Y., Hu, P.A.*, A dual-band multilayer InSe self-powered photodetector with high performance induced by surface plasmon resonance and asymmetric Schottky junction, ACS Nano 2018, 12: 8739-8747

149. Li, Y., Wang, T.M., Wang, H., Li, Z.P., Chen, Y.W., West, D., Sankar, R., Ulaganathan, R.K., Chou, F.C., Wetzel, C., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhang, S.B.*, Shi, S.F.*, Enhanced light emission from the ridge of two-dimensional InSe flakes, Nano Letters 2018, 18: 5078-5084

148. Yu, J., Tian, Y.M., Zhou, F., Zhang, M.L., Liu, Q., Liu, J.Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, J.*, Electrodeposited nickel cobalt diselenides nanosheet networks on carbon cloth for efficient overall water splitting, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6: 17353-17360 (Inside Back Cover, Selected as Hot Paper)

147. Xiao, Y.C., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, P.P., Fang, H.T., Sun, X.Y., Ma, F.X., Pei, Y., Zhen, L.*, Encapsulating MnO nanoparticles within foam-like carbon nanosheet matrix for fast and durable lithium storage, Nano Energy 2018, 50: 675-684

146. Xu, C.Y., Qin, J.K., Yan, H., Li, Y., Shao, W.Z., Zhen, L.*, Homogeneous surface oxidation and triangle patterning of monolayer MoS2 by hydrogen peroxide, Applied Surface Science 2018, 452: 451-456

145. Ren, D.D., Qin, J.K., Li, Y., Miao, P., Sun, Z.Y., Xu, P., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Photoluminescence inhomogeneous and excitons in CVD-grown monolayer WS2, Optical Materials 2018, 80: 203-208

144. Liu, P.Y., Miao, Z.H., Li, K., Yang, H.J., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Biocompatible Fe(III)-TA coordination complex with high photothermal conversion efficiency for photothermal ablation of cancer cells, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2018, 167: 183-190

143. Ma, F.X., Sun, X.Y., Zhang, B.Y., Sun, S.C., Zhou, C., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Topochemical synthesis of Fe3O4 nanosheet-assembled hierarchical structures as high-performance anode for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2018, 29: 7805-7810

142. Chen, N., Jiang, J.T.*, Xu, C.Y., Yan, S.J., Zhen, L.*, Rational construction of uniform CoNi-based core-shell microspheres with outstanding electromagnetic wave absorption performance, Scientific Reports 2018, 8: 3196

141. Miao, Z.H., Lv, L.X., Li, K., Liu, P.Y., Li, Z.L., Yang, H.J.*, Zhao, Q.L., Chang, M.L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Liquid exfoliation of colloidal rhenium disulfide nanosheets as a multifunctional theranostic agent for in vivo photoacoustic/CT imaging and photothermal therapy, Small 2018, 14: **

140. Li, Y., Wang, T.M., Wu, M., Cao, T., Chen, Y.W., Sankar, R., Kumar, R., Chou, F.C., Wetzel, C., Xu, C.Y.*, Louie, S.*, Shi, S.F.*, Ultrasensitive tunability of the Direct bandgap of two-dimensional InSe flakes via strain engineering, 2D Materials 2018, 5: 021002

139. Miao, P., Qin, J.K., Shen, Y.F., Su, H.M., Dai, J.F., Song, B., Du, Y.C., Sun, M.T., Zhang, W., Wang, S.L.*, Xu, C.Y.*, Xu, P.*, Unraveling the Raman enhancement mechanism on 1T’-phase ReS2 nanosheets, Small 2018, 14: **

138. Miao, Z.H., Li, K., Liu, P.Y., Li, Z.L., Yang, H.J.*, Zhao, Q.L., Yang, Q.Z., Chang, M.L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Natural humic acid-based theranostic agents, Advanced Healthcare Materials 2018, 7: **

137. Xiao, Y.C., Xu, C.Y.*, Sun, X.Y., Pei, Y., Wang, P.P., Ma, F.X., Zhen, L.*, Constructing yolk-shell MnO@C nanodiscs through a carbothermal reduction process for highly stable lithium storage, Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 336: 427-435


136. Qin, J.K., Ren, D.D., Shao, W.Z.*, Li, Y., Miao, P., Sun, Z.Y., Hu, P.A., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Photoresponse enhancement in monolayer ReS2 phototransistor decorated with CdSe-CdS-ZnS quantum dots, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 39456-39463

135. Qin, J.K., Qiu, G., Jian, J., Zhou, H., Yang, L.M., Charnas, A., Zemlyanov, D.Y., Xu, C.Y., Xu, X.F., Wu, W.Z., Wang, H.Y., Ye, P.D.*, Controlled growth of large-size 2D selenene and its electronic and optoelectronic applications, ACS Nano 2017, 11: 10222-10229

