基本信息科学研究 (Research)团队成员 (Members)论文专著 (Publications)English Version
Basic Information/基本信息
Dr. Li MA
Professor of Engineering Mechanics
Center for Composite Materials
Harbin Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 3011, Science Park of HIT
No.2 Yi-Kuang Street, Harbin 150080, China
E-Mail: mali@hit.edu.cn
哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院 复合材料与结构研究所 教授,博士生导师。
2012年 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金
2008年 教育部新世纪优秀人才
2005年 哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文
中国力学学会 第十届理事会 理事 (2014.11~)
中国力学学会 青年工作委员会 委员 (2015~)
中国力学学会 第九届固体力学专业委员会智能材料与结构专业组组员 (2015.11~)
黑龙江省力学学会 第七届理事会 理事 (2013.12~)
应用数学和力学 编委 (2013.07~)
2011年12月至今哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 教授
2009年4月至今哈尔滨工业大学工程力学学科 博士生导师
2005年12月至2011年12月哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 副教授
2006年1月至2006年7月法国巴黎13大学LPMTM实验室(LPMTM, Université Paris 13, France) 博士后
2004年4月至2005年12月哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 讲师
2004年4月至2005年12月哈尔滨工程大学船舶工程学院 博士后
2003年10月至2004年4月哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所 助教
致力于先进轻质复合材料及结构的设计、制备和性能研究,主要研究兴趣包括: 1)轻质复合材料点阵结构的设计、制备及其力学性能表征;2)机械超材料及结构的设计、制备及其性能表征;3)多功能复合材料及结构;4)飞行器复合材料结构设计、性能分析及工程应用等。
1. 复合材料点阵结构/Composite Cellular Materials and Structures
1. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Bing Wang, Ashkan Vaziri. Fabrication and crushing behavior of low density carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss structures. Composite Structures. 2010, 92(11): 2695-2702.
2. Jian Xiong, R. Ghosh, Li Ma*, H. Ebrahimi, A.M.S. Hamouda, A. Vaziri, Lin-Zhi Wu. Bending behavior of lightweight sandwich-walled shells with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 116(1): 793-804.
3. Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma*, Mauricio Chaves-Vargas, Tian-Xiang Huang, Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Rüdiger Schmidt, Lin-Zhi Wu. Influence of manufacturing defects on modal properties of composite pyramidal truss-like core sandwich cylindrical panels. Composites Science and Technology. 2017, 147:89-99.
2. 机械超材料及结构/Mechanical Metamaterials
1. Xin-Tao Wang, Xiao-Wen Li, Li Ma*. Interlocking assembled 3D auxetic cellular structures. Materials & Design, 2016, 99: 467-476
2. Xin-Tao Wang, Bing Wang, Zhi-Hui Wen, Li Ma*. Fabrication and mechanical properties of CFRP composite three-dimensional double-arrow-head auxetic structures. Composites Science and Technology. 2018. 164, 92-102.
1. Hang Yang, Li Ma*. Multi-stable mechanical metamaterials with shape-reconfiguration and zero Poisson's ratio. Materials and Design. 2018, 152: 181-190.
3. 复合材料结构减振降噪/Vibration and Noise Reduction of Advanced Composite Structures
1. Dong-Wei Wang, Li Ma*. Sound transmission through composite sandwich plate with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures. 2017, 164:104-117.
