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海洋地质与地球化学研究团队 教授



一. 简 ?历:
孙晓明,男,1963年9月生,江苏人. 中共党员。
1990 年获南京大学和澳大利亚墨尔本大学联合培养矿床学博士学位;
1990.07 - 1992.10 在华东有色地勘局研究所任矿床室主任,工程师;
1992.11 - 1998.02为中山大学地球科学系讲师、副教授、教授;
1998.02 - 1998.08 为 Dept. of Geology, NMT, USA访问科学家;
2000.06 - 2000.10 为美国新墨西哥大学访问教授;
1996 年 - 2002 年 兼任中山大学地学院副院长、院长、中山大学海洋研究中心副主任、中山大学学术委员会委员和学位委员会委员等;
? ?兼任国际经济地质学家(SEG)会士、国际矿床成因协会(IAGOD)执委、国际应用矿床学会(SGA)理事、国家自然科学基金地质学科专家评审组成员、广东省海洋资源与近岸工程重点实验室主任、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会常务理事、中国海洋学会理事、国家教育部海洋科学类专业教学指导委员会委员、中山大学本科教学指导委员会委员、广东省海洋科学类教学指导委员会副主任、中国矿物岩石地球化学海洋地球化学专业委员会副主任、广东省矿物岩石地球化学学会副理事长、《地球化学》、《矿床地质》、《地质论评》、《高校地质学报》、《安全与环境学报》和《岩矿测试》等学术刊物编委、成矿作用国家重点实验室学术委员会委员、中国地质学会矿床地质专业委员会委员、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会矿床地球化学专业委员会委员、国土资源部海底矿产资源重点实验室学术委员会委员、国家国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室客座研究员、国土资源部三江成矿作用及资源勘查利用重点实验室学术委员会委员、广东省骨科矫形技术及植入材料重点实验室学术委员会委员、中国地质调查局首批地质调查技术专家库入选专家、广东省国土资源厅水工环及矿产地质勘查评审专家、广东省海洋工程环境影响评价评审专家等。
10.?2002.1-2004.12,?华南黑色岩系铂多金属矿中贵金属元素赋存状态和来源,?国家自然科学基金(No. **)主持人
12.?2000-2004?粤西韧性剪切带型金矿成矿流体地球化学,?国家973项目子题。(No.G), 主持人
13.?2003-2007:印-亚大陆碰撞造山与成矿综合研究,?国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)二级课题(No. 2002CB412610)?,主持人
14.?2001-2005:多金属结核成矿时空演化模型及我国合同区资源综合评价研究,?国际海底区域研究开发“十五” 项目,(No. DY105-01-02-1);?主持人
15.?2003-2006: 苏北大陆深钻中的流体地球化学,?国家自然科学基金重大项目课题, (N0.**);?主持人
16.?2004-2006, 西太平洋海底富钴结壳中铂族和稀土元素及钴的赋存状态及富集机理,?国际海底区域研究开发“十五” 项目(DY105-01-04-13);?主持人
17.?2003-2006: 海底富钴结壳中微量气体组成及铂族元素(PGE)赋存状态,国家教育部“跨世纪优秀人才基金”(No. 2003),主持人
18.?2004-2005: 西太平洋海底富钴结壳中铂族和稀土元素及钴的赋存状态及富集机理, ?国家自然科学基金项目,(No.**);?主持人
19.?2004-2005: 苏北大陆深钻中超高压变质岩中的水/岩相互作用,岩石圈构造、深部过程及探测技术教育部重点实验室课题(No.**);?主持人
20.?2005-2007: 西太平洋海山富钴结壳中铂族和稀土元素及钴的赋存状态及纳米地球化学,?国家自然科学基金项目(No.**);?主持人
22.?2005-2007: 西太平洋海山富钴结壳中铂族元素稀土元素和钴的纳米地球化学研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(No.),?主持人
23.?2007-2009: 哀牢山金矿带韧性变形过程及其纳米尺度水/岩反应和金矿化.国家自然科学基金项目(No. **)?,主持人
24.?2007-2008. 江苏溧水观山铜多金属矿矿床成因和找矿预测。江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局委托研究项目。主持人
25.?2007-2009. 海底多金属硫化物中贵金属元素和微量气体地球化学。国际海底区域研究开发“十一五” 项目, 主持人
26.?2008-2011. 印度洋海底热液硫化物中贵金属元素赋存状态和成矿流体地球化学,中国科学院边缘海地质重点实验室研究基金课题(编号: MSGLCAS);?主持人
27.?2008-2012: 青藏高原喜马拉雅期碰撞造山型金矿成矿机制和矿化模式.?国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. **). 主持人.?
