

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-08

Matching Frameworks:Qualifications Mapping in Europe and China Ciarán O'LEARY; 1:Dublin Institute of Technology 摘要(Abstract):

Both Ireland and the European Union use a framework of qualifications as a means of charting and describing the level of ability demonstrated by individuals in specific domains.Europe's frameworks are outcome based,identifying individuals by the level of ability they have demonstrated to assessors,and as such provide a useful means of mapping pathways through education for students,across a whole career or lifetime.Additionally,the framework serves as a communication tool,whereby institutions,students,employers or indeed countries can use a common vocabulary to discuss the achievements and abilities of individuals.We describe in brief the qualifications frameworks used in both China and Europe,and ask whether the European Qualifications Framework could serve as a communication tool between China and Europe.





作者(Author): Ciarán O'LEARY;


参考文献(References): [1] Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications between the Government of Ireland and the Government of The People’s Republic of China[EB/OL].[2010-03-25].http://www.qualificationsrecognition.ie/ recognition/rec-pro-init/rec-agree.html.[2] Ellen Hazelkorn.The Emperor Has No Clothes-Rankings and the Shift from Quality Assurance to World-class Excellence[R].Presentation Given at the EUA European Quality Assurance Forum,2008.[3] Ministry of Education.2003-2007 Action Plan for Invigorating Education[EB/OL].[2010-03-25].http://www. edu.cn/20040325/3102277.shtml. [4] John Biggs.Teaching for Quality Learning at University[M].London:Open University Press,2003.[5] Michael Young.National Qualifications Frameworks:Their feasibility for effective implementation in developing countries[S].International Labour Organisation,2005.[6] Ministry of Education. National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)[EB/OL].[2010-02-20].http://www.moe.gov.cn/edoas/website18/zhuanti/2010zqyj/zqyjg.htm. [7] The European Qualifications Framework[EB/OL].[2010-03-25].http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning- policy/doc44-en.htm. [8] Jack Keating.Australian perspective on the European Qualifications Framework[R].International Seminar on the Launch of the Flemish Qualifications Structure,2009.

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