

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-24





RSC Advances, Associate Editor

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Guest editor

Journal of Polymers and Polymer Composites, Guest Editor









2010.3 至今:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所,博士生导师

2012.12 至今,哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所,教授











Abbreviated Journal Title ISSN Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-Life Eigenfactor Score Article Influence Score
NATURE 0028-0836 526505 36.280 36.235 9.690 841 9.4 1.65658 20.353
NAT MATER 1476-1122 39242 32.841 36.732 6.246 134 4.7 0.22089 17.891
SCIENCE 0036-8075 480836 31.201 32.452 6.075 871 9.4 1.41282 17.508
NAT NANOTECHNOL 1748-3387 16581 27.270 33.781 5.496 117 3.1 0.12854 14.854
NAT CHEM 1755-4330 5260 20.524 20.533 5.308 120 1.8 0.03284 7.944
ADV MATER 0935-9648 79860 13.877 12.813 2.155 789 5.0 0.26226 4.061
NANO LETT 1530-6984 75287 13.198 13.843 2.082 955 4.2 0.34576 5.059
ACS NANO 1936-0851 22409 10.774 11.171 1.631 1141 2.0 0.12069 3.584
ADV FUNCT MATER 1616-301X 28503 10.179 9.920 1.514 533 4.0 0.11265 2.939
J AM CHEM SOC 0002-7863 408307 9.907 9.766 1.865 3176 7.5 0.81677 2.792
ENERG ENVIRON SCI 1754-5692 5087 9.610 10.813 2.049 548 1.9 0.01802 2.694
SMALL 1613-6810 15181 8.349 8.262 1.221 430 3.2 0.07233 2.507
NAT COMMUN 2041-1723 1859 7.396 7.396 1.659 451 1.2 0.01223 4.468
J MATER CHEM 0959-9428 46166 5.968 5.992 1.088 2527 4.3 0.12631 1.571
CARBON 0008-6223 27798 5.378 6.008 1.081 641 6.3 0.06074 1.595
CRYST GROWTH DES 1528-7483 19082 4.720 4.877 0.723 733 3.5 0.05338 0.912
ACS APPL MATER INTER 1944-8244 4646 4.525 4.540 0.713 666 1.9 0.02144 1.274
NANOTECHNOLOGY 0957-4484 31600 3.979 4.017 0.665 1128 3.9 0.13849 1.233
APPL PHYS LETT 0003-6951 203336 3.844 3.787 0.661 4419 5.9 0.67541 1.384
ACTA MATER 1359-6454 30282 3.755 4.226 0.838 745 6.7 0.09632 1.705
POLYMER 0032-3861 47418 3.438 4.009 0.569 726 7.7 0.07463 1.013
COMPOS SCI TECHNOL 0266-3538 14310 3.144 3.818 0.464 267 6.1 0.03768 1.136
COMPOS PART A-APPL S 1359-835X 6952 2.695 3.160 0.273 238 5.7 0.01884 0.899
MATER LETT 0167-577X 20548 2.307 2.275 0.421 1048 5.0 0.05487 0.581
MATER CHEM PHYS 0254-0584 14706 2.234 2.385 0.311 976 5.5 0.03722 0.628
MATER DESIGN 0261-3069 6020 2.200 2.193 0.496 651 2.9 0.02468 0.648
MATER RES BULL 0025-5408 9860 2.105 2.108 0.229 446 8.4 0.01784 0.546
MECH MATER 0167-6636 3231 1.769 2.232 0.190 79 8.5 0.00902 1.096
INT J MATER RES 1862-5282 830 0.830 0.808 0.117 180 3.2 0.00620 0.343
POLYM POLYM COMPOS 0967-3911 336 0.326 0.456 0.036 110 6.1 0.00065 0.100















This course makes a special effort to focus on principles and applications, leaving lengthy (and usually intimidating to engineering students) derivations and formulation out of its scope, engineering student can concentrate on the basic principles and applications of these modern technologies. There are eight chapters covered in this course. Chapter 1 deals with contact angle in surface analysis, whereas chapter 2 concentrates on x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are both discussed in chapter 3 because they have a great deal in common, especially in terms of principles. Chapter 4 covers X-ray diffraction (XRD). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) will be discussed in chapter 5 and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is introduced in chapter 6. Chapter 7 provides general principles of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and lastly three kinds of thermal analysis methods are given.