28.?2008-2012: 碰撞造山过程中的Au成矿作用.?国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)一级课题(No. 2009CB421006, 三江特提斯复合造山与成矿作用),?主持人.?
31.?2012-2014. 南海海底冷泉喷口自生沉积物纳米矿物学和地球化学.?国家自然科学基金委员会“南海深海过程演变”重大研究计划培育项目(No: **),?主持人
32.?2011-2015. 富钴结壳成矿演化模型研究.?国际海域资源调查与开发“十二五”课题(DY125-13-R-05).?主持人
33.?2011-2015. 天然气水合物自生沉积物纳米矿物学和地球化学.?广东省高等学校高层次人才项目.主持人
34.?2013-2016. 印度洋洋中脊热液场沉积物贵金属元素纳米矿物学和地球化学。国家自然科学基金项目(No. ** ),主持人
35.?2013-2014. 印度洋洋脊热液场贵金属元素富集机理和流体地球化学。高校基本科研业务费中山大学重大项目培育资助计划项目(No. 12lgjc05 ). ?主持人
36.2013-2015.?印度洋洋中脊热液场沉积物贵金属元素纳米矿物学和地球化学.?高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(优先发展领域).?主持人(No. 005 )
37.?2014-2018.?三江特提斯构造域复合造山过程中金成矿作用.?国家自然科学基金-云南联合基金重点项目.?主持人( No.?U**).
40.?2018-2020. 纳米尺度下生物磷灰石中稀土元素赋存特征. 国际海域资源调查与开发“十三五”课题“深海稀土资源成矿特征与资源评价”(DY135-R2-1-01)子课题。主持人
41.?2018-2020. 合同区海山形成演化与成矿模型研究。国际海域资源调查与开发“十三五”课题(No.DY135-C1-1-06),主持人
42.2018-2021. 天然气水合物先导区甲烷渗漏的地球化学示踪. 2018年广东省促进经济发展专项资金(海洋经济发展用途) 项目, 项目号:(No.GDME-2018D001),?主持人.
43.?2019-2022. 南海北坡天然气水合物成藏区自生沉积物纳米矿物学和地球化学特征及其对冷泉活动状态的示踪。国家自然科学基金项目(No. **), 主持人
44.2019-2023: 特提斯构造域碰撞造山型金矿成矿机制. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点研究项目(No. **),主持人?45.2020-2024斑岩-夕卡岩和伟晶岩矿床研究和矿化中心标志提取。国家重点研发计划课题(No.2018YFA**), 主持人?
(一). 主要专著:
1. ?孙晓明,徐克勤,任启江,Read R.Keays, 1996,吉南太古宙高级变质地体和金矿。地质出版社。
2. ?孙晓明,柯长桂,张显球,林绍标,1996,粤北丹霞红层地质地貌及超大型矿床。地质出版社。
3. ?李兆麟,孙晓明,杨荣勇等,2000,南天山东段韧性剪切带金矿床地质地球化学,中山大学出版社。
4. ?王敏,?孙晓明, 2007. 华南黑色岩系铂多金属矿床地质地球化学及成因. 地质出版社;
5. ?熊德信,?孙晓明,?石贵勇,?2007. 云南哀牢山喜山期造山型金矿带矿床地球化学及成矿模式. 地质出版社
6. ?徐莉,?孙晓明,翟伟,汤倩,梁金龙.?2009.?中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)流体地球化学和矿化. 地质出版社.
