

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-24



先后主持承担国家自然科学基金项目和省部级重点项目多项,发表SCI收录论文200余篇,被引2000余次。 作为第一获奖人:获得省部级一等奖1项,二等奖1项,三等奖2项。







1989年-1993年, 就读于东北师范大学, 物理学专业,理学学士1993年-1996年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 物理电子学专业,工学硕士1997年-2002年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 物理电子学专业,工学博士





完成人姚宝权 李林军 段小明 鞠有伦 张云军


1. 物理电子学

2. 光学工程



鞠有伦:教授, 研究方向: 相干探测技术,单频激光器,中长波红外固体激光器,
段小明:副教授, 研究方向: 中长波红外固体激光器,铥钬固体激光器





















































从课题组毕业的知名校友:柳强 教授(清华大学), 张新陆 教授(哈尔滨工程大学),李林军 教授(黑龙江工程学院)

王大珩高校学生光学奖:段小明 申英杰




国家奖学金获得者:2012年:戴通宇(博士) 刘晓磊(硕士);2013年:申英杰(博士)于潇(硕士);2014年:丁宇(博士) 钱传鹏(硕士)邓云(硕士);2015年:崔铮(博士),李晓磊(硕士)

硕士毕业研究生金(前5%)银(前10%)奖获得者:邓云(金奖,2015届)韩鎏(银奖,2015届)张冬雪(金奖,2014届) 于潇(2014届) 刘晓磊(金奖,2013届) 蒙裴倍(2012届) 王维(2012届) 何新东(2012届) 陈方(2012届) 王强(2011届) 田义(2011届) 王天衡(2010届) 郑亮亮(2009届) 方丹(2009届) 周蕙(2009届)

硕士研究生特等奖学金获得者:韩鎏(2013级) 邓云(2013级) 于潇(2012级) 于快快(2012级) 刘晓磊(2011级) 何新东(2010级) 王维(2010级) 蒙裴倍(2010级) 袁驰(2010级)

哈尔滨工业大学优秀本科毕业论文:赵杰(2008届) 于快快(2010届)


[1]. Output characteristics of actively Q-switched Ho:LuVO4 laser at room temperature, Cui Z., Yao B.Q.*, Duan X.M., Xu S., Du Y.Q., Yuan J. H., Dai T. Y., Ju Y. L., Opt. Express, 2015, 23(10):13482 (IF:3.488)

[2]. High power slab Tm:YAP laser dual-end-pumped by fiber coupled laser diodes, Han, L., Yao, B. Q., Duan, X. M., Li, S.; Dai, T. Y., Ju, Y. L, Wang, Y. Z., Opt. & Quant. Electron., 2015, 47(5):1055 (IF:1.070)

[3]. Dual-end-pumped high-power Cr2+:ZnS passively Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser, Yuan J. H., Duan X. M., Yao B. Q.*, Li J.*, Cui Z., Shen Y. J., Dai T. Y., Ju Y. L., Li C. Y., Kou H. M., Appl. Phys. B, 2015, 119(2):381(IF:1.634)

[4]. Investigation of high-power diode-end-pumped Tm:YLF laser in slab geometry, Shen Y.J., Duan X. M., Yuan J. H., Dai T. Y., Yao B. Q.*, Wang Y. Z., Appl. Opt., 2015, 54(8):1958 (IF:1.649)

[5]. 108-W diode-end-pumped slab Tm:YLF laser with high beam quality, Shen Y. J., Yao B. Q.*, Qian C. P., Duan X. M., Dai T. Y., Wang Y. Z., Appl. Phys. B, 2015, 118(4):555 (IF:1.634)

[6]. An actively mode-locked Ho:YAG solid laser pumped by a Tm:YLF laser, Yao B.Q., Cui Z., Wang J., Duan X.M., Dai T.Y.*, Du Y.Q., Yuan J.H., Liu W., Laser Phys. Lett., 2015, 12(2):025002 (IF: 2.964)

[7]. Tunable single-longitudinal-mode Er:YAG laser using a twisted-mode technique at 1.6 um, Yao B.Q., Dai T.Y.*, Deng Y., Duan X.M, Ju Y.L., Wang Y.Z., Laser Phys. Lett., 2015, 12(2):025004 (IF: 2.964)

[8]. High-power Cr2+:ZnS saturable absorber passively Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser and its application to pumping of a mid-IR OPO, Yao B. Q.*, Yuan J. H., Li J.*, Dai T. Y., Duan X. M., Shen Y. J., Cui Z., Pan Y. B., Opt. Lett., 2015, 40(3):348. (IF:3.179)

[9]. Passively Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with near-diffraction-limited beam quality, Yao B.Q., Cui Z., Duan X.M., Yang Y.Z., Du Y.Q., Appl. Phys. B, 2015, 118(2):235. (IF:1.654)

[10].High power Ho:YAG laser pumped by two orthogonally polarized Tm:YLF lasers, Yao B.Q., Shen Y.J., Han L., Qian C.P., Duan X.M., Ju Y.L., Wang Y.Z., Opt. Quant. Electron., 2015, 47(2):211 (IF:1.070)

[11].Ding Y., Yao B.Q., Ju Y.L., Li Y.Y., Duan X.M., He W.J., High power Q-switched Ho:YVO4 laser resonantly pumped by a Tm-fiber laser, Laser Phys., 2015, 25:015002.(SCI收录,IF=1.025,他引0次



[12].Yuan J.H., Yao B.Q., Duan X.M., Shen Y.J., Cui Z., Yu K.K., Li J., Pan Y.B., in-band pumped high power Ho:YAG ceramic laser by a Tm:YLF laser, Chin. Phys. Lett, DEC 2014, 31(12):124205. (SCI收录,IF=0.924,他引0次)

[13].Cui Z., Yao B.Q., Duan X.M., Du Y.Q., Xu S., Wang Y.Z., Stable passively Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with grapheme as a saturable absorber, Opt. Engineering, DEC 2014,53 (12):126112. (SCI收录,IF=0.958,他引0次)

[14].Dai T.Y., Deng Y., Ju Y.L., Duan X.M., Yao B.Q., Wang Y.Z., Performance of a dual-end-pumped Er:YAG ring laser at room temperature, Laser Phys., DEC 2014, 24:125802(SCI收录,IF:1.025)

