(3)红山峡—青铜峡黄河阶地宇宙核素测年及新构造研究(国家自然科学基金项目) (2004)(项目负责)
(4)鄂尔多斯盆地北部新构造运动与砂岩型铀矿关系(中国核工业地质局项目) (2003-2005)(项目负责)
(1)黄玉昆, 张珂, 广东莲花山断裂带的新构造运动特征, 华南地震, 10(2), 1990: 25-34
(2)Huang Yukun, Zhang Ke, Wang Mingfeng, et al., An approach to the activites of NW-trending faults and recent tectonic stress fields in south Fujian and east Guangdong,? Seismicity in Eastern Asia,? Geological Society of Hong Kong Bulletin No.5 1994:
(3)张珂, 黄玉昆, 粤北地区夷平面的初步研究, 热带地理, 15(4), 1995: 295-305
(4)张珂, 陈国能, 邓孺孺, 广东恩开断裂带新构造活动特征, 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 35(2), 1999: 271-280
(5)张珂, 刘开瑜, 杨景春, 宁夏清水河下游晚更新世冰卷泥的发现及其环境意义, 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 36(2), 2000: 715-718.
(6)张珂, 用原地重熔说讨论热液铀矿形成的若干问题, 华东地质学院学报, 14(2):2001:98~103
(7)张珂, 马浩明, 蔡剑波, 华南沿海温泉成因探讨, 中山大学学报(自), 2002, 41(1):82-86
(8)张珂, 李志宏, 浙江新昌地区丹霞地貌的发育阶段分析, 经济地理, 2003, 23(增刊): 166-170
(9)Chen, G., Grapes, R., Zhang, K., A model for Mesozoic crustal melting and tectonic deformation in southeast China, International geology review, 45, 2003:916-957
(10)张珂, 刘开瑜, 吴加敏, 杨景春, 蔡剑波, 宁夏中卫盆地的沉积特征及其所反映的新构造运动, 沉积学报, 2004, 22(3):465-473
(11)Zhang Ke, Liu Kaiyu, Yang Jinchun, Asymmetrical Valleys Created by the Geomorphic Response of Rivers to Strike-slip Fault, Quaternary Research, 2004, 62(3) : 310-315
(12)蔡剑波, 张珂, 刘世宁, 广东坪石丹霞组红砂岩粒度分析、石英表面形态及其环境意义, 见: 中国地理学会地貌与第四纪专业委员会编, 地貌?环境?发展, 中国环境科学出版社, 2004年: 284-287
(13)彭华, 吴志才, 张珂, 刘尚仁, 丹霞山建设世界地质公园的意义及其丹霞地貌发育特征, 见: 中国地理学会地貌与第四纪专业委员会编, 地貌?环境?发展, 中国环境科学出版社, 2004年: 247-257
(14)ZHANG, Ke, ZOU, Heping, CAI, Jianbo, and LIU, Shining. Cenozoic evolution of the northern Ordos Plateau, North China, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2005, 37(7),?56
(15)张珂, 蔡剑波, 黄河黑山峡口最高阶地宇宙核素的初步年龄及所反映的新构造运动, 第四纪研究, 2006, 26(1): 85-91
(16)Zhang, Ke, Grapes, Rodney. Relationship between large rivers and granite-cored anticlines in the Lower Pearl River System, Southeast China: An example of a long-lived drainage pattern. ?Catena 66 (2006) 190 – 197
(17)张珂, 陈国能, 彭卓伦等, 陆壳重熔与下庄地区花岗岩演化, 矿物学报, 27(增刊), 2007:50-51.
(18)Zhang Ke. Planation surfaces in China: one hundred years of investigation. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 2008; 301: 171-178.
(19)邹和平, 张珂, 李刚, 鄂尔多斯早白垩世构造-热事件: 杭锦旗玄武岩的Ar-Ar年代学证据, 大地构造与成矿学, 2008, 32 (3): 360-364.
(20)Grapes, Rodney, Zhang Ke, Peng Zhuo-lun. Paralava and clinker products of coal combustion, Yellow River, Shanxi Province, China. Lithos, 113 (2009), 831–843.