7. ?何高文,?孙晓明,?薛婷,?2011.?太平洋多金属结核和富钴结壳地质地球化学特征与成矿机制对比. 地质出版社
8. ?陆红锋,孙晓明,张美.?2011.?南海天然气水合物赋存区沉积物矿物学及地球化学. 科学出版社
9. 广东地质新论,2012. 地质出版社, 副主编
10.三江特提斯复合造山与成矿作用, 2016, 邓军等, 科学出版社,PP:359-384
(二) . ?代表性论文(带*者为通讯作者)
Tingting Chen, Xiaoming Sun*, Zhiyong Lin*, Yang Lu, Yunxin Fang, Yang Xiao, Haixin Lin, Youfeng Ning, Harald Strauss. 2021. Deciphering the geochemical link between seep carbonates and enclosed pyrite: A case study from the northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 128: 105020
Zhiyong Lin*, Xiaoming Sun*, Andrew P. Roberts, Harald Strauss, Yang Lu, Xin Yang, Junli Gong, Guanhua Li, Benjamin Brunner, J?rn Peckmann. 2020. A novel authigenic magnetite source for sedimentary magnetizations. Geology?(DOI:10.1130/G48069.1)
Qiaofen Liu, Xiaoming Sun*, Dengfeng Li, Yu Fu*, Tianjian Yang. 2020. Geochronology and fluid evolution of the Machangqing Cu-Mo polymetallic deposit, western Yunnan, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews127:103828
Xin Yang, Xiaoming Sun*, Dengfeng Li, Zhiyong Lin, Yang Lu, Yukang Liang, Yihao Zhang.?2020. Elemental and isotopic response of different carbon components to anaerobic oxidation of methane: A case study of marine sediments in the Shenhu region, northern South China Sea.?Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,206: 104577
Yue Hu, Xiaoming Sun*, Hai Cheng, Hong Yan*, 2020. Evidence of intense climate variation and reduced ENSO activity from δ18O of Tridacna 3700 years ago. Climate of the Past, 16:597-610
Xiaodong Jiang, Xiaoming Sun*, Yu-Min Chou, James R. Hein, Gaowen He, Yu Fu, Dengfeng Li*, Jianlin Liao, Jiangbo Ren. 2020. Geochemistry and origins of carbonate fluorapatite in seamount Fe-Mn crusts from the Pacific Ocean. Marine Geology, 423: 106135
Dengfeng Li, Yu Fu, Qiaofen Liu, John R. Reinfelder, Pete Hollings, Xiaoming Sun*, Chuyan Tan, Yanhui Dong?, Weilin Ma. 2020. High-resolution LA-ICP-MS mapping of deep-sea polymetallic micronodules and its implications on element mobility. Gondwana Research, 81: 461-474
Dengfeng Li *, Yu Fu, Xiaoming Sun*, Zhengquan Wei. 2020. Critical metal enrichment mechanism of deep-sea hydrogenetic nodules: Insights from mineralogy and element mobility. Ore Geology Reviews, 118: 103371
Seungyeol Lee, Huifang Xu*,Wenqian Xu and Xiaoming Sun. The structure and crystal chemistry of vernadite in ferromanganese crusts. Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science Crystal Engineering and Materials. B75: 1-8
Jianlin Liao, Xiaoming Sun*,?Dengfeng Li, Rina Sa, Yang Lu, Li Xu, Yuguan Pan. 2019, New insights into nanostructure and geochemistry of bioapatite in?deep sea REE-rich sediments: LA-ICP-MS, TEM, and Z-contrast imaging?studies. Chemical Geology, 512: 58-68
Yao Guan, Yingzhi Ren, Xiaoming Sun*, Zhenglian Xiao, Jianlin Liao, Zhengxing Guo. 2019. The occurrence phases of metallogenic elements in the Fe-Mn polymetallic nodules from the South China Sea. Marine Geology46: 105978
Xiaodong?Jiang, Xiaoming?Sun* and Guan Yao. 2019. Biogenic mineralization in the ferromanganese nodules and crusts from the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 171:46-59
Haoyang Zhou, Xiaoming Sun*, Zhongwei Wu, 2019. Timing of skarn gold deposition in the giant Beiya polymetallic gold deposit, southwest China: Constraints from in situ monazite SIMS U-Th-Pb geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews, 106: 226-237
Tianjian Yang, Xiaoming Sun*,?Guiyong Shi, Haoyang Zhou, Dongsheng Li, 2019. Constraints on the left lateral shearing and crustal melting of the Ailaoshan Massif, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 177:186-197
Tianjian Yang, Xiaoming Sun*,?Guiyong Shi, Yang Lu, and Yu Fu. 2019. The genetic linkage between the Yuanjiang marble-hosted ruby deposit and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone (Southwest China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 177: 38-47
Dengfeng Li*, Chuyan Tan, Fengyu Miao, Qiaofen Liu, Yu Zhang, Xiaoming Sun*. 2019, Initiation of Zn-Pb mineralization in the Pingbao Pb-Zn skarn district, South China: Constraints from U-Pb dating of grossular-rich garnet. Ore Geology Reviews, 107: 587-599