[15].Ying-Jie Shen, Bao-Quan Yao*, Zheng Cui, Xiao-Ming Duan, You-Lun Ju, Yue-Zhu Wang, A ring ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Ho:LuAG laser, Appl. Phys. B, 2014(SCI收录,IF=2.545,他引0次)

[16].Yao, B. Q., Shen, Y. J.; ; Duan, X.M. ; et al, A 41 W ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Q-switched Ho:YAG laser,Opt. Lett., 2014,39(23):6589-6591 (SCI收录,IF:3.179


[17].Du Y.Q., Yao B.Q., Li, J., Pan Y. B., Duan X.M., Cui Z., Shen Z.C., Stable passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:YVO4 laser with near 100 ns pulse duration at 2 um,Laser Phys. Lett.,2014,11:115817. (SCI收录,IF:2.964)

[18].Yao B.Q, Cui Z., Duan X.M., Du Y.Q., Han L., Shen Y.J., Resonantly pumped room temperature Ho:LuVO4 laser, Opt. Lett., 2014, 39(21):6328-6330. (SCI收录, IF:3.179)

[19].Yao B. Q., Shi H. W., Dai T. Y.* ; Shen Z. C.; Ju Y. L.; Cai G. Q.; Wang Y. Z., Diode-pumped acousto-optical cavity-dumped Tm:YAP laser at 1989 nm, Appl. Opt., 2014, 53 (29):6816-6819. (SCI收录, IF: 1.649)

[20].Qian C.P, Yao B.Q., Duan X.M.*, Ju Y.L., Yu K.K., Wang Y.Z., A 52-mJ Ho:YAG master oscillator and power amplifier with kilohertz pulse repletion frequency, Chin. Phys. Lett., SEP 2014, 31(9):094201 (SCI收录, IF:0.924)

[21].Yao, B. Q., Ding, Y., Duan, X. M., Dai, T. Y., Ju, Y. L., Li, L. J., He, W. J., Efficient Q-switched Ho:GdVO4 laser resonantly pumped at 1942 nm, Opt. Lett., AUG 2014, 39(16):4755-4758. (SCI收录, IF 3.179)

[22].Han L., Yao B. Q.; Duan X. M.; Li S.; Dai T. Y.; Ju Y. L.; Wang Y. Z., Experimental study of continuous-wave and Q-switched laser performance of Ho:YVO4 crystal, Chin. Opt. Lett., AUG 2014, 12(8):081401. (SCI收录, IF:1.073)

[23].Dai T.Y., Deng Y., Ju Y.L., Duan X.M., Yao B.Q.*, Wang Y.Z., A stable 2012.1 nm single-longitudinal-mode Tm:YAG ceramic laser with volume bragg grating and Fabry-Perot etalon, Chin. Phys. Lett., AUG 2014, 31(8)):084203. (SCI收录,IF:0.924)

[24].Shen Y.J., Yao B.Q.*, Cui Z., Duan X.M., Ju Y. L., Wang Y.Z., A ring ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Ho:LuAG laser, Appl. Phys. B, 2014, 117(1):127-130. (SCI收录, IF:1.634)

[25].Ji Wang, Baoquan Yao*, Zheng, Yunjun Zhang, Youlun Ju, Yanqiu Du, High efficient actively Q-switched Ho:YVO4 laser pumped at room temperature, Laser Phys. Lett., AUG 2014, 11:085003(SCI收录,IF=2.964,他引0次)

[26].Yao B. Q., Cui Z., Duan .X. M., Shen Y. J., Wang J., Du Y. Q., A Graphene-Based Passively Q-Switched Ho:YAG Laser, Chin. Phys. Lett., APR 2014, 31(4):** (SCI收录,IF=0.924,他引0次)

[27].DENG Yun, YAO Bao-Quan, JU You-Lun, DUAN Xiao-Ming, DAI Tong-Yu? , WANG Yue-Zhu, A Diode-Pumped 1617 nm Single Longitudinal Mode Er:YAG Laser with Intra-Cavity Etalons, Chin. Phys. Lett. JUL 2014, 31(7):074202 (SCI收录,IF=0.880,他引0次)

[28].Duan X.M., Ding Y., Yao B.Q., Dai T.Y., Li Y.Y., Jia F.L., A stable diffusion-bonded Tm:YLF bulk laser with high power output at a wavelength of 1889.5 nm, Chin. Phys. Lett., JUL 2014, 31(7)):074203. (SCI收录,IF :0.924)

[29].Du, Y.Q., Yao, B. Q., Cui, Z., Duan, X. M., Dai, T. Y., Ju, Y. L., Pan, Y. B., Chen, M., Shen, Z. C, Passively Q-Switched Tm,Ho:YVO4 Laser with Cr:ZnS Saturable Absorber at 2 μm. Chin. Phys. Lett., JUN 2014, 31(6):064209 (SCI收录,IF=0.924,他引0次)

[30].Guoqing Cai(协助指导的学生), Youlun Ju, Baoquan Yao*, Wei Liu, Xiaoming Duan, Tongyu Dai, Acousto-optically cavity dumped Tm:YAG laser with 54 ns at 200 kHz repletion rate, Opt. Express, APR 2014, 22(8):9942-9947 (SCI收录,IF=3.545,他引0次)

[31].Deng Yun(指导的学生), Yu Xiao; Yao Baoquan;Dai Tongyu; Duan Xiao-Ming;Ju You-Lun Single-frequency, Q-switched Er:YAG at room temperature injection-seeded by an Er: YAG nonplanar ring oscillator, Laser Physics, 2014, 24(4): 045809(SCI收录,IF=1.025,他引0次)

[32].Duan X. M.; Yang C. H.; Shen Y. J.; Yao B. Q.; Ju Y. L., High-power in-band pumped a-cut Ho:YAP laser, J. Russ. Laser Res., MAR 2014, 35(3):239-243. SCI收录, IF: 0.606)

[33].Lei, Z. T.; Zhu, C. Q.; Xu, C.; Yao, B. Q.; Yang, C. H., Growth of crack-free ZnGeP2 large single crystals for high-power mid-infrared OPO applications, J. Crystal Growth, MAR 2014, 389:23-29. SCI收录, IF:1.552)

