

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25








担任国际船舶与海洋结构协会(ISSC,International ship and offshore structures congress)委员,船舶力学海洋工程学组成员,中国公路学会桥梁分会理事。中国公路学会标准《公路桥梁防船撞装置技术指南》、交通运输行业标准《公路桥梁防船撞装置通用技术条件》、铁道行业标准《高速铁路桥涵防公路车辆撞击装置》参编人。
发表论文60余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI期刊论文20余篇。多个本专业重要国际期刊审稿人,包括Marine structures,Ocean Engineering, Thin-Walled Structures,Engineering Structures,China Ocean Engineering等。
承担研究生课程《Advanced Structure Mechanics-Analysis and Practice》、《Elasto-plasticity Mechanics》,本科课程《船舶专业英语》、《海洋平台结构与强度》。


1. 船舶与海洋工程结构物极限强度、疲劳及可靠性评估;
2. 船-船、船-桥、船-海洋结构物碰撞机理研究;
3. 桥梁船撞风险评估、船撞力标准及防撞措施研究;
4. 防车撞、船撞复合材料新型结构研发设计;
5. 桥梁防撞主动预警系统研发;

1. 基于非高斯域转换修正系数法的船体极限强度可靠性评估方法研究(国家自然基金面上项目)
2. 基于AIS数据桥梁船撞概率风险评估方法研究(华中科技大学自主创新研究基金)
3. 船体极限强度及可靠性安全评估系统研究(上海交通大学,船舶协同仿真平台子课题)
4. 船体加筋板极限强度数值模型及相似理论研究(华中科技大学自主创新研究基金)
5. 复合材料防撞结构冲击力学机理及耐撞性研究(华中科技大学自主创新研究基金)
6. 新型混杂纤维复合材料制备及其船舶防护装置应用研究(湖南省交通厅、科技厅)


Journal publications
1. Xu M.C., Song Z. J., Zhang B.W, Pan J., 2018. Formula derivation for predicting ultimate strength of stiffened panel of ship structure under combined compression and lateral loads, Ocean Engineering, 162, 161–175
2. Jin P, Fang H., Xu M.C.*, Wu YF., 2018. Study on the performance of energy absorption structure of bridge piers against vehicle collision. Thin-Walled Structures, 130, 85-100.
3. Xu M.C., Song Z. J., Pan J., Guedes Soares C., 2017. Study on the influence of the initial deflection and load combination on the collapse behaviour of continuous stiffened panels. International Journal of Steel Structures, 17(4): 1427-1442,IP:0.798
4. Xu M.C., Song Z. J., Pan J., 2017. Study on influence of nonlinear finite element method models on ultimate bending moment for hull girder. Thin-Walled Structures 119, 282-295.IP:
5. Xu M.C., Song Z. J., Pan J., Guedes Soares C., 2017. Ultimate strength assessment of continuous stiffened panels under combined longitudinal compressive load and lateral pressure. Ocean Engineering, 139 , 39-53. Impact factor: 1.894
6. Xu M.C., Teixeira A.P., Guedes Soares C. 2015. Reliability assessment of a tanker using the model correction factor method based on the IACS-CSR requirement for hull girder ultimate strength. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics ,42, 42-53.Impact factor: 1.922
7. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2015. Effect of a central dent on the ultimate strength of narrow stiffened panels under axial compression, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 100, 68-79. Impact factor:2.287
8. Xu M.C., Garbatov Y., Guedes Soares C..2014. Residual ultimate strength assessment of stiffened panels with locked cracks. Thin walled structures. 85,pp. 398-410.1.883
9. Xu M.C., Yanagihara D., Fujikubo M., Guedes Soares C., 2013. Influence of boundary condition on the collapse behaviour of stiffened panels under combined load. Marine structures(34), pp. 205-225.
10. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2013.Experimental study on the collapse strength of wide stiffened panels. Marine Structures(30), pp. 33-62.
11. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2013.Comparisons of calculations with experiments on the ultimate strength of wide stiffened panels. Marine Structure(31), pp. 82-101.
12. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2013. Assessment of residual ultimate strength for wide dented stiffened panels subjected to compressive loads. Engineering Structures (49), pp. 316–328.
13. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2013. Experimental study on the collapse strength of narrow stiffened panels. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (JOMAE)(135). pp. 021402 (1-10).
14. Xu M.C., Fujikubo M., Guedes Soares C., 2013. Influence of model geometry and boundary conditions on the ultimate strength of stiffened panels under uniaxial compressive loading. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (JOMAE),135, pp. 041603(1-10).
15. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012. Assessment of the ultimate strength of narrow stiffened panel test specimens. Thin walled structures (55), pp.11-21
16. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C.2012. Numerical assessment of experiments on the ultimate strength of stiffened panels. Engineering Structures (45), pp. 460-471
17. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012.Numerical study of the effect of geometry and boundary conditions on the collapse behavior of stocky stiffened panels. Intl J Maritime Eng. (154), pp. A2(67 -77).
18. Xu M.C., Garbatov Y., Guedes Soares C. Ultimate strength assessment of a tanker hull based on experimentally developed master curves. J of Marine Science and Applications (2013) 2: 127-139 DOI: 10.1007/s11804-013-1178-x)