Yingzhi Ren,?Xiaoming Sun*, Yao Guan*, Zhenglian Xiao, Ying Liu, Jianlin Liao and Zhengxing Guo. Distribution of Rare Earth Elements plus Yttrium among major mineral phases of marine Fe-Mn crusts from the South China Sea and Western Pacific Ocean: A comparative study. 2019. Minerals,?9(8):1-19
Yan Wang, Zhongwei Wu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Xiguang Deng, Yao Guan, Li Xu, Yi Huang , Kaijun Cao. He-Ar-S isotopic compositions of polymetallic sulphides from hydrothermal vent fields along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge and their geological implications. Minerals, 8, 512:1-22
Yi Huang, Zhongwei Wu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Yan Wang, Guiyong Shi, Wei Zhai, Yao Guan. He-Ar isotopes and trace gas compositions of fluid inclusions in massive sulphides from the Yushui copper-polymetallic ore deposit, South China: Metallogenic implications. 2019. Minerals, 9(258): 1-25
Jianlin Liao, Xiaoming Sun*, Zhongwei Wu*, Rina Sa, Yao Guan, Yang Lu, Dengfeng Li, Ying Liu, Yuguan Pan. 2019. Fe-Mn (oxyhydr)oxides as an indicator of REY enrichment in the deep-sea sediments from the central North Pacific. Ore Geology Reviews,112(103044)
Qiaofen Liu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Dengfeng Li*, Yu Fu, Wei Zhai, Huixiao Wei, Moxiang Han, Jianzhou Yi, Xiangguo Zhang. 2019. Mineralogy, geochronology and fluid evolution of the Guqiong Ag–Au polymetallic deposit in Southern Tibet. Ore Geology Reviews, 111: 102950
Ming Su, Chihua Wu*, Hui Chen, Dengfeng Li, Tao Jiang, Xinong Xie, Haijing Jiao, Zhenfeng Wang, ?Xiaoming Sun*. 2019. Late Miocene provenance evolution at the head of Central Canyon in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology110:787-796.
Zhiyong Lin, Xiaoming Sun*, Harald Strauss*, Yang Lu, Michael E. B?ttcher, Barbara M.A. Teichert, Junli Gong, Li Xu, Hongfeng Lu, J?rn Peckmann. 2018. Multiple sulfur isotopic evidence for the origin of elemental sulfur in an iron-dominated gas hydrate-bearing sedimentary environment. Marine Geology, 403: 271–284
Yang Lu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Huifang Xu*, Hiromi Konishi, Zhiyong Lin, Li Xu, Tingting Chen, Xinrong Hao, Hongfeng Lu, J?rn Peckmann. 2018. Formation of dolomite catalyzed by sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane: Mineralogical and geochemical evidence from the northern South China Sea. American Mineralogist, 103 (5): 720-734
Dengfeng Li*, Yu Fu, Xiaoming Sun*.?Onset and duration of Zn-Pb mineralization in the Talate skarn Pb-Zn (-Fe) deposit, NW China, constrained by chronometers of spessartine U-Pb dating. 2018. Gondwana Research, 63: 117–128
Xiaoming Sun*,?Hai Lin, Yu Fu*, Dengfeng Li, Pete Hollings, Tianjian Yang. 2017. Trace elements geochemistry in magnetite from the giant Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit in Yunnan Province, Southwest China and its implications on ore forming process. Ore Geology Reviews, 91: 477-490
Haoyang Zhou,?XiaomingSun*,?Nigel J Cook,Hai Lin, Yu Fu,Richen Zhong* and Joel Brugger. 2017.?Nano- to micron-scaleparticulate gold hosted by magnetite: a product of gold scavenging by bismuthmelts.?Economic Geology,?112(4): 993–1010
Haoyang Zhou, Xiaoming Sun*,?Zhongwei Wu, Jianlin Liao, Yu Fu, Dengfeng Li, Pete Hollings, Hai Lin and Zhiyong Lin. 2017. Hematite U-Pb geochronometer: insights from monazite and hematite integrated chronology of the Yaoan gold deposit, southwest China. Economic Geology,?112(8): 2023–2039
Haoyang Zhou, Xiaoming Sun*,?Tianjian Yang, Yingzhi Ren, Kunjie Zhu, Haijun Yu, Chun-Kit Lai. Mineralogy of Bi-sulfosalts and tellurides from the Yaoan gold deposit, southwest China and its metallogenic implications. 2018. Ore Geology Reviews, 98: 126-140
Yang Lu, Yufei Liu,?Xiaoming Sun*, Zhiyong Lin, Li Xu, Hongfeng Lu, Xinrong Hao, J?rn Peckmannh, 2017. Intensity of methane seepage reflected by relative enrichment of heavymagnesium isotopes in authigenic carbonates: A case study from the South China Sea.?Deep Sea Research I?129: 10-21.
