

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09

1990-1993 博士研究生,中国科学院动物研究所,生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室。
1987-1990 硕士研究生,中国科学院昆明动物研究所。
1981-1985 学士,湖北大学生物系

2007-2011 任南开大学生命科学院副院长,兼职教授
2001-2011 生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室主任、分室主任
1997-2002 博士后,美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰医学基金会 (Cleveland Clinic Foundation),勒内 (Lerner) 研究所肿瘤生物学室,美国克里夫兰。专业方向:细胞凋亡和癌症生物学;
1994-1997 博士后,英国曼彻斯特(Manchester)大学,生命科学学院分子和细胞药理学系,英国曼彻斯特。专业方向:细胞凋亡与白血病研究;
1993-1994 助理研究员,生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室,中国科学院动物研究所
FEBS Letters杂志编委
Cell Research杂志编委会成员
JBC 杂志编委会成员
1997-2004 美国癌症研究学会会员
1995-1997 英国癌症研究学会会员
1. Ma B, Chen Y, Chen L, Cheng HC, Mu CL, Li J, Gao RZ, Zhou CQ, Cao L, Liu JH , Zhu YS*, Chen Q*, Wu SA* Regulation of Hippo Signaling by Hypoxia through the Ubiquitin E3 Ligase SIAH2 Nature Cell Biology, 17, 95–103,2015
2. Li J, Qi W, Chen G, Zhang WL, Feng D, Liu JH, Ma B, Zhou CQ, Mu CL, Chen Q*, Zhu YS*, Mitochondrial outer-membrane E3 ligase MULAN ubiqutinates ULK1 and regulates selenite-induced mitophagy Autophagy, in minor revision
3. Zhu YS, Chen G, Chen LB, Zhang WL, Feng D, Liu L, Chen Q* Monitoring mitophagy in Mammalian Cells Methods in Enzymology, in press
4. Liu L, Sakakibara K, Chen Q,* Okamoto K* Receptor-mediated mitophagy in yeast and mammalian systems Cell Research, 2014 24:787-795
5. Chen G, Han Z., Feng D, Chen YF, Chen LB, Wu H, Huang L, Zhou CQ, Cai XY, Fu CY, Duan LW, Wang XH, Liu L, Liu XQ, Shen YQ, Zhu YS*, Chen, Q*. A regulatory signaling loop comprising the PGAM5 phosphatase and CK2 controls receptor-mediated mitophagy. Molecular Cell, 2014, 54, 362–377
6. Wu H, Xue DF, Chen G, Han Z, Huang L, Zhu.CZ, Wang XH, Jin HJ, Wang J, Zhu YS, Liu L*, Chen, Q*. The BCL2L1 and PGAM5 axis defines hypoxia-induced receptor-mediated mitophagy. Autophagy, 10:10, 1–14, 2014
7. Yue W, Chen ZH, Liu HY., Yan C, Chen M, Feng D, Yan C, Wu H, Du L, Wang YY, Liu JH, Huang XH, Xia LX, Liu L., Wang XH., Jin HJ,Wang J, Song ZY, Hao XJ*, Chen Q*. A small natural molecule promotes mitochondrial fusion through inhibition of the deubiquitinase USP30. Cell Research, 2014, 4(4):482-96
8. Lv JH, Yang T, Yang HX, Li ZW, Qin PW, Zhang XL, Liang XL, Li JY, Chen Q (2013). Identification of myb genes in Euplotes aediculatus may indicate an early evolutionary process. Gene, 530(2), 266-272.