[34].Wang, J.; Zhang, Y. J.; Dong, A. T.; Xu, X. X.; Ju, Y. L.; Yao, B. Q.,Q-switched and mode-locked Er3+-doped fibre laser using a single-multi-single fibre filter and piezoelectric, Quan. Electron., JAN 2014, 44:298-300. (SCI收录, IF:0.886)

_ 2013年:

[35].Yao, Baoquan*; Yu Xiao; Liu Xiao-Lei; Duan Xiao-Ming;Ju You-Lun; Wang Yue-Zhu, Room temperature single longitudinal mode laser output at 1645 nm from a laser-diode pumped Er:YAG nonplanar ring oscillator, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2013, 21(7): 8916-8921 (SCI收录,IF=3.546,他引0次)

[36].Yanqiu Du, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, Zheng Cui, Yu Ding, Youlun Ju, and Zuochun Shen, Cr:ZnS saturable absorber passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:GdVO4 laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2013, 21(22): 26506-26512 (SCI收录,IF=3.546,他引0次)

[37].Chen Z. Y., Yao B. Q., Du Y. Q., Ju Y. L., Chen M., Pan Y. B., A Cr:ZnS saturable absorber for a Tm:YLF pumped passively Q-switched Ho:YAG laser, Laser Physics Letters, 2013, 10:105001, (SCI收录,IF=7.714,他引0次)

[38]. Yao Bao-Quan; Yu Xiao; Liu Xiao-Lei , A Resonantly Pumped Q-Switched Er:Lu2SiO5 Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 30( 3 ) : 034207(SCI收录, IF=0.731,他引0次)

[39]. Yao, Baoquan; Liu, Xiaolei; Yu, Xiao; Resonantly pumped Q-switched Er:GdVO4 laser, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS,11( 3) : 031405

[40]. Zhao, K.; Yao, B. Q.; Meng, P. B.; Detailed investigation of a high-efficiency Ho:YLF laser pumped by a Tm:YAP laser, LASER PHYSICS, 23(4 ): 045801 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次)

[41]. Yu, X.; Deng, Y.; Yao, B. Q, Chen F., Ju Y. L., Room temperature continuous wave operation of a singly-doped Tm:LSO laser, LASER PHYSICS 23(10) :105801 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次)

[42]. Li, G.; Gu, Y. Q. ; Yao, B. Q.*, Shan, LQ, Wang Y. Z., High-power high-brightness 2-mu m continuous wave laser with a double-end diffusion-bonded Tm, Ho:YVO4 crystal, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 11(9) : 091404(SCI收录, IF=0.907,他引0次)

[43]. Yu, X.; Yao, B. Q.; Deng, Y., Duan X. M., Ju Y. L., Wang Y. Z., A room temperature diode-pumped single frequency Er:YAG laser at 1645 nm, LASER PHYSICS 23(9) :095803 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次)

[44]. Zhang, D. X.; Yu, K. K.; Yao, B. Q, Duan X. M., Shen Y. J., Wang Y. Z., A single longitudinal mode Tm, Ho:YLF laser with a continuously tunable frequency of 2.1 GHz with double F-P etalons, LASER PHYSICS 23(8) :085002 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次)

[45]. Yu, K. K.; Duan, X. M.; Zhang, D. X, Yao B. Q., Shen Y. J., A 1 kHz, 30 mJ Ho:YAG master oscillator and power amplifier resonantly double-end-pumped by Tm:YLF lasers, LASER PHYSICS 23(8) :065001 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次)

[46]. Yao Bao-Quan; Yu Xiao; Ju You-Lun; Liu Wen-Bin; Jiang Ben-Xue; Pan Yu-Bai, Room Temperature Diode-Pumped Tunable Single-Frequency Tm:YAG Ceramic Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 30( 2 ) : 024210(SCI收录, IF=0.731,他引0次)

[47]. Zhu, G. L.; He, X. D.; Yao, B. Q; Ho:YAP laser intra-cavity pumped by a diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser, LASER PHYSICS 23(1) :015002 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次)

[48]. Yao, BQ*; Shen, YJ ; Duan, XM ; Wang, W; Ju, YL; Wang, YZ, An Ho:YAG Laser with Double-Pass Pumping and the ZnGeP2 OPO Pumped by the Ho:YAG Laser, Journal of Russian Laser Physics, 34(5):503-508 (SCI收录, IF=0.713,他引0次)

[49]. Ju, YL ; Dai, TY ; Duan, XM ; Shen, YJ ; Yao, BQ ; Wang, YZ, Continuous-wave and Q-switched operation of a Ho:YAG ring laser in-band pumped at 1908 nm, LASER PHYSICS 23(4) :045808 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次 NCET-10-0067)

[50]. Dai, TY ; Ju, YL; Duan, XM; Liu, W ;Yao, BQ*; Wang, YZ, Single-frequency, injection-seeded Q-switched operation of a resonantly pumped Ho:YAlO3 laser at 2,118 nm, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 111(1):89-92: (SCI收录, IF=1.782,他引0次, NCET-10-0067)

[51]. Duan, XM; Yang, CH; Yao, BQ; Wang, YZ; Zhang, WS, A highly efficient Ho:YAG laser in-band pumped by a linewidth-narrowed Tm:YLF laser, LASER PHYSICS, 23(2):025004. (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0次)

[52]. Duan, XM; Shen, YJ; Dai, TY; Yao, BQ; Wang, YZ, A room temperature a-cut Ho:YVO4 laser in-band pumped using a 1.91 mu m laser, LASER PHYSICS, 23(1): 015802 LASER PHYSICS 23(4) :045808 (SCI收录, IF=2.545,他引0, NCET-10-0067)


[53]. Shen, Ying-Jie; Yao, Bao-Quan*; Duan, Xiao-Ming,Resonantly pumped high efficiency Ho:YAG laser, APPLIED OPTICS ,2012, 51(33 ) : 7887-7890(SCI收录,IF=1.748,他引0次)