1) Zhao, W.;Zhang, H.;Liu, J.;Xu, L.;Wu, H.;Zou, M.;Wang, Q.;He, X.;Li, Y.; Cao, A., Controlled Air-Etching Synthesis of Porous-Carbon Nanotube Aerogels with Ultrafast Charging at 1000 A g(-1). Small 2018, 14 (40).

2) Cao, S.;Ding, Y.;Yang, M.;Pan, H.;Li, Y.; He, X., Lightweight and nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons with tunable hierarchical structure for high performance electromagnetic wave absorption. Ceramics International 2018, 44 (16), 20259-20266.

3) Xu, F.;Chen, R.;Lin, Z.;Qin, Y.;Yuan, Y.;Li, Y.;Zhao, X.;Yang, M.;Sun, X.;Wang, S.;Peng, Q.;Li, Y.; He, X., Superflexible Interconnected Graphene Network Nanocomposites for High-Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Acs Omega 2018, 3 (3), 3599-3607.

4) Lan, X.;Liang, C.;Wu, M.;Wu, N.;He, L.;Li, Y.; Wang, Z., Facile Synthesis of Highly Defected Silicon Carbide Sheets for Efficient Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (32), 18537-18544.

5) Yuan, Y.;Feng, Y.;Zhao, X.;Yang, M.;Lu, H.;Li, J.;Du, Y.;Li, Y.; He, X., Microwave absorption performance of in situ synthesized Fe3O4-SiO2 hybrid fibres with enhanced environmental stability. Ceramics International 2018, 44 (6), 6673-6680.

6) Yuan, Y.;Yin, W.;Yang, M.;Xu, F.;Zhao, X.;Li, J.;Peng, Q.;He, X.;Du, S.; Li, Y., Lightweight, flexible and strong core-shell non-woven fabrics covered by reduced graphene oxide for high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding. Carbon 2018, 130, 59-68.

7) Peng, Q.;Qin, Y.;Zhao, X.;Sun, X.;Chen, Q.;Xu, F.;Lin, Z.;Yuan, Y.;Li, Y.;Li, J.;Yin, W.;Gao, C.;Zhang, F.;He, X.; Li, Y., Superlight, Mechanically Flexible, Thermally Superinsulating, and Antifrosting Anisotropic Nanocomposite Foam Based on Hierarchical Graphene Oxide Assembly. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (50), 44010-44017.

8) Yuan, Y.;Sun, X.;Yang, M.;Xu, F.;Lin, Z.;Zhao, X.;Ding, Y.;Li, J.;Yin, W.;Peng, Q.;He, X.; Li, Y., Stiff, Thermally Stable and Highly Anisotropic Wood-Derived Carbon Composite Monoliths for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (25), 21371-21381.

9) Yuan, Y.;Liu, L.;Yang, M.;Zhang, T.;Xu, F.;Lin, Z.;Ding, Y.;Wang, C.;Li, J.;Yin, W.;Peng, Q.;He, X.; Li, Y., Lightweight, thermally insulating and stiff carbon honeycomb-induced graphene composite foams with a horizontal laminated structure for electromagnetic interference shielding. Carbon 2017, 123, 223-232.

10) Li, Y.;Xu, F.;Lin, Z.;Sun, X.;Peng, Q.;Yuan, Y.;Wang, S.;Yang, Z.;He, X.; Li, Y., Electrically and thermally conductive underwater acoustically absorptive graphene/rubber nanocomposites for multifunctional applications. Nanoscale 2017, 9 (38), 14476-14485.

11) Peng, Q.;Wei, H.;Qin, Y.;Lin, Z.;Zhao, X.;Xu, F.;Leng, J.;He, X.;Cao, A.; Li, Y., Shape-memory polymer nanocomposites with a 3D conductive network for bidirectional actuation and locomotion application. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (42), 18042-18049.

12) Zhao, W.;Wang, S.;Wang, C.;Wu, S.;Xu, W.;Zou, M.;Ouyang, A.;Cao, A.; Li, Y., Double polymer sheathed carbon nanotube supercapacitors show enhanced cycling stability. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (1), 626-633.

