

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


海洋大气相互作用研究团队 副教授


1. 工作经历
2019.7 至今,中山大学海洋科学学院,副教授
2017.5 ~ 2019.7,塔斯马尼亚大学澳大利亚海事学院,讲师
2014.11 ~ 2017.4,浙江大学信息与电子工程学院声信号处理实验室,博士后,合作导师:徐文教授
2013.10 ~ 2014.10,上海航天控制技术研究所卫星部,工程师
2. 教育背景
2008.9 ~ 2013.9,浙江大学机械工程学院,机械电子工程专业,工学博士
2011.10 ~ 2012.10,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学航天与海洋工程系,联合培养
研究方向:水下滑翔机动力学与控制理论研究,导师:Prof. Craig Woolsey
2004.9 ~ 2008.6 ,山东大学机械工程学院,机电一体化专业,工学学士
3. 研究方向
4. 代表性学术成果
[1]?Shuangshuang Fan*, Kamchau Chan and Christopher K. H. Chin.?Motion Analysis of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Tethered with an Optical Fiber for Real-Time Surveillance,?IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2020. (Published online, DOI: 10.1109/JOE.2020.**)
[2]?Eonjoo Kim, Shuangshuang Fan*, Neil Bose and Hung Nguyen. Current Estimation and Path Following for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) by Using a High-gain Observer Based on an AUV Dynamic Model,?International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2020. (Published online, DOI: 10.1007/s12555-019-0673-5)
[3] Jimin Hwang, Neil Bose and Shuangshuang Fan*. AUV Adaptive Sampling Methods: A Review, Applied Sciences, 9(15): 1-30, 2019.
[4] Eonjoo Kim, Shuangshuang Fan* and Neil Bose. “Estimating Water Current Velocities by using a Model-Based High-Gain Observer for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” IEEE Access, 6: 70259-70271, 2018.
[5] Shuangshuang Fan, Chenzhan Liu, Bo Li, Yuanxin Xu* and Wen Xu. “AUV docking based on USBL navigation and vision guidance,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2018: 1-13, 2018.
[6] Shuangshuang Fan, Bo Li, Wen Xu* and Yuanxin Xu. “Impact of current disturbances on AUV docking: model-based motion prediction and countering approaches,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 99: 1-17, 2017.
[7] Canjun Yang, Shilin Peng and Shuangshuang Fan*. “Study on docking guidance algorithm for hybrid underwater glider in currents,” Ocean Engineering, 125:170-181, 2016.
[8] Shuangshuang Fan and Craig Woolsey*. “Dynamics of underwater gliders in currents,” Ocean Engineering, 84: 249-258, 2014.
[9] Shuangshuang Fan* and Craig Woolsey. “Elements of underwater glider performance and stability,” Marine Technology Society Journal, 47(3): 81-98, 2013.
[10] Shuangshuang Fan*, Canjun Yang, Shilin Peng, Kaihu Li, Yu Xie and Shaoyong Zhang. “Underwater glider design based on model analysis and prototype development,” Journal of Zhejiang University Science C, 14(8): 583-599, 2013.
[1] 范双双, 徐文. 一种基于涡旋运动的碟形水下航行器, 发明专利: No. 2.X
[2] 杨灿军, 范双双, 胡任, 吴世军, 谢钰, 黎开虎. 一种水下滑翔机浮力调节装置, 发明专利: No. 4.X

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