

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25


科研成果 科研成果:
至今已在《Ocean Engineering》、《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《International Journal of Engineering Science》、《工程力学》、《船舶力学》、《海洋工程》等国内外权威期刊上发表学术论文五十多篇,其中已被SCI、EI收录20多篇。担任了《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《vibration and shock》、《振动与冲击》等国内外期刊的审稿人,已审稿件30余篇。申请、授权发明专利3项。
1) Chen H S, Li T Y, Zhu X, et al. Analysis of Dispersion Characteristics of an Infinite Cylindrical Shell Submerged in Viscous Fluids Considering Hydrostatic Pressure. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137(2): 021018.
2) Li T. Y., Miao Y. Y. , Ye W. B., Zhu X., et al., Far-field sound radiation of a submerged cylindrical shell at finite depth from the free surface. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2014.136 (3): p.1054-1064.
3) Li T.Y., Xiong L., Zhu X., Xiong Y.P., Zhang G.J., The prediction of the elastic critical load of submerged elliptical cylindrical shell based on the vibro-acoustic model. Thin-Walled Structures, 2014, 84: p255–262.
4) Zhang, G., Zhao, Y., Li, T. Y. and Zhu, X., Propeller excitation of longitudinal vibration characteristics of marine propulsion shafting system. Shock and Vibration, 2014.
5) Xiong L., Li T. Y., Zhu X., Chen H. S., The free vibration analysis of single layer eccentric cylindrical thin shells. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2014, 35(6): p.516-523. (in Chinese)
6) Guo, W.J., Li, T.Y., Zhu, X. and Zhu, X.M. Vibrational frequencies calculation of fluid conveying pipes based on fluid-structure coupling and acoustic-structure coupling models. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 574, p 41-47
7) Liu, J., Zhu, X., Zhou, Z., Wu, L. and Ma, L., Effects of thermal exposure on mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panel. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2014. 60: p. 82-90.
8) Liu, J., Zhu, X., Li, T. Y., Zhou, Z., Wu, L. and Ma, L., Experimental study on the low velocity impact responses of all-composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panel after high temperature exposure. Composite Structures, 2014. 116(1): p. 670-681.
9) Zhu, X., Ye W.B., Li T.Y. and Chen C., The elastic critical pressure prediction of submerged cylindrical shell using wave propagation method. Ocean Engineering, 2013. 58: p. 22-26.
10) Ye, W.B., Li, T.Y., Zhu, X. and Chen, C., Acoustic radiation of cylindrical shells submerged in the fluid in presence of the seabed or dock. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2013. 17(3): p. 313-325. (in Chinese)
11) Xiong, L., Li, T.Y., Zhu, X. and Zhu, X.M. Free vibration analysis of fluid-filled elliptical cylindrical shells. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013, 437,pp 102-109
12) Zhu, X., Tang, Y.S., Zhao, Y. and Ye, H.K. Global structural response analysis of jack-up ship in transit condition. in 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Intelligent System,
13) Zhang, G., Zhu X., Xu R. and Li T. Y. Vibration isolation characteristics of euler strut spring used in low frequency vibration isolation system. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,248, p475-480.
14) Ye, W., Li, T. and Zhu, X. The vibro-acoustic characteristics of the cylindrical shell partially submerged in the fluid. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 170-173, p 2303-2311.
15) Liu, J., Tan, A., Li, T. and Zhu, X., Characteristics of the vibration power flow in a laminated composite cylindrical shell. Harbin Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2012. 33(3): p. 269-274. (in Chinese)
16) Zhu X., Xiao Gongyu, Li T., et.al. Vibration and structure-borne intensity Analysis of Cracked Stiffened Rectangular Plate Structure. The 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'11+), Seoul, Korea, 18-22 September, 2011
17) Liu, Z. Z., Li, T. Y., Zhu, X. and Zhang, J.J., Effect of hydrostatic pressure on input power flow in submerged ring-stiffened cylindrical shells. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2011. 15(3): p. 301-312. (in Chinese)
18) Zhu, X., Li, T., Zhao, Y. and Liu, J., Visualization research on the power flow characteristics of damaged structures based on the finite element method. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2009. 45(2): p. 132-137. (in Chinese)
19) Li, T.Y., Zhu X., Zhao Y. and Hu X.F., The wave propagation and vibrational energy flow characteristics of a plate with a part-through surface crack. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2009. 47(10): p. 1025-1037.
20) Yan, J., Li T.Y., Liu J.X. and Zhu X., Input power flow in a submerged infinite cylindrical shell with doubly periodic supports. Applied Acoustics, 2008. 69(8): p. 681-690.
21) Zhu, X., Li T.Y., Zhao Y., and J. Yan, Vibrational power flow analysis of thin cylindrical shell with a circumferential surface crack. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007. 302(1-2): p. 332-349.
22) Zhu, X., Li T.Y., Zhao Y., and Liu J.X., Structural power flow analysis of Timoshenko beam with an open crack. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006. 297(1-2): p. 215-226.
23) Yan, J., Li T.Y., Liu J.X., and Zhu X., Space harmonic analysis of sound radiation from a submerged periodic ring-stiffened cylindrical shell. Applied Acoustics, 2006. 67(8): p. 743-755.
24) Zhu, X., Li T.Y., Zhao Y., Wei Q., Calculation of the vibration and sound radiation of ship auxiliary engine room and its experimental research. Journal of Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. (Nature Science Edition), 2005,10:p. 19-22 (in Chinese)
25) Zhu, X., Li T.Y., Zhao Y., Liu J X. Research on the Cracked Plate’s Structure-borne Intensity Fields Using Solid Finite Elements. in New Research on Acoustics, edited by Benjamin N. Weiss, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2008 (Book Chapter, ISBN: 978-1-60456-403-7)

获奖情况 2007年博士毕业论文获华中科技大学优秀博士学位论文


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