University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States of America,
Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia.
Sept. 2010-May 2015
Y?ld?z Technical University, Istanbul -Turkey,
Department of Political Science and International Relations
Sept. 2001-Jan. 2005
Marmara University, Istanbul - Turkey.
Faculty of Theology
Sept. 1995-Jan. 2001
Some textbooks of this program:
Meylani’s (d. 1408 AD) commentary?Sharh al-Mughn??on Arabic grammar; al-Taftazani’s (d. 1390 AD) commentary?Sharh al- ‘Izz??on Arabic grammar; his?Mukhtasar al-Ma‘ani?on Arabic rhetoric; his?Sharh ?al-‘Aqaid?on creed; ‘Abd al-Rahman Mulla?Jam?’s (d. 1492 AD) commentary?al-Fawaid al-Diyaiya?(a.k.a.?Mulla Jami) on Arabic grammar; ‘Abd al-Qahir al-Jurjan?'s (d. 1078 AD)?Asrar al-Balagha?on the art of eloquence in Arabic; his?Miat ‘Awamil?on Arabic syntax; Sa‘di ?Sh?raz?’s (d. 1291 AD)?Bostan, on Persian poetry; ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Barq?q?'s (d. 1944 AD) commentary?Sharhu?D?wan al-Mutanabb??on Arabic classical poetry; ‘Abd al-Razzaq al-Kashan?’s?(d. 1329 AD) commentary?Sharh ‘ala?Fus?s-i?Ibn ‘Arab??on Sufi thought (‘Irfan); ?Qul Ahmad b. Khidr’s (d. 1543 AD)?Hashiya ‘ala?al-Fanari?on logic; Mulla Khusrev’s (1480)?Mir'at al-Us?l?on legal theory; Ahmed Cevdet Pa?a’s (1895)?Qawa‘id-i Kulliyya-i Majalla?on legal theory; his?Belaghat-i Osmaniyya?on?the grammar and rhetoric of Ottoman Turkish.
1982 - 1990
Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai - China
Prep. for Graduation Thesis,Arabic calligraphy,Theory & History of Translation (English)??? 2018 -
Assist. Prof. of Oriental Languages, Chair in Arabic Department,Istanbul Medeniyet University – Istanbul, Turkey
Fel. 245, Fel. 345 Fel 445. Arabic for Philosophical Texts (Turkish and Arabic)??? 2017- 2018
Adjunct Lecturer Istanbul ?ehir University – Istanbul, Turkey
UNI 209, Understanding Cultural Encounters – Cultural History (English) 2015 - 2018
Teaching Assistant University of Wisconsin – Madison, United States of America
LCA 439, and LCA 440, Inter- mediate Turkish (English & Turkish)? 2011 - 2013
Translator & Organizer, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality – Istanbul, Turkey
Translation of old texts, Organizing of cultural activities? 2006 - 2010
Senior Instructor Insan Vakf? and Ebu'I-Vefa Vakf?, (private institutions) Istanbul - Turkey
Advanced Level Arabic, Reading Methods for Classical Arabic Texts (Arabic & Turkish) 1996 - 2006
Turkish (Modern & Ottoman)? ?(Native) excellent in speaking, reading and writing.
Arabic (Classical & Colloquial)? (Good) excellent in speaking, reading and writing.
English??(Good) excellent in speaking, reading and writing.
Persian??Excellent in reading and research.
Azeri??Excellent in reading and research.
Tatar??Excellent in reading and research.
Uzbek??Excellent in reading and research.
Turkmen??Excellent in reading and research.
Uyghur??Excellent in reading and research.
Old Greek (Classical Koine Greek)??Reading and working ability.
Russian??Reading and working ability.