Conference publications
19. Xu MC, Zuo YQ, Song ZJ, Pan J. Study on the influence of temperature on the collapse behaviour of stiffened panels of ship. ISPOE 2018-TPC-1067.
20. Xu MC, Ren MJ, Zhang BW, Pan J. Influence of FE modelling on ultimate strength of Y-shape stiffened panels under axial compression. IEEE USYS2018.
21. Pan J, Wang Y., Xu MC*. Impact Scenario Models of Ship-bridge Collision Based on AIS Data. ISOPE2018-TPC-1079
22. Xu M.C., Zhang B.W., Wang J., Song W.T, Pan J. Experimental analysis on the response of Y shape stiffened panels under lateral impact load, The Twenty-seventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2017, TPC-1171.
23. 031 Xu M.C, Chen S.X., Song Z.J. Pan J., Structural damage and residual ultimate strength of ship collides with ice loads.6th International Conference on Marine Structures, 8 - 10 May 2017, Lisboa, Portugal.
24. Xu M.C, Song ZJ, Chen SX, Influence of the lateral pressure on the collapse strength of continuous stiffened panels under in-plane compression,Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea, OMAE2016-55064
25. Xu M.C, Song ZJ, Study on numerical methodologies for assessing ultimate bending moment of ship hull girder,,Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea,OMAE2016-54117
26. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012, Numerical study of the effect of geometry and boundary conditions on the collapse behaviour of long stiffened panels. Maritime Technology and Engineering,C. Guedes Soares et.al(Eds). Taylor & Francis Group, UK, ISBN 978-0-415-62146-5, 415-422.
27. Pan J., Huang S.W., Xu M.C., 2016. Numerical Analysis for Impact Force in High-energy Ship-Bridge Pier Collision, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, South Korea. OMAE2016-55119
28. Pan J., Zhang M., Xu M.C.. Numerical modelling of the boundary conditions on ship structural components under accidental loading conditions. Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth (2014) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,Busan, Korea, ISOPE2014: 679-684.
29. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012.Comparison of numerical results with experiments on the ultimate strength of stocky stiffened panels. Maritime Technology and Engineering, C. Guedes Soares et.al(Eds). Taylor & Francis Group, UK ISBN 978-0-415-62146-5, 407-414.
30. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012. Ultimate strength of narrow dent stiffened panels subjected to compressive loads. OMAE2012. Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2012). ASME paper OMAE2012-84261
31. Xu M.C., Fujikubo M., Guedes Soares C., 2012. Influence of model geometry and boundary conditions on the ultimate strength of stiffened panels under uniaxial compressive loading. Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2012). ASME paper OMAE2012-84262.
32. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012, Comparison of numerical results with experiments on ultimate strength of short stiffened panels. Advances in Marine Structures. London, C. Guedes Soares and W. Fricke, (Eds.). Taylor & Francis Group; UK: pp. 221-228.
33. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012, Numerical study of the effect of geometry and boundary conditions on the collapse behaviour of short stiffened panels. Advances in Marine Structures. London, C. Guedes Soares and W. Fricke, (Eds.). Taylor & Francis Group; UK: pp. 229-237.
34. Xu M.C. , A. P. Teixeira, Guedes Soares C. Polynomial based response surface probabilistic modelling of the ultimate strength of stiffened panels, SORTA 2012,320-327
35. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2011. Experimental study on the collapse strength of narrow stiffened panels. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2011). ASME paper OMAE2011-50293.
36. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2011.Comparison of numerical results with experiments on the ultimate strength of long stiffened panels. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2011). ASME paper OMAE2011-50294
37. Pan J., Wu W.G., Xu M.C, 2010. The design and analysis of pile protection devices for the Qiantang River Bridge. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010, 20246.
38. Pan J., Wu W.G., Xu M.C, 2010. Optimization Analysis of Pile Protection Devices for Qiantang River Bridge. Proceedings of the Twentieth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, ISOPE2010- TPC-539.
39. Yang P., Xu M.C., Dynamic Buckling Analysis of Stiffened Plates Considering Plate/Stiffener Interaction and Welding Residual Stress,Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials Proceedings of IMMM2003, May 20-27, 2003, Wuhan, China.

