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摘要心冲击图是一种新的无接触心脏活动检测方法。该文通过自行研制的心冲击图-心电图(BCG-ECG)联合采集设备,采集获取48名健康成年人(男性38名,女性10名)和77位冠心病患者(男性33名,女性44名)的BCG和ECG信号以及部分病人术前术后的信号。提取BCG的幅值、时间间隔以及能量等特征量,通过独立变量t检验,对心冲击图特征差异显著性进行分析。结果表明: 健康成年人与冠心病病人的特征进中tIJ、 tJK、 IntHK和IntBCG有着显著性差异; 在术后心冲击图特征RR、 tHI、 tIJ、 HI、 IJ以及IntBCG有显著性差异; 在室性早搏病人中,室性早搏的发生会导致BCG信号幅度降低。
关键词 :心冲击图 (BCG),冠心病(CHD),室性早搏(PVC),术后恢复评价 |
Abstract:The ballistocardiogram (BCG) is an innovative noninvasive cardiac activity monitoring method. A Ballistocardiogram-Electrocardiography (BCG-ECG) measurement system was used here to collect BCG and ECG signals of 48 healthy subjects (male: 38; female: 10) with no history of cardiovascular diseases and 77 subjects (male: 33; female: 44) with coronary heart disease (CHD). Preoperative and postoperative BCG signals were also measured for some subjects. The temporal features, including the time intervals, amplitudes and energy were extracted from these subjects with the differences of these features examined using the independent Student's t-test. The results showed that the tIJ, tJK, IntHK and IntBCG features had significant differences between healthy subjects and subjects with CHD. Some features including the RR interval, tHI, tIJ, HI, IJ and IntBCG showed significant differences between preoperative BCG and postoperative BCG signals of a subject with CHD while the amplitudes of BCG decreasing during premature ventricular contraction (PVC).
Key words:ballistocardiogram (BCG)coronary heart disease (CHD)premature ventricular contraction (PVC)postoperative recovery evaluation |
收稿日期: 2012-09-07 出版日期: 2015-09-03 |
基金资助:国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(81070175) |
自行搭建的BCG-ECG联合采集系统(BCG采集传感器置于椅子坐垫下面) |
 | 年龄/岁 | 身高/cm | 体重/kg | 收缩压/(mmHg) | 舒张压/(mmHg) | 健康男性 | 23.2±3.5 | 176.0±6.2 | 69.9±11.4 | 120.0±9.9 | 72.0±7.6 | CHD男性 | 63.2±12.6 | 168.8±6.6 | 71.7±14.4 | 131.5±18.7 | 80.6±11.6 |
健康成年男性与冠心病男性统计信息 |
 | 年龄/岁 | 身高/cm | 体重/kg | 收缩压/(mmHg) | 舒张压/(mmHg) | 健康女性 | 23.8±3.2 | 166.0±4.5 | 55.0±3.4 | 99.4±6.4 | 64.2±4.9 | CHD女性 | 62.6±11.0 | 160.9±4.5 | 66.1±12.0 | 152.5±30.7 | 88.0±15.1 |
健康成年女性与冠心病女性统计信息 |
 | RR间隔/ms | tHI/ms* | tIJ/ms* | tJK/ms* | tRJ/ms | HI/V* | IJ/V* | JK/V | IntHK/V2* | IntBCG/V2* | 健康成年男性 | 901±321 | 69±16 | 94±8 | 76±8 | 224±15 | 0.56±0.12 | 0.96±0.20 | 0.57±0.16 | 0.022±0.008 | 0.035±0.013 | CHD患者 | 928±131 | 58±11 | 82±10 | 65±10 | 218±15 | 0.38±0.10 | 0.70±0.23 | 0.48±0.22 | 0.013±0.007 | 0.026±0.007 |
健康成年男性与CHD男性患者BCG信号特征对比 |
 | RR间隔/ms | tHI/ms | tIJ/ms* | tJK/ms* | tRJ/ms | HI/V | IJ/V | JK/V | IntHK/V2* | IntBCG/V2* | 健康成年女性 | 888±87 | 61±12 | 96±13 | 72±10 | 224±22 | 0.39±0.10 | 0.66±0.24 | 0.42±0.15 | 0.011±0.007 | 0.025±0.08 | CHD女性患者 | 828±309 | 57±7 | 75±11 | 63±8 | 211±29 | 0.33±0.12 | 0.52±0.18 | 0.36±0.17 | 0.009±0.004 | 0.020±0.008 |
健康成年女性与CHD女性患者BCG信号特征对比 |
 | RR间隔/ms | tHI/ms* | tIJ/ms* | tJK/ms* | tRJ/ms* | HI/V* | IJ/V* | JK/V* | IntHK/V2* | IntBCG/V2* | 健康成年人 | 899±301 | 67±15 | 95±9 | 75±8 | 224±16 | 0.53±0.13 | 0.91±0.23 | 0.54±0.16 | 0.020±0.009 | 0.031±0.010 | CHD患者 | 872±250 | 58±9 | 78±11 | 64±9 | 214±24 | 0.36±0.11 | 0.60±0.22 | 0.41±0.20 | 0.010±0.006 | 0.023±0.009 |
所有健康成年样本与CHD患者样本BCG信号特征对比 |
冠心病患者平均后的术前、术后的BCG信号对比 |
 | RR/ms* | tHI/ms* | tIJ/ms* | tJK/ms | tRJ/ms | HI/V* | IJ/V* | JK/V | IntHK/V2 | IntBCG/V2* | 术前 | 908±26 | 84±27 | 90±20 | 54±22 | 220±11 | 0.23±0.11 | 0.47±0.10 | 0.29±0.19 | 0.009±0.007 | 0.020±0.012 | 术后 | 1037±51 | 59±21 | 78±10 | 51±20 | 218±10 | 0.41±0.09 | 0.57±0.13 | 0.28±0.14 | 0.008±0.005 | 0.030±0.011 |
冠心病病人支架植入前后特征结果对比 |
一名健康男性与室性早搏患者BCG信号对比 |
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