Chancellor Fellowship?by University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.? ?May 2014
Honorary Award?for the contribution to the Arabic travel literature, by ?“?????? ?????? ????? ???????? - ?????? ??????” at Doha, Qatar?? Jan. 2011
Full Scholarship?for graduate education in the USA, by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey. Sept. 2008
The Best Translated Book Award,?by the Writers’ Union of Turkey, for the translation of The Travels of Ibn Battuta (Rihlatu Ibn Battuta) from Arabic to Turkish. March 2004
“Fasl? Diplomat Seyyah Muhammed el-Miknas?’nin G?zlemleriyle 18. Yüzy?lda Kudüs’te Sosyal ve Din? Hayat” / “The observations of the Moroccan diplomat al-Miknas? on the social and religious life of al-Quds in the second half of the 18th?century”,?International Symposium on Science and Education in Quds during the Ottoman Era - December 28 - 30. 2018,?organized by Fatih Sultan Mehmet University, Istanbul – Turkey. (Turkish)
????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? : ??????? ? ????????/ Arabic Language Education in Turkey: History and Methods,?Sun Yat-sen University - Zhuhai Campus, Zhuhai – P. R. China, December 6., 2016, (Arabic and English)
???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ???????? ???????? ????? ??????/A comparison between the Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta and the Ottoman traveler Evliya Celebi,?Middlebury College in Mills, San Francisco, USA, June 22 - 24,. 2016. (Arabic)
Tarihte Kültürel Etkile?imler: Seyyah – Seyahatname 6 hafta, / 6-Weeks Open Seminar on the Cultural Encounters in Muslim Travelers,?Foundation for Sciences and Arts - BISAV, March 3. ?- April 9. 2016,?Istanbul. (Turkish).
Tatar Alim Murad Remzi ve 19. Yüzy?l Tatar Dü?ünce Hayat? /19th Century Tatar intellectual life and the Scholar?Murad Ramzi,?live on TRT Avaz, December 26., 2015. (Turkish)
“Murad Ramzi on Central Asian Sufi Networks at the Turn of the 20th Century”,?14th Annual?International Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society - CESS,?University of?Wisconsin Madison, October 5. 2013. (English)
“Sufi Historian Murad Ramzi”,?Graduate Student Symposium on Islam in Central Eurasia,?University of Wisconsin – Madison, May 11. 2012. (English)
????? ? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????”“?/ “Problems and experiences in the translation of Ibn Battuta”,?Annual Conference on Arabic – Muslim Travelers, /???????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????????,?Doha, Qatar,?December 10., 2010. (Arabic)
Books by Aykut
(Forthcoming)?The intellectual struggle of Murad Ramz? (1855-1935): A Sufi translator historian,?455 pgs. (English)
(Forthcoming)?Klasik Arap Edebiyatinda Ba?l?ca Temalar I: A?k, Siyaset, Seyahat, ?lüm?/ Major themes in the classical Arabic literature I: Love, Politics, Travel, Death,?180 pgs. (Turkish)
(Forthcoming)?Ibnu'l-Muqaffa: Siyasi realizmi simgelerle anlatmak / Ibn al-Muqaffa': The metaphorical discourse of political realism in early Islam,?225 pgs. (Turkish)
Book chapters and articles by Aykut
“Fasl? Diplomat Seyyah Muhammed el-Miknas?’nin G?zlemleriyle 18. Yüzy?lda Kudüs’te Sosyal ve Din? Hayat” / “The observations of the Moroccan diplomat al-Miknas? on the social and religious life of al-Quds in the second half of the 18th?century”,?Proceedings of?International Symposium on Science and Education in Quds during the Ottoman Era, 28-30 December, 2018.?(Istanbul: Fatih Sultan Mehmet University Publications, 2019) pp. 211- 227. (Turkish)
