中山大学“****”引进人才,副教授。2013年获香港大学李嘉诚医学院生物信息学博士学位。之后曾任香港大学李嘉诚医学院博士后及香港中文大学生命科学学院研究助理教授。从事生物信息学分析方法的研究及其在医药学中的应用。曾开发多个针对基因调控机制研究的分析工具与方法,并应用于探索干细胞分化、颅骨发育、免疫应答等过程与癌症、心脏病、肾病等疾病中基因调控机制的问题。这些方法与研究成果已发表于Nucleic Acids Research, Nature Communications, eLife, Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics, Journal of Machine Learning Research等国际一流杂志。
个人经历2002年-2006年 ???浙江大学竺可桢学院 生物科学,获学士学位
2006年-2009年 ???香港中文大学生物系 生物专业,获硕士学位
2010年-2013年 ???香港大学李嘉诚医学院 生物信息,获博士学位
2013年-2015年 ???香港大学李嘉诚医学院,博士后
2015年-2018年 ???香港中文大学生命科学学院,研究助理教授
2018年至今??????????????? 中山大学,药学院(深圳),副教授,硕导
【02】2017 AstraZeneca Oncology Research Program,角色:主持,状态:进行中
1.????? Leung, R.W.T., Jiang, X., Chu, K.H., Qin, J.* (2019) ENPD - a database of eukaryotic nucleic acid binding proteins: linking gene regulations to proteins. Nucleic Acids Research 47, D322-D329. [*corresponding author]
2.????? Ma, K.Y., Qin, J., Lin, C.-W., Chan, T.-Y., Ng, P.K.L., Chu, K.H. and Tsang, L.M. (2019) Phylogenomic analyses of brachyuran crabs support early divergence of primary freshwater crabs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, accepted.
3.????? Qin, J.*, Hu, Y., Ma, K.Y., Jiang, X., Ho, C.H., Tsang, L.M., Yi, L., Leung, R.W.T. and Chu, K.H.* (2017) CrusTF: a comprehensive resource of transcriptomes for evolutionary and functional studies of crustacean transcription factors. BMC Genomics 18, 908. [*co-corresponding authors]
4.????? Hu, Y., Li, C., Meng, K., Qin, J., and Yang, X. (2017). Group sparse optimization via ?p,q regularization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18, 1-53. (Authors in alphabetical order)
5.????? Yan, B., Guan, D., Wang, C., Wang, J., He, B., Qin, J., Boheler, K.R., Lu, A., Zhang, G., and Zhu, H. (2017). An integrative method to decode regulatory logics in gene transcription. Nature Communications 8, 1044.
6.????? Xiao, Z.J., Liu, J., Wang, S.Q., Zhu, Y., Gao, X.Y., Tin, V.P., Qin, J., Wang, J.W., and Wong, M.P. (2017). NFATc2 enhances tumor-initiating phenotypes through the NFATc2/SOX2/ALDH axis in lung adenocarcinoma. eLife 6, e26733.
7.????? Tang, J., Shen, Y., Chen, G., Wan, Q., Wang, K., Zhang, J., Qin, J., Liu, G., Zuo, S., Tao, B., Yu, Y., Wang, J., Lazarus, M., and Yu. Y. (2017). Activation of E-prostanoid 3 receptor in macrophages facilitates cardiac healing after myocardial infarction. Nature Communications 8, 14656.
8.????? Qu, L., Lu, Y., Ying, M., Li, B., Weng, C., Xie, Z., Liang, L., Lin, C., Yang, X., Feng, S., Wang, Y., Shen, X., Zhou, Q., Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Wu, J., Lin, W., Shen, Y., Qin, J., Xu, H., Xu, F., Wang, J., Chen, J., Jiang, H. and Huang, H. (2017) Tacrolimus dose requirement based on the CYP3A5 genotype in renal transplant patients. Oncotarget 8, 81285-81294.
9.????? Qin, J., Yan, B., Hu, Y., Wang, P. and Wang, J. (2016) Applications of integrative OMICs approaches to gene regulation studies. Quantitative Biology 4, 283-301.
10.? Bildsoe, H., Fan, X., Wilkie, E.E., Ashoti, A., Jones, V.J., Power, M., Qin, J., Wang, J., Tam, P.P.L. and Loebel, D.A.F. (2016) Transcriptional targets of TWIST1 in the cranial mesoderm regulate cell-matrix interactions and mesenchyme maintenance. Developmental Biology 418, 189-203.