科研项目/Research Project
博士生 / Ph.D. Student
陈云龙 (Chen Yun-Long):2018级博士生,研究方向:复合材料结构阻尼性能
郭孟甫 (GUO Meng-Fu):2018级博士生,研究方向:复合材料结构冲击性能
郭晓菲 (GUO Xiao-Fei):2017级博士生,研究方向:机械超材料及结构
闫 健 (YAN Jian):2017级博士生,研究方向:轻质复合材料结构振动抑制
杨 航 (YANG Hang):2016级博士生,研究方向:新型缓冲吸能结构
亓 歌 (QI Ge):2015级博士生,研究方向:复合材料夹芯结构连接性能(德国亚琛工业大学联合培养 with Prof. Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design, RWTH Aachen University,2018.10~2019.10)
吴倩倩 (WU Qian-Qian):2015级博士生,研究方向:生物多孔结构 (加拿大麦吉尔大学联合培养 with Prof. Damiano Pasini, Department of Mechanical Engineering,2018.01~2019.01)
王东炜 (WANG Dong-Wei):2014级博士生,研究方向:有序多孔结构声学性能 (比利时鲁汶大学联合培养 with Prof. Christ Glorieux, Department of Physics and Astronomy,2017.10~2018.10)
硕士生 / Master Student
王玉豪 (WANG Yu-Hao):2018级硕士生,研究方向:待定
陈鼎铭 (CHEN Ding-Ming):2018级硕士生,研究方向:可控热膨胀有序多孔结构设计及其性能表征
温治辉 (WEN Zhi-Hui):2017级硕士生,研究方向:有序多孔结构声学性能
本科生 / Undergraduate Student
王雨舟 (WANG Yu-Zhou):2015级本科生,研究方向:待定
博士毕业生(含副导师) 王信涛:入学时间:2013年3月,毕业时间:2018年7月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:三维有序负泊松比结构的设计、制备与力学性能表征。毕业去向:哈尔滨工程大学航天与建筑工程学院 (哈尔滨)
杨金水:入学时间:2012年9月,毕业时间:2017年3月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:新型轻质复合材料夹芯结构的振动阻尼特性研究。毕业去向:哈尔滨工程大学航天与建筑工程学院 (哈尔滨)
王志勇(副导师):入学时间:2008年9月,毕业时间:2013年5月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:颗粒增强复合材料断裂行为研究。毕业去向:太原理工大学力学学院 (太原)
熊 健(副导师):入学时间:2008年3月,毕业时间:2012年12月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:轻质复合材料点阵结构力学行为研究。毕业去向:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 (哈尔滨)
陈云龙:入学时间: 2016年9月, 毕业时间: 2018年7月, 学位: 工程硕士, 学位论文: 复合材料有序多孔结构阻尼机理及振动控制. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
王舒杨:入学时间: 2016年9月, 毕业时间: 2018年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 可调控热膨胀结构设计及其性能表征. 毕业去向: 上海卫星工程研究所(上海)
马国林:入学时间: 2015年9月, 毕业时间: 2017年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 复合材料负泊松比结构振动和阻尼性能研究. 毕业去向: 天津光电集团有限公司(天津)
李晓文:入学时间: 2014年9月, 毕业时间: 2016年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 零/负多孔热膨胀结构设计及其性能表征. 毕业去向: 南方科技大学攻读博士学位
亓 歌:入学时间: 2013年9月, 毕业时间: 2015年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 轻质复合材料点阵夹芯板的连接设计及性能表征. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
吴倩倩:入学时间: 2013年9月, 毕业时间: 2015年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 新型复合材料金字塔点阵结构的制备及力学性能研究. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
史 齐:入学时间: 2012年9月, 毕业时间: 2014年7月, 学位: 工程硕士, 学位论文: 负泊松比蜂窝夹芯结构性能表征及优化设计. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
蔡 振:入学时间: 2011年9月, 毕业时间: 2013年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 飞行器热结构设计及热力耦合响应分析. 毕业去向: 中航沈飞民用飞机有限责任公司(沈阳)
杨金水:入学时间: 2010年9月, 毕业时间: 2012年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 复合材料点阵夹芯结构阻尼特性的研究. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
熊 刚:入学时间: 2010年9月, 毕业时间: 2012年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 点阵夹芯结构吸波隐身性能研究. 毕业去向: 中船重工725所洛阳双瑞风电叶片有限公司(洛阳)
王言言:入学时间: 2009年9月, 毕业时间: 2011年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 颗粒增强复合材料三维断裂行为的数值模拟. 毕业去向: 徐州重工集团(徐州)
刘 阔:入学时间: 2008年9月, 毕业时间: 2010年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 非均匀材料动态断裂行为的数值模拟. 毕业去向: 东方电机有限公司(杭州)
王 刚:入学时间: 2007年9月, 毕业时间: 2009年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 推进剂管理用金属膜片挤压变形有限元分析. 毕业去向: 中国核电工程有限公司河北分公司(石家庄)
王志勇:入学时间:2006年9月,毕业时间:2008年7月,学位:工学硕士。学位论文:非均匀材料中准静态裂纹扩展问题的数值模拟,哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生金奖。毕业去向:哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位,太原理工大学力学学院 (太原)