134. Pei, Y., Chen, Q., Xiao, Y.C., Liu, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Henkelman, G., Cao, G.Z.*, Understanding the phase transition among spinel-layered-rock salt system: Criterion for rational design of LLO/spinel composites, Nano Energy 2017, 40: 566-575

133. Chen, Q., Xiao, P.H., Pei, Y., Song, Y., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L.*, Henkeman, G.*, Structural transformations in Li2MnSiO4: Evidence that a Li intercalation material can reversibly cycle through a disordered phase, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5: 16722-16731 (Selected as JMCA HOT paper)

132. Ma, F.X., Wu, H.B.*, Sun, X.Y., Wang, P.P., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Hierarchical Mn3O4 microplates composed of stacking porous nanosheets for high-performance lithium storage, ChemElectroChem 2017, 4: 2703-2708

131. Chen, N., Jiang, J.T.*, Xu, C.Y., Gong, Y.X., Yuan, Y., Zhen, L.*, Co7Fe3 and Co7Fe3@SiO2 nanospheres with tunable diameter for high-performance electromagnetic wave absorbing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9: 21933-21941

130. Qin, J.K., Shao, W.Z., Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Ren, D.D., Song, X.G., Zhen, L.*, van der Waals epitaxy of large-area continuous ReS2 films on mica substrate, RSC Advances 2017, 7: 24188-24194

129. Wang, P.P., Chen, J., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, Y.Q., Zhen, L.*, Vertical aligned V2O5 nanoneedle arrays grown on Ti substrate as binder-free cathode for lithium-ion batteries, Ionics 2017, 23: 2961-2967

128. Qin, J.K., Shao, W.Z., Xu, C.Y.*, Li, Y., Ren, D.D., Song, X.G., Zhen, L.*, Chemical vapor deposition growth of degenerate p-type Mo-doped ReS2 films and its homojunction, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9: 15583-15591

127. Fu, L.S., Wang, W.S.*, Xu, C.Y., Li, Y., Zhen, L.*, Design, fabrication and characterization of pressure-responsive films based on the orientation dependence of plasmonic properties of Ag@Au nanoplates, Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 1676

126. Yu, Y.G., Zhong, J.*, Liu, J.N., Zhou, G.X., Lv, L.X., Xu. C.Y.*, Koratkar, N., In-situ pressing synthesis of densely compacted carbon nanotubes reinforced nanocomposites with outstanding mechanical performance, Composites Science and Technology 2017, 146: 131-138

125. Liu, H.#, Ma, F.X.#, Xu, C.Y.*, Yang, L., Du, Y., Wang, P.P., Yang, S. Zhen, L.*, Sulfurizing-induced hollowing of Co9S8 microplates with nanosheet units for highly efficient water oxidation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9: 11634-11641 (equal contribution)

124. Yang, S., Jiang, J.T.*, Xu, C.Y., Wang, Y., Xu, Y.Y., Cao, L., Zhen, L.*, Synthesis of Zn(II)-doped magnetite leaf-like nanorings for efficient microwave electromagnetic absorption, Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 45480

123. Yin, Y., Miao, P., Zhang, Y.M., Han, J.C., Zhang, X.H., Gong, Y., Gu, L., Xu, C.Y., Yao, T., Xu, P.*, Wang, Y.*, Song, B.*, Jin, S., Significantly increased Raman enhancement on MoX2 (X=S, Se) monolayers upon phase transition, Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27, **

122. Yu, J., Li, Q.Q., Xu,C.Y.*, Chen, N., Li, Y., Liu, H.G., Zhen, L., Dravid, V.P., Wu, J.S.*, NiSe2 pyramid deposited on N-doped graphene encapsulated Ni foam for high-performance water oxidation,Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5: 3981-3986

121. Yu, J., Ma, F.X., Du, Y., Wang, P.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L.*, In situ growth of Sn-doped Ni3S2 nanosheets on Ni foam as a high-performance electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, ChemElectroChem 2017, 4: 594-600

120. Yang, S., Xu. C.Y.*, Zhang, B.Y., Yang, L., Hu, S.P., Zhen, L.*, Ca(II) doped β-In2S3 hierarchical structures for photocatalytic hydrogen generation and degradation dye activities under visible light irradiation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2017, 491: 230-237

119. Pei, Y., Xu, C.Y., Xiao, Y.C., Chen, Q., Huang, B., Li, B., Li, S., Zhen, L., Cao, G.Z.*, Phase transition induced synthesis of layered/spinel heterostructure with enhanced electrochemical properties, Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27: **

MaterialsViewsChina: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2017/02/24096/

118. Yang, S., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhang, B.Y., Hu, S.P., Yu, J., Zhen, L.*, Enhanced photocatalytic activity and photoelectrochemical performance of InOOH nanosheets prepared via a facile solvothermal route, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2017, 28: 1869-1876

117. Chen, N., Jiang, J.T.*, Liu, C., Yuan, Y., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L.*, Effects of microstructure and filling rate on electromagnetic properties of Co microspheres, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2017, 421: 368-276


116. Miao, Z.H., Wang, P.P., Xiao, Y.C., Fang, H.T., Zhen, L., Xu. C.Y.*, Dopamine-induced formation of ultrasmall few-layer MoS2 homogeneously embedded in N-doped carbon framework for enhanced lithium-Ion storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8: 33741-33748.

