

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-24

基本信息Personal InformationNewsPhotos


email: zhimiaoy@hit.edu.cn


2012.1-2014.12,美国Virginia Tech, 工程力学,博士,导师:Muhammad Hajj教授




2017.5-: 哈尔滨工业大学, 硕士生导师


2015.1-2016.3:美国Virginia Tech, 博士后,合作导师:Muhammad Hajj教授





合作博士生:孙维鹏(西安理工大学), 王灵芝(重庆大学),聂小春(重庆大学)


发表24篇SCI期刊论文,主要发表在Mechanical Systems and Singal Processing, Applied Physics Letters, Nonlinear Dynamics, Smart Materials and Structures, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Aperospace Science and Technology and Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures。其中第一作者或通讯作者19篇,Google Scholar被引次数336次

Zhimiao Yan
Assistant Professor
Institute of Aircraft Dynamics and Control
School of Astronautics
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)

email: zhimiaoy@hit.edu.cn
Phone: (86)**

Link to google scholar

Link to Researchgate

2012.1-2014.12, Ph. D. Virginia Tech, Engineering Mechanics, Adivisor: Prof. Muhammad Hajj

2008.9-2011.7, M. S., Chongqing University, Civil Engineering, Adivisor: Prof. Zhitao Yan and Zhengliang Li

2004.9-2008.7, B. S., Chongqing University, Civil Engineering

Working Experience
2016.3-now, Assistant Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), School of Astronautics

2016.11-now, Post-doctor, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), School of Astronautics, advisor: Prof. Wenhu Huang (黄文虎院士)

2015.1-2016.3, Post-doctor, Virginia Tech, Engineering Mechanics, advisor: Prof. Muhammad Hajj

Research Interest
Nonlinear Dynamics and control, Energy Harvesting, Vibrartion, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid-structure interaction

3. 2017.11-2019.11 Dynamic properties of piezoelectric materials, Scientific Creative Foundation of Harbin Institute of Technology, ¥100,000

2. 2016.11-2018.11 Modeling and optimization for galloping-based piezoelectric wind energy harvesters with AC and DC interface circuits, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant, ¥80,000.

1. 2017.1-2018.12 The nonlinear passive control strategies for the supersonic flutter of the aircraft, National Defense Key Laboratory fund of Harbin Institute of Technology, ¥50,000

(* represents corresponding author)


24. Nonlinear analysis of galloping piezoelectric energy harvesters with inductive-resistive circuits for boundaries of analytical solutions

Zhimiao Yan*, Weipeng Sun, Ting Tan and Wenhu Huang, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018, 62:90-116 (SCI, IF=2.784, Q1)

23. Nonlinear characterization of the rotor-bearing system with the oil-film and unbalance forces considering the effect of the oil-temperature

Weipeng Sun, Zhimiao Yan*, Ting Tan, Daoli Zhao and Xinqi Luo, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 10.1007/s11071-018-4113-5 (SCI, IF=3.464, Q1)

22. Nonlinear analysis for dual-frequency concurrent energy harvesting,

Zhimiao Yan*, Hong Lei, Ting Tan, Weipeng Sun and Wenhu Huang, Mechanical Systems and Singal Processing, 2018, 104: 514-535 (SCI, IF=4.116, Q1)

21. Passive control of transonic flutter with a nonlinear energy sink

Zhimiao Yan, Saad Ragab and Muhammad Hajj*, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 91(1):577-590 (SCI, IF=3.464, Q1)


20. Broadband design of hybrid piezoelectric energy harvester

Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan* and Wenhu Huang, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 131-132: 516-526, 2017 (SCI, IF=2.884, Q1)

19. Optimization and performance comparison for galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvesters with alternating-current and direct-current interface circuits

Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan* and Hong Lei, Smart Materials and Structures 26(7): 075007, 2017 (SCI, IF=2.909, Q1)

18. Optimization study on inductive-resistive circuit for broadband piezoelectric energy harvesters

Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan*, AIP advances 7 (3), 035318, 2017 (SCI, IF=1.568, Q3)

