

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳) 教授


工作经历2018/09-至今 ??????????中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳) 教授
2018/03-2018/08???? 美国Scripps研究所 ?高级研究助理
2012/02-2018/02???? 美国Scripps研究所 ?博士后(合作导师:Paul Schimmel/Xiang-Lei Yang)
教育经历2008/09-2012/01?? 中国科学院生物物理研究所,博士(指导老师:许瑞明)
2005/09-2008/07?? 兰州大学/中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所联合培养,硕士(指导老师:谢小冬/鲍时来)
2001/09-2005/07?? 兰州大学生物学基地班,学士
主要承担课题及人才项目8. 广东省自然科学基金,****项目,2021-2024,项目负责人
7. 深圳市科技创新委员会,高校稳定支持重点项目,2021-2023,核心成员
6. 深圳市科技创新委员会,基础研究重点项目,2020-2023,核心成员
5. 深圳市科技创新委员会,面上项目,2020-2023,项目负责人
4. 深圳市科技创新委员会,技术攻关重点项目,2020-2023,核心成员
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,2020-2023, 项目负责人
2. 深圳市海外高层次人才团队项目,2019-2024,核心成员
1. 中山大学“****”中青年杰出人才项目,2018-2020,项目负责人
社会兼职1. F1000prime Associate Faculty,主要对疫苗及药物开发领域,尤其是生物大分子和配体相互作用等工作作出评价。
2. 作为独立审稿人,审稿了超过10个杂志的近200篇文章,这些杂志包括Cancer Research (IF 9.1)、Neurology (IF 8.2)、Briefings in Bioinformatics (IF 8.9)、Chemical Communications (IF 6.3)等。
发表的主要文章(#共同第一作者; *共同通讯作者)
16. L Sun#, N Wei#, B Kuhle, D Blocquel, S Novick, Z Matuszek, H Zhou, W He, J Zhang, T Weber, R Horvath, P Latou, T Pan, P Schimmel*, P Griffin, and XL Yang*. (2021) CMT2N-causing aminoacylation domain mutants enable Nrp1 interaction with AlaRS.?Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
15. Q Jia#, H Zeng#, J Tu, L Sun, W Cao, W Xie*. (2021) Structural insights into an MsmUdgX mutant capable of both crosslinking and uracil excision capability.?DNA repair.
14.?H Zhang, XL Yang*, L Sun*. (2020) The uniqueness of AlaRS and its human disease connections.?RNA biology.
13.?H Zhang, Z Zhou*, L Sun*. (2020) Aminoacyl‐tRNA synthetases in Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease: A gain or a loss??Journal of Neurochemistry.
12.?Z Cao#, F Tang#, C Chen, C Zhang, Y Guo, R Lin, Z Huang, Y Teng, T Xie, Y Xu, Y Song, F Wu, P Dong, G Luo, Y Jiang, H Zou, YQ Chen, L Sun, Y Shu, X Du*. (2020) Impact of systematic factors on the outbreak outcome of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in China.?J Med Internet Res.
11.?D Blocquel#, L Sun#, Z Matuszek, S Li, T Weber, B Kuhle, G Kooi, N Wei, J Baets, T Pan, P Schimmel*, XL Yang*. (2019) CMT disease severity correlates with mutation-induced open conformation of histidyl-tRNA synthetase, not aminoacylation loss, in patient cells.?Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
10.?Y Ma, N Xie, D Xie, L Sun, S Li, P Li, Y Li, J Li, Z Dong, X Xie*. (2019) A novel homozygous FBXO43 mutation associated with male infertility and teratozoospermia in a consanguineous Chinese family.?Fertil Steril.
9.?MN Vo#, M Terrey#, JW Lee, B Roy, J Moresco, L Sun, H Fu, Q Liu, T Weber, J Yates, K Fredrick, P Schimmel*, S Ackerman*. (2018) ANKRD16 prevents neuron loss caused by an editing-defective tRNAsynthetase.?Nature.
8.?H Zhang*, L Sun*. (2018) When human cells meet bacteria: precision medicine for cancers using the microbiota.?Am J Cancer Res.
7.?L Sun, Y Song, D Blocquel, XL Yang, P Schimmel*. (2016) Two crystal structures reveal design for repurposing the C-Ala domain of human AlaRS.?Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
6.?L Sun, AC Gomes, W He, H Zhou, X Wang, DW Pan, P Schimmel, T Pan, XL Yang*. (2016) Evolutionary gain of alanine mischarging to non-cognate tRNAs with a G4:U69 base pair.?J. Am. Chem. Soc.
5.?Z Mo, Q Zhang, Z Liu, J Lauer, Y Shi, L Sun, PR Griffin, XL Yang*. (2016) Neddylation requires glycyl-tRNA synthetase to protect activated E2.?Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.
4.?S Niehues#, J Bussmann#, G Steffes, I Erdmann, C K?hrer, L Sun, M Wagner, K Sch?fer, G Wang, S Koerdt, M Stum, S Jaiswal, U RajBhandary, U Thomas, H Aberle, R Burgess, XL Yang, D Dieterich, E Storkebaum*. (2015) Impaired protein translation in Drosophila models for Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy caused by mutant tRNA synthetases.?Nat. Commun.
3.?H Zhou, L Sun, XL Yang, P Schimmel*. (2013) ATP-directed capture of bioactive herbal-based medicine on human tRNA synthetase.?Nature.
2.?L Sun#, M Wang#, Z Lv, N Yang, Y Liu, S Bao, W Gong*, RM Xu*. (2011) Structural insights into protein arginine symmetric dimethylation by PRMT5.?Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
1.?Z Zhou#, X Sun#, Z Zou, L Sun, T Zhang, S Guo, Y Wen, L Liu, Y Wang, J Qin, L Li, W Gong, S Bao*. (2010) PRMT5 regulates Golgi apparatus structure through methylation of the golgin GM130.?Cell Research.
招生信息招收硕士生、博士生2-3人/年,常年招收博士后以及专职科研研究员、副研究员。期望打造成一个利用生物化学、结构生物学、细胞生物学,并辅之以生物信息学和动物模型等研究方法的病毒感染与免疫、蛋白翻译及翻译后修饰领域的强力综合实验室。欢迎有意者将个人简历、求职意向与拟到岗时间发送至 sunlt@mail.sysu.edu.cn或者sunlitao007@163.com。

相关话题/深圳 中山大学