(21)张珂, 陈国能, 庄文明, 彭卓伦, 侯卫生, 杨小强, 邱燕, 刘延勇, 张献河, 邱善森, 胡文烨, 唐煜昆, 马占武, 张冬仔, 珠江三角洲北部晚第四纪构造运动的新证据, 华南地震, 2009, 29(增刊): 22-26.
(22)张珂, 邹和平, 刘忠厚, 马占武, 鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗纪西界分析, 地质论评, 2009, 55(6): 761-774.
(23)邹和平, 张珂, 刘玉亮, 李刚, 鄂尔多斯北部中、新生代玄武岩地球化学特征及其地质意义, 大地构造与成矿学, 34(1), 2010: 92-104.
(24)张珂, 闫亚鹏, 赖中信, 卢映新, 下庄铀矿田构造特征及与热液铀矿化的关系, 地学前缘, 18(1), 2011: 118-125.
(25)张珂, 日本311特大地震引发的思考, 广东地方税务, 2011(3): 19-22.
(26)张珂, 河流的竞争——以汾河与晋陕黄河形成演化为例,第四纪研究,2012,32(5):859-865
(27)张珂, 多彩人生——著名地质学家、登山运动员、水彩艺术家米士教授, 见: 于洸主编, 地球奥秘的探索者, 云南出版集团公司, 云南教育出版社, 2012,5 151-159.
(28)梁浩, 张珂, 傅建利, 李庶波, 陈俊, 路凯, 青藏高原东北缘牛首山地区新构造运动及黄河演化, 地学前缘, 20(4), 2013: 182-189.
(29)傅建利, 张珂, 马占武, 王书兵, 吴艳梅, 中更新世晚期以来高阶地发育与中游黄河贯通, 地学前缘, 20(4): 2013: 166-181.
(30)郭良田, 王萍, 张珂, 盛强, 赵华, 王成敏, 珠江三角洲晚第四纪的OSL和14C年龄探讨, 中国地质, 2013, 40(6): 1842-1849
(31)Zhang, Ke, Ma Zhanwu, Grapes, Rodney and Peng, Zhuolun. Asymmetrical river valleys in response to tectonic tilting and strike-slip faulting, northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2014.39(9): 1642-1650
(32)陈俊, 张珂, 梁浩, 傅建利, 李庶波, 岗德尔山河流阶地及其所反映的河套与银川盆地的沟通, 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 53(6): 27-36
(33)李庶波,张珂,章桂芳,傅建利,梁浩,基于GIS技术研究贺兰山、罗山洪积扇特征与山脉抬升关系,山地学报,2015, 33(3):268-278(10.16089 /j.cnki.1008-2786.000034)
(34)韦成龙,张珂,余章馨,邱燕,珠江口外海域与珠江三角洲晚更新世以来的地层层序对比,沉积学报,2015, 33(4):714-723(doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.04.010)
(35)Liang, H., Zhang, K., Fu, J. L., Chen, Jun, LI, S., B., Chen, L. Y. Bedrock river incision response to basin connection along the Jinshan Gorge, Yellow River, North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 114
(36)Wang, Ya, Jiao, Jiu Jimmy, Zhang, Ke, Zhou, Yongzhang. Enrichment and mechanisms of heavy metal mobility in a coastal quaternary groundwater system of the Pear River Delta, China. Sciences of the total Environment, 545-546(2016):493-502
(37)余章馨,张珂,梁浩,李忠云,对珠江三角洲第四纪断裂运动的再认识,热带地理,2016, 36(3):334-342(张珂为通信作者)
(38)Yu Zhangxin, Zhang Ke, Li Xiaoyang, et al. Age of Old Transgression Sequence of the Pearl River Delta. Acta Geological Sinica (English Edition), 2017, 91(4): 1081-1082
(40)陈立业, 张珂, 傅建利, 梁浩, 李肖扬, 李忠云, 邙山黄土古土壤S2沉积以来的微量和稀土元素地球化学特征及其物源指示意义, 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 57(3): 14-23.
(41)李静荣, 王中正, 王亚, 邱晓林, 张珂, 李景富, 广东省河源断裂带碳酸泉水化学特征及形成机制, 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2018,57(5): 19-28.
(42)张珂, 黄屏, 肖凡. 广州市钻孔基岩地质填图的方法与应用. 山东大学学报(工学版),2019, 49(S1) :179-184.