[54]. Dai T Y , Ju Y L , Duan X M, Shen Y J, Yao, B Q, Wang, Y Z , Continuous-wave and Q-switched Operation of a Tm,Ho:YAP ring laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(10): 1615-1617 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[55]. Duan Xiao-Ming; Shen Ying-Jie; Dai Tong-Yu, Yao Bao-quan, Wang Yue-zhu, High Power Q-Switched Dual-End-Pumped Ho:YAG Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 29(9): 094202 (SCI收录, IF=0.731,他引0次)

[56]. Shen, Ying-Jie; Yao, Bao-Quan*; Duan, Xiao-Ming, 103 W in-band dual-end-pumped Ho:YAG laser, OPTICS LETTERS, 2012, 37(17): 3558-3560(SCI收录,IF=3.399,他引0次)

[57]. Dai, Tong-Yu; Ju, You-Lun; Duan, Xiao-Ming; Shen Ying-Jie; Yao Bao-Quan; Wang Yue-Zhu, 2130.7 nm, Single-Frequency Q-Switched Operation of Tm,Ho:YAlO3 Laser Injection-Seeded by a Microchip Tm,Ho:YAlO3 Laser, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 2012, 5(8): 082702(SCI收录, IF=3.013, 他引0次)

[58]. Dai, T. Y.; Ju, Y. L.; Shen, Y. J., Wang W.; Yao B. Q.; Wang Y. Z., High-efficiency continuous-wave and Q-switched operation of a resonantly pumped Ho:YAP ring laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(8):1292-1294 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[59]. Yao, Baoquan*; Wang, Wei; Yu, Kuaikuai, Passively mode-locked Tm,Ho:YVO4 laser based on a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2012, 10 (7):071402 (SCI收录, IF=0.907,他引0次)

[60]. Dai, T. Y.; Ju, Y. L.; Yao, B. Q*, Shen Y. J.; Wang W.; Wang Y. Z., Single-frequency, Q-switched Ho:YAG laser at room temperature injection-seeded by two F-P etalons-restricted Tm, Ho:YAG laser, OPTICS LETTERS, 2012, 37(11):1850-1852 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[61]. Yao, B. Q.; Liu, X. L.; Yu, L. X.;, Resonantly pumped multiwavelength operation in Er:YAP, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22( 5): 842-8444 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[62]. Shen, Y. J.; Yao, B. Q*.; Duan, X. M., The output characteristics of double-end-pumped Ho:LuAG laser at room temperature, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(5):858-861 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[63]. Zhu, G. L.; Ju, Y. L.; Yao, B. Q.; ,A high power CW Ho,Tm:GdVO4 laser LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(4):648-651 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[64]. Shen, Y. J.; Yao, B. Q.*; Duan, X. M.;Q-switched operation of a-cut Ho:YAlO3 laser pumped by a diode-pumped 1.91 mu m thulium laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(4):661-663 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[65]. Zhao, K.; Yu, L. X.; Yao, B. Q.*; Room temperature diode-pumped 1875.1 nm Tm:GdVO4 laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(4):664-667 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[66]. Yao, B. Q.*; Liu, X. L.; Yu, L. X.;, Resonantly pumped continuous wave Er:YAP laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(4): 671-672 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[67]. Shen, Y. J.; Yao, B. Q.*; Duan, X. M.;, High-power and efficiency continuous-wave operation of a-cut Ho:YAP laser at room temperature LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(4): 712-714 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次)

[68]. Shen Ying-Jie; Yao Bao-Quan; Dai Tong-Yu; Performance of a c- and a-Cut Ho:YAP Laser at Room Temperature, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 29 (3): 034209 (SCI收录, IF=3.605,他引0次) (SCI收录, IF=0.731,他引0次)

[69]. Yao Bao-Quan*; Duan Xiao-Ming; Yu Zheng-Ping; Actively Q-Switched Laser Performance of Holmium-Doped Lu2SiO5 Crystal, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 29(3): 034208 (SCI收录,IF=0.731,他引0次)

[70]. Yao Bao-Quan*; Li Gang; Zhu Guo-Li; Comparative investigation of long-wave infrared generation based on ZnGeP2 and CdSe optical parametric oscillators, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2012, 21(3): 034213 (SCI收录,IF=1.376,他引0次)

[71]. Liu, X. L.; Yao, B. Q.; Yu, L. X.; Room temperature, multi-wavelength operation in Er:YAG, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(3): 506-508 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引1次)

[72]. Yao, B. Q.*; Liu, X. L.; Chen, B. S.;1645 nm Q-Switched resonantly pumped Er:YAG laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(3):544-546 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引1次)

[73]. Meng, P. B.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Comparative investigation of efficient diode-pumped c-cut Tm:YAP laser emitting at 1.94 and 1.99 mu m, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(2):351-354 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引2次)

[74]. Chen, F.; Yu, L. X.; Liu, X. L.; Yao B. Q.; Room temperature single-frequency output at 2118 nm from a diode-pumped Tm, Ho:YAP laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(2): 367-37 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[75]. Chen, F.; Wu, C. T.; Ju, Y. L.; Yao B. Q.; Diode-pumped Q-switched Tm:LuAG ring laser operation at room temperature, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(2): 371-374 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[76]. Yao, B. Q.*; Liu, X. L.; Yu, L. X.;Resonantly pumped single frequency Er:YAG laser at 1645 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(2):403-405 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[77]. Zhu Guo-Li; Ju You-Lun; Yao Bao-Quan; A Dual-Crystal Cavity Ho,Tm:GdVO4 Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 29(2) (SCI收录, IF=0.731,他引1次)

[78]. Dai, T. Y.; Ju, Y. L.; Yao, B. Q.; Injection-seeded Ho:YAG laser at room temperature by monolithic nonplanar ring laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 9(10): 716-720 (SCI收录,IF=9.970,他引0次)

[79]. Chen, F.; Yu, L. X.; Liu, X. L.; Yao B. Q., A comparative study on diode-pumped single-frequency Tm:YAG and Tm:GdVO4 lasers, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(1) : 91-94 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[80]. Wang, Y. Z.; Zhu, G. L.; Ju, Y. L.; Yao B. Q.; Laser spectrum of a high power Tm, Ho:GdVO4 laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(1): 125-128 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[81]. Chen, F.; Liu, X. L.; Yu, L. X.; Yao B. Q., Diode-pumped single-frequency Tm:GdVO4 laser at 1897.6 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2012, 22(1): 152-154 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)