本科毕业生 陈鼎铭:入学时间:2014年9月,毕业时间:2018年7月,毕业论文题目:可调控热膨胀结构设计及其性能评价,毕业去向:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所读研
陆宇阳:入学时间:2009年9月,毕业时间:2013年7月,毕业论文题目:超轻周期型桁架夹芯结构失效机制基础理论研究,毕业去向:中国科技大学读研 (哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生)
姜立洲:入学时间:2006年9月,毕业时间:2010年7月,毕业论文题目:复合材料点阵夹芯结构振动特性研究,毕业去向:中复神鹰碳纤维有限公司(江苏 连云港)
胡 滨:入学时间:2006年9月,毕业时间:2010年7月,毕业论文题目:复合材料四面体点阵夹芯材料结构优化设计,毕业去向:哈尔滨工程大学读研
李 晖:入学时间:2003年9月,毕业时间:2007年7月,毕业论文题目:纤维柱增强复合材料夹芯结构的基本力学性能,毕业去向:
出版物名称Mechanics of Functionally Graded Materials and Structures
作者马力 (参编)
出版社Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Year 2019
105. Ge Qi, Li Ma*, Shu-Yang Wang. Modeling and reliability of insert in composite pyramidal lattice truss core sandwich panels. Composite Structures. 2019, 221:110888.
104. Dong-Wei Wang, Li Ma*, Xin-Tao Wang, Zhi-Hui Wen, Christ Glorieux. Sound transmission loss of laminated composite sandwich structures with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures. 2019, 220:19-30.
103. Hang Yang, Bing Wang, Li Ma*. Designing hierarchical metamaterials by topology analysis with tailored Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus. Composite Structures. 2019, 214:359-378.
102. Hang Yang, Li Ma*. Multi-stable mechanical metamaterials by elastic buckling instability. Journal of Materials Science. 2018, 54(4): 3509-3526.
Year 2018
101. Xin-Tao Wang, Yun-Long Chen, Li Ma*. The manufacture and characterization of composite three-dimensional re-entrant auxetic cellular structures made from carbon fiber reinforced polymer. Journal of Composite Materials. 2018, 52(23): 3265-3273.
100. Li Ma*, Yun-Long Chen, Jin-Shui Yang*, Xin-Tao Wang, Guo-Lin Ma, Rüdiger Schmidt, Kai-Uwe Schr?der. Modal characteristics and damping enhancement of carbon fiber composite auxetic double-arrow corrugated sandwich panels. Composite Structures. 2018, 203:539-550.
99. Xin-Tao Wang, Bing Wang, Zhi-Hui Wen, Li Ma*. Fabrication and mechanical properties of CFRP composite three-dimensional double-arrow-head auxetic structures. Composites Science and Technology. 2018. 164, 92-102.
98. Hang Yang, Li Ma*. Multi-stable mechanical metamaterials with shape-reconfiguration and zero Poisson's ratio. Materials and Design. 2018, 152: 181-190.
97. Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma*, Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Yun-Long Chen, Shuang Li, Lin-Zhi Wu, Rüdiger Schmidt. Experimental and numerical study on the modal characteristics of hybrid carbon fiber composite foam filled corrugated sandwich cylindrical panels. Polymer Testing. 2018, 68:8-18.
96. Ge Qi and Li Ma*. Experimental investigation of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panels with lightweight inserts. Composite Structures. 2018, 187:336-343.
Year 2017
95. Xin-Tao Wang, Bing Wang, Xiao-Wen Li, Li Ma*. Mechanical properties of 3D re-entrant auxetic cellular structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017, 131-132:396-407.
94. Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma*. Mauricio Chaves-Vargas, Tian-Xiang Huang, Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Rüdiger Schmidt, Lin-Zhi Wu. Influence of manufacturing defects on modal properties of composite pyramidal truss-like core sandwich cylindrical panels. Composites Science and Technology. 2017, 147:89-99.
93. 马力*,杨金水. 新型轻质复合材料夹芯结构振动阻尼性能研究进展. 应用数学和力学. 2017, 38(4):369-398.