(43)Tannock, L., Wang, Y., 李景富, 刘洁, 张珂, 徐力峰, Regenauer-Lieb, K. 广东河源断裂代价地热成因及与构造关系初探. 地质力学学报, 2019, 25(3): 400-411.
(44)张珂. 浅谈地貌筛分与复原——李四光学术思想的传承与创新. 地质力学学报, 2019,10, 25(5): 889-898.
?????? (1) 袁家义,?张珂, 郑卓, 邹和平, 开展多层次地质启蒙教学, 充分调动学生的学习热情, 见: 中山大学教务处编, 教学撷英, 广州: 中山大学出版社, 1999.
?????? (2)?张珂, “四个相结合的教学模式”—《地球科学概论》教学的探索和实践, 中山大学教务处编, 教学研究与实践, 中山大学出版社, 2002.
?????? (3)?张珂, “地球科学概论”教学的思路、定位和目标, 大学地球科学课程报告论坛论文集, 大学地球科学课程报告论坛组委会编, 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2009.
? ? ? ?(4)?张珂,贯穿科学兴趣、素养和精神的地质学本科实践环节,见:大学地球科学课程报告论坛组委会编:大学地球课堂课程报告论坛论文集,北京:高等教育出版社,2017
(1)陈国能,?张珂, 大地构造学原理简明教程, 中山大学出版社, 1994.
(2)陈国能, 曹建劲,?张珂, 原地重熔与元素地球化学场, 地质出版社, 1996.
(3)黄玉昆, 邹和平,?张珂, 新构造学, 广东省地图出版社, 1996.
(4)?张珂, 广东山地上的夷平面, 见:曾昭璇, 黄伟峰编辑, 广东自然地理, 广东人民出版社, 2001.
(5)?张珂, 新构造运动、第四纪海平面变化与岸线迁移,见:黄玉昆等主编,岭南地质与矿产,广东人民出版社,2003.
(6)彭华主编, 黄进, 刘尚仁,?张珂副主编, 中国红石公园—丹霞山,: 地质出版社: 2004.(7)
(7)张珂, 郑卓, 地球科学概论, 现代教育出版社, 2009.
(8)张珂, 丹霞山世界自然遗产, 见: 杜海燕, 郑卓主编, 广东地质新论, 地质出版社,?2012: 690-699?
? (9)? 邹和平, 张珂, 新构造和活动构造研究新进展, 见: 杜海燕, 郑卓主编, 广东地质新论, 地质出版社,? 2012: 36-37
? (10)? 张珂, 地貌学的基本原理及其应用, 地质出版社, 2018, 8?(索书请e-mail联系)
(4)国际地貌学家联合会(International Association of Geomorphologists,IAG)丹霞地貌工作组(Danxia Geomorphology Working Group)初始成员(Initial Organising Group)
e-mail: eeszke@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Name:?Ke (Kerry) Zhang
Current Position:Professor, School?of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou,China.
Home Address:45-2-1402, Yuanxi District, South Campus of Sun Yat-sen University,135#,West Xingang Rd. Guangzhou, 510275(zip code), People’s Republic of China
E-mail:?eeszke@mail.sysu.edu.cn????? Or?????**@189.cn?
Telephone:?86- (H), 86-** (cell phone)
Qualifications:?MS (Sun Yat-sen University, China), PhD (Peking University, China)
Research Interests:?Tectonic Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, structural geology, Cosmogenic??? nuclide dating, OSL dating, uranium ore deposit.
Main Scientific Achievements:Discovery of superimposed structures of Mesozoic and Cenozoic along the West Ordos, northern China. Relationship between Neotectonic movement and formation of???? the Yellow River around the Ordos Plateau,northern China. Discovery of asymmetrical valley created by active strike-slip fault. Dating Yellow River terraces by cosmogenic nuclide bury model at northeast?margin of the Tibetan Plateau. World correlation of Danxia Landform. Relationship between?tectonic?movement and formation of sandstone uranium deposit. Structural control to hydrothermal?uranium?deposit in northern Guangdong Province. Geomorphic evidences of granite remelting in-situ in southern China.
Director:?Geophysics Society of Guangdong
Vice director:? ? Zhongda-GuangHe Institute of Granite Studies and Uranium Resources, Guangdong,?China.