9. Liu JH, Mu CL, Yue W, Li J, Ma B, Zhao LX, Liu L, Chen Q, Yan C, Liu HY, Hao XJ, Zhu YS*(2013) ,A diterpenoid derivate compound targets selenocysteine of thioredoxin reductases and induces Bax/Bak-independent apoptosis, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Oct. 63 (S1):485-494
10. Feng D, Liu L, Zhu YS, Chen Q *. (2013) Molecular signaling toward mitophagy and its physiological significance, Experimental Cell Research, Jul., 319(12):1697-1705
11. Rao GH#, Liu HM#, Li BW, Hao JJ, Yang YL, Wang MR, Wang XH, Wang J, Jin HJ, Du L*, Chen Q *. (2013) Establishment of a human colorectal cancer cell line P6C with stem cell properties and resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica , Jun 34(6): 793–804
12. He LY, Wei X, Du L, Liu L, Xu F, Min J, Li C, Tao DD, Chen Q, Hu JB, Gong JP (2013). Remarkably reduced expression of FoxO3a in metaplastic colorectum, primary colorectal cancer and liver metastasis. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology-Medical Sciences, 33(2), 205-211
13. Zhao H, Zhao YG, Wang X, Xu L, Miao L, Feng D, Chen Q, Kovács AL, Fan D, Zhang H*.(2013) Mice deficient in Epg5 exhibit selective neuronal vulnerability to degeneration. J Cell Biol. Mar 18;200(6):731-41
14. Du L, Rao G, Wang H, Li B, Tian W, Cui JT, He L, Laffin B, Tian X, Hao C, Liu H, Sun X, Zhu Y, Tang DG, Mehrpour M, Lu Y*, Chen Q*.(2013) CD44-positive cancer stem cells expressing cellular prion protein contribute to metastatic capacity in colorectal cancer, Cancer Res, Apr. 73(8): 2682-2694 (cover)
15. Liu Y, Cheng H, Zhou Y, Zhu Y, Bian R, Chen Y, Li C, Ma Q, Zheng Q, Zhang Y, Jin H, Wang X, Chen Q*, Zhu D* (2013) Myostatin induces mitochondrial metabolic alteration and typical apoptosis in cancer cells, Cell Death Dis, Feb., 4,e494
16. Rao G, Wang H, Li B, Huang L, Xue D, Wang X, Jin H, Wang J, Zhu Y, Lu Y, Du L*, Chen Q.*(2013) Reciprocal Interactions between Tumor-Associated Macrophages and CD44-Positive Cancer Cells via Osteopontin/CD44 Promote Tumorigenicity in Colorectal Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. Feb. 15, 19(4):785-97
17. Wang JQ, Chen Q, Wang XH, Wang QC, Wang Y, Cheng HP, Guo CX, Sun QM, Chen Q, Tang TS* (2013) Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Calcium Signaling and Superoxide Flashes Cause Mitochondrial Genomic DNA Damage in Huntington’s Disease. Journal of Biological Chemistry , Feb., 288(5): 3070-3084
18. Zhao T, Huang XH, Han L, Wang XH, Cheng HQ, Zhao YG, Chen Q, Chen J, Cheng HP, Xiao RP, Zheng M*, (2012) Central Role of Mitofusin 2 in Autophagosome-Lysosome Fusion in Cardiomyocytes, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012;287(28):23615-23625
19. Huang Y, Cui J, Zheng Q, Zeng C, Chen Q, Zhou A*, (2012) 6-Hydroximino-4-aza-A-homo-cholest-3-one and related analogue as a potent inducer of apoptosis in cancer cells, Steroids, 2012;77(8-9):829-834
20. Zhang X, Weng C, Li Y, Wang X, Jiang C, Li X, Xu Y, Chen Q, Pan L*, Tang H*, (2012) Human Bop is a novel BH3-only member of the Bcl-2 protein family, Protein & Cell, 2012;3(10):790-801
21. Zhang H, Zhang YW, Chen YM, Huang XM, Zhou FF, Wang WW, Xian B, Zhang X , Masliah E, Chen Q, Han, JDJ, Bu, GJ, Reed, JC, Liao FF, Chen YG, Xu HX, (2012) Appoptosin is a Novel Pro-Apoptotic Protein and Mediates Cell Death in Neurodegeneration, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, OCT 2012, 32(44): 15565-15576
22. Lionsky Daniel J. *, Abdalla Fabio C.,…Chen Quan, et al, Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy ( Review), AUTOPHAGY, APR 2012,8 (4 ): 445-544,DOI: 0.4161/auto.19496
23. Wang SQ, Xiao WM, Shan SC ,Jiang CS, Chen M, Zhang Y, Lu SQ, Chen J, Zhang CM, Chen Q*, Long M*, (2012)Multi-Patterned Dynamics of Mitochondrial Fission andFusion in a Living Cell, PLoS ONE , 2012, 7(5):e19879.