115. Yang, S., Xu, C.Y.*, Yang, L., Hu, S.P., Zhen, L.*, Solution-phase synthesis of γ-In2Se3 nanoparticles for highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen generation under simulated sunlight irradiation, RSC Advances 2016, 6: 107653-107658

114. Chen, N., Jiang, J.T.*, Xu, C.Y., Yuan, Y., Zhen, L.*, Thickness-controllable coating of SiO2 on Co microspheres with tunable electromagnetic properties and enhanced oxidation resistance, RSC Advances 2016, 6: 106671-106675

113. Wang, P.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Ma, F.X., Yang, L., Zhen, L.*, In-situ soft chemistry synthesis of β-Na0.33V2O5 nanorods as high-performance cathode for lithium-ion batteries, RSC Advances 2016, 6: 105833-105839

112. Yu, J.#, Li, Q.Q.#, Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Dravid, V.P., Wu, J.S.*, Ternary metal phosphide with triple-layered structure as a low-cost and efficient electrocatalyst for bifunctional water splitting, Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26: 7644-7651 (equal contribution)

(ESI Highly Cited Paper since May 2018)

MaterialsViewsChina: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2016/10/22982/

111. Wang, P.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, L., Zhang, B.Y., Zhen, L.*, Synthesis, electrochemical behavior and structural stability of LiV3O8 microrods as cathode for lithium-ion batteries, Ceramics International 2016, 42: 18787-18755

110. Yu, J., Li, Q.Q., Chen, N., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Wu, J.S.*, Dravid, V.P., Carbon-coatednickel phosphide nanosheets as efficient dual-electrocatalyst for overall water splitting, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8: 27850-27858.

109. Wang, P.P., Yao, Y.X., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, L., He, W., Zhen, L.*, Self-standing flexible cathode of V2O5 nanobelts with high cycling stability for lithium-ion batteries, Ceramics International 2016, 42: 14595-14600

108. Miao, Z.H., Wang, H., Yang, H.J., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Glucose-derived carbonaceous nanospheres for photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy, ACS Applied Materials & Ineterfaces 2016, 8: 15904-15910

107. Pei, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Chen, Q., Wang, H.X., Fang, H.T, Zhen, L.*, Cao, G.Z.*, Chelate-induce formation of Li2MnSiO4 nanorods as a high capacity cathode material for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4: 9447-9454

106. Li, Y.#, Qin, J.K.#, Xu, C.Y.*, Cao, J., Sun, Z.Y., Ma, L.P., Hu, P.A., Ren, W.C., Zhen, L.*, Electric field tunable photoluminescence properties and interlayer coupling in WSe2/graphene heterostructures, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26: 4319-4328 (equal contribution)

TodayHIT: http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2016/07-29/**RL0.htm

X-Mol: http://www.x-mol.com/news/2887

105. Ma, F.X., Yu, L., Xu, C.Y., Lou, X.W., Self-supported formation of hierarchical NiCo2O4 tetragonal microtubes with enhanced electrochemical properties, Energy & Environmental Science 2016, 9: 862-866

(ESI Highly Cited Paper; ESI Hot Paper since May 2017)

104. Yang, S., Xu, C.Y.*, Hu, S.P., Wang, W.S., Yu, J., Zhen, L.*, Solvothermal synthesis of InOOH nanospheres with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2016, 37: 522-528

103. Wang, J.Y.#, Li, Y.#, Zhan, Z.Y., Li, T., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Elastic properties of suspended black phosphorous nanosheets, Applied Physics Letters 2016, 108: 013104 (equal contribution)

102. Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Qin, J.K., Feng, W., Wang, J.Y., Zhang, S.Q., Mai, L.P., Cao, J., Hu, P.A., Ren, W.C., Zhen, L.*, Tuning the excitonic states in MoS2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures via electrochemical gating, Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26: 293-302

HIT News: http://news.hit.edu.cn/c5/3e/c1510a116030/page.htm

MaterialsViewsChina: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2015/12/mos2-using-electrochemical-gate-modulation-exciton-states-of-graphene-van-der-waals-heterojunction/

-----------------------------------------------2015-----------------------------------------------101. Ma, F.X., Wu, H.B., Xia, B.Y., Xu, C.Y., Lou, X.W., Hierarchical β-Mo2C nanotubes organized by ultrathin nanosheets as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen production, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2015, 54: 15395-15399