Initial organising member:?Danxia Geomorphology Working Group, International Association of?Geomorphologists (IAG)
Editorial board:Uranium Deposit Geology (journal)
Board member:?Diffendal Foundation, Department of Earth Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
????? 1997. Teaching Achievement awarded by Guangdong Province (the second prize and the second?recipient).
????? 2000. Science and Technology Progress Prize for the theory of Remelting in situ of Granite?Formation and Elemental Geochemical Field awarded by Provincial Higher Education Bureau (the?second prize and the third recipient) .
????? 2007. Uranium Ore Deposit Geology Achievement awarded by Chinese Nuclear Industry Bureau (the first collective prize).
????? 2008. Science and Technology Prize for Sustainable Utilization for Danxia Landscape Recourse?of?the Danxia Mountain awarded by Guangdong Province (the second Prize and the six recipient).
????? 2010. Individual who has rendered outstanding service for China Danxia inscribed upon World?Natural Heritage awarded by Shaoguan Government.
????? The Concept of Geosciences.
????? Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology.
??????Field practice for general Geosciences.
????? Neotectonics.
????? Basic theories of Geomorphology.
????? 1.?The Geomorphologic reposes to the Cenozoic crustal evolution along the coast of Southeast?China (1998-2002) (Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China) (Principal investigator).
????? 2.?Research on active faults in northern Zhejiang Province (2001-2003) (Project of Shanghai Seismic Bureau) (Principal investigator).
????? 3.?Research on neotectonic movement from the Hongshanxia to the Qingtongxia Gorges of the?Yellow River based on terrace dating using cosmogenic radionuclides (2004) (Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China)(Principal investigator).
????? 4.?Research on relationship between neotectonic movement and sandstone uranium deposit (2003-2005) (Project of China Nuclear Industry Geological Bureau) (Principal investigator).
????? 5.?Research on relationship between Mesozoic to Cenozoic tectonic movement and sandstone?uranium deposit (2005-2007) (Project of China Nuclear Industry Geological Bureau) (Principal investigator).
????? 6.?Tectonic effect on ancient environmental changes in north Ordos since Late Cenozoic (2007-2009) (Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China) (Principal investigator).
????? 7.?Research on the late Cenozoic fault basins in eastern Ordos and their controlling to development of landforms (2010-2012) (Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China) (Principal?investigator).
????? 8.?Research on the Qiongzhou Strait stratigraphy by bole holes for crossing strait project (2010-2012) (Project of the Institute of Crustal Dynamics, National Seismic Bureau of China) (Principal?investigator).
????? 9.?Research on major fault activities and regional stability of Guangzhou (2006-2009) (Project of?Guangdong Geological Survey) (main investigation).
????? 10.?Typical tectonic landform survey and correlation between west and east Ordos (2011-2015)?(Project of National Geological Survey) (Principal investigator).
????? 11.?Active tectonic mapping along the northern and eastern margins of Ordos (2011-2015) (Project of National Geological Survey) (Principal investigator).
????? 12.?Deposit stratigraphic correlation between lower transgression and low terraces in the Pearl River Delta (2011-2013) (Project of Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong) (2011-2013)?(Principal investigator).
????? 13.?Program of Web-Delivery for Elaborate Course of Concept of Geosciences of Sun Yat-sen?University (2009) (Principal investigator).
????? 14.?Program of Web-Delivery for Liberal Course of Concept of Geosciences of Sun Yat-sen?University(2009)(Principal investigator).
? ? ? 15.?Research on temporal and spatial differences of the terraces within and outside the Jinshan Gorge and their implications for the formation and evolution of the Jinshan Yellow River(2016-2019) (Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China) (Principal investigator).
????? 1.?Chen Guoneng,?Zhang Ke.?Brief introduction to tectonic principles. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen?University Press, 1994(in Chinese).
????? 2.?Huang Yukun, Zou Heping,?Zhang Ke.?Neotectonics. Guangzhou: Guangdong Map Publishing?House, 1996(in Chinese).
????? 3.?Chen Guoneng, Cao Jianjing,?Zhang Ke.?Remelting in situ of granite formation and elemental?geochemical field. Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 1996.
