本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
生物海洋学与生态学研究团队 教授
1996.4- 1997.12,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学海洋系,副研究员
2000.6- 2006.12,中国科学院南海海洋研究所,中科院国外引进人才"****",?责任研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院热带海洋环境重点实验室副主任。
2007.1- 2010.12??澳大利亚格里菲斯大学(Griffith University, Australia),环境学院,Associate Professor
--政府间海洋学委员会(IOC)“气候变化和海洋浮游植物的全球趋势工作小组”(IOC TrendsPO WG)组长,Chair, IOC working group to investigate Climate Change and Global Trends of Phytoplankton in the ocean(IOC TrendsPO WG) , 2017-
--国际科联海洋研究科学委员会/政府间海洋学委员会,全球有害藻华计划(GlobalHAB),创始科学指导委员会成员,2016- ??IOC/SCOR GlobalHAB Founding Steering Committee Member (2016-).
国际科联海洋研究科学委员会工作小组第一组长(SCOR Working Group 137, 1st?Co-Chair),on “Global Patterns of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems:Comparative Analysis of Time Series Observations”(2010-至今)?(SCOR=ScientificCommittee on Ocean Research, ? International Council for Science,?际科联海洋研究科学委员会)
--联合国海洋事务与海洋法部《包括社会经济方面海洋环境状况全球报告和评估:第一次全球海洋综合评估》专家库成员及2个章节作者(2013.3 –至今) (Member of the Pool ofExperts of the?RegularProcess for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the MarineEnvironment, including Socioeconomic Aspects, “World Ocean Assessment”;appointed on March 8,2013, by Vladimir Jares, Deputy Director in charge of the Division for OceanAffairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs).
--联合国下属(IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/IAEA/UN/UNEP)海洋污染科学(研究)专家组(GESAMP-Group of Expertson Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution)第31工作小组(罗马)成员:沿岸海域渔业养殖的环境风险评价。
--Marine Biology (Springer), Associate Editor (海洋生物学),
--Aquatic Biology (Inter-Research Science Centre, sister journal of Marine Ecology Progress Series) , Contributing Editor (水环境生物学)。
--2015年度地球科学部国家自然科学基金重点项目评审会,特聘为“海洋过程及其资源和环境效应” ?领域评审专家组成员(重点项目),2015年7月,北京。
? ? ? ?(一)代表性科研项目
被引用3250多次,H-Index=37 (Research Gate)
Book Chapters
1.?Yin, K.*, J. Xu, Z.Lai, P.J.Harrison, 2013. ?Dynamics ofphytoplankton blooms and nutrient limitation in the Pearl River estuarinecoastal waters. ?InThomas S. Bianchi,Mead A. Allison, and Wei-Jun Cai?(eds),?Biogeochemical Dynamics at?Major?River-Coastal Interfaces: Linkages with GlobalClimate Change, Chapter 11, p274-295.?Cambridge University Press
2.?Yin, K.*, PJ. Harrison, J. Xu.?2010. A Comparison of Eutrophication Processes in Three Chinese SubtropicalSemi-EnclosedEmbayments. ?In M.Kennish and Hans W. Paerl (eds),Coastal Lagoons:Critical Habitats ofEnvironmental Change,?Chapter 15: 367-398. CRC Press, Taylor andFrancis Publisher,New York ?ISBN978-1-4200-8830-4(hardcover)
Referred Journal Publications (Selected)
--Zhang Y, Song X, Harrison P J, Liu S, Yu Z, Kan J, Qian P, Liu H, Yin K. 2018. Regeneration and utilization of nutrients during collapse of a Mesodinium rubrum red tide and its influence on phytoplankton species composition. Science China Earth Sciences, 61, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11430-017-9233-x ?
--Ouyang, Zhangxian, Rong Chen, Qinyu Liu, Lei He, Wei-Jun Cai, Kedong Yin*. 2018. Biological regulation of carbonate chemistry during diatom growth under different concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+. Marine Chemistry 203: 38-48.
--Huang, Jiansheng, Hao Liu, and Kedong Yin* 2018. Effects of meteorological factors on the temporal distribution of red tides in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 126: 419-427.