13) Wang, C.;Ding, Y.;Yuan, Y.;Cao, A.;He, X.;Peng, Q.; Li, Y., Multifunctional, Highly Flexible, Free-Standing 3D Polypyrrole Foam. Small 2016, 12 (30), 4070-4076.

14) Yuan, Y.;Ding, Y.;Wang, C.;Xu, F.;Lin, Z.;Qin, Y.;Li, Y.;Yang, M.;He, X.;Peng, Q.; Li, Y., Multifunctional Stiff Carbon Foam Derived from Bread. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (26), 16852-16861.

15) Zhao, W.;Li, Y.;Wu, S.;Wang, D.;Zhao, X.;Xu, F.;Zou, M.;Zhang, H.;He, X.; Cao, A., Highly Stable Carbon Nanotube/Polyaniline Porous Network for Multifunctional Applications. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (49), 34027-34033.

16) Ding, Y.;Zhu, J.;Wang, C.;Dai, B.;Li, Y.;Qin, Y.;Xu, F.;Peng, Q.;Yang, Z.;Bai, J.;Cao, W.;Yuan, Y.; Li, Y., Multifunctional three-dimensional graphene nanoribbons composite sponge. Carbon 2016, 104, 133-140.

17) Shang, Y.;Wang, C.;He, X.;Li, J.;Peng, Q.;Shi, E.;Wang, R.;Du, S.;Cao, A.; Li, Y., Self-stretchable, helical carbon nanotube yarn supercapacitors with stable performance under extreme deformation conditions. Nano Energy 2015, 12, 401-409.

18) Shang, Y.;He, X.;Wang, C.;Zhu, L.;Peng, Q.;Shi, E.;Wu, S.;Yang, Y.;Xu, W.;Wang, R.;Du, S.;Cao, A.; Li, Y., Large-Deformation, Multifunctional Artificial Muscles Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Yarns. Advanced Engineering Materials 2015, 17 (1), 14-20.

19) Qin, Y.;Peng, Q.;Ding, Y.;Lin, Z.;Wang, C.;Li, Y.;Li, J.;Yuan, Y.;He, X.; Li, Y., Lightweight, Superelastic, and Mechanically Flexible Graphene/Polyimide Nanocomposite Foam for Strain Sensor Application. Acs Nano 2015, 9 (9), 8933-8941.

20) Wang, C.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Ding, Y.;Peng, Q.;Zhao, W.;Shi, E.;Wu, S.; Cao, A., Cotton-derived bulk and fiber aerogels grafted with nitrogen-doped graphene. Nanoscale 2015, 7 (17), 7550-7558.

21) Wang, C.;Ding, Y.;Yuan, Y.;He, X.;Wu, S.;Hu, S.;Zou, M.;Zhao, W.;Yang, L.;Cao, A.; Li, Y., Graphene aerogel composites derived from recycled cigarette filters for electromagnetic wave absorption. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015, 3 (45), 11893-11901.

22) Wang, C.;He, X.;Tong, L.;Luo, Q.;Li, Y.;Song, Q.;Lv, X.;Shang, Y.;Peng, Q.; Li, J., Tensile failure mechanisms of individual junctions assembled by two carbon nanotubes. Composites Science and Technology 2015, 110, 159-165.

23) Zhang, X.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Liu, X.;Jiang, Q.; Sun, Y., Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of Nb-Ti-C-B in-situ composites with W addition. Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 2015, 646, 332-340.

24) Zhang, X.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Sun, Y.;Pang, S.;Su, G.;Liu, X.; Yang, Z., Influence of Cr addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr-based alloys corresponding to Zr-C-Cr system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015, 640, 240-245.

25) Peng, Q.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Gui, X.;Shang, Y.;Wang, C.;Wang, C.;Zhao, W.;Du, S.;Shi, E.;Li, P.;Wu, D.; Cao, A., Graphene Nanoribbon Aerogels Unzipped from Carbon Nanotube Sponges. Advanced Materials 2014, 26 (20), 3241-+.

26) Zhao, W.;Li, Y.;Wang, S.;He, X.;Shang, Y.;Peng, Q.;Wang, C.;Du, S.;Gui, X.;Yang, Y.;Yuan, Q.;Shi, E.;Wu, S.;Xu, W.; Cao, A., Elastic improvement of carbon nanotube sponges by depositing amorphous carbon coating. Carbon 2014, 76, 19-26.