[82]. Yao, B. Q.; Chen, F.; Li, G.; Diode pumped operation of 1 mm Tm,Ho:YAP microchip laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(12): 2011-2014 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[83]. Yao, B. Q.; Wang, W.; Tian, Y.; InGaAs/GaAs saturable absorber for diode-pumped passively Q-switched mode-locking of Tm:YAP laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(12) : 2020-2024 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[84]. Ju, Y. L.; He, X. D.; Yao, B. Q.;Diode both ends pumped two crystals Tm:YLF laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(12): 2025-202 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[85]. Ju, Y. L.; He, H. D.; Zhu, G. L.; Yao B. Q.;Research of Tm (5.5 at %), Ho (0.55 at %):GdVO4 laser pumped by diode laser at 800 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(12): 2036-2039 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引1次)

[86]. Chen, F.; Yao, B. Q.; Wang, W.;Diode-Pumped Tm:GdVO4 Lasers with Double Etalons, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(11): 1863-1866 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引2次)

[87]. Yao, B. Q.; Duan, X. M.; Ju, Y. L.; Continuous Wave Operation of Singly-Doped Ho:LSO Laser at Room Temperature, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(11): 1888-1890 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[88]. Wang Yue-Zhu; Zhu Guo-Li; Ju You-Lun; Yao B. Q. Efficient High Power Ho,Tm:GdVO4 Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2011, 28(9): 094211 (SCI收录,IF=0.731,他引0次)

[89]. Chen, F.; Yao, B. Q.; He, X. D.; Room temperature diode-pumped Tm,Ho:YAP laser with double etalons, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(9): 1566-1569 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引2次)

[90]. Li, Gang; Yao, Bao-Quan *; Meng, Pei-Bei; High-efficiency resonantly pumped room temperature Ho:YVO4 laser, OPTICS LETTER, 2011, 36(15): 2934-2936 (SCI收录,IF=3.399,他引3次)

[91]. Yao, Bao-Quan; Meng, Pei-Bei; Li, Gang; Comparison of Tm:YLF and Tm:YAP in thermal analysis and laser performance, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 2011, 28(8) : 1866-1873 (SCI收录,IF=2.185,他引0次)

[92]. Chen, F.; Yao, B. Q.; Yuan, C.; Diode-pumped single-frequency Tm:YAG laser with double etalons, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(5): 851-854 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引6次)

[93]. Meng Pei-Bei; Yao Bao-Quan*; Li Gang; Efficient Tunable Mid-Wave Infrared Laser from 2 mu m Tm,Ho:YVO4 Pumped Gain-Switched Cr2+:ZnSe Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2011, 28(5): 054210 (SCI收录, IF=0.731,他引0次)

[94]. Yao, B. Q.*; Chen, F.; Zhang, C. H.; Room temperature single-frequency output from a diode-pumped Tm,Ho:YAP laser, OPTICS LETTERS, 2011, 36(9): 1554-1556 (SCI收录,IF=3.399,他引2次)

[95]. Meng, P. B.; Yao, B. Q.; Zhou, R. L.; Diode-pumped room temperature single longitudinal mode lasing of Tm,Ho:YLF microchip laser at 2050.5 mu m, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(4): 643-647 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引2次)

[96]. Yao, B. Q.; Chen, F.; Wu, C. T.; Diode-end-pumped Tm, Ho:YVO4 microchip laser at room temperature, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(4): 663-666 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引3次)

[97]. Yao, B. Q.; Chen, F.; Meng, P. B.; Diode pumped operation of tm, Ho:YAP microchip laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(4) : 674-676 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引7次)

[98]. Li, G.; Yao, B. Q.*; Meng, P. B.; Diode-pumped efficient laser operation and spectroscopy of Tm,Ho:YVO4, OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2011, 33(6): 937-941 (SCI收录,IF=2.023,他引2次)

[99]. Chen, F.; Yao, B. Q.; Duan, X. M.; LD-end-pumped 60 pm linewidth Tm:YLF laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(3): 439-441 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引8次)

[100]. Yao, B. Q.; Chen, F.; Wu, C. T.; A comparative study on diode-pumped continuous wave Tm:Ho:YVO4 and Tm:Ho:GdVO4 lasers, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(3): 468-471 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引1次)

[101]. Wu, Chunting; Ju, Youlun; Wang, Qiang; Wang Zhenguo; Yao Baoquan; Wang Yuezhu, Injection-seeded Tm YAG laser at room temperature, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011, 284(4) : 994-998 (SCI收录,IF=1.486,他引0次)

[102]. Yao Bao-Quan; Chen Fang; Wang Qiang; Diode-End-Pumped Tm:Ho:GdVO4 Microchip Laser at Room Temperature, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2011, 28(2) : 024210 (SCI收录, IF=0.731,他引0次)

[103]. Wu, C. T.; Ju, Y. L.; Wang, Q.;Yao B. Q. Research on single-longitudinal-mode selection of 2 mm solid-state-lasers, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(2) : 312-319 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引0次)

[104]. Meng, P. B.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Tunable, narrow linewidth, linearly polarized and gain-switched Cr2+:ZnSe laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(2): 352-355 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引4次)

[105]. Meng, P. B.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Comparison of RTP electro-optic Q-switch and acousto-optic Q-switch in Tm, Ho:GdVO4 laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(2) : 348-351 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引3次)

[106]. Wu, C. T.; Ju, Y. L.; Yao, B. Q.; Short-term and long-term frequency characteristics of 2mm single frequency Tm:YAG laser at room temperature, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(2): 356-361 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引3次)

[107]. Zhang, C. H.; Meng, P. B.; Yao, B. Q.; Efficient Cr:ZnSe laser w ith a volume Bragg grating, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(1): 44-47 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引6次)

[108]. Meng, P. B.; Yao, B. Q.; Zhu, G. L.; RTP Q-switched 2 mu m Tm,Ho:GdVO4 Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(1): 94-96 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引6次)

[109]. Ju, Y. L.; Zhang, C. H.; Chen, F.; Li G.; Yao B. Q.; Room temperature single longitudinal mode Tm,Ho:Yap microchip laser at 2102.6 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2011, 21(1) : 97-100 (SCI收录,IF=3.605,他引4次)