92. Dong-Wei Wang Li Ma*. Sound transmission through composite sandwich plate with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures, 2017, 164:104-117.
91. Qian-Qian Wu, Li Ma, Ying Gao, Jian Xiong. A new fabrication method for hierarchical truss materials with millimeter-scale struts. Materials Letters, 2017, 186:1-6.
Year 2016
90. Qian-Qian Wu, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Jian Xiong. A novel strengthening method for carbon fiber composite lattice truss structures. Composite Structures, 2016, 153:585-592
89. Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma*, Rüdiger Schmidt, Ge Qi, Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Jian Xiong, Lin-Zhi Wu. Hybrid lightweight composite pyramidal truss sandwich panels with high damping and stiffness efficiency. Composite Structures, 2016, 148:85-96
88. Xin-Tao Wang, Xiao-Wen Li, Li Ma*. Interlocking assembled 3D auxetic cellular structures. Materials & Design, 2016, 99:467-476.
Year 2015
87. Jin-Shui Yang, Jian Xiong, Li Ma*, Li-Na Feng, Shu-Yang Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Modal response of all-composite corrugated sandwich cylindrical shells. Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 115:9-20.
86. Guo-Cai Yu, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Xiong. Low velocity impact of carbon fiber aluminum laminates. Composite Structures, 2015, 119:757-766.
Year 2014
85. Zhi-Yong Wang, Li Ma, Hong-Jun Yu, Lin-Zhi Wu. Dynamic stress intensity factors for homogeneous and non-homogeneous materials using the interaction integral method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 128:8-21
84. Bing Wang, Guo-Qi Zhang, Shi-Xun Wang, Li Ma, Li, Lin-Zhi Wu. High velocity impact response of composite lattice core sandwich structures. Applied Composite Materials, 2014, 21(2):377-389.
83. Jin-Shui Yang, Jian Xiong, Li Ma*, Guo-Qi Zhang, Xin-Tao Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Study on vibration damping of composite sandwich cylindrical shell with pyramidal truss-like cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 117: 362-372.
82. Jian Xiong, R. Ghosh, Li Ma, H. Ebrahimi, A.M.S. Hamouda, A. Vaziri, Lin-Zhi Wu. Bending behavior of lightweight sandwich-walled shells with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 116(1): 793-804.
81. Jiayi Liu, Xiang Zhu, Tianyun Li, Zhengong Zhou, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma. Experimental study on the low velocity impact responses of all-composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panel after high temperature exposure. Composite Structures, 2014, 116(1): 670-681.
80. Sha Yin, Lin-Zhi Wu, Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma, Steven Nutt. Damping and low-velocity impact behavior of filled composite pyramidal lattice structures. Journal of Composite Materials. 2014, 48(15): 1789-1800.
79. Jia Lou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Bing Wang. Effects of local damage on vibration characteristics of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich structures. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2014, 62:73-87
78. Jian Xiong, Meng Zhang, Ariel Stocchi, Hong Hu, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhong Zhang. Mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite sandwich columns with three dimensional honeycomb cores under in-plane compression. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2014, 60: 350-358
77. Jia-Yi Liu, Xiang Zhu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Effects of thermal exposure on mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panel. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2014, 60: 82-90
76. Jian Xiong, Bing Wang, Li Ma, J. Papadopoulos, A. Vaziri, Lin-Zhi Wu. Three-dimensional Composite Lattice Structures Fabricated by Electrical Discharge Machining. Experimental Mechanics. 2014, 54(3):405-412
75. Bing Wang, Guo-Qi Zhang, Qi-Lin He, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Ji-Cai Feng. Mechanical behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite sandwich panel with 2-D lattice truss cores. Materials & Design. 2014, 55:591-596
74. Guo-Qi Zhang, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Shi-Dong Pan, Jin-Shui Yang. Energy absorption and low velocity impact response of polyrethane foam filled pyramidal lattice core sandwich panels. Composite Structures. 2014, 108:304-310.
73. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Ariel Stocchi, Jin-Shui Yang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Shi-Dong Pan. Bending response of carbon fiber composite sandwich beams with three dimensional honeycomb cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 108:234-242.
