

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25


贺洪娟,女,汉族,1981年生, 讲师;哈尔滨工业大学生命科学与技术学。

主要从事小鼠发育相关的分子生物学研究:(1)小鼠发育相关基因的功能及调控机制研究;(2)miRNA 的功能及调控研究; 先后获得哈尔滨工业大学创新基金, 国家自然科学基金, 中国博士后基金, 中国博士后基金特别资助及 黑龙江省博士后基金的资助; 发表SCI收录论文20余篇。


2004年9月-2009年7月, 就读于山东大学, 生命科学学院;生化与分子生物学专业;2000年9月-2004年7月, 西南师范大学, 生命科学学院, 生物学专业;

简介: 进化论是生物学中的最大的统一理论。生命科学各个层次的研究以及各分支学科体系的建立无不以生物进化的理论为其指导思想,它又同时吸收与综合生物学各学科的研究成果。现代的进化论已不仅仅是一种思想理论,对生物进化的研究已经成为一个专门的学科领域,即研究生物进化的历史过程、进化的原因、进化机制、进化速率、进化趋势、物种的形成和灭绝、系统发生以及适应的起源等内容的进化生物学。因此,《进化生物学》课程设置的目的是使学生从宏观上了解生命的历史,认识生命的本质及价值,是生物系各专业的必修课程

简介: 以生命学院研究生必须具备的基本操作、基本技能和基本理论的教学为基础,在突出基本技能、创新能力培养的基础上,以发育学研究的重要代表动物——小鼠为材料,通过胚胎的获取,胚胎的石蜡包埋,切片,原位杂交,HE染色等分子生物学技术了解小鼠发育的一些特点,在知识结构上注意将能力要求贯穿于实验教学全过程,从发育的角度来认识动物有机体,培养学生独立思考、综合分析、科学思维能力和创新意识,全面提高学生的综合素质。


1. He HJ, Hou L, Wang JX, Zhao XF: The apoptosis inhibitor survivin prevents insect midgut from cell death during postembryonic development. Mol Biol Rep 2012, 39(2):1691-1699.

2. He HJ, Wang Q, Zheng WW, Wang JX, Song QS, Zhao XF: Function of nuclear transport factor 2 and Ran in the 20E signal transduction pathway in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Cell Biol 2010, 11:1.

3. Dong DJ*, He HJ*, Chai LQ*, Jiang XJ, Wang JX, Zhao XF: Identification of genes differentially expressed during larval molting and metamorphosis of Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Dev Biol 2007, 7:73.(并列第一)

4. Cai J, Yang L, He HJ, Xu T, Liu HB, Wu Q, Ma Y, Liu QH, Nie MH: Antioxidant capacity responsible for a hypocholesterolemia is independent of dietary cholesterol in adult rats fed rice protein. Gene 2014, 533(1):57-664.

5. Huang Z, Han Z, Zhang F, He H, Yu S, Wu Q: Spatiotemporal expression of retrogene-host pair Mcts2/H13 in mouse embryo, and Mcts2 has no influence on H13 transcription pattern in NIH/3T3 cells. Acta Histochem 2014, 116(2):312-318.

6. Liu H, Zhu R, Lv J, He H, Yang L, Huang Z, Su J, Zhang Y, Yu S, Wu Q: DevMouse, the mouse developmental methylome database and analysis tools. Database (Oxford) 2014, 2014:bat084.

7. Liu Q, He H, Zeng T, Huang Z, Fan T, Wu Q: Neural-specific expression of miR-344-3p during mouse embryonic development. J Mol Histol 2013.

8. Lv J*, Cui W*, Liu H*, He H, Xiu Y, Guo J, Liu Q, Zeng T, Chen Y, Zhang Y et al: Identification and Characterization of Long Non-Coding RNAs Related to Mouse Embryonic Brain Development from Available Transcriptomic Data. PLoS One 2013, 8(8):e71152.