17. Geometric Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Model for Cantilever-beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Structural Dimension Analysis for Galloping Mode

Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan*, Hong Lei, Weipeng Sun, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, DOI: 10.1177/**X**, 2017 (SCI, IF=2.255, Q2)

16. Electromechanical decoupled model for cantilever-beam piezoelectric energy harvesters with inductive-resistive circuits and its application in galloping mode

Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan*, Smart Materials and Structures 26(3):035062, 2017 (SCI, IF=2.909, Q1)

15. Nonlinear characteristics of an autoparametric vibration system

Zhimiao Yan*, Haithem Taha, Ting Tan, Journal of Sound andVibration 390, 1-22, 2017 (SCI, IF=2.593, Q1)

14. Nonlinear performances of an autoparametric vibration-based piezoelastic energy harvester

Zhimiao Yan*, Muhammad Hajj, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 28(2), 254-271, 2017 (SCI, IF=2.255, Q2)


13. Analytical solution and optimal design for galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvesters

Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan*, Applied Physics Letters, 109 (25), 2016 (SCI, IF=3.411, Q1)

12. Electromechanical decoupled model for cantilever-beam piezoelectric energy harvesters

Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan*, Muhammad Hajj, Applied Physics Letters 109(10):101908, 2016 (SCI, IF=3.411, Q1)

11. Vibration of a Rectangular Plate Carrying a Massive Machine with Elastic Supports

Lingzhi Wang, Zhitao Yan*, Zhengliang Li, Zhimiao Yan, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 16 (10), ** , 2016 (SCI, IF=1.617, Q2)


10. Energy Harvesting from an autoparametric vibration absorber

Zhimiao Yan*, Muhammad Hajj, Smart Materials and Structures 24 (11), 2015 (SCI, IF=2.909, Q1)

9. Effects of Aerodynamics Modeling on Optimum Wing Kinematics of Hovering MAVs

Zhimiao Yan*, Haithem Taha, Muhammad Hajj, Aerospace Science and Technology, 45, 39-49, 2015 (SCI, IF=2.057, Q1)


8. Geometrically-exact unsteady model for airfoils undergoing large amplitude maneuvers

Zhimiao Yan*, Haithem Taha, Muhammad Hajj, Aerospace Science and Technology, 39, 293-306, 2014 (SCI, IF=2.057, Q1)

7. Nonlinear characterization of concurrent energy harvesting from galloping and base excitations

Zhimiao Yan, Abdessattar Abdelkefi*, Nonlinear dynamics, 77 (4), 1171-1189, 2014 (SCI, IF=3.464, Q1)

6. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from hybrid vibrations

Zhimiao Yan, Abdessattar Abdelkefi*, Muhammad Hajj, Smart Materials and Structures 23 (2), 025026, 2014 (SCI, IF=2.909, Q1)

5. Performance analysis of galloping-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters with different cross-section geometries

Abdessattar Abdelkefi*, Zhimiao Yan, Muhammad Hajj, Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures 25 (2), 246-256, 2014 (SCI, IF=2.255, Q2)


4. Nonlinear dynamics of galloping-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters

Abdessattar Abdelkefi*, Zhimiao Yan, Muhammad Hajj, The European Physical Journal Special Topic 222 (7), 1483-1501, 2013 (SCI, IF=1.862, Q2)

3. Temperature impact on the performance of galloping-based piezoeroelastic energy harvesters

Abdessattar Abdelkefi*, Zhimiao Yan, Muhammad Hajj, Smart Materials and Structures 22 (5), 055026, 2013 (SCI, IF=2.909, Q1)

2. Modeling and nonlinear analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting from transverse galloping

Abdelkefi Abdelkefi*, Zhimiao Yan, Muhammad Hajj, Smart Materials and Structures 22 (2), 025016, 2013 (SCI, IF=2.909, Q1)