72. Jian Xiong, Ranajay Ghosh, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Yu-Long Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Sandwich-walled cylindrical shells with lightweight metallic lattice truss cores and carbon fiber-reinforced composite face sheets. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2014, 56:226-238
Year 2013
71. Jin-Shui Yang, Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Guo-Qi Zhang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Vibration and damping characteristics of hybrid carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss sandwich panels with viscoelastic layers. Composite Structures. 2013, 106:570-580
70. Guo-Qi Zhang, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Jin-Shui Yang, Lin-Zhi Wu. The residual compressive strength of impact-damaged sandwich structures with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures. 2013, 105:188-198
69. Jia Lou, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu. Free vibration analysis of lattice sandwich beams under several typical boundary conditions. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinca. 2013, 26(5):458-467
68. Bing Wang, Jian Xiong, Xiao-Jun Wang, Li Ma, Guo-Qi Zhang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Ji-Cai Feng. Energy absorption efficiency of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates under high velocity impact. Materials and Design. 2013, 50:140-148
67. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Mechanical behavior and failure mechanisms of carbon fiber composite pyramidal core sandwich panel after thermal exposure. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2013, 29(9): 846-854
66. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Shi-Dong Pan. High Temperature Residual Properties of Carbon Fiber Composite Sandwich Panel with Pyramidal Truss Cores. Applied Composite Materials. 2012,
65. Guo-Qi Zhang, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Lin-Zhi Wu. Response of sandwich structures with pyramidal truss core under the compression and impact loading. Composite Structures. 2013, 100:451-463.
Year 2012
64. Jian Xiong, Ashkan Vaziri, Li Ma, Jim Papadopoulos, Lin-Zhi Wu. Compression and impact testing of two-layer composite pyramidal-core sandwich panels. Composite Structures, 2012, 94(2):793-801.
63. 吴林志, 熊健, 马力, 王兵, 张国旗, 杨金水. 新型复合材料点阵结构的研究进展. 力学进展. 2012, 42(1):41-67.
62. Zhi-Yong Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Hong-Jun Yu. Numerical simulation of crack growth in brittle matrix in particle reinforced composites using the XFEM technique. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinca. 2012, 25(1):9-21.
61. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Shi-Dong Pan, Lin-Zhi Wu, Jim Papadopoulos, Ashkan Vaziri. Shear and bending performance of carbon fiber composite sandwich panels with pyramidal truss cores. ACTA Materialia, 2012, 60(4):1455-1466.
60. Guo-Qi Zhang, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Mechanical behaviors of CFRP sandwich structures with tetrahedral lattice truss cores. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012, 43(2):471-476.
59. Sha Yin, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Steven Nutt. Hybrid truss concept for carbon fiber composite pyramidal lattice structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012, 43(4):1749-1755.
58. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Jin-Shui Yang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite lattice core sandwich panels fabricated by laser cutting. ACTA Materialia, 2012, 60(13-14): 5322–5334.
57. Jia Lou, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu. Free vibration analysis of simply supported sandwich beams with lattice truss core. Materials Science and Engineering B. 2012, 177(19):1712-1716.
56. Jia Lou, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu. Three-point Bending Properties of Composite Lattice Sandwich Structures with Tetrahedral Truss Cores. International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures. 2012, 2(2):1-10.
55. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Shi-Dong Pan. Shear response of carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss structures after high-temperature exposure. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2012, 31(18):1216-1225.
54. 吴林志, 熊健, 马力, 王兵, 泮世东, 刘海涛. 轻质夹层多功能结构一体化设计. 力学与实践, 2012,34(4): 8-18.
53. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. A Study on Mechanical Behavior of the Carbon Fiber Composite Sandwich Panel with Pyramidal Truss cores at Different Temperatures. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2012, (11):1-8.
Year 2011
52. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Ming Li, Ashkan Vaziri. Mechanical behavior of sandwich panels with hollow Al-Si tubes core construction. Materials and Design, 2011, 32(2):592-597.
51. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Jiayi Liu, Ashkan Vaziri. Mechanical behavior and failure of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich columns. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(4):938-945.
50. 李明, 马力, 吴林志, 关正西. 含孔复合材料层合板拉伸强度研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报 2011,43(增刊1):1-5.
