I. Education:
February 2020, Associate Professor of Political Science in the Faculty of Economics
and Political Science , Cairo university
July 2014, PhD of Political Science in the faculty of social and political sciences, after
University of Berlin
July 2007 master of Political Science in n the Faculty of Economics and Political
Science , Cairo university
Summer 2006, studying American political and thought in the University of
Massachusetts Amherst, USA on a Fulbright scholarship.
Winter 2005, attending cultural exchange program in Japan sponsored by the
Japanese ministry of cultural affairs.
II . Work Experience:
Mar. 2020...Associate Professor of Political Science, Cairo University.
(academic tenure, on leave)
Feb 2019-now...Associate Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, at the School of International
Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai Campus, China.
Dec 2018-now...Reviewer of research proposals funded by the Um Al-Qura University, KSA.
Apr.-June 2018...Adjunct faculty, German University in Cairo.
Oct.2015-Jan.2016...Adjunct faculty, Future University in Egypt.
Feb.-May 2015...Adjunct faculty, American University in Cairo.
Dec. 2014-Dec.2018...Lecturer of Political Science, Cairo University.
(academic tenure, on leave starting Jan 2019)
Undergraduate courses: introduction to political science, Theory of comparative
politics, Arab political systems, western political thought, Islamic political thought,
western political systems, world civilizations, historical discourse.
Post Graduate courses: comparative politics, western political systems, theory or
international relations and area studies, civil society.
Doctoral courses: comparative politics, theory of democratization.
IV.?Academic Events:
1. Hussein, Ebtisam. "Non-Islamist Parties in post-2011 Egypt: Winners in an MB-free
Political Sphere,” Review of Economics and Political Science (Egypt) Vol 6, 2021.
2. Hussein, Ebtisam. “The 2019 Popular Uprising: A ‘Belated’ Algerian Spring?,” Middle
East Policy (USA), Vol XXVI, Issue 4, 2019.
3. Hussein, Ebtisam.“al-?islām wal-qaumiyya fi ‘ilāqatihimā bil-dīmuqrā?iyya wal-
?amn” (Islamism and Nationalism in their Relation to Democracy and Security), FEPS
Journal (Egypt), no.20, Iss.3, July 2019.
4. Hussein, Ebtisam and Claudia De Martino “Egypt’s Military Post-2011: Playing Politics
without Internal Cracks,” Contemporary Arab Affairs Journal (USA), Vol. 12, no. 1, March
2019: 55-74. DOI: 10.1525/caa.2019.121004
5. Hussein, Ebtisam. “Rationalizing Public Repression: Mubarak's Self-toppling Regime,”
Middle East Policy (USA), Vol XXV, no.1, Spring 2018: 124-135.
6. Hussein, Ebtisam. “al-yamīn fī faransā wa ?almāniya wa mustaqbal al-?itt?ād al-
?ūruppi” (Right in France and Germany and the Future of the European Union), al-Siyāsa al-
Dawliyya (Egypt), no. 208, April 2017.
Hussein, Ebtisam. Turkiya ?alā ?arīq al-dīmūqrā?iyya (Turkey on the Road to Democracy),
Germany: Noor Publishing, 2017. (Monograph based on master thesis).
V. Honors and Awards:
1. Friedrich Naumann Foundation internship on “No Education, No Freedom, No
Opportunities” in Germany, May, 2004.
2. Japan Foundation Exchange program, thirty-six days in Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara and
Hiroshima, winter 2005.
3. Fulbright grant for attending a summer school on US Politics and Thought, in the USA,
mainly in Massachusetts Amherst, summer 2006.
4. Deutscher akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), PhD full Scholarship, four years of
funding October 2009- September2013.
5. BGSMCS, five months of fieldwork in 2011.
6. Friedrich Naumann Foundation internship on Functioning Democracy: Academic Freedom, Pluralism and Good Governance”, Germany and Brussels, November 2015.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19
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