1. Nonlinear galloping of internally resonant iced transmission lines considering eccentricity

Zhimiao Yan, Zhitao Yan*, Zhengliang Li, Ting Tan, Journal of sound and vibration 331 (15), 3599-3616, 2012 (SCI, IF=2.593, Q1)

Group Member

Ting Tan (谭婷)

Ph. D. Student

Weipeng Sun (孙维鹏) Xi@#%an Unversity of Technology Lingzhi Wang (王灵芝) Chongqing University

Xiaochun Nie (聂小春) Chongqing University

M.S. Student

Hong Lei (雷鸿)


B. S. student

Haocheng Yang (杨昊成): Master student at Duke University, USA

Academic Service
1. Section Chair:

(1) 21st AIAA international Space Planes and Hypersonic systems and Technology Conference (Hypersonic 2017)

(2) 2017 National Conference for theory and application of Piezoelectric and Wave

(3) The 17th Asian Pacific Vibration Conference

2. SCI Journal invited reviewer:

(1) Smart Material and Structures, (2) Nonlinear Dynamics, (3) Applied Physics Letter, (4) Energy Conversion and Management, (5) Internal Journal of Mechanical Science, (6) Journal of Energy Engineering, (7) Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Strucutres, (8) Journal of Bionic Engineering, (9) Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

28 January 2018

Weipeng@#%s paper @#%Nonlinear characterization of the rotor-bearing system with the oil-film and unbalance forces considering the effect of the oil-temperature@#% has been accepted by Nonlinear Dynamics. Congragulations!

19 November 2017

Ting, Hong, Weipeng and I attand 17th Asian Pacific Vibration Conference, 2017, Nanjing, China, 2017.11.13-11.15

19 November 2017

Our paper @#%Nonlinear analysis for dual-frequency concurrent energy harvesting@#% has been accepted by Mechanical Systems and Singal Processing. Congradulations!

3 November 2017

Our paper @#%Passive control of transonic flutter with a nonlinear energy sink@#% has been accepted by Nonlinear Dynamics. Congraduations!

30 October 2017

Ting and I attand 2017 National Conference for theory and application of Piezoelectric and Wave and do the presentaitions. I am also the Section Chair.

16 August 2017

Ting, Weipeng and I attand The Chinese Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CCTAM-2017) and do the presentations.

22 July 2017

Ting@#%s paper @#%Broadband design of hybrid piezoelectric energy harvester@#% has been accepted by International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Congradulations!

1 July 2017

Haocheng Yang sucessfully finished his bachelor@#%s thesis and obtained the final score as 88/100. Congradulations! He will pursue his master degree at Duke University, USA.

2 July 2017

Ting and I are invited to do the presentation at Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2017, Jeju island, South Korea.

29 May 2017

Hong Lei, Ting Tan and I attanded 16th conference of nonlinear vibration and each of us did the presentation. Also, I am the section chair in this conference.

24 May 2017

Ting@#%s paper @#%Optimization and performance comparison for galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvesters with alternating-current and direct-current interface circuits@#% has been accepted by Smart Materials and Structures. Congratulations!

20 March 2017

Ting@#%s paper @#%Optimization study on inductive-resistive circuit for broadband piezoelectric energy harvesters@#% has been accepted by AIP advances. Congratulations!

13 March 2017

Ting@#%s paper @#%Geometric Nonlinear Distributed parameter Model for Cantilever-beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Structural Dimension Analysis for galloping mode@#% has been accepted by Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Congratulations!

5-9 March 2017

21st AIAA Internaltional Space Planes and Hypersonic systems and Technology Conference (Hypersonics 2017)

Section Chair: Hypersonic Fundamentals and History X, Hypersonic Fundamentals and History IX and Propulsion Systems IX

Conference and group activity

The Chinese Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CCTAM-2017), Beijing, 2017

Conference CCMR 2017, Jeju Island, South Korea

Group activity at Volga Manor (伏尔加庄园), 2017

AIAA Conference at XiaMeng, 2017

16th conference of nonlinear vibration, Zhejiang University, 2017

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