49. 娄佳, 马力, 吴林志. 复合材料四面体点阵夹芯梁的自由振动分析. 固体力学学报. 2011, 32(4):339-345.
48. 王志勇, 马力, 吴林志, 于红军. 基于扩展有限元法的颗粒增强复合材料静态及动态断裂行为研究. 固体力学学报. 2011, 32(6):566-573.
47. 熊健, 马力, 杨金水, 吴林志. 碳纤维复合材料金字塔点阵结构制备工艺及力学性能研究. 固体力学学报. 2011, 32(专辑):8-13.
46. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Ji-Cai Feng. Low-velocity impact characteristics and residual tensile strength of carbon fiber composite lattice core sandwich structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(4):891-897.
45. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Zhengxi Guan. Structural response of all-composite pyramidal truss core sandwich columns in end compression. Composite Structures. 2011, 93(8):1964-1972.
44. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Zhengxi Guan. Torsion of carbon fiber composite pyramidal core sandwich plates. Composite Structures. 2011, 93(9):2358-2367.
43. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Zhengxi Guan. Mechanical response of all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core sandwich structures. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2011, 27(6):570-576.
42. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Lin-Zhi Wu. Temperature effects on the strength and crushing behavior of carbon fiber composite truss sandwich cores. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(7):1860-1866.
41. Sha Yin, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Steven Nutt. Pyramidal lattice sandwich structures with hollow composite trusses. Composite Structures, 2011, 93(12):3104-3111.
40. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Bing Wang, Zhengxi Guan. Structural design of pyramidal truss core sandwich beams loaded in 3-point bending. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2011, 6(9-10):1255-1266.
Year 2010
39. Shi-Xun Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Low-velocity impact and residual tensile strength analysis to carbon fiber composite laminates. Materials and Design. 2010, 31(1):118-125.
38. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Xin Jin, Shan-Yi Du, Yu-Guo Sun, Li Ma. Experimental investigation of 3D sandwich structure with core reinforced by composite columns. Materials and Design. 2010, 31(1):158-165.
37. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Yu-Guo Sun, Shan-Yi Du. Mechanical behavior of the sandwich structures with carbon fiber-reinforced pyramidal lattice truss core. Materials and Design. 2010, 31(5): 2659-2663.
36. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Bing Wang, Ashkan Vaziri. Fabrication and crushing behavior of low density carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss structures. Composite Structures. 2010, 92(11): 2695-2702.
35. 王兵,吴林志,杜善义,孙雨果,马力. 碳纤维增强金字塔点阵夹芯结构的抗压缩性能. 复合材料学报. 2010, 27(1):133-138.
34. 吴林志,殷莎,马力. 复合材料点阵夹芯结构的耦合换热及热应力分析. 功能材料. 2010, 41(6):969-972.
33. Shi-Xun Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Indentation Study of Foam Sandwich Structures Reinforced by Fiber Columns. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. 2010, 12(5):621-646.
32. Ming Li, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zheng-Xi Guan, Shi-Xun Wang, Li Ma. Experiments and simulation of low-velocity impact characteristics on carbon fiber composite lattice core sandwich structures. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2010, 17(6):801-805.
31. 李明,吴林志,关正西,马力,熊健. 金属圆管增强夹芯柱屈曲分析. 工程力学. 2010, 27(12):34-39.
Year 2009
30. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Lin-Ping Feng. Surface crack problem for functionally graded magnetoelectroelastic coating-homogeneous elastic substrate system under anti-plane mechanical and in-plane electric and magnetic loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2009, 76(2):269-285.
29. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Qiang Wang, Shan-Yi Du. Fabrication and testing of carbon fiber reinforced truss core sandwich panels. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2009,25(4):547-550.
Year 2008
28. Li Ma and Lin-Zhi Wu. Mode III crack problem in a functionally graded coating-homogenous substrate structure. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2008, 222(C3), 329-337.
Year 2007
27. Li Ma, Jia Li, Radhi Abdelmoula and Lin-Zhi Wu. Dynamic stress intensity factor for cracked functionally graded orthotropic medium under time-harmonic loading. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2007, 26(2):325-336.
26. Li Ma, Wu Nie, Lin-Zhi Wu and Li-Cheng Guo. Scattering of anti-plane stress waves by a crack in a non-homogeneous orthotropic medium. Composite Structures. 2007, 79(2):174-179.