(Hot Paper; ESI Highly Cited Paper; ESI Hot Paper till May 2017)

100. Yu, J., Xu, C.Y.*, Li, Y., Zhou, F., Chen, X.S., Hu, P.A., Zhen, L.*, Ternary SnS2-xSex alloys nanosheets and nanosheet assembly with tunable chemical compositions and band gaps for photodetector applications, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 17109

99. Miao, Z.H., Wang, H., Yang, H.J., Li, Z.L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Intrinsically Mn2+-chelated polydopamine nanoparticles for simultaneous MR imaging and photothermal ablation of cancer cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7: 16946-16952

98. Ma, F.X., Han, Y., Wu, H.B., Xu, C.Y., Xu, Z.C., Zhen, L., Lou, X.W., Formation of uniform Fe3O4 hollow spheres organized by ultrathin nanosheets and their excellent lithium storage properties, Advanced Materials 2015, 27: 4097-4101 (ESI Highly Cited Paper)

Top 10 Hottest Articles from Advanced Materials, July 2015

MaterialsViews China: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2015/08/advanced-materials-hot-articles-list-of-top-10-july-2015/

Top 20 Hottest Articles from Advanced Materials, Year 2015

MaterialsViews China: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2016/01/wiley-2015-advaced-materials-popular-articles/

97. Wang, P.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Li, W.D., Wang, L., Zhen, L.*, Low temperature electrochemical performance of β-LixV2O5 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 169: 440-446

96. Ma, F.X., Wu, H.B., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Lou, X.W.*, Self-organized sheaf-like Fe3O4/C hierarchical microrods with superior lithium storage properties, Nanoscale 2015, 7: 4411-4414

-----------------------------------------------2014-----------------------------------------------95. Yu, J., Xu, C.Y.*, Ma, F.X.,Hu, S.P., Zhang, Y.W., Zhen, L.*, Monodisperse SnS2 nanosheets for high-performance photocatalytic hydrogen generation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6: 22370-22377

94. Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, J.Y., Zhen, L.*, Observation of photodiode-like behavior and excellent photoresponse of vertical Si/monolayer MoS2 heterostructures, Scientific Reports 2014, 4: 7186

93. Ma, F.X., Wang, P.P., Xu, C.Y., Yu, J., Fang, H.T., Zhen, L., Synthesis of self-stacked CuFe2O4-Fe2O3 porous nanosheets as high performance Li-ion battery anodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2: 19330-19337

92. Hu, S.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhang, B.Y., Pei, Y., Zhen, L.*, Solvothermal synthesis of Bi2O2CO3 nanoplates for efficient photodegradation of RhB and phenol under simulated solar light irradiation, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2014, 35: 2935-2940

91. Hu, S.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, W.S., Ma, F.X., Zhen, L.*, Synthesis of Bi2WO6 hierarchical structures constructed by porous nanoplates and their associated photocatalytic properties under visible light irradiation, Ceramics Internationl 2014, 40: 11689-11698

90. Hu, S.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Ma, F.X., Cao, L., Zhen, L.*, Solvothermal synthesis of orthorhombic Sb2WO6 hierarchical structures and their visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, Dalton Transactions 2014, 43: 8439-8445

89. Lin, Y.F., Chen, J.L., Xu, C.Y., Chung, T.W., One-pot synthesis of paramagnetic iron(III) hydroxide nanoplates and ferrimagnetic magnetite nanoparticles for the removal of arsenic ions, Chemical Engineering Journal 2014, 250: 409-415

88. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Yang, L., Shao, W.Z., Chen, Z.L., Aqueous solution synthesis and photoluminescence properties of two-dimensional dendritic PbWO4 nanostructures, Materials Research Bulletin 2014, 56: 1-7 (Cover article)

87. Ma, F.X., Sun, X.Y., He, K., Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y.*, Hydrothermal synthesis, magnetic and electromagnetic properties of hexagonal Fe3O4 microplates, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2014, 361: 161-165

86. Xu, C.Y., Fu., L.S., Cai, X., Sun, X.Y., Zhen, L., Topochemical synthesis and magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 nanorods using α-FeOOH nanowires as templates, Ceramics International 2014, 40: 8593-8597

85. Li, W.D., Xu, C.Y.*, Du, Y., Fang, H.T., Feng, Y.J., Zhen, L.*, Electrochemical lithium insertion behavior of β-LixV2O5 (0 ≤ x < 3) as the cathode materials for secondary lithium batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2014, 161: A75-A83.