27) Wang, C.;He, X.;Shang, Y.;Peng, Q.;Qin, Y.;Shi, E.;Yang, Y.;Wu, S.;Xu, W.;Du, S.;Cao, A.; Li, Y., Multifunctional graphene sheet-nanoribbon hybrid aerogels. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2 (36), 14994-15000.

28) Wang, C.;Li, Y.;Tong, L.;Song, Q.;Li, K.;Li, J.;Peng, Q.;He, X.;Wang, R.;Jiao, W.; Du, S., The role of grafting force and surface wettability in interfacial enhancement of carbon nanotube/carbon fiber hierarchical composites. Carbon 2014, 69, 239-246.

29) Wang, C.;Peng, Q.;Wu, J.;He, X.;Tong, L.;Luo, Q.;Li, J.;Moody, S.;Liu, H.;Wang, R.;Du, S.; Li, Y., Mechanical characteristics of individual multi-layer graphene-oxide sheets under direct tensile loading. Carbon 2014, 80, 279-289.

30) Zhang, X.;Zhong, Y.;Li, M.;Qin, Y.;Xu, F.;He, X.; Li, Y., In-situ precipitated network structure and high-temperature compressive behavior of Nb-Ti-C-B composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014, 613, 25-32.

31) Shang, Y.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Zhang, L.;Li, Z.;Li, P.;Shi, E.;Wu, S.; Cao, A., Elastic carbon nanotube straight yarns embedded with helical loops. Nanoscale 2013, 5 (6), 2403-2410.

32) Shang, Y.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Du, S.;Zhang, L.;Shi, E.;Wu, S.;Li, Z.;Li, P.;Wei, J.;Wang, K.;Zhu, H.;Wu, D.; Cao, A., Highly Twisted Double-Helix Carbon Nanotube Yarns. Acs Nano 2013, 7 (2), 1446-1453.

33) Peng, Q.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Lv, H.;Hu, P.;Shang, Y.;Wang, C.;Wang, R.;Sritharan, T.; Du, S., Interfacial enhancement of carbon fiber composites by poly(amido amine) functionalization. Composites Science and Technology 2013, 74, 37-42.

34) Wang, C.;He, X.;Tong, L.;Peng, Q.;Wang, R.;Li, Y.; Li, Y., Theoretical prediction and experimental verification of pulling carbon nanotubes from carbon fiber prepared by chemical grafting method. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2013, 50, 1-10.

35) Li, Y.;Li, Y.;Ding, Y.;Peng, Q.;Wang, C.;Wang, R.;Sritharan, T.;He, X.; Du, S., Tuning the interfacial property of hierarchical composites by changing the grafting density of carbon nanotube using 1,3-propodiamine. Composites Science and Technology 2013, 85, 36-42.

36) Li, Y.;Shang, Y.;He, X.;Peng, Q.;Du, S.;Shi, E.;Wu, S.;Li, Z.;Li, P.; Cao, A., Overtwisted, Resolvable Carbon Nanotube Yarn Entanglement as Strain Sensors and Rotational Actuators. Acs Nano 2013, 7 (9), 8128-8135.

37) Huang, J.;Fan, C.;Song, G.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Zhang, X.;Sun, Y.;Du, S.; Zhao, Y., Enhanced infrared emissivity of CeO2 coatings by La doping. Applied Surface Science 2013, 280, 605-609.

38) Huang, J.;Song, G.;Lv, H.;Li, Y.;Sun, Y.;He, X.;Zhang, S.;Fu, Y.;Du, S.; Li, Y., Microstructure and thermal cycling behavior of CeO2 coatings deposited by the electron beam physical vapor technique. Thin Solid Films 2013, 544, 270-275.

39) Zhang, X.;He, X.;Fan, C.;Li, Y.;Song, G.;Sun, Y.; Huang, J., Microstructural and mechanical characterization of multiphase Nb-based composites from Nb-Ti-C-B system. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 2013, 41, 185-190.

40) Zhang, X.;Li, Y.;Zhu, Z.;Zhang, J.;Peng, Q.; He, X., Microstructure, mechanical and oxidation properties of in-situ synthesized (Y2O3 + TiC)/Ti-4.5Si composites. International Journal of Materials Research 2013, 104 (1), 65-70.

