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曹凡教授, 博士生导师, ****引进?
? ? ? Email? ?email:caofan3@mail.sysu.edu.cn

???研究领域Neural basis of language development and disorders in monolingual and bilingual children
Neural basis of second language learning in children and adults
Early identification and intervention of developmental dyslexia
认知发展障碍, 阅读障碍儿童的行为干预;自闭症的早期诊断和干预; 正念训练;大脑可塑性;
教育背景2009-2011 Post-doctoral fellow, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh, USA
2004-2009 PhD, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. USA
2001-2004 MA, Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
1997-2001 BS, Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
职业经历2017-present Professor, Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-Sen University
2014-2018?Assistant Professor, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. USA
2011-2013 Assistant Professor, elite Nanyang Assistant Professor, Division of Psychology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
近年代表论文Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (* indicates the first author is/was a student or post-doc in my lab; corresponding authors are underscored.)
Yan X*, Perkins K, Cao F. (2021) A hierarchical deficit model of developmental dyslexia: evidence from a DCM study. Neuropsychologia.?doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2021.107777
Cao F, Yan X, Yan X, Zhou H, Booth JR. (2020) Reading disability in Chinese children learning English as an L2. Child Development,?DOI:?10.1111/cdev.13452
Kim S* Liu L, Liu L & Cao F (2020) Neural representational similarity between L1 and L2 in spoken and written language processing.?Human Brain Mapping,?41(17):4935-4951. DOI:?10.1002/hbm.25171
Cao F, Wang Z, Yan X, Sussman B, Spray G, Rios V. (2019) L1 reading experience influences L2 lexical learning: Spanish learning in Chinese speakers and English speakers. Neuroscience. 416: 255-267.
Wang C, Yang Z, Cao F, Liu L, Tao S. (2019) Letter-sound integration in native Chinese speakers learning English: Brain fails in automatic responses but succeeds with more attention. Cognitive Neuroscience. 10(2):100-116.
Zhao Wang*, Yan X, Liu Y, Spray G. J., Deng Y, Cao F (2019). Structural and functional abnormality of the putamen in children with developmental dyslexia. Neuropsychologia. 130:26-37.?
Cao F, Yan X*, Spray G. J., Liu Y,Deng Y (2018). Brain mechanisms underlying visuo-orthographic deficits in children with developmental dyslexia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 12: 490.
Kim S* Liu L & Cao F (2017). How does first language (L1) influence second language (L2) reading in the brain? Evidence from Korean-English and Chinese-English bilinguals. Brain and Language. 171:1-13.
Cao F, Sussman B, Rios V, Yan X, Spray G, Wang Z, Mack R (2017). Different brain mechanisms involved in learning different L2s: evidence from native English speakers learning Spanish and Chinese. NeuroImage, 148: 284-295.
Cao F, Yan X, Wang Z, Liu Y, Wang J, Spray G, Deng Y (2017). Neural signatures of phonological deficits in developmental dyslexia. NeuroImage, 146, 301-311.
Lagarrigue A, Longcamp M, Anton J, Nazarian B, Prevot L, Velay J, Cao F, Frenck-Mestre C (2017). The neural network of reading: Does writing help the brain accommodate for linguistic diversity? Neuropsychologia, 97, 83-97.
Cao F & Perfetti CA (2016). Neural signatures of the reading-writing connection: greater involvement of writing in Chinese reading than English reading. PlosOne. 11(12):e**.
Liu H* & Cao F (2016). L1 and L2 processing in the bilingual brain: a meta-analysis on neuroimaging studies. Brain and Language, 159, 60-73.
Kim S*, Qi T, Fang X, Ding G, Liu L, & Cao F (2016). How does language distance between L1 and L2 affect the L2 brain network? An fMRI study of Korean-Chinese-English trilinguals. Neuroimage, 129, 25-39.
Cao F (invited review article) (2016). Neuroimaging studies on bilingual reading. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 19(4), 683-688.
Cao F, Brennan C & Booth JR (2015). The brain adapts to orthography with experience: Evidence from English and Chinese. Developmental Science, 18(5): 785-798.
Cao F, Kim S, Liu Y & Liu L (2014). Similarities and differences in brain activation and functional connectivity in first and second language reading: Evidence from Chinese learners of English. Neuropsychologia, 63, 275-284.
Cao F, Tao R, Liu L, Perfetti CA, & Booth JR (2013). High proficiency of second language is characterized by greater involvement of the first language network: evidence from Chinese learners of English. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25(10), 1649-1663.
Cao F, Rickles B, Vu M, Zhu Z, Chan H, Harris L, Stafura J & Perfetti CA (2013). Early-stage visual processing predicts retention in second language learning: an ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 26(4), 440-461.
Perfetti CA, Cao F, Booth JR (2013). Specialization and universals in the development of reading skill: How Chinese research informs a universal science of reading. Scientific Studies of Reading, 17(1), 5-21.
Brennan C, Cao F, Pedroarena-Leal N, McNorgan C & Booth JR, (2013). Learning to read reorganizes the oral language network only in alphabetic writing systems. Human Brain Mapping, 34(12), 3354-3368.
Cao F, Vu M, Chan H, Lawrence J, Harris L, Guan Q, Xu Y & Perfetti CA (2013). Writing affects the brain network of reading in Chinese: an fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping, 34(7), 1670-1684.
Cao F, Khalid K, Lee R, Brennan C, Yang Y, Li K, Bolger DJ, & Booth JR (2011). Development of brain networks involved in spoken word processing of Mandarin Chinese. NeuroImage, 57(3), 750-759.
Cao F, Lee R, Shu H, Yang Y, Xu G, Li K & Booth JR (2010) Cultural constraints on brain development - Evidence from a developmental study of Chinese visual words processing. Cerebral Cortex, 20(5), 1223-1233.
Cao F, Khalid K, Zaveri R, Bolger DJ, Bitan T & Booth JR (2010) Neural correlates of priming effects in children during spoken words processing with orthographic demands. Brain and Language, 114(2), 80-89.
Liu L, Deng X, Peng D, Cao F, Ding G, Jin Z, Zeng Y, Li K, Zhu L, Fan N, Deng Y& Booth JR. (2009) Modality- and task-specific brain regions involved in Chinese lexical processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 1473-1487.
Cao F, Peng DL, Liu L, Jin Z, Fan N, Deng Y, & Booth JR (2009). Developmental differences of neurocognitive networks of phonological and semantic processing in Chinese word reading. Human Brain Mapping, 30(3), 797-809.
Cao F, Bitan T & Booth JR (2008). Effective connectivity in children with reading difficulties during phonological processing. Brain and Language, 107, 91-101.
Cao F, Bitan T, Chou TL, Burman DD & Booth JR (2006). Deficient orthographic and phonological representations in developmental dyslexics revealed by brain activation patterns. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47(10), 1041-1050.
Shu H, Meng X, Chen X, Luan H, & Cao F. (2005). The subtypes of developmental dyslexia in Chinese: Evidence from three cases. Dyslexia, 11, 311-329.

社会兼职:?? ? ? ? ?副主编, Frontiers in Psychology? ? ? ? ?广东省认知协会理事? ? ? ? ?广东省心协心理健康促进与管理委员会委员?教授课程:生: 认知发展障碍,大脑可塑性
CV 202103Cao.pdf


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