24. Liu L, Feng D, Chen G, Chen M, Zheng QX, Song PP, Ma Q, Zhu CZ, Wang R, Qi WJ, Huang L, Xue P, Li BW, Wang XH, Jin HJ, Wang J, Yang FQ, Liu PS, Zhu YS, Sui SF and Chen Q*(2012)Mitochondrial outer-membrane protein FUNDC1 mediates hypoxia-induced mitophagy in mammalian cells,Nature Cell Biology, February 2012, 14 (2), pp177-185
25. Zhao LX, He F, Liu HY, Zhu YS, Tian WL, Gao P, He HP, Yue W, Lei XB, Ni BY, Wang XH, Jin HJ, Hao XJ*, Lin JL*, and Chen Q * (2012) A natural compound elevates K`expression of Bim that interacts with Bcl-2 converting the anti-apoptotic protein to a pro-apoptotic Bax-like molecule. Journal of Biological Chemistry,2012 Jan; 287(2): 1054-65
26. Zhu YS , Li M, Wang XH, Jin HJ, Liu SS, Xu JX*, Chen Q* (2012) Caspase cleavage of cytochrome c1 disrupts mitochondrial function and enhances cytochrome c release, Cell Research, 2012, 22(1) :127-141.
27. Ni BY, Ma Q, Li BW, Zhao LX, Liu Y, Zhu YS and Chen Q* (2012) Phenylarsine Oxide Induces Apoptosis in Bax- and Bak-Deficient Cells Through Upregulation of Bim. Clinical Cancer Research, 2012 Jan, 18(1):140-151
28. Tang, F , Wang, B , Li, N , Wu, YF , Jia, JY , Suo, TL , Chen, Q , Liu, YJ ,Tang, J (2011), RNF185, a Novel Mitochondrial Ubiquitin E3 Ligase, Regulates Autophagy through Interaction with BNIP1 , PLOS ONE, 2011,6 (9): e24367
29. Ma Q, Fang HQ, Shang W, Liu L, Xu ZS, Ye T, Wang XH, Zheng M*, Chen Q* and Cheng HP* (2011) Superoxide flashes: early mitochondrial signals for oxidative stress induced apoptosis Journal of Biological Chemistry,2011 Aug; 286(31): 27573-81
30. Wang HX, Song PP, Du L, Tian WL, Yue W, Liu M, Li DW, Wang B, Zhu YS, Zhou J*, Chen Q*(2011)Parkin ubiquitinates Drp1 for proteasome-dependent degradation: implication of dysregulated mitochondrial dynamics in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Biological Chemistry,2011 Apr 1; 286(13):11649-58
31. Zhang J., Liu WH, Liu JC, Xiao WM, Liu L, Jiang CS, Sun X, Liu PS, Zhu YS, Zhang CM, and Chen Q* (2010) G protein β2 subunit interacts with mitofusin 1 to regulate mitochondrial fusion Nature Communications, 1, 101-110
32. Mao JH, Sun XY, Liu JX, Zhang QY, Liu P, Huang QH, Li KK, Chen Q, Chen Z*, and Chen SJ* (2010) As4S4 targets RING-type E3 ligase c-CBL to induce degradation of BCR-ABL in chronic myelogenous leukemia, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(50): 21683-88
33. Gao P, Bauvy C, Souquere S, Tonelli G, Liu L, Zhu YS, Qiao ZZ, Bakula D, Proikas-Cezanne T, Pierron G, Codogno P, Chen Q*, and Mehrpour M* (2010) The BH3-mimetic gossypol induces both beclin 1-dependent and beclin 1-independent cytoprotective autophagy in cancer cells Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 Aug 13;285(33):25570-81
34. Wang, SQ ,Fu, CL ,Zhang, Y , Chen, Q ,Long, M , 2010,Dynamics of morphological changes for mitochondrial fission and fusion, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 53(4) ,680-689
35. Shao D, Liu Y, Liu XJ, Zhu LL, Cui Y, Cui AF, Qiao AJ, Kong XX, Liu Y, Chen Q, Gupta N, Fang FD, Chang YS* (2010) PGC-1b-Regulated mitochondrial biogenesis and function inmyotubes is mediated by NRF-1and ERRa, Mitochondrion,10(2010),516-527
