本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
海洋微型生物生态与物质循环研究团队 教授
个人详细介绍? ? ? 龚骏,1977年生。中山大学“****”教授,博士生导师。主要从事海洋微生物生态与物质循环、微型生物多样性研究。近年来,着重利用一系列现代分子生态学技术( 高通量测序、荧光原位杂交、群落指纹图谱、定量PCR、基因文库与系统进化分析、组学分析等)、流式细胞检测、单细胞分析及生物地化过程的稳定同位素示踪技术等,研究人类活动及全球变化背景下河口、盐沼、近海环境中原核与真核微生物(原生生物、单细胞真菌)多样性与群落结构、物质循环功能类群的变化规律;试图揭示近海微生物与其驱动的碳、氮、硫元素生物地球化学过程间的耦合机制及与生态系统功能变化之间的关系、海洋微食物环中原生生物与细菌之间的相互作用(捕食与共生)等。迄今在Environ. Microbiol., J. Geophys. Res., Appl. Environ. Microbiol., Protist, Front. Microbiol., Syst. Appl. Microbiol.,?Estuar. Coast.? 等国内外学术刊物上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录90篇;参加专著2部;译著《生物海洋学(第二版)》(2019)。
???? Prof. Dr. Jun GONG
?????Prof. Gong's?research interests mainly include:
???? (1) diversity, ecology and biogeography of marine microbial eukaryotes (protists and fungi);
???? (2) protist-bacterial associations and underlying mechanisms; and
???? (3) linking microbial ecology with biogeochemical (in particular, nitrogen) cycling functions in coastal and marine environments.
? ? ? ?
Professorships, senior/junior research fellowships, and postdoc positions are available. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Gong via ?jgong@126.com.
一、学习与工作经历 ?(Education and work experience)
? ? 2017年- 今,中山大学海洋科学学院,****急需青年杰出人才(I类),教授。
??? (2017 - present, head of?Marine Microbial Ecology and Matter Cycles research team, full professor, School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University?(Zhuhai Campus))
??? (2009 - 2017, senior researcher/full professor, group leader of coastal microbial ecology, One Hundred Talent Professorship, Yantai?Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)?
? ? ?2007-2010年,英国自然历史博物馆微生物组等处,欧盟居里夫人特聘研究员。
??? (2007 - 2010, Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow, Microbiology group, Department of Zoology, the Natural History Museum,?London, UK)?
? ? ?2006-2007年,韩国仁荷大学海洋系,访问****。
????(2006 - 2007, visiting scholar, Department of Oceanography, Inha University, South Korea)
? ? ?2002-2005年,中国海洋大学,水生生物学,博士。
??? (2002 - 2005, Ph.D. in Hydrobiology, Ocean University of China)
? ? 1995-2002年,青岛海洋大学(现中国海洋大学),海水养殖,本科、硕士。
??? (1995 -2002, B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mariculture, Ocean University of China)
二、主要奖励与荣誉? (Awards and honors)
? ? ?国家自然基金委“优秀青年基金”项目获得者(Fund for Excellent Young Scientists, NSFC, 2015)
? ? ?山东省自然科学“****基金”项目获得者(Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars?in Shandong Province,?2012)
? ? ?中国科学院“****”入选者(One-hundred Talent Program of CAS, 2010)
? ? ?教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第3) (Natural Science Award, First Prize, Ministry of Education of China, 2009)
? ? ?全国百篇优秀博士论文奖 (National 100 Excellent Doctoral Dissertations Award, Ministry of Education of China, 2007)
? ? ?欧盟居里玛丽请进来国际特别研究员奖(Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship,EU, 2006)
?????第55届德国林岛诺贝尔获奖者大会参会资助(Traveling to the 55th Meeting of Nobel Prize Winners in Lindau, by Sino-Germany Center, Lindau Nobel Prize Winners Foundation, and DFG, 2005)
三、学术任职 (Academic Appointments)
?????《Journal of Marine Science and Engineering》(SCI),编委(2020- present, member of editorial board)
???? 《Marine Life Science and Technology》,编委(2019- present, member of editorial board)
???? 《Journal of Microbiology》(SCI),编委(2017 - present, member of editorial board)
?????《Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology》(SCI),编委(2015 - present, member of editorial board)
? ? ?《应用生态学报》,编委(2016 - 2020, member of editorial board of?Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology)
? ? ? 中国环境科学学会海洋生态安全专业委员会,常务委员 (2019- present, committee member, Marine Ecological Security Committee, Chinese Society For Environmental Sciences)
????? 中国海洋与湖沼学会底栖生物学分会,理事(2016 - present, board member, Benthology Committee, Chinese Oceanology and Limnology Association)
? ? ? 中国生态学会微生物生态专业委员会,委员(2013 - present, board member, Microbial Ecology Committee, Chinese Ecology Association)
? ? ? 中国动物学会原生动物学分会,理事(2011 - present, board member, Chinese Society of Protozoology)
四、代表性论著 (* 通讯作者)(Selected publications; * denotes corresponding authors)
龚骏(2019译)《生物海洋学》(第二版)(美) 查尔斯·米勒, (美) 帕丽夏·惠勒 著,中山大学出版社,108.5万字,725页,ISBN:978-7-306-06600-8.? 查看前言与目录
Lin X., Zheng?P., Zou S., Sun?F., Zhang X.*, Gong J.* (2021) Seagrass (Zostera marina) promotes nitrification potential and selects specific ammonia oxidizers in?coastal sediments. J. Soil. Sediment. DOI:10.1007/s11368-021-02951-w
Lin X., Lu K., Hardison A.K., Liu Z., Xu X., Gao D., Gong J.*, Gardner W.S. (2021) Membrane inlet mass spectrometry method (REOX/MIMS) to measure 15N-nitrate in isotope-enrichment experiments. Ecol. Indic. 126:107639.