25. Li Ma, Jia Li, Radhi Abdelmoula and Lin-Zhi Wu. Mode III crack problem in a functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic strip. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2007, 44(17):5518-5537.
24. Chun-Hui Xia and Li Ma. Dynamic behavior of a finite crack in functionally graded materials subjected to plane incident time-harmonic stress wave. Composite Structures. 2007, 77(1):10-17.
23. 郑华勇,吴林志,马力,王新筑. Kagome点阵夹芯板的抗冲击性能研究. 工程力学. 2007, 24(8):86-92.
Year 2006
22. 马力,吴林志,聂武. 在反平面变形下功能梯度压电板条的应力强度因子分析. 工程力学. 2006, 23(1):47-51
Year 2005
21. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou and Li-Cheng Guo Fracture analysis of a functionally graded piezoelctric strip. Composite Structures. 2005, 69(3):294-300.
20. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou and Li-Cheng Guo. Scattering of the harmonic anti-pane shear waves by a crack in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. Composite Structures. 2005, 69(4):436-441.
19. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li-Cheng Guo and Zhen-Gong Zhou. On the moving Griffith crack in a non-homogeneous orthotropic medium. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2005, 24(3):393-405.
18. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li-Cheng Guo and Zhen-Gong Zhou. Dynamic Behavior of a finite crack in the Functionally Graded Materials. Mechanics of Materials. 2005, 37(11):1153-1165.
17. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Li-Cheng Guo. On the moving Griffith crack in a nonhomogeneous orthotropic strip. International Journal of Fracture. 2005, 136(1-4): 187-205.
16. Li Ma, Wu Nie, Lin-Zhi Wu and Zhen-Gong Zhou. Scattering of the harmonic stress wave by cracks in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2005, 18(4):295-301.
15. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Yu-Guo Sun, Li Ma. The transient fracture behavior for a functionally graded layered structure subjected to an in-plane impact load. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2005, 21(3):257-266.
14. Tao Zeng, Dai-Ning Fang, Li-Cheng Guo and Li Ma. A mechanical model of 3D braided composites with transverse and longitudinal cracks. Composite Structures. 2005, 69(1):117-125.
13. Tao Zeng, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li-Cheng Guo, Li Ma. A mechanical model of 3D braided composites with internal transverse crack. Journal of Composite Materials. 2005, 39(4):301-321.
Year 2004
12. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Zhen-Gong Zhou. Dynamic stress intensity factors around two parallel cracks in a functionally graded layer bonded to dissimilar half planes subjected to anti-plane incident time-harmonic stress wave. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2004, 42(2): 187-202.
11. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou and Tao Zeng. Crack propagating in a functionally graded strip under the plane loading. International Journal of Fracture. 2004, 126(1): 39-55.
10. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Li-Cheng Guo and Li-Ping Shi. Scattering of harmonic anti-plane shear waves by two collinear cracks in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2004, 23(4):633-643.
9. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. The Interface Crack Problem under a Concentrated Load for a Functionally Graded Coating-Substrate Composite System. Composite Structures. 2004, 63(3-4):397-406.
8. Tao Zeng, Dai-Ning Fang, Li Ma, Li-Cheng Guo. Predicting the nonlinear response and failure of 3D braided composites. Materials Letters. 2004,58(26):3237-3241.
7. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Tao Zeng. Fracture Analysis of a Functionally Graded Coating-substrate Structure with a Crack Perpendicular to the Interface - Part I: Static problem. International Journal of Fracture. 2004, 127(2):21-38.
6. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Tao Zeng, Li Ma. Fracture Analysis of a Functionally Graded Coating-substrate Structure with a Crack Perpendicular to the Interface - Part II: Transient problem. International Journal of Fracture. 2004, 127(2):39-59.
5. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Tao Zeng and Li Ma. Mode I crack problem for a functionally graded orthotropic strip. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2004, 23(2):219-234.
4. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Tao Zeng, Li Ma. The Dynamic Fracture Behavior of a Functionally Graded Coating-Substrate System. Composite Structures. 2004, 64(3-4):433-441.
