钱洁慧? ? ?? ? ? ?理学博士,副教授,博士生导师。
??????????? Email:?qianjh3@mail.sysu.edu.cn??????????? 办公电话:??????????????????? 本课题组长期招收副研究员/博士后/博士生和硕士生,欢迎有意者联系咨询。
??????????????????? 欢迎对课题组研究方向感兴趣的本科生加入组会参与科研项目。
教育背景? 2009年-2013年:美国东北大学 心理学学院 心理学专业 心理学博士
? 2005年-2009年:华南理工大学 生物科学与工程学院 生物医学工程专业 工学学士
职业经历? 2018年-至今 中山大学心理学系??? 副教授
? 2013年-2017年 中山大学心理学系??? 讲师
高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师重点培育项目 (2020-2021): 基于回溯性线索探究深度工作记忆中的内在表征:注意选择机制及神经基础。项目号:20wkzd12。主持
高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师培育项目 (2014-16): 物体知觉恒常性的神经计算模型。项目号:14wkpy20。主持
高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师培育项目 (2014-16): 注意与情绪对模拟驾驶环境中空间兼容效应的影响。项目号:14wkpy21。参与
Department of Defense, TATRC, Vision Research Program (2010-12): Oculomotor reflexes as a test of visual dysfunctions in cognitively impaired observers (W81XWH-09-TATRC-VRP,
代表性论文按发表时间倒序排列;*为通讯作者 ※为学生
Li, Z.※, Tong, M.※, Chen, S.※ & Qian, J.* (2021). Effect of attentional selection on working memory for depth in a retro-cueing paradigm. Memory & Cognition. 1-12. Online Published.
Wang, K.※ & Qian, J.* (2020). Training with high perceptual difficulty improves the capacity and fidelity of internal representation in VWM. Psychological Research. 1-12. Online Published.
Qian, J. *, Li. Z.※, Zhang, K.※ & Lei, Q. (2020). Relation matters: relative depth order is stored in working memory for depth. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27(2), 341-349.
Zhang, K.※, Gao, DG. & Qian, J. * (2020). Overestimation and contraction biases of depth information stored in working memory depend on spatial configuration. British Journal of Psychology, 112, 230-246.
Guan, W.※ & Qian, J. * (2020). Exogenous spatial attention shortens perceived depth. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 716 - 723.
Xiao, Y., Lin, Y., Ma, J., Qian, J., Ke, Z., Li, L., Yi, Y., Zhang, J. & Dai, Z.* (2021). Predicting visual working memory with multimodal magnetic resonance imaging. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 1446– 1462.
Qian, J. *, & Zhang, K.※ (2019). Working memory for stereoscopic depth is limited?and imprecise—evidence from a change detection task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(5), 1657-1665.
Qian, J. *, Zhang, K.※, Liu. S.※, & Lei, Q. (2019). The transition from feature to object: storage unit in visual working memory depends on task difficulty. Memory & Cognition, 47(8), 1498-1514.
Qian, J.*, Zhang, K.※, Lei, Q*, Han, Y.※ & Li, W.※ (2020). Task-dependent effects of voluntary space-based and involuntary feature-based attention on visual working memory. Psychological Research, 84, 1304-1319.
Li, J.※, Qian, J. *, & Liang, F.※ (2018). Evidence for the beneficial effect of perceptual grouping on visual working memory: an empirical study on illusory contour and a meta-analytic study. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 13864.
Qian, J. *, Zhang, K.※, Wang, K.,※ Li, J.※ & Lei, Q. (2018). Saturation and brightness modulate the effect of depth on visual working memory. Journal of Vision, 18(9):16, 1-12.
Zhang, X.※, Qian, J. *, Liang, Q.※ & Huang, Z.※ (2018). Effect of color and luminance contrast on size perception -- evidence from a Horizontal parallel lines illusion. Vision, 2, 28.
Qian, J. *, Li, J.※,Wang, K.※, & Lei, Q. (2017). Evidence for the effect of depth?on visual working memory. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 6408. ?
Qian, J. * & Petrov, Y. (2016).A depth illusion supports the model of General Object Constancy: size and depth constancies related by a same distance-scaling factor.??Vision Research. 129, 77-86.
Qian, J. *, Liu, S.※ & Lei, Q. (2016). Perceived distance modulates perceived size of afterimage despite the disappearance of depth cues. Plos ONE, 11(7):e**.??
Qian, J. & Yazdanbakhsh, A.* (2015). A neural model of distance-dependent percept of object size constancy. PLoS ONE, 10(7):e**.
Qian, J.* & Petrov, Y. (2013). Depth perception in the framework of General Object Constancy. Journal of Vision, 13(11):7, 1 - 9.
Petrov, Y.*, Nador, & Qian, J. (2012). VEP correlates of feedback in human cortex. PLoS ONE, 7(12). e51791.
Qian, J.* & Petrov, Y. (2012). StarTrek Illusion - General object constancy phenomenon?. Journal of Vision, 12(2):15, 1 - 10.
教授课程:本科生: 元分析,视觉原理与应用,心理统计实践(SPSS),心理学导论
硕士生: 研究方法I,高级心理统计,视觉在工业设计中的应用