--Lei, Yue , Callum Whyte, Keith Davidson, Paul Tett,?Kedong Yin*. 2018.?A change in phytoplankton community index withwater quality improvement in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin? 127: 823-830
--Chen, Dongxing, Lei HE*, Fenfen LIU,?Kedong YIN*. 2017.?Effects of typhoon events on chlorophyll andcarbon fixation in different regions of the East China Sea. Estuarine, Coastaland Shelf Science 194: 229-239.
--Zhang, Yafeng, Xutao Wang,?Kedong? Yin*. ?2017. Spatial variability in phytoplankton,bacteria and microzooplankton grazing between the eutrophic Yellow Sea and theoligotrophic South China Sea. ?Chinese JOceanography and Limnology, In press.
--Yin, Kedong, Hao Liu, Paul J. Harrison. ?2017.?SequentialNutrient Uptake as a potential mechanism for Phytoplankton to Maintain HighPrimary Productivity and Balanced Nutrient Stoichiometry.Biogeoscience14: 2469–2480.
--Chong,Kit Yee, Hao Liu,Kedong Yin*, Paul J. Harrison and Kwok Kei Kau. 2017.A Bottom Water Sampler for DeterminingChemical Gradients Across the Water-Sediment Interface. Marine PollutionBulletin ?117:61-65.
--Liu, Fenfen, Shilin Tang, Rui Xin Huang,?Kedong Yin*. 2017. The asymmetric distribution of phytoplankton in anticyclonic eddies inthe western South China Sea。Deep-Sea Research Part I 120 (2017) 29–3
--Yin, Kedong, Eva-Maria Zetsche, Paul J. Harrison. 2016.?"Effects of Sandy vs Muddy Sediments on theVertical Distribution of Microphytobenthos in Intertidal Flats of the FraserRiver Estuary, Canada" Enviornmental Science and Pollution Research 23:14196-14209 (DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6571-y)
--James E. Cloern, 10 others, ?Kedong Yin. Human activities and climate variability drive fast-paced change acrossthe world’s estuarine–coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology (2016) 22,513–529 (RESEARCH REVIEW), doi: 10.1111/gcb.13059?
--Malone, Thomas (Convenor),?Yin Kedong,?11 others. 2016. ?United Nations A Regular Process for Global Reportingand Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, Including Socio-EconomicAspects (Regular Process):?"FIRSTGLOBAL INTEGRATED MARINE ASSESSMENT (FIRST WORLD OCEAN ASSESSMENT)",?Chapter 6. Primary Production, Cycling of Nutrients, Surface Layer andPlankton, 67pages.
--Harris, Peter,?José Muelbert, Pablo Muniz,?Kedong Yin, Kawser Ahmed, Regina Folorunsho, Margarita Caso, Claudia Camara Vale, JohnMachiwa. 2016. United Nations A Regular Process for Global Reporting andAssessment of the State of the Marine Environment, Including Socio-EconomicAspects (Regular Process):?"FIRST GLOBAL INTEGRATED MARINE ASSESSMENT(FIRST WORLD OCEAN ASSESSMENT)",?Chapter 44 Estuaries anddeltas, 9 pages. ?
? ? 第一次海洋环境状况(包括社会经济方面问题)全球报告和评估,?第44章,河口与三角洲。
--Liu, Hao,Xiangcheng Yuan, Jie Xu, Paul J. Harrison, Lei He,?Kedong Yin*. ?2015. ?Effects of viruses on bacterial functions undercontrasting nutritional conditions for four species of bacteria isolated fromHong Kong waters.?Scientific Reports?5, 14217; doi:10.1038/srep14217 (2015).
--JiangYL,?Kedong Yin*, John A Berges, PaulJ. Harrison. 2014. Effects of Silicate Resupply to Silicate-deprived Thalassiosiraweissflogii (Bacillariophyta) in Stationary or Senescent Phase: Short-Term Patterns of Growth and Cell Death. Journal of Phycology (first published on line 28 March 2014). DOI:10.1111/jpy.12176
--Zhang,?Ling,?Kedong Yin, Yongqiang Yang, Derong Zhang?. 2013.?Distribution Characteristics and Sources ofSedimentary Organic Matterin the Pearl River?Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Waters, Southern China.?Journalof Earth Science.24(2):?262-273.