[110]. Li, G.; Yao, B. Q.; Meng, P. B.; InGaAs/GaAs saturable absorber for diode-pumped passively Q-switched mode-locking of Tm,Ho:YVO4 laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2011, 8(1): 42-45 (SCI收录,IF=9.970,他引8次)


[111]. Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Meng, P. B.; High power diode-pumped continuous wave and Q-switch operation of Tm,Ho:YVO4 laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2010, 7(12): 857-861 (SCI收录,IF=6.010,他引10次)

[112]. Li, G.; Yao, B. Q.; Duan, X. M.; Thermal analysis and laser performance modelling of a dual-end-pumped c-cut CW Tm: YAP laser, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 2010, 43(20) :205401 (SCI收录,IF=1.875,他引0次)

[113]. Yao, Baoquan; Tian, Yi; Wang, Wei; Analysis and compensation of thermal lens effects in Tm/YAP lasers, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2010, 8(10): : 996-999 (SCI收录,IF=0.967,他引3次)

[114]. Li, G.; Yao, B. Q.; Meng, P. B.; Efficient Continuous Wave and Q-switched Operation of a Dual-end-pumped c-cut Tm:YAP Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(10): 1871-1876 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引5次)

[115]. Zhao, J. Q.; Yao, B. Q.; Tian, Y.; High Power, Continuous Wave, Singly Resonant OPO Based on MgO:PPLN, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(10) : 1902-190 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引10次)

[116]. Zhang, C. H.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; 2041.3 nm/2054.6 nm Simultaneous Dual-Wavelength Single-Longitudinal-Mode Tm, Ho:YVO4 Microchip Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(7) : 1564-1567 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引36次)

[117]. Yao, Baoquan*; Tian, Yi; Li, Gang; InGaAs/GaAs saturable absorber for diode-pumped passively Q-switched dual-wavelength Tm:YAP lasers, 2010, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2010, 18(13): 13574-1357 (SCI收录,IF=3.753,他引10次)

[118]. Zhu, G. L.; Ju, Y. L.; Meng, P. B.; Yao B. Q.; Wang Y. Z.; Effect of Resonator Length on ZnGeP2 Doubly Resonant Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by a Tm,Ho:GdVO4 Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(6): 1329-1330 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引8次)

[119]. Zhu, G. L.; Ju, Y. L.; Zhang, C. H.; Yao B. Q.; Wang Y. Z.; High-Power, High-Quality ZGP OPO Pumped by a Tm,Ho:GdVO4 Laser LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(6) : 1341-1343 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引7次)

[120]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Stable output, high power diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser with a volume Bragg grating, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 2010, 99(3): 465-468 (SCI收录,IF=2.240,他引7次)

[121]. Li Gang; Yao Bao-Quan; Zhang Chao-Hui; Diode Pumped Operation of Tm,Ho:YVO4 Microchip Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2010, 27(3): 034201 (SCI收录,IF=1.070,他引0次)

[122]. Yao, B. -Q.; Duan, X. -M.; Ke, L.;Q-switched operation of an in-band-pumped Ho:LuAG laser with kilohertz pulse repetition frequency, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 2010, 98(2-3) : 311-315 (SCI收录,IF=2.240,他引3次)

[123]. Wang, Z. G.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Single Longitudinal Mode Lasing of Tm,Ho:YAP Microchip Laser at 2000.4 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(2): 458-461 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引5次)

[124]. Jiang, Z. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Room Temperature Operation of 2-mu m Microchip Tm,Ho:Lu2SiO5 Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(2): 466-469 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引3次)

[125]. Zhao, J. Q.; Wang, Y. Z.; Yao, B. Q.; High efficiency, single-frequency continuous wave Nd:YVO4/YVO4 ring laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2010, 7(2): 135-138 (SCI收录,IF=6.010,他引23次)

[126]. Li Gang; Yao Bao-Quan; Duan Xiao-Ming; Efficient Long Wave IR Laser from Ho:YAG 2 mu m Pumped ZnGeP2 Optical Parametric Oscillator, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2010, 27(1) : 014207 (SCI收录,IF=1.070,他引1次)

[127]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Wang, Z. G.; Continuous Wave and AO Q-Switch Operation of a b-Cut Tm,Ho:YAP Laser with Dual Wavelengths Pumped by a Laser Diode of 792 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(1) : 205-208 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引9次)

[128]. Jiang, Z. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Duan, X. M.; Laser Characteristics of 2-mu m Microchip Tm,Ho:Lu2SiO5 Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2010, 20(1): 212-214 (SCI收录,IF=1.319,他引3次)


[129]. Li, G.; Yao, B. Q.; Jiang, Z. M.; Compact diode end-pumped c-cut Tm,Ho:YAlO3 laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(12) : 2151-2154 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引10次)

[130]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; Efficient Tm:YLF laser with a volume Bragg grating recycle pumped by laser diode, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(12): 2163-2167 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引1次)

[131]. Wang, Y. Z.; Tian, Y.; Zhang, Y. J.; Yao B. Q.; Ju, Y. L.; Efficiency improvement of multimode Tm3+ doped double cladding silica fiber laser by in-line biconical tapers, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(12) : 2184-2187 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引4次)

[132]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Ju, Y. L.; 8.5 W room temperature continuous wave operation of a Ho:LuAG laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(12): 847-849 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引8次).

[133]. Duan, Xiaoming; Yao, Baoquan; Li, Gang; High efficient actively Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2009, 17(24) : 21691-21697 (SCI收录,IF=3.278,他引5次).