41) Peng, Q.;He, X.;Li, Y.;Wang, C.;Wang, R.;Hu, P.;Yan, Y.; Sritharan, T., Chemically and uniformly grafting carbon nanotubes onto carbon fibers by poly(amidoamine) for enhancing interfacial strength in carbon fiber composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (13), 5928-5931.

42) Shang, Y.;He, X.;Li, Y.;Zhang, L.;Li, Z.;Ji, C.;Shi, E.;Li, P.;Zhu, K.;Peng, Q.;Wang, C.;Zhang, X.;Wang, R.;Wei, J.;Wang, K.;Zhu, H.;Wu, D.; Cao, A., Super-Stretchable Spring-Like Carbon Nanotube Ropes. Advanced Materials 2012, 24 (21), 2896-2900.

43) Li, Y.;Peng, Q.;He, X.;Hu, P.;Wang, C.;Shang, Y.;Wang, R.;Jiao, W.; Lv, H., Synthesis and characterization of a new hierarchical reinforcement by chemically grafting graphene oxide onto carbon fibers. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (36), 18748-18752.

44) Yang, L.;He, X.;Mei, L.;Tong, L.;Wang, R.; Li, Y., Interfacial shear behavior of 3D composites reinforced with CNT-grafted carbon fibers. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2012, 43 (8), 1410-1418.

45) Yang, L.;Tong, L.; He, X., MD simulation of carbon nanotube pullout behavior and its use in determining mode I delamination toughness. Computational Materials Science 2012, 55, 356-364.

46) He, X.;Wang, C.;Tong, L.;Li, Y.;Peng, Q.;Mei, L.; Wang, R., A pullout model for inclined carbon nanotube. Mechanics of Materials 2012, 52, 28-39.

47) He, X.;Wang, C.;Tong, L.;Wang, R.;Cao, A.;Peng, Q.;Moody, S.; Li, Y., Direct measurement of grafting strength between an individual carbon nanotube and a carbon fiber. Carbon 2012, 50 (10), 3782-3788.

48) Huang, J.;Li, Y.;He, X.;Song, G.;Fan, C.;Sun, Y.;Fei, W.; Du, S., Enhanced spectral emissivity of CeO2 coating with cauliflower-like microstructure. Applied Surface Science 2012, 259, 301-305.

49) Huang, J.;Li, Y.;Song, G.;Zhang, X.;Sun, Y.;He, X.; Du, S., Highly enhanced infrared spectral emissivity of porous CeO2 coating. Materials Letters 2012, 85, 57-60.

50) Gao, Y.;Li, Y.;Hong, Y.;Zhang, H.; He, X., Modeling of the Damping Properties of Unidirectional Carbon Fibre Composites. Polymers & Polymer Composites 2011, 19 (2-3), 119-122.

51) Mei, L.;Li, Y.;Wang, R.;Wang, C.;Peng, Q.; He, X., Multiscale Carbon Nanotube-Carbon Fiber Reinforcement for Advanced Epoxy Composites with High Interfacial strength. Polymers & Polymer Composites 2011, 19 (2-3), 107-112.

52) Mei, L.;He, X.;Li, Y.;Peng, Q.;Wang, R.; Xu, J., Enhancement of composite-metal interfacial adhesion strength by dendrimer. Surface and Interface Analysis 2011, 43 (3), 726-733.

53) Yang, L.;Tong, L.; He, X., Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Sword-Sheath Extraction Behavior in CNT Reinforced Composite. Polymers & Polymer Composites 2011, 19 (2-3), 113-117.

54) Mei, L.;He, X.;Li, Y.;Wang, R.;Wang, C.; Peng, Q., Grafting carbon nanotubes onto carbon fiber by use of dendrimers. Materials Letters 2010, 64 (22), 2505-2508.

55) Wang, J.;Zhang, S.;Li, Y.;Zhao, J.;Zhu, L.; Yao, F., Interaction Between Sputtered beta-Ta Films and Diamond-Like Carbon with Ru Intermediate Layer. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2010, 10 (7), 4644-4649.