Year 2003
3. 张雪丽,果立成,曾涛,吴林志,马力. 三维编织复合材料圆柱壳的稳定性研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2003, 35(2):222-226
Year 2002
2. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Li-Cheng Guo. Dynamic behavior of two collinear anti-plane shear cracks in a functionally graded layer bonded to dissimilar half planes. Mechanics Research Communications 2002, 29(4):207-215.
Year 1999
1. Zhen-Gong Zhou and Li Ma. Two collinear Griffith cracks subjected to anti-plane shear in infinitely long strip. Mechanics Research Communications 1999, 26(4):437-444.
Basic Information
Dr. Li MA
Professor of Engineering Mechanics
Center for Composite Materials
Harbin Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 3011, Science Park of HIT
No.2 Yi-Kuang Street, Harbin 150080, China
E-Mail: mali@hit.edu.cn
· Ph.D. (Engineering Mechanics)[September 2000–April 2004]
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, P.R.China
Dissertation Title: Scattering and propagating of cracks in the Functionally Graded Materials
Thesis Advisor:Professor Lin-Zhi WU
· M.E. (Material Science) [September 1998–July 2000]
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, P.R.China
Dissertation Title: Investigation on the basic problem of dynamics fracture mechanics in piezoelectric materials with cracks
Thesis Advisor:Professor Zhen-Gong ZHOU
· B.E. (Astronautic Engineering and Mechanics) [September 1994 – July 1998]
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, P.R.China
Final Project Title: Visualization processing of mechanical experimentation data
Project Advisor: Professor Mao-Lin GUO
Professional Experience
·Professor [December 2011 – Present]
Center for Composite Materials
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
·Associate Professor[December 2005 – December 2011]
Center for Composite Materials
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
·Post Doctoral Research Scholar [January 2006 – July 2006]
Laboratoire des Propriétés Mécaniques et Thermodynamiques des Matériaux
Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France
·Lecturer [April 2004 – December 2005]
Center for Composite Materials
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
·Assistant Professor[October 2003 – April 2004]
Center for Composite Materials
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Research Activities
Research interests includes fracture analysis of advanced composites, computational model and simulation for damage of composite materials, mechanical behavior of ultralight materials, stress wave in nonhomogeneous materials, and related fields.
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基本信息科学研究教育教学论文专著English基本信息赵林辉,男,汉族,1981年生。 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院控制科学与工程系,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事先进控制理论及其在新能源汽车和智能汽车中的应用研究;主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、哈工大科研创新基金及多项企 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-刘明
基本信息科学研究教育教学论文著作基本信息 刘明,男,教授,博士生导师,2018年入选Clarivate Analytics全球高被引学者,2017年入选国家万人计划中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划,2013 年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2012年获黑龙江省自然科学奖一等奖 (排名第三)。以负 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-关威
基本信息HomeResearch工作经历时间工作经历2015.5-至今哈尔滨工业大学固体力学,博士生导师2012.1-至今哈尔滨工业大学航天科学与力学系,副教授2011.6-至今哈尔滨工业大学固体力学,硕士生导师2008.5-2011.12哈尔滨工业大学航天科学与力学系,讲师 教育经历2015年10 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-耿云海
基本信息耿云海教育教学论文专著科研项目项目名称**飞行器研制项目来源国家863开始时间2006-07-01结束时间2014-12-01担任角色负责项目类别横向项目项目状态完成项目名称龙江二号卫星研制项目来源探月中心/哈尔滨工业大学开始时间201601结束时间201907项目经费5800担任角色 参与 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-李清华
基本信息科学研究教育教学发表论文学生培养基本信息 李清华(1979-),男,汉族。副研究员,硕士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学航天学院空间控制与惯性技术研究中心。主要研究方向:磁信息导航、惯性导航和运动控制。参与国家“十一五”、”十二五“、973项目等多项纵向课题,参与并完成横向科研项目20余项, 发表论 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-遆晓光
基本信息科学研究教育教学论文专著联系方式遆晓光副教授电 话:**传 真:**E-mail:dixiaoguang@hit.edu.cn;dixig@sina.com邮 编:150080通信地址:哈尔滨工业大学科学园3008信箱 基本信息 遆晓光,男,汉族,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。 工作经历 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24