[134]. Yao, B. Q.; Ke, L.; Wang, Q.; Short-term frequency characteristics of 2 A mu m single frequency Solid-state lasers, LASER PHYSICS , 2009, 19(11): 2077-2081 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引2次)

[135]. Wang, Y. Z.; Tian, Y.; Zhang, Y. J.; Yao B. Q.; Ju, Y. L.; High efficient Tm3+ doped double cladding silica fiber laser with an intracavity biconical taper, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(11) : 2129-2132 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引3次)

[136]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Ju, Y. L.; 8.30 mu m Singly Resonant ZnGeP2 Optical Parametric Oscillators Pumped by a Tm,Ho:GdVO4 Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(10): 1957-1959 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引3次) (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引1次)

[137]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Ke, L.; 3.5 W continuous wave Ho:LSO laser at room temperature, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(10) : 715-717 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引9次)

[138]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Yang, X. T.; Room temperature efficient continuous wave and Q-switched operation of a Ho:YAP laser, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 2009, 96(2-3) : 379-383 (SCI收录,IF=1.992,他引1次)

[139]. Yao, B. Q.; Ke, L.; Duan, X. M.; Stable wavelength, narrow linewidth diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser with double etalons, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(8): 563-566 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引5次)

[140]. Yao, Bao-Quan; Yu, Zheng-Ping; Duan, Xiao-Ming; Continuous-wave laser action around 2-mu m in Ho3+:Lu2SiO5, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2009, 17(15) : 12582-12587 (SCI收录,IF=3.278,他引5次).

[141]. Yao, B. Q.; Yang, X. T.; Duan, X. M.; Continuous-wave operation of a Ho:YAIO(3) laser pumped by a Tm-doped silicon fiber laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(7) : 509-512(SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引11次)

[142]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Wu, C. T.; Thermal focal length measurement of an LD-end-pumped Tm,Ho:GdVO4 laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(6): 1213-1215 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引1次)

[143]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Wang, Y. Z. Q-switch operation of a c-cut 2132-nm Tm, Ho:YAP laser pumped by a laser diode of 794.3 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(6) : 1223-1225 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引10次)

[144]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Ju, Y. L.; 6.17-W continuous wave operation of a 2132-nm c-cut Tm,Ho:YAP pumped by a laser diode of 794.3 nm, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(5): 943-946 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引5次)

[145]. Zhang, Y. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Song, S. F.; All-fiber Tm-doped double-clad fiber laser with multi-mode FBG as cavity, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(5) : 1006-1008 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引9次)

[146]. Song, C. W.; Zhang, Y. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Double-clad Tm(3+)-doped silica fiber laser with Bragg grating inscribed directly into active core by femtosecond laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2009, 19(5): 1009-1012 (SCI收录,IF=0.676,他引4次)

[147]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Wang, Z. G.; Double diode-pumped continuous wave operation of a c-cut 2044-nm Tm,Ho:YAlO3 laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(5): 359-362 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引7次)

[148]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Ju, Y. L.; Dual diodes end-pumped Q-switch operation of a c-cut 2044-nm Tm,Ho:YAlO3 laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(5): 367-369 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引10次)

[149]. Yao Bao-Quan; Yang Xiao-Tao; Duan Xiao-Ming; A Continuous-Wave Ho:YAlO3 Laser with Output 8.5 W Pumped by a 1.91 mu m Laser at Room Temperature, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 26(4): 044203 (SCI收录,IF=0.972,他引0次)

[150]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Li, G.; High efficient continuous wave operation of a Ho:YAP laser at room temperature, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(4) : 279-281 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引16次)

[151]. Duan, Xiao-Ming; Yao, Bao-Quan; Yang, Xiao-Tao; Room temperature efficient actively Q-switched Ho:YAP laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2009, 17(6): 4427-4432 (SCI收录,IF=3.278,他引1次)

[152]. Yao Bao-Quan; Zheng Liang-Liang; Yang Xiao-Tao; Judd-Oflet analysis of spectrum and laser performance of Ho:YAP crystal end-pumped by 1.91-mu m Tm:YLF laser, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2009, 18(3): 1009-1013 (SCI收录,IF=1.293,他引0次)

[153]. Yao Bao-Quan; Zhu Guo-Li; Ju You-Lun; A ZnGeP2 Optical Parametric Oscillator with Mid-IR Output Power 3 W Pumped by a Tm,Ho:GdVO4 Laser, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 26(2): 024209 (SCI收录,IF=0.972,他引0次)

[154]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Song, C. W.; Continuous wave and AO Q-switch operation Tm,Ho:YAP laser pumped by a laser diode of 798 nm, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(2): 102-104 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引15次)

[155]. Wang, T. H.; Ju, Y. L.; Duan, X. M.; Yao B. Q.; Narrow linewidth continuous wave diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser with a volume Bragg grating, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 6(2) : 117-120 (SCI收录,IF=5.502,他引6次)


[156]. Yao, B. Q.; Zheng, L. L.; Zhou, R. L.; Holmium Laser In-Band Pumped by a Thulium Laser in the Same Host of YAlO(3), LASER PHYSICS, 2008, 18(12): 1501-150 (SCI收录,IF=0.777,他引3次)

[157]. Li, L. J.; Yao, B. Q.; Song, C. W.; High Efficiency 2.05-mu m CW and AO Q-Switched Operation of Diode End-Pumped Tm,Ho:GdVO(4) Laser, LASER PHYSICS, 2008, 18(12): 1512-1516 (SCI收录,IF=0.777,他引2次)

[158]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Song, C. W.; Room temperature efficient continuous wave and Q-switched Ho:YAG laser double-pass pumped by a diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2008, 5(11): 800-803 (SCI收录,IF=3.779,他引10次)

[159]. Yao Bao-Quan; Zheng Liang-Liang; Duan Xiao-Ming; Judd-Ofelt analysis of spectra and experimental evaluation of laser performance of Tm3+ doped Lu2SiO5 crystal, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2008, 17(10): 3635-3639 (SCI收录,IF= 0,他引1次)

[160]. Yao, B. Q.; Cai, Y.; Duan, X. M.; Diode-pumped Q-switched Tm : YAP laser with a pump recycling scheme, LASER PHYSICS, 2008, 18(10): 1128-1130 (SCI收录,IF=0.777,他引4次)

[161]. Yao, B. Q.; Zheng, L. L.; Duan, X. M.; Diode-pumped room-temperature continuous wave Tm3+ doped Lu2SiO5 laser, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 5(10): 714-718 (SCI收录,IF=3.779,他引11次)

[162]. Yao, Bao-Quan; Duan, Xiao-Ming; Zheng, Liang-Liang; Continuous-wave and Q-switched operation of a resonantly pumped Ho : YAlO3 laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2008, 16(19): 14668-14674 (SCI收录,IF=3.880,他引7次)