36. Zhu YS, Zhao LX, Liu L, Gao P, Tian WL, Wang XH, Jin HJ, Xu HD, Chen Q *(2010) , Beclin 1 cleavage by caspase-3 inactivates autophagy and promotes apoptosis, Protein & Cell, 2010,1(5), pp 468-477
37. Zhao L, Zhu YS* Wang DM, Chen M, Gao P, Xiao WM, Rao GH Wang XH, Jin J, Xu L, Sui N, * and Chen Q* (2010) Morphine induces Beclin 1- and ATG5 dependent autophagy in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and in the rat hippocampus Autophagy ,2010 Apr;6(3):386-94
38. Zhang T, Wu M, Chen Q* and Sun ZR* (2010) Investigation into the regulation mechanisms of TRAIL apoptosis pathway by mathematical modeling, Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 42(2):98-108, 2010.
39. Shang YL, Liu Y, Du L, Wang YL, Cheng X, Xiao WM, Wang XH, Jin HJ, Yang X, Liu SS and Chen Q*(2009) Targeted Expression of Uncoupling Protein 2 to Mouse Liver Increases the Susceptibility to LPS/GalN-Induced Acute Liver Injury Hepatology, 50(4):1204-16
40. Huang F, Nie C; Yang Y, Yue W, Ren Y, Shang YL, Wang X, Jin J, Xu C*, Chen Q.* (2009) Selenite induces redox dependent Bax activation and apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 46(8):1186-1196
41. Wang H, Liu B, Zhang C, Peng G, Liu M, Li D, Gu F, Chen Q, Dong JT, Fu L, Zhou J. (2009) Parkin regulates paclitaxel sensitivity in breast cancer via a microtubule-dependent mechanism. J Pathol. 218(1):76-85
42. Zhang QY, Mao JH, Liu P, Huang QH, Lu J, Xie YY, Weng L, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Chen SJ, Chen Z(2009) A systems biology understanding of the synergistic effects of arsenic sulfide and Imatinib in BCR/ABL-associated leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106(9):3378-83
43. Zhao X, Liu Y, Ma Q, Wang X, Jin H, Mehrpour M, Chen Q*. (2009) Caveolin-1 negatively regulates TRAIL-induced apoptosis in human hepatocarcinoma cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 378 (1):21-26
44. Du L, Wang H, He L, Zhang J, Ni B, Wang X, Jin H, Cahuzac N, Mehrpour M, Lu Y*, Chen Q* (2008) CD44 is of functional importance for colorectal cancer stem cell. Clinical Cancer research, 14(21), 6751-6760
45. Nie C, Tian C, Zhao L, Petit P, Mehrpour M and Chen Q* (2008) Cysteine 62 of Bax is critical for its conformational activation and its pro-apoptotic activity in response to H2O2 -induced apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(22):15359-15369
46. Tian,C., Gao,P., Zheng,Y., Yue,W., Wang,X., Jin,H., and Chen Q*. (2008). Redox status of thioredoxin-1 (TRX1) determines the sensitivity of human liver carcinoma cells (HepG(2)) to arsenic trioxide-induced cell death. Cell Res, 18(4):458-71
47. Du L, Yu Y, Chen J, Liu Y, Xia Y, Chen Q, Liu X. 2007 Arsenic induces caspase- and mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Res. 7(6):860-5
48. Zhang K, Shang Y, Liao S, Zhang W, Nian H, Liu Y, Chen Q, Han C. (2007 )Uncoupling protein 2 protects testicular germ cells from hyperthermia-induced apoptosis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 360 (2):327-32.