56) Zhang, X.;Li, Y.;Song, G.;Sun, Y.;Peng, Q.;Li, Y.; He, X., Microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ TiC and Nd2O3 particles reinforced Ti-4.5 wt.%Si alloy composites. Materials & Design 2011, 32 (8-9), 4327-4332.

1. 彭庆宇, 教授,研究方向: 多功能多尺度纳米复合材料.
2. 尹维龙, 副教授,博士生导师,研究方向: 多功能多尺度复合材料微纳米力学

3. 李建军,讲师,研究方向:静电纺丝


1. 徐 帆,研究方向 :石墨烯三维连通结构声学特性

2. 李 莹,研究方向:石墨烯/橡胶纳米复合材料及超结构声学特性

3. 孙贤贤,研究方向:生物质吸波及石墨烯导热材料
4. 赵雯琪,研究方向:纳米碳三维连通骨架电学性能

5. 程远静,石墨烯吸波材料
6. 王沙沙,二维陶瓷材料

7. 杨明龙,二维MXene材料吸波

8. 杨 爽,石墨烯吸波复合材料

9. 林在山,石墨烯定向排布及导热

10. 许艳军,石墨烯基复合材料热结构设计






1. 彭庆宇,教授,工作单位:哈尔滨工业大学

2. 李玉鑫,讲师,工作单位:黑龙江大学

3. 上媛媛,教授,工作单位:郑州大学

4. 张新疆,副教授,工作单位:盐城工学院

5. 黄建平,讲师,工作单位:湖南大学

6. 秦余杨,讲师,工作单位:常熟学院

7. 袁 野,副教授,工作单位:河北工业大学

8. 汪春晖,博士后,工作单位:韩国蔚山科学研究院


1. 孙玉芳,上海外企

2. 田 贺,航天科技集团

3. 王宠乐,航天科工集团

4. 张 勇,荷兰代尔夫特工业大学

5. 张璟伟,江苏苏州外企

6. 景伟,中船重工集团(上海)

7. 倪俊彦,美国留学

8. 曹四喜,澳大利亚留学

9. 李心砚,中国一重大连研究院

10. 陈若凡,珠海冠宇电池







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  • 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-姚宝权
    基本信息科学研究教育教学人才培养论文专著基本信息 姚宝权,男,汉族,1970年生。教授,博士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学航天学院光电子信息科学与技术系,可调谐(气体)激光技术国家级重点实验室。 先后主持承担国家自然科学基金项目和省部级重点项目多项,发表SCI收录 ...
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  • 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-陈松林
    基本信息科学研究学生培养论文专著基本信息陈松林,男,汉族,副教授;哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院,控制与仿真中心。招生信息硕博士招生:自动化或相关专业,有钻研精神,动手能力强的本科生和硕士生,学校不限荣誉称号2009年“高性能飞行运动仿真装备关键技术”获国家科学技术进步二等奖2009年“同轴套装五自由度运 ...
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  • 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-董志伟
    基本信息科学研究教育教学论文专著基本信息 董志伟,男,汉族。研究员,博士生导师。 作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金、国家高分重大专项子任务、国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项任务、教育部博士点教师基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金以及其他多项科研项目。发表SCI、EI文章40余篇。获哈工大校优秀青年教师荣誉称号 ...
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  • 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-肖峰
    基本信息科学研究教育教学论文专著个人信息肖峰, 教授,2001年和2004 年于内蒙古大学获理学学士和理学硕士学位;2008 年于北京大学获理学博士学位;2008 年至2012 年,北京理工大学自动化学院任教,职称讲师、副教授;2010 年获加拿大Izaak Walton Killam Memori ...
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  • 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-苗常青
    基本信息招生信息教学科研苗常青男,教授,博士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院,特种环境复合材料技术国家级重点实验室。1994.7 哈尔滨工业大学高分子材料本科毕业,获学士学位。1996.9-2002.7 哈尔滨工业大学工程力学硕博连读,获博士学位。2005~2006,德国慕尼黑工业大学访问学者。200 ...
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  • 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-付振宪
    基本信息科学研究教学研究论文著作基本信息付振宪,男,1972年6月出生。就职于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院控制科学与工程系,副教授工作经历标题1998.12 至今,就职于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院控制科学与工程系,副教授标题2008.04-2009.04 在英国西英格兰大学(布里斯托)做学术访问教育经历标题1 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24