[163]. Yao, Bao-Quan; Duan, Xiao-Ming; Fang, Dan; 7.3 W of single-frequency output power at 2.09 mu m from an Ho:YAG monolithic nonplanar ring laser, OPTICS LETTERS, 2008, 33(18) : 2161-2163 (SCI收录,IF=3.772,他引8次)

[164]. Duan, Xiaoming; Yao, Baoquan; Zhang, Yunjun; Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm : YLF laser at room temperature, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2008, 6(8) : 591-593 (SCI收录,IF=0.743,他引4次)

[165]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Zheng, L. L.; Lasing of diode-pumped c-cut Tm, Ho : YAlO3, LASER PHYSICS, 2008, 18(8): 951-953 (SCI收录,IF=0.777,他引0次)

[166]. Li, Y. F.; Wang, Y. Z.; Yao, B. Q.; Upconversion spectrum of Tm,Ho : GuVO(4) pumped by pulse and CW baser at 800 nm, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2008, 5(8): 597-599 (SCI收录,IF=3.779,他引5次)

[167]. Yao, Baoquan; Duan, Xiaoming; Li, Yufeng; Continuous-wave operation of a room-temperature Tm : YAP-pumped Ho : YAG laser, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2008, 6(7): 520-522 (SCI收录,IF=0.743,他引2次)

[168]. Zhang Yunjun; Yao Baoquan; Ju Youlun; LD-cladding-pumped 50 pm linewidth Tm3+-doped silica fiber laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2008, 16(11) : 7715-7719 (SCI收录,IF=3.880,他引0次)

[169]. Duan Xiao-Ming; Yao Bao-Quan; Zhang Yun-Jun; High efficient continuous-wave Ho : YAG laser pumped by a diode-pumped Tm : YLF laser at room temperature, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2008, 25(5) : 1693-1696 (SCI收录,IF=0.743,他引2次)

[170]. Duan, X. M.; Yao, B. Q.; Zhang, Y. J.; Diode-pumped high efficient Tm : YLF laser output at 1908 nm with near-diffraction limited beam quality, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2008, 5(5): 347-349 (SCI收录,IF=3.779,他引15次)

[171]. Zhang, Xingbao; Ju, Youlun; Wang, Yuezhu; Yao Baoquan; Zhang Yunjun; A periodically poled LiNbO3 optical parametric generator in wavelength conversion from 2 to 3.88-4.34 mu m, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2008, 6(4): 286-287 (SCI收录,IF=0.743,他引2次)

[172]. Yao, Bao-Quan; Li, Lin-Jun; Zheng, Liang-Liang; Diode-pumped continuous wave and Q-switched operation of a c-cut Tm,Ho : YAlO3 laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2008, 16(7): 5075-5081 (SCI收录,IF=3.880,他引7次)

[173]. Zhang, Xingbao; Wang, Yuezhu; Ju, Youlun; Yao Baoquan; Zhang Yunjun; Low-threshold mid-IR MgO : PPLN optical parametric generation with high reflectivity mirror for signal wavelength, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2008, 6(3): 204-206 (SCI收录,IF=0.743,他引1次)

[174]. Yao, Baoquan; Ju, Youlun; Wang, Yuezhu; Performance evaluation of ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Q-switched Tm,Ho : GdVO4 laser, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2008, 6(1): 68-70 (SCI收录,IF=0.743,他引2次)

[175]. Li, Y. F.; Wang, Y. Z.; Yao, B. Q. Comparative optical study of thulium-doped YAlO(3) and GdVO(4) single crystals, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 2008, 5(1): 37-40 (SCI收录,IF=1.918,他引8次)


[176]. Li Yu-Feng; Ju You-Lun; Yao Bao-Quan; A laser-diode-pumped widely tunable single-longitude-mode Tm : YAP laser at room temperature, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2007, 24(9): 2594-2596 (SCI收录,IF=0.812,他引2次)

[177]. Yao Bao-Quan; Li Yu-Feng; Wang Yue-Zhu; Efficient diode-pumped Tm : YALO(3) laser with a pump recycling scheme,: CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2007, 24(9) : 2597-2599 (SCI收录,IF=0.812,他引0次)

[178]. Zhang, Xingbao; Yao, Baoquan; Wang, Yuezhu; Middle-infrared intracavity periodically poled MgO : LiNbO3 optical parametric oscillator, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2007, 5(7) : 426-427 (SCI收录,IF=0.812,他引2次)

[179]. Zhang Xing-Bao; Yao Bao-Quan; Ju You-Lun; A 2.048-mu m Tm,Ho : GdVO4 laser pumped doubly resonant optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled lithium LiNbO3, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2007, 24(7) : 1953-1954 (SCI收录,IF=0.812,他引4次)

[180]. He Wan-Jun; Yao Bao-Quan; Wang Yue-Zhu; Determination of thermal focal length of diode laser end-pumped solid-state amplifier, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2007, 56(6): 3240-3245 (SCI收录,IF=1.277,他引1次)

[181]. Li, Yufeng; Yao, Baoquan; Wang, Yuezhu; High efficient diode-pumped Tm : YAP laser at room temperature, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2007, 5(5): 286-287 (SCI收录,IF=0.812,他引5次)

[182]. Li Yu-Feng; Yao Bao-Quan; Liu Yan-Mei; Widely tunable cw diode-pumped 1.9-mu m Tm : GdVO4 laser at room temperature, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2007, 24(3) : 724-726 (SCI收录,IF=0.812,他引1次)

[183]. He, Wan-Jun; Yao, Bao-Quan; Ju, You-Lun; Diode-pumped efficient Tm,Ho : GdVO4 laser with near-diffraction limited beam quality, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2006, 14(24): 11653-11659 (SCI收录,IF=3.709,他引3次)

[184]. Yao, BQ; Wang, YZ; Ju, YL; Performance of AO Q-switched Tm, Ho : GdVO4 laser pumped by a 794nm laser diode, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2005, 13(13): 5157-5162 (SCI收录,IF=3.709,他引13次)

[185]. Zhang, YJ; Yao, BQ; Ju, YL; Gain-switched Tm3+-doped double-clad silica fiber laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2005, 13(4) : 1085-1089 (SCI收录,IF=3.709,他引13次)

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