84. Yan, S.J., Xu, C.Y., Jiang, J.T., Liu, D.B., Wang, Z.Y., Tang, J.K., Zhen, L., Strong dual-frequency electromagnetic absorption in Ku-band of C@FeNi3 core/shell structured chains with negative permeability, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014, 349: 159-164

-----------------------------------------------2013-----------------------------------------------83. Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Hu, P.A., Zhen, L.*, Carrier control of MoS2 nanoflakes by functional self-assembled monolayers, ACS Nano 2013, 7: 7795-7804

82. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Chen, Z.L., Formation of CdMoO4 porous hollow nanospheres via a self-assembly accompanied with Ostwald ripening process and their photocatalytic performance, CrystEngComm 2013, 15: 8014-8021

81. Ding, S., Xu, C.Y.*, Wang, W.S., Huang, Y.D., Zhen, L.*, Formation of tubular BaTiO3 nanoparticle assembly through the Kirkendall effect using Na2Ti3O7 nanowires as template, Materials Research Bulletin 2013, 48: 4565-4569

80. Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhang, B.Y., Zhen, L.*, Work function modulation of bilayer MoS2 nanoflake by backgate electric field, Applied Physics Letters 2013, 103: 033122

79. Fu, L.S., Jiang, J.T., Xu, C.Y., Gong, Y.X., Zhen, L., Synthesis and electromagnetic properties of Fe/SiO2 yolk/shell nanospheres with improved oxidation resistance, Micro & Nano Letters, 2013, 8: 349-352

78. Li, Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L.*, Surface potential and interlayer screening effects of few-layer MoS2 nanoflakes, Applied Physics Letters 2013, 102: 143110

77. Xu, C.Y.*, Wu, J., Zhang, P., Hu, S.P., Cui, J.X., Wang, Z.Q., Huang, Y.D., Zhen, L.*, Molten salt synthesis of Na2Ti3O7 and Na2Ti6O13 one-dimensional nanostructures and their photocatalytic and humidity sensing properties, CrystEngComm 2013, 15: 3448-3454
76. Li, W.D., Xu, C.Y.*, Pan, X.L., Huang, Y.D., Zhen, L.*, High capacity and enhanced structural reversibility of β-LixV2O5 nanorods as the lithium battery cathode, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1: 5361-5369

75. Jiang, J.T., Wei, X.J., Xu, C.Y., Zhou, Z.X., Zhen, L., Co/SiO2 composite particles with high electromagnetic wave absorbing performance and weather resistance Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2013, 334: 111-11

74. Hu, S.P., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L.*, Solvothermal synthesis of Bi2WO6 hollow structures with excellent visible-light photocatalytic properties, Materials Letters 2013, 95: 117-120

73. Pan, X.L., Xu, C.Y.*, Hong, D., Fang, H.T., Zhen, L.*, Hydrothermal synthesis of well-dispersed LiMnPO4 plates as cathode materials for lithium ion battery, Electrochimica Acta 2013, 87: 303-308

72. He, K., Ma, F.X., Xu, C.Y., Cumings, J., Mapping magnetic fields of Fe3O4 nanosphere assemblies by electron holography, Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 113: 17B528

-----------------------------------------------2012-----------------------------------------------71. Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Zhou, Z.X., Preparation, microstructure, and electromagnetic properties of Al18B4O33w/CoxFeyBz composite powders, Surface & Coatings Technology 2012, 212: 14-19

70. Fu, L.S., Xu, C.Y., Wang, W.S., Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Superparamagnetic nickel ferrite colloidal spheres for constructing magnetically responsive photonic crystals, Materials Letters 2012, 81: 62-64

69. Pan, X.L., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L.*, Synthesis of LiMnPO4 microspheres assembled by plates, wedges and prisms with different crystallographic orientations and their electrochemical performance, CrystEngComm 2012, 14: 6412-6418 (X.L.P. is a Ph.D. student, co-supervision)

68. Fu, L.S., Jiang, J.T., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Synthesis of hexagonal Fe microflakes with excellent microwave absorption performance, CrystEngComm 2012, 14: 6827-6832

67.Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Chen, Z.L., Eu3+ doped CdMoO4 red phosphor synthesized through an aqueous solution route at room temperature, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012, 529: 17-20

66. Xu, C.Y., Liu, Y.Z., Zhen, L., Synthesis of lamellar niobic acid nanorods via proton-exchange and their conversion to T-Nb2O5 nanorods, Ceramics International 2012, 38: 861-865

-----------------------------------------------2011-----------------------------------------------65. Gong, Y.X., Zhen, L., Jiang, J.T., Xu, C.Y., Wang, W.S., Shao, W.Z., Synthesis of Fe/ferrite composite nanotubes with excellent microwave absorption performance, CrystEngComm 2011, 13: 6839-6844

64. Zou, D.L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Characterization of adiabatic shear bands in AM60B magnesium alloy under ballistic impact, Materials Characterization 2011, 62: 496-502

63. Xu, C.Y.*, Wu, J., Lv, L.X., Cui, J.X., Wang, Z.Q., Huang, Y.D., Zhen, L.*, Single-crystal Na2Ti6O13 nanorings formed by self-coiling of a nanobelt, CrystEngComm 2011, 13: 2674-2677