????? 4.?Zhang Ke.?Planation surfaces in mountain area of Guangdong. In: Guangdong Physical?Geography, Zeng Zhaoxuan and Huang Weifeng (eds). Guangzhou: Guangdong People’s Publishing?House, 2001(in Chinese).
????? 5.?Zhang Ke. Neotectonic movement, sea level changes, and shoreline migration. In: Geology and?Mineral Resources in Lingnan Area, Huang Yukun(ed). Guangzhou: Guangdong People’s Publishing?House, 2003(in Chinese).
????? 6.?Peng Hua, Huang Jin, Liu Shangren,?Zhang Ke.?Red stone park in China—Danxia Mountain.?Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 2004(in Chinese and English).
????? 7.?Zhang Ke,?Zheng Zhuo. The Concept of geosciences. Beijing: Modern Education Publishing?House, 2011(in Chinese).
? ? ? 8.Zhang Ke, Fundamentals and Applications of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 2018 (in Chinese)?
????? 1.?Chen, G., Grapes, R.,?Zhang, K., A model for Mesozoic crustal melting and tectonic deformation?in southeast China, International Geology Review, 2003, 45: 916-953.
????? 2.?Zhang Ke, Liu Kaiyu, Yang Jinchun, Asymmetrical Valleys Created by the Geomorphic Response of Rivers to Strike-slip Fault, Quaternary Research, 2004, 62(3) : 310-315.
????? 3.?Zhang, Ke, Zou, Heping, Cai Jianbo, and Liu, Shining. Cenozoic evolution of the northern Ordos Plateau, North China, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2005, 37(7).
????? 4.?Zhang, Ke, Grapes, R. Relationship between large rivers and granite-cored anticlines in the Lower Pearl River System, Southeast China: An example of a long-lived drainage pattern. Catena, 2006, 66: 190-197..
????? 5.?Zhang Ke. Planation surfaces in China: one hundred years of investigation. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 2008, 301: 171-178.
????? 6.?Zhang Ke, Ma Zhanwu, Tangyukun, Liu Shining. Effects of Quaternary faulting on major fluvial?systems, northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau, China. 33IGC Abstract. 2008.8
????? 7.?Grapes, R.,?Zhang Ke, Zhuo-lun Peng. Paralava and clinker products of coal combustion, Yellow River, Shanxi Province, China. Lithos, 113 (2009), 831–843.
????? 8.?Zhang Ke, Ma Zhanwu, Yu Zhangxin. The Red Beds and Their Landforms around the World.?Collected papers of the Second International symposium on Danxia Landform. 2012
? ? ? 9. Zhang, Ke, Ma Zhanwu, Grapes, Rodney and Peng, Zhuolun. Asymmetrical river valleys in response to tectonic tilting and strike-slip faulting, northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2014.39(9): 1642-1650
? ? ?10.Liang, H., Zhang, K., Fu, J. L., Chen, Jun, LI, S., B., Chen, L. Y. Bedrock river incision response to basin connection along the Jinshan Gorge, Yellow River, North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 114:203-211
? ? ? 11.Yu Zhangxin, Zhang Ke, Li Xiaoyang, et al. Age of Old Transgression Sequence of the Pearl River Delta. Acta Geological Sinica (English Edition), 2017, 91(4): 1081-1082
? ? ?12.?Wang, Ya, Jiao, Jiu Jimmy, Zhang, Ke, Zhou, Yongzhang. Enrichment and mechanisms of heavy metal mobility in a coastal quaternary groundwater system of the Pear River Delta, China. Sciences of the total Environment, 545-546(2016):493-502
Chinese Articles with English abstract
????? 1.?Huang Yukun,?Zhang Ke. Characteristics of neotectonic movements in the Lianhushan Fault?Zone, Guangdong. South China Seismological Journal, 1990, 10(2):25-35.
????? 2.?Zhang Ke, Huang Yukun, Wang Juncheng. Characteristics of ancient peneplains and its?repression in neotectonic movement along the coast of the South China Sea. Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Late Cenozoic Geology along the Coast of the South China Sea), 1992(1):11-18.?
????? 3.?Huang Yukun,?Zhang Ke, Wang Mingfeng. An approach to activities of NW Faults and recent?tectonic stress field on South Fujian in East Guangdong. Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Late Cenozoic Geology along the Coast of the South China Sea), 1992(1): 19-39.