9. Qi L, Hongjuan H, Ning G, Zhengbin H, Yanjiang X, Tiebo Z, Zhijun H, Qiong W: miR-370 is stage-specifically expressed during mouse embryonic development and regulates Dnmt3a. FEBS Lett. 2013 Mar 18;587(6):775-81

10. Zeng TB, He HJ, Zhang FW, Han ZB, Huang ZJ, Liu Q, Wu Q: Expression analysis of AK003491, an imprinted noncoding RNA, during mouse development. Genes Genet Syst 2013, 88(2):127-133.

11. Yang L, Han G, Liu QH, Wu Q, He HJ, Cheng CZ, Duan YJ: Rice protein exerts a hypocholesterolemic effect through regulating cholesterol metabolism-related gene expression and enzyme activity in adult rats fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2013, 64(7):836-842.

12. Cai MJ, Liu W, He HJ, Wang JX, Zhao XF: Mod(mdg4) participates in hormonally regulated midgut programmed cell death during metamorphosis. Apoptosis 2012, 17(12):1327-1339.

13. Gu T, He H, Han Z, Zeng T, Huang Z, Liu Q, Gu N, Chen Y, Sugimoto K, Jiang H et al: Expression of macro non-coding RNAs Meg8 and Irm in mouse embryonic development. Acta Histochem 2012, 114(4):392-399.

14. Gu T, He H, Zhang Y, Han Z, Hou G, Zeng T, Liu Q, Wu Q: Trmt112 gene expression in mouse embryonic development. Acta Histochem Cytochem 2012, 45(2):113-119.

15. Han Z, He H, Zhang F, Huang Z, Liu Z, Jiang H, Wu Q: Spatiotemporal expression pattern of Mirg, an imprinted non-coding gene, during mouse embryogenesis. J Mol Histol 2012, 43(1):1-8.

16. Yanjiang X, Hongjuan H, Tiantian G, Yan Z, Zhijun H, Qiong W: Expression patterns of ubiquitin conjugating enzyme UbcM2 during mouse embryonic development. Gene Expr 2012, 15(4):163-170.

17. Zhang FW, Han ZB, Deng CY, He HJ, Wu Q: Conservation of genomic imprinting at the NDN, MAGEL2 and MEST loci in pigs. Genes Genet Syst 2012, 87(1):53-58.

18. Gu T, He H, Xing Y, Liu Q, Gu N, Kenkichi S, Jiang H, Wu Q: Expression of non-coding RNA AB063319 derived from Rian gene during mouse development. J Mol Histol 2011, 42(2):105-112.

19. Yan C, Hongjuan H, Yanjiang X, Zhengbin H, Kai L, Fengwei Z, Jing H, Qiong W: Expression patterns of imprinted gene Inpp5f-v3 during mouse brain development. J Mol Histol 2011, 42(2):167-173.

20. Xu Q, Zhang F, He H, Xu S, Li K, Liu S, Li Y, Wu Q: Expression profile of mouse Mterfd2, a novel component of the mitochondrial transcription termination factor (MTERF) family. Genes Genet Syst 2011, 86(4):269-275.

21. Zhang FW, Deng CY, He HJ, Gu N, Han ZB, Chen Y, Wu Q: Molecular cloning, mRNA expression and imprinting status of PEG3, NAP1L5 and PPP1R9A genes in pig. Genes Genet Syst 2011, 86(1):47-52.

22. Zhang FW, Zeng TB, Han ZB, He HJ, Chen Y, Gu N, Jiang HJ, Wu Q: Imprinting and expression analysis of a non-coding RNA gene in the mouse Dlk1-Dio3 domain. J Mol Histol 2011, 42(4):333-339.

23. Wang LF, Chai LQ, He HJ, Wang Q, Wang JX, Zhao XF: A cathepsin L-like proteinase is involved in moulting and metamorphosis in Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Mol Biol 2010, 19(1):99-111.

24. Wang Q, Liu Y, He HJ, Zhao XF, Wang JX: Immune responses of Helicoverpa armigera to different kinds of pathogens. BMC Immunol 2010, 11:9.

25. Zhao XF, He HJ, Dong DJ, Wang JX: Identification of differentially expressed proteins during larval molting of Helicoverpa armigera. J Proteome Res 2006, 5(1):164-169.

有意从事 发育生物学方向,与发育相关的功能基因的研究的优秀学生。





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