

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


张健?Zhang Jian, Jason ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
工作地址:???? ???? 中山大学地球科学与地质工程学院
职位:???????????????? 教授,博士生导师
E-Mail:? ????? ???????zhangjian@mail.sysu.edu.cn
2015年以中山大学“****II期”急需青年杰出人才进入中山大学地球科学与地质工程学院。迄今发表SCI学术论文45篇,包括ESI论文7篇,根据 《Google学术》 检索,论文总引>2500次,h-index = 25。国际会议论文及摘要17篇,会议特邀报告6次包括大会开幕式特邀报告1次。发表于构造地质学权威杂志Journal of Structural Geology上的两篇论文均列为该杂志高引用论文(发表后五年内),分别排名第一和第二。
学历Academic Qualifications
2003年9月-2007年8月:???? 香港大学, 地球科学系, 博士 (构造地质学)
2000年9月-2003年8月:???? 北京大学,地球与空间科学学院,硕士 (构造地质学)
1996年9月-2000年8月:???? 北京大学,地质学系,本科 (构造地质学)
科研经历Research Experience
2013 - 2015:??????????? 香港中文大学,地球系统科学课程,Lecturer
2010 - 2013:???? ?????? 香港大学,地球科学系,Honorary Assistant Professor
2010 - 2012:???? ?????? 香港大学,地球科学系,Postdoctoral Fellow
2008:????????????????????????? 加拿大, University of Waterloo,Postdoctoral Fellow
2007:? ???????????????????? 香港大学,地球科学系,Research Assistant
2005:? ???????????????????? 澳大利亚, Curtin University,SHRIMP离子探针培训?????
2004:? ???????????????????? 荷兰, 阿姆斯特丹自由大学, <全球前寒武纪演化> 证书课程
2003 - 2004:???? ?????? 德国,Mainz University,< Microtectonics> 证书课程
2003 - 2007:???? ?????? 香港大学,地球科学系,博士研究生 PhD
2000 - 2003:??????? ?????? 北京大学,硕士研究生,研究助理
教学经历Teaching Experience
2013-2015:???????????????????? 香港中文大学,地球系统科学, 研究生课程 (合教)
EASC5002, Introduction to Research in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences地球与大气科学科研概述
香港中文大学,地球系统科学, 本科课程 (独立)
ESSC3100, Structural Geology,?构造地质学
????????????????????????????????????????? ESSC3110, Geoscience Field Course?地球科学野外课程
????????????????????????????????????????? ESSC4120, Petrology?岩石学
????????????? ???????????????????? 香港中文大学,地球系统科学, 本科课程 (合教)
????????????? ??????????????????????????? ESSC2010, Solid Earth Dynamics?固体地球动力学
??????????????????????????????????????????ESSC2102, Earth Observations,?地球观测
????????????????????????????????????????? ESSC3200, Physics of the Earth?地球物理学
????????????????????????????????????????? ESSC3800, Global Environmental Change?全球环境变化
2010 -2012:????? ????????????? 香港大学,地球科学系,本科课程 (合教)
??????????????????????????????????????????EASC3302, Advanced topics in Earth Sciences
????????????? ?????? ????????????? 香港大学,地球科学系,研究生课程 (独立)
????????????????????????????????????????? EASC6001, Research seminars and presentation of thesis
2009:??????????????? ?????? 加拿大滑铁卢大学,本科课程
????????????????????????????????????????? E390, Methods of Geological Mapping地质野外填图方法?(合教)
2008:? ??????????????????????????? E332, Metamorphic Petrology变质岩石学?(独立)
2003 -2007:????? ????????????? 香港大学,地球科学系,本科课程 (教学助理)
Zhang, J., Zhao, G.C., Shen, W.L., Sun, M., Li, S.Z., 2015. Aeromagnetic study of the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region: unraveling a crustal profile of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen.?Tectonophysics, in press.
Zhang, J., Sun, M., Schulmann, K., Zhao, G.C., Wu, Q.H., Jiang, Y.D., Guy, A., Wang, Y.J., 2015. Distinct deformational history of two contrasting tectonic domains in the Chinese Altai: Their significance in understanding accretionary orogenic process.?Journal of Structural Geology, 73, p.64-82.
Jiang, Y.D., ?típská, P., Sun, M., Schulmann, K.,?Zhang, J., Wu, Q.H., Long, X.P., Yuan, C., Racek, M., Zhao, G.C., Xiao, X.J., 2015. Juxtaposition of Barrovian and migmatite domains in the Chinese Altai: a result of crustal thickening followed by doming of partially molten lower crust.?Journal of Metamorphic Petrology, 33, p. 45-70.
Eizenh?fer, P.R., Zhao, G.C.,?Zhang, J., Han, Y.G., Hou, W.Z., Liu, D.X., Wang, B., 2015. Geochemical characteristics of the Permian basins and their provenances across the Solonker Suture Zone: Assessment of net crustal growth during the closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean.?Lithos, 224, p. 240-255.
Eizenh?fer, P.R., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M.,?Zhang, J., Han, Y.G., Hou, W.Z., 2015. Geochronological and Hf isotopic variability of detrital zircons in Paleozoic strata across the accretionary collision zone between the North China craton and Mongolian arcs and tectonic implications.?Geological Society of American Bulletin, B31232.1. doi: 10.1130/B31175.1
Zhang, J., Lin, S.F., Linnen, R., Ryan, M., 2014. Structural Setting of the Young-Davidson Syenite-hosted Gold Deposit in the Western Cadillac-Larder Lake Deformation Zone, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Superior Province.?Precambrian Research, 248, p. 39-59.
Eizenh?fer, P.R., Zhao, G.C.,?Zhang, J., Sun, M., 2014. Final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker Suture Zone: Constraints from geochronological and geochemical data of Permian volcanic and sedimentary rocks.?Tectonics, 33, p. 441-463.
Zhang, J., Linnen, R., Lin, S.F., Ryan, M., 2014. Paleoproterozoic Hydrothermal Reactivation in Neoarchean Orogenic Lode-gold Deposits of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt: U-Pb Monazite Geochronological Evidence from the Young-Davidson Mine, Ontario.?Precambrian Research, 249, p. 263-272.
Google 学术链接:https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?hl=zh-TW&user=DQ9gdkEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
1. 如果你热衷与野外地质工作相关的课题,例如造山带多期次变形样式恢复、中小构造解析、显微构造及岩石矿物应变分析、韧性剪切带演化以及构造控矿等;
2. 你本身毕业于构造地质学专业,又或者毕业于岩石地球化学、地球物理学、变质岩石学及同位素年代学等专业,而又希望加强与构造地质学及大地构造学的结合与交叉。

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