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研究领域Educational & Psychological Measurement (e.g., IRT, CDM, Latent Variable Model)
Quantitative Methods based on Structural Equation Model or Hierarchical Linear Model
Educational & Cognitive Assessment
教育背景1991-1995 华南理工大学 学士 物理学
2002-2004 美国乔治华盛顿大学 硕士 物理学
2005-2010 美国乔治华盛顿大学 博士 教育学
职业经历2011-2013 美国罗格斯(Rutgers)大学教育心理学系 副研究员
2013-现在 中山大学心理学系 **** 副教授
科研项目Title: Framework Research on the Quality Standards for College Student Cultivation
Source: Key Project, National Higher Education Quality Monitoring Data Center (Guangzhou)
Amount: RMB200,000
Period: December 2015–December 2017
Title: Research on the Quality of Teaching and Course Evaluation
Source: Long-term Project, National Higher Education Quality Monitoring Data Center (Guangzhou)
Amount: RMB250,000
Period: December 2015–December 2017
Title: Investigating a Framework for Course Evaluation Based on Student Evaluation of Teaching
Source: Key Project, Undergraduate Teaching Reform Program, Sun Yat-Sen University
Amount: RMB20,000
Period: January 2015–January 2017
Title: Development of Computerized Adaptive Testing for Cognitive Diagnosis and Tracking and Its Applications for Basic Education
Source: Humanities and Social Sciences Common Program, Ministry of Education
Amount: RMB100,000
Period: October 2014–October 2016
Title: Research on Integration of Cognitive Diagnosis Assessment and Evaluation
Source: Social Sciences Common Program, Guangdong Province
Amount: RMB20,000
Period: January 2014–January 2016
Title: Applications of Cognitive Diagnosis Assessments for Basic Mathematics
Source: Start-up Grant, Sun Yat-Sen University
Amount: RMB150,000
Period: February 2013–February 2015
论文(*Corresponding author)
Chen, J. (In press). Test designs and modeling under the general nominal diagnosis model framework. Plos One.
?Zhang, G., *Chen, J., & Gao, D. (Conditionally accepted). Investigating the contextual nature of the emotional mechanism in online sharing under the chinese context. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology.
?*Chen, J.?(Conditionally accepted). A general cognitive diagnosis modeling framework for polytomous responses. Applied Psychological Measurement.
?Chen, J. (In press). Introducing a flexible approach to test validity based on context-specific construct. Theory and Psychology.
?*Chen, J.?(2017). A residual-based approach to validate Q-matrix specifications. Applied Psychological Measurement. DOI: 10.1177/0**6021
Chen, J.*?(2016). Advancing the Bayesian approach for multidimensional polytomous and nominal IRT models: Model formulations and fit measures. Applied Psychological Measurement. DOI: 10.1177/0**9096
Chen, H. &?Chen, J.*?(2016). Retrofitting non-cognitive-diagnostic reading assessment under the generalized DINA model framework. Language Assessment Quarterly, 13, 218-230.
Zhang, D.*, Ding, Y.,??Lee, S .&?Chen, J.*?(2016). Strategic developmental levels in multiplication problem solving: Patterns of students' strategy choices.?The Journal of Educational Research. DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.**
Chen, J.*, Zhang, D., & Choi, J. (2015). Estimation of the latent mediated effect with ordinal data using the limited-information and Bayesian full-information approaches. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 1260-1273. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-014-0526-3
Chen, H., &?Chen, J.*?(2015). Exploring reading comprehension skill relationships through the G-DINA model. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 36, 1049-1064. DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.**
Chen, J.*, Choi, J., Weiss, B. A., & Stapleton, L. (2014). An empirical evaluation of mediation effect analysis using the Mokov chain Monte Carlo and alternative estimation methods. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 21, 253-262.
Chen, J.*, & de la Torre, J. (2014). A Procedure for Diagnostically Modeling Extant Large-Scale Assessment Data: The Case of the Programme for International Student Assessment in Reading. Psychology, 5, 1967-1978. DOI: 10.4236/psych.2014.518200
Chen, J.*, de la Torre, J., & Zhang, Z. (2013). Relative and absolute fit evaluation in cognitive diagnosis modeling. Journal of Educational Measurement, 50, 123-140.
Chen, J.*, & de la Torre, J. (2013). A general cognitive diagnosis model for expert-defined polytomous attributes. Applied Psychological Measurement, 37, 419-437.
Chen, H., &?Chen, J.?(2013). Validating G-DINA model in language test diagnosis. Journal of Psychological Science [Chinese], 36, 1470-1475.
Choi, J., Kim, S.,?Chen, J., & Dannels, A. S. (2011). A comparison of maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation for Polychoric correlation using Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 36(4), 523-549.
Choi, J., Dunlop, M.,?Chen, J., &?Kim, S. (2011).?A comparison of different approaches for coefficient Alpha for ordinal data. Journal of Educational Evaluation, 24(2), 485-506.
Kroopnick, H. M.,?Chen, J., Choi J., M., & Dayton, C. M. (2010). Assessing classification bias in latent class analysis: Comparing resubstitution and Leave-One-Out methods. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 9(1), 52-63.
Chen, J.*, & Choi, J., (2009). A comparison of maximum likelihood and expected a posteriori estimation for Polychoric correlation using Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 8(1), 337-354.

教授课程:本科生:Principles of Psychometrics; Measurement Theory and Applications
硕士生:Measurement Theory and Applications; Special Topics on Testing & Measurement
博士生:Special Topics on Testing & Measurement


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