

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


生物海洋学与生态学研究团队 副教授


单位:生物海洋学与生态研究所 行政职务:
学科专业:海洋生物学 专业技术资格/导师:副教授/博士生导师
办公电话: ?

? ? ? 谢伟,“****”副教授,研究兴趣是海洋古菌的环境响应与记录、以及其驱动的生物地球化学元素循环过程的研究(古菌是生命三域之一,在现在海洋生态系统中发挥着重要作用,其膜脂具有记录古环境信息的意义。古菌是“链接古今”的关键物种,是“将今论古”的重要抓手)。到目前为止,已取得一系列交叉特色鲜明的科研成果,如:揭示了新型异养古菌MGII在珠江口的持续勃发现象及机制、阐明了海洋古菌群落结构演变对膜脂指标应用的影响、提出了反演pH变化的新的古菌膜脂指标等等。目前已发表科研论文20篇。担任Frontier in Microbiology (IF 4.1)审稿专家。
? ? ? ?Xie Wei, associate Professor,??School of Marine Sciences, SYSU. I got my Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry in the School of Life Science, Huazhong Science and Technology University in September, 2010. Starting on January 2011, I worked as a postdoc researcher at the School of Marine and Earth Science, Tongji University and at the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia from March 2013 to July 2014. Since April 2015, I began to work as an associate research scientist at Tongji University. I keep research focus on the biogeochemical processes and environmental records of Archaea (Archaea is one of the three domains on life tree and plays an important role in marine ecosystem. As archaeal lipids could be kept in geological bodies up to 2.7 billion years, it is an important specie to link ancient and modern). So far I have a total of 20? publications.?And I am a review editor for Frontier in Microbiology.
二、代表性论文 (Representative?Publications)
(1) Li F., Xie W. (co-first author), Yuan Q.,Luo H., Li P., Chen T., Zhao X., Wang Z., Ma H.(2018). Genome-scale metabolic model analysis indicates low energy productionefficiency in marineammonia-oxidizing archaea. AMB Express 8(1): 106.
(2) Wei Xie (corresponding author), Haiwei Luo, Senthil K. Murugapiran, Jeremy A. ?Dodsworth,?Peng Wang, Huaying Fang, Minghua Deng, Chuanlun L. Zhang,?(corresponding author)?(2018). ?Localized high abundance of Marine group IIarchaea in thePearl River Estuary, China: implication for microbial interactionand nicheadaptation. Environmental Microbiology, 20(2): 734~754.
(3) Wei Xie,Chuanlun Zhang, Jinxiang Wang, Yufei Chen, Yuanqing Zhu, Jose de laTorre,Hailiang Dong, Hilairy E. Hartnett, Brian Hedlund and Martin G. Klotz(2014).Distribution of ether lipids and composition of the archaeal community in terrestrial geothermal springs: impact of environmentalvariables.Environmental Microbiology, 17: 1600–1614.
(4) Wei Xie,Chuanlun Zhang, Xuedan Zhou, Peng Wang (2014). Effect of salinity onchangingof ? archaeal communities insediments from the Pearl River to Estuary:Implications for archaeal ecologicalfunctions in different habitats. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 98:7971-7982.
(5) Wei Xie,Fengping Wang, Lei Guo, ZelingChen, Stefan M. Sievert, Jun Meng, GuangruiHuang, Yuxin Li, Qingyu Yan, ShanWu, Xin Wang, Shangwu Chen, Guangyuan He,Xiang Xiao and Anlong Xu (2011).Comparative metagenomics of microbialcommunities inhabiting hydrothermalchimneys with contrasting geochemicalconditions, Juan de Fuca Ridge and LostCity. The ISME Journal 5, 414–426.
三、招聘信息 (Join us)有意申报博士后岗位的可电邮联系,欢迎对海洋微生物研究感兴趣的同学报考研究生!
We have positions for graduated students or Postdocs related to Marine Microbiology, Marine Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Welcome to join us.
Contact?:??Xie Wei, E-mail:xiewei9@mail.sysu.edu.cn

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