40. 潘晋,方涵,吴亚锋,许明财, 桥梁复合材料防车撞碰撞性能试验研究[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2018,46(10):14-20
41. 潘晋,方涵,吴亚锋,许明财, 桥梁复合材料防车撞吸能结构碰撞性能分析[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2018,46(8):122-127.
42. 刘滔,张博文,许明财,潘晋, 防船撞夹层结构冲击试验研究,武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2018
43. 张 振,许明财,潘 晋,带凹痕Y型加筋板残余极限强度数值研究,武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2018
44. 刘政伟,许明财, 潘 晋,桩式桥梁防船撞设施设计方法研究,武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2018
45. 许明财,陈思玄,宋召军, 冰载荷碰撞下的船体损伤及剩余极限强度研究,2016年船舶力学学术会议,2016.7, 武汉。
46. 许明财,蔡昆, 潘晋,钢夹层板防撞结构耐撞性能研究,高新船舶与深海开发装备创新论坛,2017.2,上海。
47. 周初阳,潘晋,吴亚锋,许明财,2017,防船撞蜂窝式复合材料夹层板的耐撞性研究,武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),40(6):1032-1037.
48. 潘晋,张小强,许明财,任淑霞,2016船-桥梁浮式钢套箱碰撞数值模拟中的流场处理方法对比研究,振动与冲击,35(7):124-129。
49. 潘晋,吴亚锋,许明财,2015. 基于失效概率的桥梁防船撞装置安全性评估,公路, 4: 93-98.
50. 潘晋,张敏,许明财,2014,桥梁防船撞钢套箱的碰撞力快速估算,振动与冲击, 33(8): 66-71。(EI源刊物)
51. 潘晋,姜伟,许明财,2012,散货船与桥墩碰撞力的经验公式与数值模拟对比研究,振动与冲击,31(19): 123~127。(EI源刊物)
52. 潘晋,吴成亮,许明财,2009. E型钢阻尼器数值仿真及实验研究,振动与冲击, 28(7): 192-195. (EI检索)
53. 潘晋,吴卫国,王德禹,许明财, 2005. 船-桥墩防护装置碰撞的有限元仿真.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 29(2):178-181. (EI检索)
54. 潘晋,吴卫国,王德禹,许明财,2005.船-桥墩防护装置碰撞中的影响因素研究.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),29(4):38-541. (EI检索)
55. 杨 平,许明财,潘 晋, 2004, 船体结构极限强度的影响因素以及敏感度分析,中国造船, B12: 91-96
56. 许明财,杨 平,潘 晋, 2004, 板的屈曲对船体骨材侧倾的影响, 中国造船, (B12): 97-101
57. 吴 荻,杨 平,许明财, 2004, 双体船连接桥结构载荷的计算方法分析, 中国水运,1: 30-34.
58. 杨平,许明财,黄贤俊,2003, 15000吨甲板驳船体结构强度计算与分析,船海工程, 5: 27-31


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