--Lai, Zhigang,Kedong Yin*. 2014. Physical-biological coupling induced aggregation?mechanism?for the formation of high biomass redtides in low nutrient waters. Harmful Algae 31: 66-75. DOI10.1016/j.hal.2013.09.011
--Zhang Ling, Lu Wang,Kedong Yin*, Ying lu, Derong Zhang,Yongqiang Yang, Xiaoping Huang. 2013. Pore water nutrients characteristics andthe fluxes across the sediment in the Pearl River estuary and adjacent waters,China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,?133: 182-192
--Zhou,?Weihua,?KedongYin*,?PJ Harrison, JHWLee. ?2012 ?Theinfluence of late summertyphoons and high river discharge on water quality in Hong Kong waters. ?Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 111: ?35-47
--Xu J, JHW Lee,?Kedong Yin, Hongbin Liu,Paul J. Harrison. 2011.?Environmentalresponse to sewage treatment strategies: Hong Kong’s experience in long termwater quality monitoring. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62: 2275–2287?
--Yuan, XC,?K Yin*, Paul J. Harrison, JiangtaoZhang. 2011. Phytoplankton are more tolerant to UV than bacteria and viruses inthe northern South China Sea.?AquaticMicrobial Ecology?65: 117-128(?doi: 10.3354/ame01540)
--Yuan X,?K Yin*, W.-J. ?Cai, AYT Ho, J Xu, PJ Harrison. 2011. Influence of seasonal monsoons on net community production and CO2in subtropical Hong Kong coastal waters.?Biogeosciences, 8, 1–12, 2011
--Paerl, Hans W.,?Kedong Yin, James Cloern. 2011.?Global patterns of phytoplankton dynamics in coastalecosystems,?EosTrans. AGU, 92(10), doi:10.1029/2011EO100007
--Yin, K, PJ Harrison, M Broom, CHChung. 2011. Ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in the Pearl River and effects onthe estuarine coastal waters: nutrient management strategy in Hong Kong.?Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36 (2011)411–419
--Yin, K.*?and P.J. Harrison. ?2007. ?Influence of the Pearl River estuary andvertical mixing in Victoria Harbor on water quality in relation toeutrophication impacts in Hong Kong Waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:646-656.
--Yin, K.*,?Z.Lin, Z. Ke. ?2004.Temporal and spatial distribution of low oxygen waters in the Pearl Riverdischarge and adjacent coastal waters. Continental Shelf Research 24(16): 1935-1948.
--Yin, K.* ?2003. ?Influences of monsoons andoceanographic processes on red tides in Hong Kong waters. ?Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 262: 27-41.
--Yin,K.*??2002. ?Monsoonal Influence on Seasonal Variations inNutrients and Phytoplankton Biomass in Coastal Waters of Hong Kong in theVicinity of the Pearl River Estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 245: 111-122.
--Yin, K.*,?Qian PY, Wu MCS, Chen JC, Huang L, Song X, Jian WJ. ?2001. Shift from P to N limitation of phytoplankton biomass across the PearlRiver Estuarine plume during summer. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 221: 17-28.
--Yin,?K.*, P.-Y. Qian, J.C. Chen and D.P.H.-T. Hsieh, ?P.J. Harrison. ?2000. Dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in the Pearl River estuary and adjacent waters of Hong Kong duringsummer preliminary evidence for phosphorus and silicon limitation. ?Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 194: 295-305.?17.
--Yin, K.*, P.J.Harrison, J. Chen, W. Huang, P.Y. Qian. 1999. ?Red tides during spring1998 in Hong Kong: is El Ni?oresponsible? ?Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 187:289-294.
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龚骏海洋微型生物生态与物质循环研究团队教授电子邮件gongj27@mail.sysu.edu.cn招生专业海洋生物学个人详细介绍龚骏,1977年生。中山大学“****”教授,博士生导师。主要从事海洋微生物生态与物质循环、微型生物多样性研究。近年来,着重利用一系列现代分子生态学技术(高通量测序、荧光原 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-15中山大学珠海校区海洋科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙晓明
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