Zhiyong Lin,?Xiaoming Sun*,?J?rn Peckmann, Yang Lu, Harald Strauss, Haoyang Zhou, Li Xu, Junli Gong, Hongfeng Lu, Barbara M.A. Teichert. 2016. How sulfate driven anaerobic oxidation of methane affects the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite in sediment: A SIMS study from the South China Sea.?Chemical Geology,?440: 26-41
Zhiyong Lin,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Harald Strauss*, Yang Lu, Junli Gong, LiXu, Hongfeng Lu, Barbara M.A. Teichert, J?rn Peckmann. 2017. Multiple sulfurisotope constraints on sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane: Evidencefrom authigenic pyrite in seepage areas of the South China Sea.?Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,?211: 153-17
Yu Fu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Dengfeng Li, Hai Lin. 2018. U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of U-rich garnet from the giant Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit in SW China: Constraints on skarn mineralization process. Minerals, 8(4),128
Yu Fu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Dengfeng Li, Hai Lin, Chunkit Lai. LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb dating and trace element geochemistry of allanite: Implications on the different skarn metallogenesis between the giant Beiya Au and Machangqing Cu-Mo-(Au) deposits in Yunnan, SW China. 2017. Minerals,?7(251): 1-26
Zhiyong Lin,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Yang Lu, Harald Strauss, Li Xu, Junli Gong, Barbara M.A. Teichert, Rongfei Lu, Hongfeng Lu, Weidong Sun, J?rn Peckmannh. 2017. The enrichment of heavy iron isotopes in authigenic pyrite as a possible indicator of sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane: Insights from the South ChinaSea.?Chemical Geology,?449: 15-29
Junli Gong,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Li Xu, Hongfeng Lu. 2017. Contribution ofthermogenic fluids to formation of biogenic gas hydrate: evidences fromgeochemical and microbial characters of the gas hydrate-containing cores fromthe Taixinan Basin, South China Sea.?Marine and Petroleum Geology, 80: 432-449
Yingzhi Ren, Xiaoming Sun*,?Yao Guan*, Zhenglian Xiao, Ying Liu, Jianlin Liao and Zhengxing Guo. Distribution of Rare Earth Elements plus Yttrium among major mineral phases of marine Fe-Mn crusts from the South China Sea and Western Pacific Ocean: A comparative study. 2019. Minerals, 9(8):1-19
Zhiyong Lin, Xiaoming Sun*,?Yang Lu, Harald Strauss, Li Xu, Hongfeng Lu, J?rn Peckmann. 2018. Iron isotope geochemistry of authigenic pyrite from sediments of the Taixinan seepage area, South China Sea. 2018,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 168: 112-124
Yao Guan, Xiaoming Sun*,?Yingzhi Ren, Xiaodong Jiang. 2017. Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of the polymetallic crusts and nodules from the South China Sea. Ore Geology Reviews, 89: 206–227
Yan Wang, Zhongwei Wu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Xiguang Deng, Yao Guan, Li Xu, Yi Huang , Kaijun Cao. He-Ar-S isotopic compositions of polymetallic sulphides from hydrothermal vent fields along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge and their geological implications. Minerals, 8, 512: 1-22
Yao Guan, Yingzhi Ren, Xiaoming Sun*,?Zhenglian Xiao and Zhengxing Guo. 2018. He and Ar isotopes in the polymetallic Fe–Mn crusts and nodules from the South China Sea: Constraint on their genetic sources and origins. Minerals, 8, 471 : 1-22
Ri-Na Sa, Xiao-Ming Sun*,?Gao-Wen He, Li Xu, Qing-Qing Pan, Jian-Lin Liao, Ke-Chao Zhu, Xiguang Deng. 2018. Enrichment of rare earth elements in siliceous sediments under slow deposition: a case study of the central North Pacific. Ore Geology Reviews,94:12-23
Dengfeng Li, Yu Fu*, Xiaoming Sun*,?Jianling Liao, Ying Liu, Yingzhi Ren, Xiaodong Jiang, Yao Guan. LA-ICP-MS trace element mapping: Element mobility of hydrothermal magnetite from the giant Beiya Fe-Au skarn deposit, SW China. 2017. Ore Geology Reviews, 92: 463-474.
