基于搜寻匹配模型的住房限购政策效果仿真与评价 |
张红1,2( ),李洋1,2,陈玄冰1,2 |
2. 清华大学 城镇化与产业发展研究中心,北京 100084 |
Simulation and evaluation of the home-purchase limit policy effect based on a search-matching model |
Hong ZHANG1,2( ),Yang LI1,2,Xuanbing CHEN1,2 |
1. Hang Lung Center for Real Estate, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China 2. Center for Urbanization and Industrial Development,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
关键词 :搜寻匹配模型,住房限购政策,家庭租买选择,房价,数值仿真 |
Abstract:A search-matching model of the housing market was constructed with an ownership market and rental market consolidated into a unified research framework to evaluate the effect of the home-purchase limit policy. Numerical simulations were used to model the dynamic relationship between the household tenure choice and housing price volatility under the home-purchase limit policy. The results show that, in a housing market restricted by the purchase limit policy, the rent is more sensitive than the price to demand shock, with the rent immediately rising to increase the rental return. Thus, housing price growth can be restrained in the current period by freezing the housing demand, but the demand shock will still drive up the rent with further increases in the housing price through the rental return in subsequent periods. Accordingly, this mandatory administrative policy should be replaced by market-oriented economic measures, so that unrealistic market expectations and housing prices can be stabilized in the long run.
Key words:search-matching modelhome-purchase limit policyhousehold tenure choicehousing pricenumerical simulations |
收稿日期: 2013-12-27 出版日期: 2015-05-15 |
基金资助:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71373143) |
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