62. Yan, S.J., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Jiang, J.T., Shao, W.Z., Tang, J.K., Synthesis, characterization and electromagnetic properties of Fe1-xCoxalloy flower-like microparticles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2011, 323: 515-520

61. Yang, L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Sun, X.Y., Shao, W.Z., Effects of proton irradiation on structure of NdFeB permanent magnets studied by X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption fine structure, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2011, 323: 4-6

60. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Synthesis and formation process of SrSO4 sisal-like hierarchical structures at room temperature, CrystEngComm 2011, 13: 620-625

(Editor-selected Crystal Clear image for January 2011)

59. Yan, S.J., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Jiang, J.T., Shao, W.Z., Tang, J., The influence of Fe content on the magnetic and electromagnetic characteristics for Fex(CoNi)1-x ternary alloy nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 109: 07A320

58. Zhen, L., Gong, Y.X., Jiang, J.T., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Liu, P., Tang, J., Synthesis of CoFe/Al2O3 composite nanoparticles as the impedance matching layer of wideband multilayer absorber, Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 109: 07A332

-----------------------------------------------2010-----------------------------------------------57. Zhen, L., Zou, D.L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Microstructure evolution of adiabatic shear band in AM60B magnesium alloy under ballistic impact, Materials Science and Engineering A 2010, 527: 5728-5733

56. An, J.N., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L.*, Huang Y.D., Surfactant-free hydrothermal synthesis of single-crystal K2V8O21 nanobelts, Ceramics International 2010, 36: 1825-1829

55. Yan, S.J., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Jiang, J.T., Shao, W.Z., Microwave absorption properties of FeNi3 submicrometer spheres and SiO2@FeNi3 core-shell structures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2010, 43: **

54. Yang, L., Zhen, L., Yan, W.S., Xu, C.Y., Sun, X.Y., Shao, W.Z., XMCD study of Fe-Cr-Co alloy under electron irradiation, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 2010, 180: 34-38

53. Zou, D.L., Zhen, L., Zhu, Y., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Pang, B.J., Deformed microstructure evolution in AM60B Mg alloy under hypervelocity impact at a velocity of 5 km·s-1, Materials and Design 2010, 31: 3708-3715

52. Zou, D.L., Zhen, L., Zhu, Y., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Pang, B.J., Deformed microstructure and mechanical properties of AM60B magnesium alloy under hypervelocity impact at a velocity of 4 km/s, Materials Science and Engineering A 2010, 527: 3323-3328

51. Lv, L.X., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Sun, X.Y., Phase field simulation of microstructure evolution in Fe-Cr-Co alloy during thermal magnetic treatment and step aging, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2010, 322: 987-995

50. Lv, L.X., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Sun, X.Y., Phase field simulation of spinodal decomposition under external magnetic field, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2010, 322: 978-986

49. Zhan, Z.Y., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Wang, W.S., Shao, W.Z., Large-scale synthesis of single-crystalline KNb3O8 nanobelts via a simple molten salt method, Ceramics International 2010, 36: 679-682

48. Zhen, L., Ji, J.Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Li, G.A., Zou, D.L., Shao, W.Z., Deformed microstructure of AZ91 magnesium alloy impacted by projectiles with velocities of 2 - 3 km/s, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 2010, 4: 720-726

-----------------------------------------------2009-----------------------------------------------47. Wei, X.J., Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Gong, Y.X., Shao, W.Z., Xu, C.Y., Synthesis and electromagnetic properties of Fe/SiO2 composite particles, Materials Letters 2010, 64: 57-60

46. Gong, Y.X., Zhen, L., Jiang, J.T., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Synthesis and electromagnetic properties of CoFe alloy nano-flakes prepared with hydrogen-thermal reduction method, Journal of Applied Physics 2009, 106: 064302

45. Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Jiang, J.T., Lao, C.S., Yang, L., Electrical and microwave dielectric properties of K2Nb8O21 microwires, Ceramics International 2009, 35: 3021-3025

44. Yang, L., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Sun, X.Y., Shao, W.Z., Effects of proton irradiation on electronic structure of NdFeB permanent magnets, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 2009, 267: 3084-3086

43. Gong, Y.X., Zhen, L., Jiang, J.T., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Preparation of CoFe alloy nanoparticles with tunable electromagnetic wave absorption performance, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2009, 321: 3702-3705

42. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Chen, J.Z., Shao, W.Z., Aqueous solution synthesis of CaF2 hollow microspheres via Ostwald ripening process at room temperature, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2009, 1: 780-788

41. Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Yang, L., Shao, W.Z., Xu, C.Y., Chao, Z.M., Microstructure and electromagnetic properties of the Al18B4O33w/Co composite prepared by electroless plating method, Surface & Coatings Technology 2009, 203: 2221-2228