????? 4.?Zhang Ke, Chen Guoneng. Some problems about development and evolution of the Pearl River Mouth Basin Nan Hai Petroleum, 1993:13-17.
????? 5.?Zhang Ke. Several problems on planation surface research. Tropical Geomorphology, 1994, 15(1):45-52.
????? 6.?Chen Guoneng,?Zhang Ke, He Xikun, et al. Paleo-geographic evolution of the Pearl River Delta?since the late Pleistocene. Quaternary Sciences. 1994(1):67-74.
????? 7.?Zhang Ke, Huang Yukun. Researches on the planation surfaces in North Guangdong. Tropical?Geography, 1995, 15(4): 295-305.
????? 8.?Chen Guoneng,?Zhang Ke, Chen Fanshen, et al. A study on the neotectonics of the faults in the Pearl River Delta area. South China Journal of Seismology, 1995, 15(3): 16-21.
????? 9.?Zhang Ke. The Characteristics and origins of the landforms along the coastal area of southeast?China. Tropical Geomorphology, 1998, 19(1): 97-106.
????? 10.?Zhang Ke. On the Equilibrium and Evolution of Landforms. Tropical Geography, 1999, 19(2): 97-106.
????? 11.?Zhang Ke, Chen Guoneng, Deng Ruru. The researches on the neotectonic movements of Enkai Fault Zone of Guangdong Province. Universitatis Pekinesis (Acta Scientiarum Naturalium), 1999, 35(2):271-280.
????? 12.?Zhang Ke, Liu Kaiyu, Yang Jingchun. The discovery and its significance of Late Quaternary involution on the area of lower reach of Qingshuihe River, Ningxia, China. Universitatis Pekinesis (Acta?? Scientiarum Naturalium), 2000, 36(5):715-718.
????? 13.?Zhang Ke. Discussion on some problems concerned the origin of Hydrothermal uranium deposit from the point of remelting in situ view. Journal of East China Geological Institute. 2001, 24(2):98-103.
????? 14.?Chen Guoneng,?Zhang Ke, Shao Rongsong, et al. The in-situ melting model of granite origin?and its geological evidence. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 2001, 40(3): 95-99.
????? 15.?Zhang Ke, Ma Haoming, Cai Jinbo. Discussion on the origins of hot spring along the coast of?South China. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 2002, 41(1): 82-86.
????? 16.?Zhang Ke, Li Zhihong. The division of stages to the evolution of Danxia Landform in Xingchang area, Zhejiang Province. Economic Geography, 2003, 23(s): 171-174.
????? 17.?Zhang Ke, Liu Kaiyu, Wu Jiamin, et al. Depositional features of the Zhongwei Basin, Ningxia, and its expressions to neotectonic movements. Acta Seimentologica Sinica. 2004, 22(3):465-473.
????? 18.?Zhang Ke, Cai Jianbo. Preliminary result of the dating by TN technique of the highest terrace of the Heishanxia Gorge Mouth, northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau and tis expression of neotectonic movement in that area. Quaternary Sciences, 2006, 26(1): 85-91.
????? 19.?Zou Heping,?Zhang Ke, Li Gang. Cretaceous tectono-thermal event in the Ordos Block: an Ar-Ar chronological evidence from basalt at Hangjin Banner, Inner Mongolia,North China Craton.Geotectonica et Metallogenia, 2008, 32(3): 360-364.
????? 20.?Zou Heping,?Zhang Ke, Liu Yuliang, et al. Geotectonica et Metallogenia, 2010, 34(1):92-104.
????? 21.?Zhang Ke, Zou Heping, Liu Zhonghou, et al. On the Jurassic West Boundary of the Ordos Basin. Geological Review, 2009, 55(6): 761-774.
????? 22.?Zhang Ke, Chen Guoneng, Zhuang Wenming, et al. South China Journal of Seismology, 2009, 29(S):22-26.
????? 23.?Zhang Ke, Yan Yapeng, Lai Zhongxin, et al. Tectonic characteristic of the Xiazhuang Uranium Orefield and its relation to hydrothermal mineralization. Earth Science Frontiers, 2011, 18(1): 118-125.?
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
相关话题/珠海校区 中山大学
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