Yu Fu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Dengfeng Li, Hai Lin. 2018. U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of U-rich garnet from the giant Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit in SW China: Constraints on skarn mineralization process. Minerals, 8(4),128
Yu Fu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Pete Hollings, Dengfeng Li, Haoyang Zhou, Tianjian Yang. 2018. Geochronology and trace element geochemistry of titanite in the Machangqing Cu-Mo polymetallic deposit, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 158: 398-414
Jiang Xiao-Dong,?Sun Xiao-Ming*, Guan Yao,Gong Jun-Li and Lu Yang. 2017. Biomineralization in ferromanganese crusts fromthe Western Pacific Ocean.?Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 136: 58–67
Guan Yao,?Sun Xiaoming*,?Jiang Xiaodong,Sa Rina, Huang Yi, Liu Yating. 2017. The effect at the Fe–Mn minerals andseawater interface and enrichment mechanism of the ore–forming elements ofpolymetallic crusts and nodules from the South China Sea.?Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(6): 34–46
Gong Junli,?Sun Xiaoming*,?Lin Zhiyong, Lu Hongfeng, Lu Yongjun. 2017. Geochemicaland microbial characters of sediment from the gas hydrate area in the Taixinanbasin, South China Sea.?Acta Oceanologica Sinica,?36(9): 52–64
Zhiyong Lin, Xiaoming Sun*,?J?rn Peckmann, Yang Lu, Harald Strauss, Li Xu, Hongfeng Lu, Barbara M.A. Teichert. 2017. In situ sulfur isotope analysis by SIMS of authigenic pyrite from methane-bearing sediments. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2017, 126: e55970
Zhongwei Wu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Huifang Xu*, Hiromi Konishi, Yan Wang, Yang Lu, Haoyang Zhou and Kaijun Cao. 2018. Microstructural characterization and in-situ sulfur isotopic analysis of silver-bearing sphalerite from the Edmond hydrothermal field, Central Indian Ridge. Ore Geology Reviews,?92: 318-347
Yu Fu, Xiaoming Sun*,?Haoyang Zhou, Hai Lin, Liyi Jiang, Tianjian Yang. 2017. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elements analysis of scheelite from the giant Beiya gold–polymetallic deposit in Yunnan Province, Southwest China and its metallogenic implications. Ore Geology Reviews,?80: 828-837
Guan Yao, Sun Xiaoming *, Shi Guiyong, Jiang Xiaodong, Lu Hongfeng. 2017. Rare earth elements (REE) composition and constraints on the genesis of the polymetallic crusts and nodules in the South China Sea. Acta Geologica Sinica?(English Edition), 91(5): 1751-1766
Zhiyong Lin,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Yang Lu, Li Xu*, Junli Gong, Hongfeng Lu, Barbara Teichert, J?rn Peckmann. 2016. Stable isotope patterns of coexisting pyrite and gypsum indicating variable methane flow at a seep site of the Shenhu area, South China Sea.?Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,123: 213-223 ?
Zhongwei Wu,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Huifang Xu*, Hiromi Konishi,Yan Wang, Chi Wang, Yingzhi Dai, Xiguang Deng, and Miao Yu. 2016. Occurrences and Distribution of “Invisible” Precious Metals in Sulfide Deposits from the Edmond Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge.?Ore Geology Reviews, 79: 105-132
Haoyang Zhou,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Yu Fu, Hai Lin and Liyi Jiang. 2016. Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of Bi-minerals and constraints on ore genesis of the Beiya giant porphyry-skarn gold deposit, southwest China.?Ore Geology Reviews,79: 408–424
Junyi Huang, Jun Xu, Zhen Xia, Liqiang Liu, Yinbo Zhang, Jing Li, Guangdong Lan, Yuekun Qi, Masashi Kamong,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Yan Li*. 2015. Identification of influential parameters through sensitivity analysis of the Tough+Hydrate model using LH-OAT sampling.?Marine and Petroleum Geology, 65: 141-156
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Wei Zhai*,?Xiaoming Sun*,?Jianzhou Yi, Xiangguo Zhang, Ruwei Mo, Feng Zhou, Huixiao Wei, Ji Duo, Qinggao Zeng. 2014. Geology, Geochemistry, and Genesis of Orogenic Gold-Antimony Mineralization in the Himalayan Orogen, South Tibet, China.?Ore Geology Reviews,?58(1): 68-90
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