本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
海洋湍流混合与物质输移过程研究团队 副教授
?? ? ? ?? ? ?招生专业
? ? 物理海洋学,河口海岸学,流体力学,海岸地貌学,海洋沉积学和地理信息系统等专业的研究生
? ? ? ? ? ?学科专业
? ? 物理海洋学
? ? ? ? ? ?研究介绍
? ? ?在全球气候变化和区域高强度人类活动影响下,我的研究主要是对海岸带过去十到百年尺度上的变化规律及其机制进行研究和开展情景分析,为海岸带保护、工程建设和管理活动提供科学支撑和技术手段。研究手段主要是通过对水动力、泥沙输移、沉积物分布以及地形特征和变化的定量分析,以及开展复杂动力沉积地貌过程数值模拟和构建十到百年尺度地貌形态变化数学模型。研究区域有珠江三角洲-伶仃洋喇叭形河口系统、波罗的海南部海崖-沙坝海岸系统、黄河三角洲-莱州湾系统以及澳大利亚东南部沙坝河口系统。
? ? ? ? ? ?个人介绍
? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? 教育经历:
? ? ? 本科:2003-2007,中山大学理论与应用力学
? ? ? 硕士:2007-2010,中山大学流体力学
? ? ? 博士:2010-2014,波兰什切青大学(University of Szczecin)地理学
? ? ? 工作经历:
? ? ? ?2014-2015,波兰什切青大学海岸与海洋科学系,博士后
? ? ? ?2015-2016,澳大利亚卧龙岗大学(University of Wollongong)地球与环境科学系,博士后研究员
? ? ? ?2016-2018,?中山大学海洋科学学院,特聘研究员
? ? ? ?2019-?,?中山大学海洋科学学院,副教授、硕士研究生导师
? ? ?作为负责人的项目: ? ?
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:珠江东四口门浅滩横向分汊发育的临界性及其沉积动力机制
2. 广东省自然科学基金:珠江伶仃洋河口平衡与稳定性的情景分析
3. 高校基本科研业务费重大项目培育和新兴交叉学科资助计划项目:人类活动和气候变化影响下珠江河口三角洲动态演变规律探讨
4. 波兰国家自然科学中心基金项目:Modelling the past and future projection of southern Baltic Sea coast
1. ARC (Australian Research Council) Linkage project: Responses of estuaries to climate change: investigating their role as sediment sinks
2. Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education:Coastline changes of southern Baltic Sea - past and future projection
3. University of Greifswald, Germany: Baltic Area Network Project
? ?Journal papers:
Deng J, Yao Q, Wu J (2020): "Estuarine morphology and depositional processes in front of lateral river-dominated outlets in a tide-dominated estuary: A case study of the Lingding Bay, South China Sea." J Asian Earth Sci 196:104382. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104382
Deng J, Wu J (2020): "Assessing the effects of shoreface profile concavity on long-term shoreline changes: an exploratory study." Geo-Marine Lett. doi: 10.1007/s00367-020-00659-3
Deng J, Yao Q, Jones BG, et al (2019): "A methodological framework for reconstructing historical delta front morphology: case study at Macquarie rivulet delta within Lake Illawarra, Australia". J Coast Conserv 23:717–726. doi: 10.1007/s11852-019-00699-7
Deng J, Wu J, Zhang W, et al (2019): "Characterising the relaxation distance of nearshore submarine morphology: A southern Baltic Sea case study". Geomorphology 327:365–376. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.11.018
Deng. J.; Jones, B.G.; Rogers, K.; Woodroffe, C.D. (2018):"Wind influence on the orientation of estuarine landforms: an example from Lake Illawarra in southeastern Australia", Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4459
Deng, J.; Woodroffe, C.D.; Rogers, K.; Harff, J. (2017):"Morphogenetic modelling of coastal and estuarine evolution", Earth-Science Reviews, 171, 254-271.
Deng, J.; Harff, J.; Li, Y.;Zhao, Y.; Zhang, H. & Tang, C. (2016):“Morphodynamics at the coastalzone in the Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea”. Journal of Coastal Research. SI74,58-68
Deng, J.; Harff, J.; Schimanke, S.& Meier, M. (2015):“A method for assessing the coastline recession due to the sea level rise by assuming stationary wind-waveclimate”. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies,( 44),3,362-380.
Deng, J.; Zhang, W.; Harff, J.;Schneider, R.; DudzinskaNowak, J.; Terefenko, P.; Giza, A. & Furmanczyk,K. (2014):“A numerical approach for approximating the historical morphology of ?wave-dominated coasts - A case study of the Pomeranian Bight, southern BalticSea”. ?Geomorphology., (204), 425-443.
Zhang, W.; Deng, J.;Harff, J.; Schneider, R. & DudzinskaNowak, J. (2013): “A coupled modelingscheme for longshore sediment transport of wave-dominated coasts - A case studyfrom the southern Baltic Sea”, Coastal Engineering, 72, 39–55. ?
Deng, J.; Bao,Y. (2011): "Morphological evolution and hydrodynamic variation during the last 30 years in the LINGDING Bay, South China Sea". Journal of Coastal Research.(SI64),1482 - 1489.
Wu,J.;Liu,H.;Ren,J. ?Deng, J. (2011):“Cyclonic spirals in tidally accelerating bottom boundary layers in the Zhujiang(PearlRiver) Estuary”,Journal of Physical Oceanography,(41),1209-1226.
熊宇知, 包芸与邓俊杰*:珠江河口东四口门流场结构与涡流研究. 人民珠江, 2019. 40(9): 第15-22页.
邓俊杰;程正扬;包芸:“ 二维溃坝波传播的数值模拟”. 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 47(增刊2)
Book chapters:
1. Deng, J.; Harff, J.; Zhang, W.;Schneider, R.; DudzinskaNowak, J.; Terefenko, P.; Giza, A. & Furmanczyk,K. (2017): “The Dynamic Equilibrium Shore Model for the reconstruction andfuture projection of coastal morphodynamics”. In: Harff, J.; Furmanczyk, K.; VonStorch,H. (eds), Coastline changes of the Baltic Sea from South to East -past and future projections. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
2. Deng, J., Harff, J., Giza, A.,Hartleib, J., DudzinskaNowak, J., Bobertz, B., Furmanczyk, K., Z?litz, R.(2017):“Reconstructions of coastline changes by the comparisons of historical maps atthe Pomeranian Bay, southern Baltic Sea”. In: Harff, J.;Furmanczyk, K.; Von Storch,H. (eds), Coastline changes of the Baltic Seafrom South to East - past and future projections. Springer-Verlag,Heidelberg.
3. Deng, J.; Harff, J.; Li, Y. &Zhang, W. (2014). “Modelling the Paleogeomorphology of wave-dominated sandyand tide-influenced muddy coastal embayments on the decadal to centennial timescale - a comparative study”. In: Raju, N. J. (eds.), Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment: Challenges, Processes and Strategies. Springer-Verlag,Heidelberg.pp. 548-551.
4. ?Deng, J.; Harff, J. &DudzinskaNowak, J. (2013). “Quantitative method on historical reconstruction of coastal geomorphological change on wave-dominated coast - a case study ofPomeranian Bay, southern Baltic Sea”. In: Pardo-lguzquiza, E., et al. (eds) Mathematics of Planet Earth,Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 347-350.
? ? ? 个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Junjie_Deng?
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