“Мухаммад Мурад Рамзи (1855-1935) и его труды, / Muhammad Murad Ramzi (1855 - 1935) and his works”?Krymskoye obozreniye,?2 (Kazan – Moscow 2016): 8-26. (English with Russian summary)
“Ibn Battuta”,?Ahilik Ansiklopedisi / Encyclopedia of Akhism,?(Ankara: Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade, 2014), vol. II, pp. 14 - 18. (English and Turkish)
“er-Rihle”,?Ahilik Ansiklopedisi / Encyclopedia of Akhism,,?(Ankara: Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade, 2014), vol. II, pp. 208 - 209. (English and Turkish)
?“Ibn Battuta Anadolu'da” / “Ibn Battuta in Anatolia”,?Seyahatle Tan??mak, edited by N?r? al-Jarrah, (Abu Dhabi: al-Suwaidi Publishing House, 2011.) pp. 55 - 85. (Turkish)
“???????? ?? ????? ?????? ????????“,?Rahhalat 'Arab wa Muslim?n,?edited by N?r? al-Jarrah, (Abu Dhabi: Katara Publishing, 2011.) pp. 362-370. (Arabic)
?“Varl?k, Benlik, Hat?rlay?? ve Unutu? üzerine” / “Ego, memory and forgetting in Ibn ‘Arab?, Heidegger and Suhraward?”,?Cogito,?50 (2007): 155 –169. (In Turkish)
?“Hasan Hanefi: Oksidentalizmi Arap?a in?a etmek” / “Hasan Hanaf?: The construction of Occidentalism in Arabic”,?Cogito?31 (2002): 9 – 12. (In Turkish)
Full Books Translated by Aykut
?bn Battuta Seyahatnamesi, Ceviri Inceleme ve Notland?rma,?two volumes, 1104 pgs., (Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Yay?nlar?, 2004.) It is a large book containing full translation of Ibn Battuta’s travel accounts from Arabic to Turkish, with my scholarly introduction in the first volume and my annotations on the historical names, customs and cultural concepts in the travel accounts. By this work, I won “the best translated book award in Turkey, 2004”.
Peacock, Andrew, & Yildiz, Sara Nur (ed.)?Anadolu Sel?uklular?: Saray ve Toplum, / The Seljuks of Anatolia: Court and Society in the Medieval Middle East?(Istanbul: Yap? Kredi Yay?nlar?, 2017.) 235 pgs. (From English to Turkish).
Hac? Bekta? Veli,?Makalat / Maqalat?by Sufi Author??aj? Bektash Wal?,?(Istanbul: Etkile?im Yay?nlar?, 2007.) 101 pgs. (From Ottoman Turkish to Modern Turkish)
Book Chapters and Researches Translated by Aykut
Muhammad B?keb?t, “Fasl? bir Seyyah G?züyle 18. Yüzy?lda ?stanbul”/ “The Image of Istanbul in the late 18th?Century, by Muhammad B?keb?t”, ?Seyahatle Tan??mak, edited by Nur? al-Jarrah, (Abu Dhabi: al-Suwaidi Publishing House, 2011), pp. 95 - 109. (From Arabic to Turkish)
N?r? el-Cerrah, “Alt?n ve F?rt?na: Amerika'ya giden ilk Do?ulu Ilyas el-M?suli'nin Seyahati 1668 -1683” / “The Gold and Storm: The Travels of Ilyas al-Mawsil? in America 1668 – 1683 by N?r? al-Jarrah”?Seyahatle Tan??mak, edited by N?r? al-Jarrah, (Abu Dhabi: al-Suwaidi Publishing House, 2011), pp. 109 - 131. (From Arabic to Turkish).
N?r? el-Cerrah, “Muhammed el-Fas? el-Gassan?'nin ?spanya Seyahati: 1690 –1691” / “The Travels of Muhammad al-Fas? al- Ghassan? in Spain: 1690 – 1691, by N?r? el-Jarrah”,?Seyahatle Tan??mak, edited by N?r? al-Jarrah, (Abu Dhabi: al-Suwaidi Publishing House, 2011). pp. 131 - 141. (From Arabic to Turkish).
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