49. Liao XD, Liu,JM Du L, Tang AH, Wang SQ, Chen LY*, Chen Q* (2006) Nitric Oxide Signaling in Stretch-induced Apoptosis of Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes, FASEB J, 20(11): 1883-1885
50. Lei XB, Chen YY, DuGH, Yu WY, Wang XH, Qu H, Xia B, He HP, Mao JH, Zong WX, Mehrpour M, Hao XJ and Chen Q*(2006) Bak/Bax activation and mPTP opening independent cytochrome c release and apoptosis induced by gossypol which triggers Bcl-2 conformational change, FASEB J, 20(12): 2147-2149
51. Liao XD, Wang XH, Gu Y, Chen Q*, Chen LY (2005) Involvement of death receptor signaling in mechanical stretch-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis Life Sciences 77 160–174
52. Zheng YH., Tian CH, Wang HG, Chen Q. * (2005) Arsenic trioxide induces apoptosis through activation of Bax in hematopoietic cells , Oncogene, 24(20):3339-3347)
53. Wang, ZX ; Jiang, CS; Liu, L ; Wang, XH ; Jin, HJ; Wu, Q; Chen Q*(2005 ),The role of Akt on Arsenic trioxide suppression of 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation, CELL RESEARCH ,15(5)379-386
54. Sun YX, Zhou J, Liao XD, Yaxin Lu YX, Deng CX, Huang PT, Chen Q, Xiao Yang (2005)Disruption of Smad5 gene induces mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in cardiomyocytes Experimental Cell Research 306(1):85-93
55. Zheng JT, Rix U, Zhao LX, Mattingly C, Adams, V, Chen Q, Rohr J, Yan KQCytotoxic Activities of New Jadomycin Derivatives (2005),J. Antibiot.58(6): 405-408
56. Zheng YH., Shi R., Jiang CH., Tang H., Chen Q* (2004) Essential role of the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) in mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening and cytochrome c release induced by arsenic trioxide. Oncogene 23(6):1239-1247
57. Liao, XD, Wang, XH ; Jin, HJ ; Chen, LY ; Chen, Q* (2004)Mechanical stretch induces mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and G(2)/M accumulation in cardiac fibroblasts,CELL RESEARCH ,14 (1)16-26
58. Liao XD., Tang AH, Chen Q., Jin HJ, Wu CH, Chen LY, Wang SQ (2003) Role of Ca2+signaling in initiation of stretch-induced apoptosis in neonatal heart cells BBRC 310: 405-411
59. Chen Q.(Corresponding author), Crosby M., and Almasan A., (2003) Redox Regulation of programmed cell death before and after Cytochrome C release ( Korea Journal of Biological Sciences, 7:1-9; invited review)
60. Shi Y, Jiang CS., Chen Q., Tang H., (2003) One step On column affinity purification and functional analysis of recombinant human VDAC1 BBRC 303:475-482
61. Shi Y, Chen JJ,Weng CJ, Chen R, Zheng YH, Chen Q, and Tang H, (2003) Identification of the protein-protein contact site and interaction mode of human VDAC1 with Bcl-2 family proteins BBRC 305 989-996
62. Chen Q., Ray S., Hussein M., Srkalovic G., Almasan A. (2002) Role of Apo2L/TRAIL and Bcl-2 family proteins in apoptosis in Multiple Myeloma Leukemia and Lymphoma 44(7):1209-1214 (invited review)
63. Chen Q. Chai Y-Ch, Mazumder S, Jiang C, Macklis RM, Chisolm GM, Almasan A. (2003) The late increase of intracellular free radical species during apoptosis is associated with cytochrome c release, Caspase activation and mitochondrial dysfunction Cell Death and Differentiation, 10(3):323-334