11.? Jiang, H., Liang, L., Qin, J., Lu, Y., Li, B., Wang, Y., Lin, C., Zhou, Q., Feng, S., Yip, S.H. et al. (2016) Functional networks of aging markers in the glomeruli of IgA nephropathy: a new therapeutic opportunity. Oncotarget 7, 33616-33626.
12.? Kwok, C.T., Leung, M.H., Qin, J., Qin, Y., Wang, J., Lee, Y.L., and Yao, K.M. (2016). The Forkhead box transcription factor FOXM1 is required for the maintenance of cell proliferation and protection against oxidative stress in human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Research 16, 651-661.
13.? Fan, X., Loebel, D.A.F., Bildsoe, H., Wilkie, E.E., Qin, J., Wang, J. and Tam, P.P.L. (2016) Tissue interactions, cell signaling and transcriptional control in the cranial mesoderm during craniofacial development. AIMS Genetics 3, 74-98.
14.? Wang, P.#, Qin, J.#, Qin, Y., Zhu, Y., Wang, L.Y., Li, M. J., Zhang, M. Q. and Wang, J. (2015). ChIP-Array 2: integrating multiple OMICs data to construct gene regulatory networks. Nucleic Acids Research 43, W264-269. [# equal contribution]
15.? Qin, Y., Yalamanchili, H.K., Qin, J., Yan, B. and Wang, J. (2015) The current status and challenges in computational analysis of genomic big data. Big Data Research 2, 12-18.
16.? Cheng, C.K., Cheung, M.K., Nong, W., Law, P.T., Qin, J., Ling, J.M., Kam, K.M., Cheung, W.M. and Kwan, H.S. (2015) Next generation genome sequencing reveals phylogenetic clades with different level of virulence among Salmonella Typhimurium clinical human isolates in Hong Kong. BMC Genomics 16, 688.
17.? Yu, Y., Qin, J., Chen, D., Wang, H., Wang, J., and Yu, Y. (2015). Chronic cardiovascular disease-associated gene network analysis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Cardiovascular Toxicology 15, 157-171.
18.? Qin, J.#, Hu, Y. #, Xu, F., Yalamanchili, H.K., and Wang, J. (2014). Inferring gene regulatory networks by integrating ChIP-seq/chip and transcriptome data via LASSO-type regularization methods. Methods 67, 294-303. [# equal contribution]
19.? Wang, Q., He, Y., Shen, Y., Zhang, Q., Chen, D., Zuo, C., Qin, J., Wang, H., Wang, J., and Yu, Y. (2014). Vitamin D inhibits COX-2 expression and inflammatory response by targeting thioesterase superfamily member 4. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289, 11681-11694.
20.? Guan, D., Shao, J., Zhao, Z., Wang, P., Qin, J., Deng, Y., Boheler, K.R., Wang, J., and Yan, B. (2014). PTHGRN: unraveling post-translational hierarchical gene regulatory networks using PPI, ChIP-seq and gene expression data. Nucleic Acids Research 42, W130-136.
21.? Zhang, L., Zhu, C., Guo, Y., Wei, F., Lu, J., Qin, J., Banerjee, S., Wang, J., Shang, H., Verma, S.C., Yuan, Z., Robertson E.S., and Cai, Q. (2014). Inhibition of KAP1 enhances hypoxia-induced Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation through RBP-Jkappa. Journal of Virology 88, 6873-6884.
22.? Yalamanchili, H.K., Yan, B., Li, M.J., Qin, J., Zhao, Z., Chin, F.Y., and Wang, J. (2014). DDGni: dynamic delay gene-network inference from high-temporal data using gapped local alignment. Bioinformatics 30, 377-383.
23.? Qin, J., Li, M.J., Wang, P., Wong, N.S., Wong, M.P., Xia, Z., Tsao, G.S., Zhang, M.Q., and Wang, J. (2013). ProteoMirExpress: inferring microRNA and protein-centered regulatory networks from high-throughput proteomic and mRNA expression data. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 12, 3379-3387.
24.? Qin, J., Li, M.J., Wang, P., Zhang, M.Q., and Wang, J. (2011). ChIP-Array: combinatory analysis of ChIP-seq/chip and microarray gene expression data to discover direct/indirect targets of a transcription factor. Nucleic Acids Research 39, W430-436. [Recommended by F1000Prime]
25.? Wang, L.Y., Wang, P., Li, M.J., Qin, J., Wang, X., Zhang, M.Q., and Wang, J. (2011). EpiRegNet: constructing epigenetic regulatory network from high throughput gene expression data for humans. Epigenetics 6, 1505-1512.