40. Zhen, L., Jiang, J.T., Gao, R.S., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Microstructure evolution and electromagnetic properties improvement of Al18B4O33w/Co composite particles through heat-treatment, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2009, 321: 1290-1294

39. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Room temperature synthesis, growth mechanism, photocatalytic and photoluminescence properties of cadmium molybdate core-shell microspheres, Crystal Growth & Design 2009, 9: 1558-1568

38. Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Wang, W.S., Lao, C.S., Kuang, Q., Electrical and photocatalytic properties of Na2Ti6O13 nanobelts prepared by molten salt synthesis, Applied Surface Science 2009, 255: 4149-4152

37. Sun, X.Y., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Lv, L.X., Shao, W.Z., Sun, X.D., M?ssbauer spectrometry study of early stage spinodal decomposition in Fe-Cr-Co alloy under high magnetic field, Materials Letters 2009, 63: 64-65

36. Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Wei, X.J., Gong, Y.X., Shao, W.Z., Xu, C.Y., He, K., Permeability calculation in composite media with low filler concentration: A new method of effective media theory application, Journal of Applied Physics 2009, 105: 07A526

35. 刘晶,宫元勋,匡勤,姜建堂,徐成彦,江智渊,特殊形貌纳米氧化锌的吸波性能研究,《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009, 48(6): 848-853

-----------------------------------------------2008 and before-----------------------------------------------34. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Yang, L., Shao, W.Z., Controlled synthesis of calcium tungstate hollow microspheres via Ostwald ripening and their photoluminescence property, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112: 19390-19398

33. Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Zhang, Q., Tang, J., Qin, L.-C., Microstructural characterization of single-crystalline potassium hollandite nanowires, Materials Characterization 2008, 59: 1805-1808

32. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Aqueous solution synthesis of Cd(OH)2 hollow microspheres via Ostwald ripening and their conversion to CdO hollow micropheres, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112: 14360-14366

31. Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Zhang, B.Y., Shao, W.Z., Xu, C.Y., Improvement on electromagnetic absorbing performance of Al18B4O33w/Co composite particles through heat-treatment, Scripta Materialia 2008, 59: 967-970

30. Zhen, L., He, K., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Synthesis and characterization of single-crystalline MnFe2O4 nanorods via a surfactant-free hydrothermal route, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2008, 320: 2672-2675

29. Xu, C.Y., Liu, Y.Z., Zhen, L., Wang, Z.L., Disket-nanorings of K2Ti6O13 formed by self-spiraling of a nanobelt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112: 7547-7551

28. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Yang, L., Shao, W.Z., Room temperature synthesis of hierarchical SrCO3 architectures by a surfactant-free aqueous solution route, Crystal Growth & Design 2008, 8: 1734-1740

27. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Zhang, B.Y., Shao, W.Z., Environment friendly aqueous solution synthesis of hierarchical CaWO4 microspheres at room temperature, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2008, 8: 1288-1294

26. Zhen, L., Wang, W.S., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Qin, L.-C., A facile hydrothermal route to the large-scale synthesis of CoWO4 nanorods, Materials Letters 2008, 62: 1740-1742

25. Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Yang, L., He, K., Shao, W.Z., Qin, L.-C., A facile molten salt route to K2Nb8O21 nanoribbons, Ceramics International 2008, 34: 435-437

24. Zhen, L., Wang, W.S., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Ye, M.M., Chen, Z.L., High photocatalytic activity and photoluminescence property of hollow CdMoO4 microspheres, Scripta Materialia 2008, 58: 461-464

23. He, K., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Shao, W.Z., Fractal growth of single-crystal α-Fe2O3: From dendritic micro-pines to hexagonal micro-snowflakes, Materials Letters 2008, 62: 739-742

22. 王文寿,甄良,徐成彦,邵文柱,液相法合成空心无机微纳米结构的研究,《化学进展》2008, 20(5): 679-689

21. Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Yang, R.S., Wang, Z.L., Synthesis of single-crystalline niobate nanorods via ion-exchange based on molten-salt reaction, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129: 15444-15445

20. Zhen, L., Sun, X.Y., Xu, C.Y., Gao, R.S., Xu, R.G., Qin, L.-C., Magnetic anisotropy in Fe-25Cr-12Co-1Si alloy induced by external magnetic field, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2007, 17: 346-350

19. Wang, W.S., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Shao, W.Z., Yang, L., Room temperature synthesis of BaCrO4 nanoplates through a NaCl-assisted aqueous solution method, Materials Letters 2007, 61: 3146-3149

18. He, K., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Shao, W.Z., Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of single-crystalline Fe3O4 nanowires with high aspect ratio and uniformity, Materials Letters 2007, 61: 3159-3162