64. Xia T, Jiang CS, Li LJ, Wu CH, Liu SS, Chen Q*, (2002) A study on permeability transition pore opening and cytochrome c release from mitochondria induced by Caspase -3 in vitro FEBS Letters 510( 1-2) pp. 62-66
65. Zhou JJ, Jin Y, Hu GX, Huang YM, Chen Q, Wu CH, Feng MF(2002) Genomic-scale analysis of gene expression in tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced human umbilical vein endothelial cells Inflammation Research (Impact Factor 1.49, 51:332-241)
66. Mazumder, S, Gong B, Chen Q, Drazba JA, Buchsbaum JC, Almasan A (2002) Proteolytic cleavage of cyclin E kinase activity and amplification leads to inactivation of associated of apoptosis in hematopoietic cells ( Molecular and Cellular Biology, 22( 7): 2398-2409)
67. Zhou JJ, Gao R, Wang HF, Chen Q, Wu CH, Feng MF (2001) TNF-alpha induces cell senescence of human vascular endothelial cells Chinese Science Bulletin 46(19):1626-1640
68. Xia T, Jiang CS, Li LJ, Zhang Y, Wu CH, Liu SS, Chen Q* (2002) Bid BH3 peptide, but its mutant form G94E, induces permeability transition pore opening and cytochrome c release in vitro Chinese Science Bulletin 47(7): 553-557
69. Xia T; Jiang CS; Li LJ, Chen Q, Wu CH, Liu SS(2002)Mechanism of mitochondrial respiratory control in caspase-3 induced positive feedback loop in apoptosis , CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 47( 6): 480-484
70. Chen Q, Gong B, Zhou A, Hussein M, and Almasan A, (2001) TRAIL/Apo2L Induction and Modulation of Bcl-2-related Proteins Regulates Interferon –induced Apoptosis in Multiple Myeloma Blood, Vol. 98, No. 7, pp. 2183-2192
71. Chen Q, Gong B., Almasan A.: (2000) Distinct stages of cytochrome C release:evidence of the feedback of the amplification of cytochrome C release from mitochondria by Caspases linking to the dysfunction of mitochondria Cell Death and Differentiation 7(2):227-233*
72. Gong B, Chen Q, Endlich B, Mazumder S, Almasan A, (1999) Ionizing radiation-induced, Bax -mediated cell death is dependent on activation of Cysteine and Serine proteases Cell Growth and Differentiation 10: 491-502
73. Chen Q, Li X, Liu S: (1999) The activation of Na+/H+ exchange on rat preadipocyte plasma membrane and its role in cell proliferation and differentiation Science in China (C) * (both in Chinese and English), 42(2): 240-248
74. Chen Q, Takeyama N., Brady G., Watson A. & Dive C.: (1998) Blood cells with reduced mitochondria membrane potential and cytosolic cytochrome can survive and maintain clonogenicity given appropriate signals to suppress apoptosis Blood, 92(12): 4545-4553
75. Gong B, Chen Q, Almasan A: (1998) Ionizing radiation induces mitochondria gene expression and stimulates mitochondria activities in a glioblastoma cell line Radiation Research 150: 505-512.
76. Chen Q, Turner J, Watson A, Dive C: (1997) V-Abelson protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) mediated suppression of apoptosis is associated with up-regulation of Bcl-x/L. Oncogene 15: 2249-2254
77. Chen Q, Benson R, Brant S, Donowitz M, Dive C, Watson A: (1997) The role of acid/base homeostasis in the suppression of apoptosis in IL-3 dependent haemopoietic cells by Abelson protein tyrosine kinase J. Cell. Sci., 110:379-387

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