本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
本科, 计算机科学实验班 (姚班), 清华大学 (2008)
博士, 理论计算机科学方向, 清华大学 (2016)
- Computational Geometry 计算几何
- Game Theory 博弈论
- Algorithm Design 算法设计
- Combinatorics 组合学
- Discrete and Convex Geometry 离散和凸几何
1. I am looking for more applications of my technique for solving the polygon inclusion problems.
2. I am working with Prof Siu-Wing Cheng (HKUST) on self-improving algorithms.
3. I am revising some previous results given in conference papers (e.g. AAMAS’19, ISAAC’16).
4. I am attracted by some open problems in game theory and will study them recently. I am particularly interested in cooperation and competition between multiple players.
5. I am trying to extend the results given in my PhD. dissertation to the 3d case.
6. I am working on several geometric optimization problems.
On 1-factorizations of Bipartite Kneser Graphs
Theoretical Computer Science(2020 June)
Extensions of Self-Improving Sorters
Coauthors: Siu-Wing Cheng, Lie Yan
Near-Linear Time Approximation Schemes for Geometric Maximum Coverage
Theoretical Computer Science(Volume 725, 16 May 2018)
Coauthors: J. Li, H. Wang, B. Zhang, N. Zhang
Ascending Sequences with Neighboring Elements add up to Perfect Square Numbers
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics(NNTDM, Volume 23, 2017)
A Generalization of Self-Improving Algorithms
36th Symposium on Computational Geometry(SoCG’2020)
Coauthors: S.-W. Cheng, M.-K. Chiu, M.T. Wong
Cooperation via Codes in Restricted Hat Guessing Games
18th Conference in Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems(AAMAS’19)
Coauthors: Zhaoquan Gu, Ce Jin
On 1-factorizations of Bipartite Kneser Graphs
25th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference(COCOON’19)
Optimal Partitioning Which Maximizes the Weighted Sum of Products
11th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop(FAW’17)
Fluctuated Fitting under the $\ell_1$-metric
11th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop(FAW’17)
On the Power of Dominated Players in Team Competitions
15th Conference in Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems(AAMAS’16)
Coauthors: Pingzhong Tang, Shiteng Chen
Computing the Pattern Waiting Time: A Revisit of the Intuitive Approach
27th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation(ISAAC’16)
Finding the Maximum Area Parallelogram in a Convex Polygon
23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry(CCCG’11)
Coauthor: Kevin Matulef
A Geometric Structure Associated with the Convex Polygon
Comment: A small world is created here. It is my representative work!
A Technique for Solving the Polygon Inclusion Problems
Comment: A general technique for solving many polygon inclusion problems
Finding all Maximal Area Parallelograms in a Convex Polygon
Comment: This paper is the full version of my CCCG11 paper.
Among others, it presents an O(n^2) time algorithm for finding Maximal Area Parallelogram.
2002 Gold medal in China National Olympiad in Informatics
2003 Gold medal in China National Olympiad in Informatics
2005 Champion of ACM/ICPC regional contest, Chengdu (as the team leader)
2006 19-th place of ACM/ICPC word finals (as the team leader)
“Journal of Computational Geometry”,
“Information Process Letter”,
“Discrete Applied Mathematics”,
“European Symposium of Algorithms”,
“International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation”,
“International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics”,
“International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science”.
I design creative problems for many Olympic competition of Information, e.g.,
Ingenious Latin, Fragments, Dead4gon(ACM-HK-regional 2018)
Cipher(CTSC 2017)
Daydayup(CTSC 2016)
Transitivity(CCPC 2016)
Parallelogram(CCPC 2016)
Dice(SCOI 2009)
Polya’s Pocket(NOI2006)
Shooting Game(CTSC2006)
Comb and etc.(HNTSC 2005)
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一、教师简介(含主要经历)由林麟,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中山大学“****”引进人才。曾就职于美国麻省理工学院,智能交通实验室、麻省理工学院新加坡科研院,未来城市交通交叉课题研究组和新加坡科技设计大学,新科大-麻省理工国际合作中心。2012/10–2015/12,意大利帕维亚大学,电气、计算机与 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-15中山大学深圳校区智能工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-沈颖
一、个人基本信息沈颖,副教授,硕士生导师,中山大学“****”引进人才。主要从事自然语言处理,智慧医疗,机器学习,人工智能等研究。电子邮件:sheny76@mail.sysu.edu.cn二、个人基本简历2015年获法国巴黎第十大学自然语言处理博士。2014年访德国期间任德国科隆大学医学院访问*** ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-15中山大学深圳校区智能工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马倩
一、教师简介(含主要经历)马倩,中山大学“****”副教授,硕士生导师。2019/10-至今,中山大学,智能工程学院,副教授。2018/06-2019/10,美国东北大学,电子与计算机工程系,博士后。2017/04-2018/05,香港中文大学,信息工程系,博士后。2015/09-2016/02,美 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-15中山大学深圳校区智能工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨一鸣
一、教师简介(含主要经历)杨一鸣,副教授,硕士生导师,中山大学“****”人才引进,主要从事机器人运动规划,轨迹优化,人机协作和智能制造等方面的研究。2008-2012,南京工业大学电子信息工程专业,学士;2012-2013,英国爱丁堡大学信息学院人工智能专业,硕士;2013-2017,英国爱丁堡大 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-15中山大学深圳校区智能工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李雪芳
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一、教师简介王军波,****引进副教授,博士生导师王军波于2011年获得日本会津大学计算机理工学博士学位。博士期间于2010年荣获日本NECC&C财团外国人特别研究员称号。2012~2019作为日本会津大学副教授主持了多项日本国家级科研项目。尤其,作为日方项目负责人主持了日美(JST-NSF)国际战 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-15