17. Zhen, L., Jiang, J.T., Shao, W.Z., Xu, C.Y., Resonance-antiresonance electro-magnetic behavior in a disordered dielectric composite, Applied Physics Letters 2007, 90: 142907

16. Sun, X.Y., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Lv, L.X., Yang, L., Evolution of modulated structure in Fe-Cr-Co alloy during isothermal ageing with different external magnetic field conditions, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2007, 312: 342-346

15. Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Microstructure evolution of cobalt coating electroless plated on SiC whisker during electroless plating and heat treatment, Surface & Coatings Technology 2007, 201: 6059-6062

14. Wang, W.S., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Shao, W.Z., Yang, L., Single-crystalline PbCrO4 nanorods: Room-temperature synthesis, growth mechanism and optical properties, Journal of Crystal Growth 2007, 299: 86-93

13. 甄良,徐成彦,张旭茗,孙学银,徐仁根,高润生,Fe-25Cr-12Co-1Si合金分级回火过程中的组织、磁性能及M?ssbauer谱研究,《材料热处理学报》(增刊) 2007, 28(B8): 86-89

12. Wang, W.S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Zhang, B.Y., Shao, W.Z., Room temperature synthesis of hollow CdMoO4 microspheres by a surfactant-free aqueous solution route, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110: 23154-23158

11. Jiang, J.T., Zhen, L., Xu, C.Y., Wu, X.L., Microstructure and magnetic properties of SiC/Co composite particles prepared by electroless plating, Surface & Coatings Technology 2006, 201: 3139-3146

10. Sun, X.Y., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Lu, L.X., Qin, L.-C., Spinodal decomposition in Fe-25Cr-12Co-1Si alloy under a 100 kOe magnetic field, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2006, 306: 69-72

9. Wang, W.S., Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Yang, L., Shao, W.Z., Large-scale synthesis of SrCrO4 nanowires and PbCrO4 nanorods by a solution-phase method at room temperature, Chemistry Letters 2006, 35: 268-269

8. Gao, R.S., Zhen, L., Li, G.A., Xu, C.Y., Shao, W.Z., Effect of γ-ray irradiation on magnetic properties of NdFeB and Fe-Cr-Co permanent magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2006, 302: 16-159

7. 甄良,张旭茗,徐成彦,杨丽,张梦炎,铁氧体磁流体的制备及其稳定性研究,《功能材料》 2006, 37(Suppl.): 93-96

6. Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Zhang, Q., Tang, J., Qin, L.-C., Efficient synthesis of single-crystalline Na2Ti6O13 nanoribbons,《功能材料》 2006, 37(Suppl.): 831-833

5. Xu, C.Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, H., Zhen, L., Tang, J., Qin, L.-C., Synthesis and characterization of single-crystalline alkali titanate nanowires, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127: 11584-11585

4. Li, G.A., Zhen, L., Lin, C., Gao, R.S., Tan, X., Xu, C.Y., Deformation localization and recrystallization in TC4 alloy under impact condition, Materials Science and Engineering A 2005, 395: 98-101

3. Xu, C.Y., Zhen, L., Sun, X.Y., Xu, R.G., Gao, R.S., Zhang, X.M., M?ssbauer spectrometry study of spinodal decomposition in Fe-25Cr-12Co-1Si alloy during step ageing, Materials Science Forum 2005, 475: 2139-2142

2. Sun, X.Y., Xu, C.Y.*, Zhen, L., Gao, R.S., Xu, R.G., Microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe-25Cr-12Co-1Si alloy thermo-magnetically treated in intense magnetic field, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2004, 283: 231-237

1. 徐成彦,甄良,赵立,徐仁根,邵文柱,快淬Sm-Co合金的结构和磁性能,《电工材料》2003, 86 (1): 26-30

Enjoy the fun of nano research

A nanoring is a small ringformed crystal. The first nanoring made was a zinc oxide nanoring discovered by Prof. Zhong Lin Wang at Georgia Institute of Technology. They are made by a spontaneous self-coiling process of nanobelts. We found that K2Ti6O13 and Na2Ti6O13 nanorings could be prepared by a molten salt synthesis method. The figure shows SEM image of a one-loop growing ring, perfectly revealling the loop-by-loop self-coiling of a nanobelt for the formation of a single-crystal nanoring. For more informations, please refer to our recent publications. (Xu et al. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 7547; Xu et al. CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 2674)

Electron diffraction (ED) gives us much more information than we want. The above figure is TEM characterization of a single potassium hollandite nanowire, of which the morphology, structure and lattice informations were shown. The ordering of K ions in the channel of such hollandite structure along [010] directions, as shown in the crystal model in (d), was revealed by ED technique. (Xu et al. Mater. Char. 2008, 59, 1805)

Nest assembled by K2Nb8O21 nanobelts. (Unpublished results)

She is growing everyday!

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