Wang Y., Li G., Shi F., Dong J., Gentekaki E., Zou S., Zhu P., Zhang X., Gong J.* (2020) Taxonomic diversity of pico-/nanoeukaryotes is related to dissolved oxygen and productivity, but functional composition is shaped by limiting nutrients in eutrophic coastal oceans. Front. Microbiol. 11: 601037. Full-text
Gong F., Li G., Wang Y., Liu Q., Huang F., Yin K. *, Gong J.* (2020) Spatial shifts in size structure, phylogenetic diversity, community composition and abundance of small eukaryotic plankton in a coastal upwelling area of the northern South China Sea. J. Plankton Res.?42:650-667. Full-text?
Zou S., Zhang Q., Zhang X., Dupuy C., Gong J.* (2020) Environmental factors and pollution stresses select bacterial populations in association with protists. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 659. Full-text
Zou S., Zhang Q.*, Gong J.* (2020) Comparative transcriptomics reveals distinct gene expressions of a model ciliated protozoan feeding on bacteria-free medium, digestible, and digestion-resistant bacteria. Microorganisms 8(4): 559.? Full-text
Zhang X., Zhang Q., Yang A., Hou L., Zheng Y., Zhai W., Gong J.* (2018) Incorporation of microbial functional traits in biogeochemistry models provides better estimations of benthic denitrification and anammox rates in coastal oceans. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci. 123(10):3331-3352?Full-text?
Zhu P., Wang Y., Shi T., Huang G., Gong J.* (2018) Genetic diversity of benthic microbial eukaryotes in response to spatial heterogeneity of sediment geochemistry in a mangrove ecosystem. Estuar. Coast. 42: 751–764 ?Full-text?
Zhu P., Wang Y., Shi T., Zhang X.*, Huang G, Gong J.* (2018) Intertidal zonation modulates bacterial diversity and functional potentials in surface sediments: a case study of the Golden Bay mangrove, China. Appl. Soil Ecol. 130:159–168.? Full-text
Wang Y., Shi T., Huang G., Gong J.* (2018) Molecular detection of eukaryotic diets and gut mycobiomes in two marine sediment-dwelling worms, Sipunculus nudus and Urechis unicinctus. Microbes Environ. 33(3):290-300? Full-text
Wang Y., Guo X., Zheng P., Zou S., Li G., Gong J.* (2017) Distinct seasonality of cytrid-dominated benthic fungal communities in neritic oceans (Bohai Sea and North Yellow Sea). Fung. Ecol. 30: 55-66. Full-text
Fu R., Gong J.* (2017) Single cell analysis linking ribosomal (r)DNA and rRNA copy numbers to cell size and growth rate provides insights into molecular protistan ecology. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 64: 885–896. Full-text
Gong J.*, Qing Y., Zou S., Fu R., Su L., Zhang X., Zhang Q. (2016) Protist-bacteria associations: Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria are prevalent as digestion-resistant bacteria in ciliated protozoa. Front. Microbiol. 7: 498. ?Full-text
Sun F., Zhang X., Zhang Q., Liu F., Zhang J.*, Gong J.* (2015) Seagrass (Zostera marina) colonization promotes the accumulation of diazotrophic bacteria and alters the relative abundances of specific bacterial lineages involved in benthic carbon and sulfur cycling. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81: 6901–6914. Full-text
Gong J.*, Shi F., Ma B., Dong J., Pachiadaki M., Zhang X., Edgcomb V.P. (2015) Depth shapes α- and β-diversities of microbial eukaryotes in surficial sediments of coastal ecosystems. Environ. Microbiol. 17: 3722–3737. Full-text
Zhang X., Song Y., Liu D., Keesing J.K., Gong J.* (2015) Macroalgal blooms favor heterotrophic diazotrophic bacteria in nitrogen-rich and phosphorus-limited coastal surface waters in the Yellow Sea. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 163:75-81. Full-text
Guo X., Zhang Q., Zhang X., Zhang J., Gong J.* (2015) Marine fungal communities in water and surface sediment of a sea cucumber farming system: Habitat-differentiated distribution and nutrients driving succession. Fung. Ecol. 14: 87-98. ?Full-text
Gong J.*, Qing Y., Guo X., Warren A. (2014) "Candidatus Sonnebornia yantaiensis", a member of the candidate division OD1, as intracellular bacteria of the ciliated protist Paramecium bursaria (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea). Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 37:35-41. ? Full-text
Guo X., Gong J.* (2014) Differential effects of abiotic factors and host plant traits on diversity and community composition of root-colonizing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a salt-stressed ecosystem. Mycorrhiza 24:79-94 ? Full-text
Song Y., Zhang X., Ma B., Chang S.X., Gong J.* (2014) Biochar addition affected the dynamics of ammonia oxidizers and nitrification in microcosms of a coastal alkaline soil. Biol. Fertil. Soils 50: 321-332 ? ?Full-text
Gong J.*, Dong J., Liu X., Massana R. (2013) Extremely high copy numbers and polymorphisms of the rDNA operon estimated from single cell analysis of oligotrich and peritrich ciliates. Protist 164: 369-379. ???Highly Cited Research in Protist??, ?Full-text ?
论文列表及引用情况参见: ??ResearchGate?? ? ?Google Scholar ? ? ResearcherID ? ? ? ??ORCID??
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